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Tune Identifier:"^aus_meines_herzens_grunde_wolder$"

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Rise, Children of the Kingdom

Author: J. Rist, 1607-67 ; C. Winkworth, 1827-78 Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary #105 (1996) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Rise, children of the kingdom! The King is drawing nigh. Arise, and hail with gladness The Ruler from on high. Ye Christians, hasten forth! Your praise and homage bring Him and glad Hosannas sing Him; Naught else your love is worth. 2 Arise, ye drooping mourners! The King is very near. Away with grief and sorrow, For lo! your help is here. Behold, in many a place-- O blessed consolation-- We find Him, our salvation, In His pure means of grace. 3 Arise, ye much afflicted! The King is not afar. Rejoice, ye long dejected! Behold the Morning Star. The Lord will give you joy, Though troubles now distress you, With comfort He will bless you, E'en death He will destroy. 4 Arise, ye poor and needy! The King provides for you. He comes with succor speedy, With mercy ever new. Receive your gracious King, The giver of all blessing. Hail Him, His name confessing, And glad Hosannas sing. 5 O rich the gifts Thou bring'st us, Thyself made poor and weak; O love beyond expression, That thus can sinners seek! For this, O Lord, will we Our joyous tribute bring Thee, And glad Hosannas sing Thee, And ever grateful be. Topics: Forerunners of Christ; Advent 3 Languages: English Tune Title: AUS MEINES HERZENS GRUNDE
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O enter, Lord, Thy temple

Author: Paul Gerhardt; Catherine Winkworth Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran hymnal #106 (1908) Lyrics: 1 O enter, Lord, Thy temple, Be Thou my spirit's Guest! Who at my birth didst give me A second birth more blest. Thou in the Godhead, Lord, Tho' here to dwell Thou deignest, Forever equal reignest, Art equally adored. 2 O enter, let me know Thee, And feel Thy power within, The power that breaks our fetters, And rescues us from sin; So wash and cleanse Thou me, That I may serve Thee truly, And render honor duly With perfect heart to Thee. 3 'Tis Thou, O Spirit, teachest The soul to pray aright; Thy songs have sweetest music, Thy pray'rs have wondrous might; Unheard they cannot fall, They pierce the highest heaven, Till He His help hath given Who surely helpeth all. 4 With holy zeal then fill us, To keep the faith still pure; And bless our lands and houses With wealth that may endure; And make that foe to flee Who in us with Thee striveth; For from our hearts he driveth Whate'er delighteth Thee. 5 Order our path in all things According to Thy mind, And when this life is over, And must be all resigned, O grant us then to die With calm and fearless spirit, And after death inherit Eternal life on high. Topics: The Church Year Pentecost; Whitsunday Languages: English Tune Title: EISLEBEN (Aus meines Herzens Grunde)
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Ye sons of men, in earnest

Author: Valentine Thilo; Catherine Winkworth Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran hymnal #121 (1908) Lyrics: 1 Ye sons of men, in earnest Prepare your hearts within, The wond'rous Conqu'ror cometh, Whose pow'r can save from sin, Whom God in grace alone Hath promised long to send us, To lighten and befriend us, And make His mercy known. 2 Oh, set your ways in order When such a Guest is nigh; Make plain the paths before Him That now deserted lie. Forsake what He doth hate, Exalt the lowly valleys, Bring down all pride and malice, And make the crooked straight. 3 'Twas thus St. John hath taught us, 'Twas thus he preached of yore; And they will feel God's anger Who list not to his lore. O God! now let his voice To Thy true service win us, That Christ may come within us, And we in Him rejoice. Topics: The Church Year John the Baptist; First Sunday of Advent; Fourth Sunday of Advent Languages: English Tune Title: EISLEBEN (Aus meines Herzens Grunde)

Su Voluntad Manifestó el Señor

Author: George W. Briggs; N. Martínez; F. J. Pagura Hymnal: Cántico Nuevo #179 (1962) First Line: Su voluntad manifestó Languages: Spanish Tune Title: AUS MEINES HERZENS GRUNDE
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Lo, God to heav'n ascendeth!

Author: Gottfried W. Sacer; Frances E. Cox Hymnal: Trinity Hymnal #210 (1961) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Lo, God to heav'n ascendeth! Throughout its regions vast With shouts triumphant blendeth The trumpet's thrilling blast: Sing praise to Christ the Lord; Sing praise with exultation, King of each heathen nation, The God of hosts adored! 2 With joy is heav'n resounding Christ's glad return to see; Behold the saints surrounding The Lord who set them free. Bright myriads, thronging, come; The cherub band rejoices, And loud seraphic voices All welcome Jesus home. 3 Our place he is preparing; To heav'n we, too, shall rise, With him his glory sharing, Be where our Treasure lies. Bestir thyself, my soul! Where Jesus Christ has entered, There let thy hope be centered; Press onward toward the goal. 4 Let all our thoughts be winging To where thou didst ascend, And let our hearts be singing: "We seek thee, Christ, our Friend, Thee, God's exalted Son, Our Life, and Way to heaven, To whom all pow'r is given, Our Joy and Hope and Crown." Amen. Topics: Blessed Hope; Christ, The Lord Jesus; Christ Ascension; Christ Exaltation of; Christ The Way, Truth, and Life; Heaven Anticipated; Heaven Redeemed in; Resurrection and Life Everlasting Scripture: Psalm 47:5 Languages: English Tune Title: AUS MEINES HERZENS GRUNDE
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Lo, God to Heaven Ascendeth

Author: Gottfried W. Sacer; Frances E. Cox Hymnal: The Lutheran Hymnal #214 (1941) Meter: First Line: Lo, God to heav'n ascendeth! Lyrics: 1 Lo, God to heav'n ascendeth! Thro'out its regions vast With shouts triumphant blendeth The trumpet's thrilling blast: Sing praise to Christ the Lord; Sing praise with exultation, King of each heathen nation, The God of hosts adored! 2 With joy is heav'n resounding Christ's glad return to see; Behold the saints surrounding The Lord who set them free. Bright myriads, thronging, come; The cherub band rejoices, And loud seraphic voices All welcome Jesus home. 3 From cross to throne ascending, We follow Christ on high And know the pathway wending To mansions in the sky. Our Lord is gone before; Yet here He will not leave us, But soon in heav'n receive us And open wide the door. 4 Our place He is preparing: To heav'n we, too, shall rise, With Him His glory sharing, Be where our Treasure lies: Bestir thyself, my soul! Where Jesus Christ has entered, There let thy hope be centered, Press onward toward the goal. 5 Let all our thoughts be winging To where Thou didst ascend, And let our hearts be singing: "We seek Thee, Christ, our Friend, Thee, God's exalted Son, Our life, and Way to heaven, To whom all power is given, Our Joy and Hope and Crown." Amen. Topics: The Church Year Ascension Scripture: Psalm 47:5-7 Languages: English Tune Title: AUS MEINES HERZENS GRUNDE
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Oh, Sing with Exultation

Author: Anders C. Arrebo; Carl Döving Hymnal: The Lutheran Hymnal #217 (1941) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Oh, sing with exultation, Sing to the Lord, rejoice, And in His congregation Shout with triumphant voice. For, lo, at God's right hand Is Christ in glory seated; With death and hell defeated, As Victor He doth stand. 2 Since Christ, our Lord, is living, We nevermore shall die; To God the glory giving, We rise to Him on high. Tho' chastened we may be, And to our graves be taken, We unto life shall waken And live eternally. 3 Christ is the sure Foundation The builders did reject, But He for our salvation Is precious and elect And made the Cornerstone On which the Church is founded; This marvel now is sounded, The work of God alone. 4 To Thee, O Christ, be glory, Who camest in His name! Thy people sing the story Thy praises to proclaim. We thank Thee and adore, O Christ, our Lord and Savior; Thy grace and boundless favor Stand fast forevermore. Amen. Topics: The Church Year Ascension Scripture: Psalm 118:15-16 Languages: English Tune Title: AUS MEINES HERZENS GRUNDE

Arise, Sons of the Kingdom

Author: Johann Rist; Catherine Winkworth Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #224 Lyrics: 1. Arise, sons of the kingdom! The King is drawing nigh; Arise, and hail with gladness The Ruler from on high. Ye Christians, hasten forth! Your praise and homage bring Him And glad hosannas sing Him, Naught else your love is worth. 2. Arise, ye drooping mourners! The King is very near; Away with grief and sorrow, For lo! your Help is here. Behold, in many a place— We find Him, our Salvation, O blessed consolation! In His pure means of grace. 3. Arise, ye much afflicted! The King is now not far; Rejoice, ye long dejected! Here comes the Morning Star. The Lord will give you joy; Though troubles now distress you, With comfort He will bless you, E’en death He will destroy. 4. Now hear, ye bold transgressors, The King does well give heed To all that ye are doing, And to the life ye lead, Enthralled to sin and hell; Nothing in all creation Escapes His observation He marketh all things well. 5. Be righteous, ye His subjects, The King is just and true; Prepare for Him a highway, Make all things straight and new. He means all for our good Then let us bear our crosses That He Himself imposes, In an undaunted mood. 6. Though war and conflagration Take all our goods away; The Lord is our salvation And heritage for aye. E’en though our loved ones die, Yet they are not forsaken, But from this world are taken To live with God on high 7. Arise, ye poor and needy! The King provides for you; He comes with succor speedy, With mercy ever new. He who a beast did heed Lets not His children perish; All hopes that man may cherish He can fulfill indeed. 8. He nevermore forsaketh A child that feels the rod, Who Him his refuge maketh, And puts his trust in God. He is our sovereign King; E’en death itself shall never Those from their Master sever Who to His mercy cling. 9. Arise, ye faint and fearful! The King now comes with might, His heart hath long since loved us, He makes our darkness light. Now are our sorrows o’er; No wrath shall e’er befall us, Since God in grace doth call us His children evermore. 10. Haste then, with eager footsteps, To see your Sovereign there! He rides as King of Zion, Strong, glorious, meek and fair. Draw near the Lord and give To Him your salutation, Who bringeth great salvation, And bids the sinner live. 11. The King in grace remembers His loved ones here below With gifts of royal treasures, Yea, doth Himself bestow Through His blest Word and grace. O King, arrayed in splendor, To Thee all praise we’ll render Here and there face to face. 12. O rich the gifts Thou bring’st us, Thyself made poor and weak; O Love beyond expression That thus can sinners seek! For this, O Lord, will we Our joyous tribute bring Thee, And glad hosannas sing Thee, And ever grateful be. Languages: English Tune Title: AUS MEINES HERZENS GRUNDE
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The Kingdom Satan Founded

Author: T. H. Kingo, 1634-1703; C. Døving, 1807-1937 Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary #259 (1996) Meter: Lyrics: 1 The kingdom Satan founded Shall now be overthrown, For Christ its fall hath sounded, And through His pow'r alone Shall Satan meet his doom, And be for aye confounded; He from the souls he wounded Shall flee in fear and gloom. 2 Though he would bind forever Our lips with bands of hell, Yet Christ, sent to deliver, Can loose those bands full well, That e'en the dumb may raise His voice with joy and pleasure And sing in sweetest measure To God his thanks and praise. 3 O Jesus! my distresses To Thee are known full well, Thou seest how Satan presses My soul's weak citadel; His aim is to control My members and my senses, With sin and with offenses He steals into my soul. 4 Anon my tongue he bindeth That God it shall not praise; Anon my eyes he blindeth To hide the light of grace; Now he my ears doth close To hinder me from hearing The Gospel's sound so cheering And soothing in my woes. 5 To God I raise my crying Before the mercy-seat, And on His Word relying I grace of Him entreat, That He for Jesus' sake Would cleanse my soul and spirit Through Jesus' blood and merit, And Satan's power break. 6 God, let not love of sinning Thy fear drive from my breast, Lest Satan, triumph winning, Be of my heart possessed; O let Thy chas'tning rod Each day give me direction, To seek Thy sure protection And tell Thy grace abroad. 7 My heart must Thou have solely, My Savior and my God! Come, Jesus, take it wholly, And make it Thine abode! Mold it to Thy control, That I, Thy Word receiving, May find, in Thee believing, Salvation for my soul. Topics: Triumph Over Satan; Lent 3 Languages: English Tune Title: AUS MEINES HERZENS GRUNDE
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My heart with deep emotion

Author: Rev. Emanuel Cronenwett Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran hymnal #294 (1908) Lyrics: 1 My heart with deep emotion Gives thanks to Thee and praise, In early morn's devotion, And throughout all my days; O God, upon thy throne! To honor and adore Thee, I bring my praise before Thee Through Christ, Thine Only Son. 2 For, 'twas Thy grace that o'er me Kept vigil through the night, And 'twas Thy arm that bore me, Safe through morning light. To Thee my prayer I raise; Werein I did offend Thee, Do Thou forgive; defend me In all my future days. 3 My life, my soul,--defend them! My wife, child, goods, and home,-- To Thy hand I commend them, From Thee these blessings come. Thy bounteous hand bestows My household and my treasures, my parents, friends, and pleasures; Through thee my cup o'erflows. 4 God shall do my advising, Whose might with wisdom blends; May He bless rest and rising, My efforts, means and ends! To god, forever blessed, Will I with mine confide me, And suffer Him to guide me As seemeth to Him best. 5 Amen: Lord, Thou wilt hear me With this I close my prayer; In all I do wilt cheer me, And keep me in Thy care. So I put forth my hands, And look not long behind me, But ply the task assigned me By God, as He commands. Topics: The Catechism Morning Languages: English Tune Title: EISLEBEN (Aus meines Herzens Grunde)


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