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Hymnal, Number:nvpd1752

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The Lord's my Light and saving Health

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #44 (1752) Lyrics: 1. The Lord's my Light, and saving Health; Why should I be dismay'd? The Lord supports my Life; of whom Then should I be afraid 2. When my oppressing spiteful Foes, Came on with horrid Frown, Voraciously to eat my Flesh, They stumbled, and fell down. 3. Tho' Hosts against me should encamp, Fearless I would abide; Should raging War against me rise, In this I would confide. 4. My Heart's Desire and constant Care, Is in God's House to dwell; That there I may his Beauty see, And know his holy Will. 5. In Times of Trouble, he will me, In his Pavilion, hide; I safe shall, in his secret Tent, As on a Rock, abide. 6. Now shall the Lord, o'er all my Foes, My Head, in Triumph, raise: And I'll, with Shouts, my Off'rings bring, I'll sing, and sound, his Praise. Second Part 7. O Lord, when with my Voice I cry, My fervent Pray'r receive; Have Mercy also upon me, And speedy Answer give. 8. Convinced this is thy just Command, "Seek ye my Face; my meek, And grateful Heart, with Joy replies, "Thy Face, Lord, I will seek. 9. Hide not thy Face, nor drive from Thee, Thy Servant, with thy Rod; Thou hast me help'd, now leave me not, O my Salvation's God. 10. Tho' both my Parents me forsake, The Lord will me protect. 11. Lord, teach, and lead, me in right Paths, For th' envious me inspect. 12. O, do not, to the raging Lusts Of Foes, deliver me; False Witnesses have risen up, They breathe out Cruelty. 13. My Soul had fainted, had not I Firmly believ'd, to see Thy Goodness crown me, in the Land Of them that living be. 14. My Soul, upon the Lord still wait, Take Courage from his Word; Thy Heart he'll strengthen with his Grace; Wait thou upon the Lord. Scripture: Psalm 27 Languages: English
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To thee, O Lord, my Rock, I cry

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #46 (1752) Lyrics: 1. To Thee, O Lord, my. Rock, I cry, Oh! do not silent from me keep; Lest by thy Silence, quickly I Become like those in Graves that sleep. 2. My Supplication's Voice, Lord, hear, When I my Griefs, with Weeping, tell; When I lift up my Hands, in Pray'r, Toward thine holy Oracle. 3. O, let me never have my Part, With wicked Men, whose Works are vile; While Mischief rages in their Heart, They others, with fair Words, beguile. 4. Give them according to their Deeds, Strictly their bad Intents survey; The Work, which from their Hands proceeds, Retort, and their Deserts repay, 5. Since they the Works of God do slight, And Wonders of his Hand disdain; Them, with Destruction he'll requite, And never build them up again. 6. The Lord be bless'd; for he did yield A gracious Answer, when I crav'd. 7. The Lord's my Strength & guarding Shield; In him I trusted, and am sav'd: Therefore my Heart with Joy abounds. And Songs of Praise I'll to him sing, 8. The Lord's his Peoples Strength; & crowns, With Safety, his anointed King. 9. Save, Lord, thy Church, and them encrease, Thine Heritage, with Favour, bless; With Plenty feed them, grant them Peace, Still may they triumph with Success. Common Meetre 9. Save, Lord, thy People, greatly bless Thine own Inheritance; Them rule, and feed, and o'er their Foes, Them evermore advance. As 148th Meetre 9. O Lord, in Mercy, save The People that are thine, Thy Heritage let have The Blessing that's divine: And all their Store In Season send, and them defend, Till Time's no more. Scripture: Psalm 28 Languages: English
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O all ye Monarchs of the Earth

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #47 (1752) Lyrics: 1. O All ye Monarchs of the Earth, Unto Jehovah give, Glory, and Pow'r, to God ascribe, From whom ye yours receive. 2. Give to the Lord, the Honours due Unto his glorious Name; Within his sacred Courts bow down And celebrate his Fame. 3. God's Voice asunder bursts the Clouds, And down the Waters show'r; The God of Glory thunders loud; Great Waters own his Pow'r. 4. Resistless Pow'r attends his Voice; With Majesty he speaks: 5. Jehovah's Voice the Cedars rends, Proud Leb'non's Cedars breaks. 6. He tears them from their Roots, and makes Them, like a Calf, to skip; Like a young Unicorn, the Mounts, Leb'non, and Syrion, leap. 7. Jehovah's Voice strikes Flames of Fire; And Light'nings blaze around. 8. The Desert trembles at the Roar; Ev'n Kadesh, with the Sound. 9. The fright'ned Hinds then cast their Young; He lays the Forest bare: His Glory in his House: they praise. Which Storms themselves declare. 1O. The Lord sits sov'rain o'er the Floods; And reigns forever King. 11 . The Lord will give his People Strength; Them blessed Peace will bring. Scripture: Psalm 29 Languages: English
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I'll Thee extol, O Lord, on high

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #48 (1752) Lyrics: 1. I'll Thee extol, O Lord, on high. Who rais'd me, when distress'd; Who check'd my Foes insulting Joy, And all their Hopes suppress'd. 2. O Lord, my God, I cry'd to Thee; And thou did'st heal, and save. 3. Thou from the Pit my Soul hast freed, And kept me from the Grave. 4. Sing to the Lord, O ye his Saints, Your grateful Thanks express; While you, with me, commemorate His rest'ral Holiness. 5. His Anger but a Moment lasts, Life from his Favour springs; If Night be fill'd with Grief, and Tears, With Joy the Morning sings. 6. Flush'd with Success, I fondly said, "I shall unmov'd abide. 7. Thy Favour, Lord, confirm'd my State, Thou hid'st, and Comforts dy'd. 8. Then, Lord, to Thee I cry'd; to Thee My earnest Suit I made. 9. "What Profit is there in my Blood, "When in the Grave I'm laid? "Shall there my Dust thy Praise proclaim? "Or glorious Truths declare? 10. Hear, Lord, and on me Mercy have, And for my Help appear. 11. Thou heard'st; and to o'erflowing Joy, My former Mourning turn'd; With Gladness thou hast girt me round, Who late in Sackcloth mourn'd. 12. To this Intent, my Tongue may sing, Incessantly thy Praise; O Lord, my God, my Thanks to Thee, I'll render all my Days. Scripture: Psalm 30 Languages: English
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O Lord, I'll Thee extol with Praise

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #49 (1752) Lyrics: 1. O Lord, I'll Thee extol with Praise, Who me above my Foes did'st raise; And their insulting Joy restrain. 2. O Lord, my God, in my Distress; My Pray'r to Thee I did address; And thou hast heal'd my Grief, and Pain. 3. Thou, Lord, did'st from the Grave revive, And keep my fainting Soul alive; Lest to the Pit I should go down. 4. O ye his Saints, sing to the Lord With thankfull Hearts; while ye record The Truth, and Goodness, he has shown. 5. He Anger but a Moment keeps, His Favour's Life; if Ev'ning weeps, The rising Sun returns with Joy. 6. When with Success I prospered, My foolish Heart grew vain, and said, "No Change shall e'er my State annoy. 7. But, Lord, I was convinc'd e'er long, Thy Favour made my Mountain strong; Thou hid'st thy Face, and Comforts dy'd. 8. Then, Lord, I humbly Thee address'd, My Pride, and Folly, I confess'd; And thus with Supplication cry'd. 9. What profit is there in my Blood, If to the Grave descend I shou'd? Can there my Mouth thy Praises Sing? Or can my Dust thy Truth declare? 30. Have Mercy on me, Lord, and hear, And timely Succours to me bring. 11. Then, to a Dance, my Mourning, hast Thou turn'd, and off my Sackcloth cast; And round with Gladness girded me; 12. To th' End, my Tongue may sing thy Praise, And not be silent; all my Days, My God, I will give Thanks to Thee. Scripture: Psalm 30 Languages: English
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In Thee, O Lord, I place my Trust

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #50 (1752) Lyrics: 1. In Thee, O Lord, I place my Trust, O put me not to Shame; Deliver me from threatening Ills, As righteous is thy Name. 2. Bow down thy gracious Ear, let me Deliv'rance speedy gain; Be my strong Rock, and shelt'ring Tow'r, Where I may safe remain 3. For thou my Rock, and Fortress, art; For thy Name's Sake me guide. 4. O pull me from their private Snares; Thou do'st my Strength abide. 5. Into thine Hands, almighty God, My Spirit I commit; Lord God of Truth, who to redeem Hast never fail'd me yet. 6. Who lying Vanities regard, I always have abhor'd; But ever, in my greatest Straights, Have trusted in the Lord. 7. With Joy, and Gladness, I'll record The Mercies thou hast shown; For thou hast mine Affliction seen, My Soul in Trouble known. 8. Thou hast not shut me in the Pow'r Of a false treach'rous Race; But set my Feet at Liberty In an enlarged Place. Second Part 9. O Lord, have Mercy upon me, My Trouble on me preys; Mine Eyes consume, my Spirits fail, My Strength with Grief decays. 10. My Life is spent with Grief, my Years Consume in Sighs, and Groans; My Sins have rob'd me of my Strength, And wasted all my Bones. 11. By all my Foes, and Neighbours too, I in Reproach was had; I was a Terror to my Friends, When I drew near, they fled, 12. I am forgot, like one that's dead, Whose Name, and Memory's lost; Like earthen Vessels that are broke, Away, as useless, tost. 13. Their many Slanders I have heard; Just Fears about me spread, While they took Counsel, and devis'd, My guiltless Blood to shed. 14. I said, thou art my God, my Trust, "I in Thee, Lord repose; 15. "My Times are in thine Hand, defend "Me from pursuing Foes. 16. The Brightness of thy Face to shine On me, thy Servant, make; And thy Salvation to me grant, For thy free Mercy's Sake. 17. Let me not be asham'd, O Lord, Whose Pity still I crave; But let the Wicked be asham'd, And silent in the Grave. 18. Silence their false reviling Tongues, Which grievous Slanders vent; In Arrogance, and high Contempt, Against the Innocent. Third Part 19. How wondrous great's thy Goodness Lord, Reserved for the Just; Which thou hast wrought, before the World, For all in Thee, who trust. 20. Thou in thy Presence shalt them skreen, From all the Sons of Pride; And cover'd from the Strife of Tongues In thy Pavilion hide. 2I. Forever blessed be the Lord, For wondrous Kindness shown; When threatening Dangers me enclos'd, Within a fenced Town. 22. For then in Hast, I rashly said, "I'm banish'd from thine Eyes; Yet thou hast heard my groaning Voice, And answered all my Cries. 23. O love the Lord, all ye his Saints, Who doth the Faithful guard; But on proud Doers justly heaps A plentifull Reward. 24. Then let your Courage firm remain, In his ne'er failing Word; Confirm your Hearts, all ye whose Hope Is fixed on the Lord. Scripture: Psalm 31 Languages: English
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Thrice bless'd the Man, whom God forgives

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #53 (1752) Lyrics: 1. Thrice bless'd the Man, whom God forgives; Whose Sin is cover'd with a Smile: 2. To whom the Lord imputes no Guilt; Whose Heart is truly purg'd from Guile. 3. While silent I conceal'd my Crime, Thro' Anguish of my troubled Breast, My Bones grew dry, and waxed old; I roar'd all Day, and found no Rest. 4. Thy Hand did heavy on me fall, And Day and Night it's Strokes repeat; My vital Moisture dried up, As Ground is parch'd with Summer's Heat. 5. I then resolv'd no more to hide, But own, my Sin, before the Lord; Whose pard'ning Mercy soon stept in, And Comfort, to my Soul restor'd. 6. For this each godly Man will pray, In Times wherein thou may'st be found; In mighty Waters raging Floods, His stedfast Hopes shall ne'er be drown'd. 7. Thou art my only hiding Place, Where I from Trouble, safe abide; With Songs of thy Deliv'rance, thou Shalt compass me on ev'ry Side. Second Part 8. I'll wholsome Counsel to thee give, And teach thee how thou may'st be wise. Aright to order all thy Walk, I'll guide thee with my watchful Eyes. 9. O be not like the Horse, or Mule, Which Passions, and not Reason, sway; Whose Mouth, with Bit, and Reins, compel'd, Our Wills are forced to obey. 10. They that encrease in Wickedness, Their Sorrows greatly shall abound; But him that on the Lord relies Unnumber'd Mercies shall surround. 11. Let them be glad, in God rejoice, Who, in his Laws, their Life employ; Let all, who are upright in Heart, With sacred Triumph shout for Joy. Scripture: Psalm 32 Languages: English
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O Blessed Man, whom God forgives

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #54 (1752) Lyrics: 1. O Blessed Man, whom God forgives, And covers all his Sin; 2. To whom the Lord imputes no Guilt, Who's free from Guile within. 3. While I refus'd to own my Crime, The Horror in my Brest, Dry'd up my Bones; I roar'd all Day, And found no quiet Rest. 4. For Day, and Night, thine awful Hand, Heavy upon me beat; My Moisture dry'd, as Ground that's parch'd, With Summer's scorching Heat. 5. I then resolv'd no more to hide, My Sin, but freely own My Fault to God; and thou forgav'st The Guilt of what I'd done. 6. The Godly hence, in Season, shall To Thee pour out his Soul; Then tho' great Water-Floods should rage, None over him shall rowl. 7. Thou art my hiding Place, where I, From Harm, shall shelter'd be; With Songs of thy Deliv'rance, thou Shalt round encompass me. Second Part 8. I'll thee instruct, and teach the Way, How thou may'st wisely live: And safe Direction, in thy Walk, My watchful Eye shall give. 9. Be n't like the Horse, or Mule, which ne'er Submit to Reason's sway; Whose Mouths with Bitt, and Reins, we rule, And force them to obey. 10. The Wicked, by their Wickedness, Their Sorrows multiply; But Mercy shall encompass them Who on the Lord rely. 11. Let then the righteous ones be glad, And in the Lord rejoice; Let ail, that are upright in Heart, Triumph with joyful Voice. Scripture: Psalm 32 Languages: English
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Rejoice, ye righteous, in the Lord

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #56 (1752) Lyrics: 1. Rejoice ye righteous, in the Lord, 'Tis yours his Fame to raise. 2. Take Psalt'ry, Harp, and Ten-string'd Lute, And join in Songs of Praise. 3. Take a new Song, play skillfully; Loud let the Musick sound. 4. For wise, and just, the Lord's Words are, His Works with Truth abound. 5. Justice, and Truth, he loves; the Earth Is with his Goodness fill'd, 6. One Word from God the Heav'ns made, Their Host his Spirit will'd. 7. He gather'd the vast rowling Seas, Into a solid Heap; In Store-houses reserves the Depths; Which stated Limits keep. 8. Let all the Earth, and all the Worlds In Fear, before him, stand. 9. The Lord but spake, and it was made; 'Twas fix'd at his Command. 10. The Lord the Heathen's Counsels baulks; He makes their Purpose vain. 11. But firm his Counsel stands; his Thoughts Thro' ev'ry Age remain. Second Part 12. That Nation's bless'd whose God's the Lord, Whom he hath chose his own. 13. The Lord, to view the Sons of Men, From Heaven looketh down. 14. He, all the Earth's Inhabitants, From's dwelling Place surveys. 15. Their Hearts he fashioneth alike; And all their Works he weighs. 16. No King is sav'd by num'rous Hosts; By Strength the Strong's not freed. 17. 'Tis vain to look for Safety, from The Horses Strength, or Speed. 18. God's Eye's on them that do him fear; Whose Hopes in's Grace survive: 19. In War to save their Soul from Death; In Famine keep alive. 20. Our longing Soul waits for the Lord; He is our Help and Shield. 21. Since in his holy Name we trust, Our Hearts with Joy are fill'd. 22. O let thy tender Mercy, Lord, On us abiding be; As thou do'st know our steadfast Trust Is plac'd alone in Thee. Scripture: Psalm 33 Languages: English
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Thro' all my Days, I'll bless the Lord

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #57 (1752) Lyrics: 1. Thro' all my Days, I'll bless the Lord; My Tongue shall dwell upon his Praise. 2. My Soul shall glory in the Lord, Th' oppress'd shall hear, and Comfort raise. 3. O magnify the Lord with me; Come, let us joyn, t' exalt his Name. 4. I sought the Lord, who heard; and me, From all my Fears to rescue came. 5. On me they look, they gather'd round; And Gladness shone in ev'ry Face. 6. "This poor Man cry'd, and Favour found, "God heard, and sav'd him from Distress. 7. The mighty Angels of the Lord, Encampt, as Guards, around them ly; And safe Deliv'rance them afford, Who to his Arms for Shelter fly. 8. O try how good Jehovah is: They're bless'd who in his Strength confide. 9. O fear the Lord, ye Saints of his; And all your Wants shall be supply'd. 10. Tho' the young Lyons range the Plain, And hungry, roar for Lack of Food; Yet none shall seek the Lord in vain, Nor want supplies of real Good. Second Part 11. "O come, ye Children, hear my Word; "I'll teach you how to fear the Lord. 12. "What Man, long Life, desires to see, "That all his Days may prosp'rous be! 13. "Thy Tongue keep pure from Language vile; "Preserve thy Lips from speaking Guile: 14. "All Vice forsake; be good, and kind; "Seek Peace, preserve a friendly Mind. 15. The Lord the Just, with Favour, views; His Ears are open to their Cry. 16. But Wrath the wicked Man pursues; To rase his Name beneath the Sky. 17. When just Men cry, the Lord doth hear; From all their Troubles sets them free. 18. To broken-hearted he is near; The contrite Spirit save will he. 19. The Righteous many Griefs endure; But God delivers out of all. 20. He keepeth all his Bones secure; Not one of them be broken shall. 21. Evil the Wicked slays; and them Their Guilt consumes, who hate the Just. 22. His Servant's Soul, God will redeem; And none shalt fail who in him Trust. Scripture: Psalm 34 Languages: English


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