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Showing 31 - 40 of 65Results Per Page: 102050

Thou Hast, O God, The Work Begun

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Text Sources: Short Hymns, Vol. II (Bristol, England: E. Farley, 1762)

Jesus Comes Today with Healing

Author: Heinrich Puchta; David W. Rogner Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals

Summer Song

Author: Paul Gerhardt; J. Kelly Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Go forth, my heart, and seek delight In this summer time so bright Lyrics: Go forth, my heart, and seek delight In this summer time so bright, The bounties God displayeth, The garden’s splendour go and see, Behold how God for me and thee Them gorgeously arrayeth. The trees with leaves are cover’d o’er, The earth with carpet spreads her floor Of green, all fresh and tender, The tulip and narcissus wear Attire of finer texture fair Than Solomon in splendour. The lark aspiring soars on high, Flies from her cleft the dove so shy, And seeks the woodland shadow; The nightingale with song so rare Delights and fills the ev’ning air O’er mountain, vale, and meadow. Leads forth her little brood the hen, The stork builds near the haunts of men, And feed their young the swallows; The stag so swift, the roe so light Of foot, come bounding from the height Into the grassy hollows. The brooklets murmur in the sand, And fringe the edge on either hand With myrtle rich in shadow; The shepherds and the sheep rejoice, In joy and mirth you hear their voice Sound from the neighb’ring meadow. The bee through all the live-long hours, Unwearied roams among the flow’rs, Its precious stores to gather; The strong juice of the vine each hour Is ever gaining strength and pow’r This glorious summer weather. While springeth fast the precious grain, The young and old exult again, Praise Him with all their powers, Whose benefits unceasing are, With gifts so manifold and rare Who human nature dowers. I cannot rest, I never dare, In my Creator’s gracious care My inmost soul rejoices, To God most High, when all things raise A song of universal praise, My voice shall join their voices. Methinks it is so pleasant here, All things so beautiful appear In this our poor world even; What will it be when earth we leave, And at its golden gates receive Glad welcome into Heaven? What purest light, what ecstasy, Will in the Saviour’s garden be! How will it sound when ’fore Thee, All with united heart and voice, Ten thousand seraphins rejoice And rev’rently adore Thee. Ah! blessèd God, oh! were I there Before Thy throne, and did I bear My branch of palm victorious, As angels do, my voice I’d raise Thine ever blessèd name to praise, In songs of triumph glorious. But though I still am dwelling here, And still the body’s burden bear, Can I be silent?—Never! My heart, no matter where I be, Or here or there, shall bend to Thee, In adoration ever. Help! Lord, my soul with blessings crown, With blessings that from Heav’n flow down, That I may blossom ever! And may the summer of Thy grace Cause fruits of faith to grow apace, Fruits that shall wither never. And may Thy Spirit dwell in me, May I a good branch ever be Ingrafted in the Saviour! In Thine own garden may I be To Thy name’s praise a goodly tree, Implanted by Thy favour! Grant me Thy paradise to share, And more fruit may I ever bear While I am going thither. Thine honour, Lord, to me is dear, Thee and Thee only shall I here And yonder serve for ever. Paul Gerhardt’s Spiritual Songs, 1867

No temas tú, pequeña grey

Author: Marta Weihmüller, 1878-1957; Johann Michael Altenburg, 1584-1640 Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Topics: La Iglesia La Iglesia en General; La Iglesia Triumfante; Cruz y Consuelo; Comunión de Cristo; Communion with Christ; Cross and Comfort; The Church The Church in General Used With Tune: KOMMT HER ZU MIR

The Brazen Serpent

Author: J. Hart Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: When the chosen tribes debated
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En el huerto, arrodillado

Author: Desconocido Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1 En el huerto arrodillado Con su espíritu angustiado Ved al santo Redentor. Negra noche lo circunda, La tristeza su alma inunda De conflicto y de dolor. 2 Cerca duermen los amigos, Ni socorro ni testigos Hay en esta lucha cruel. A Jesús inmaculado Acongójale el pecado De su descarriada grey. 3 ¿No podrá pasar de largo Este cáliz tran amargo, Sin beberlo el Salvador? De la culpa es el tributo, Pues Jesús el substituto Quiere ser del pecador. 4 La salud nos asegura Esta copa de amargura Que bebe en Getsemaní. Haz, Señor, que to adoremos, Y tan sólo coloquemos Siempre la confianza en Ti. Amén. Topics: El Año Cristiano Jueves Santo; Christian Year Holy Thursday Used With Tune: ALLES IST AN GOTTES SEGEN

I Sing the Birth

Author: B. Jonson, c. 1572-1637 Meter: Appears in 19 hymnals First Line: I sing the birth was born tonight Lyrics: 1 I sing the birth was born tonight, The Author both of life and light: The angels so did sound it; And like the ravished shepherds said, Who saw the light and were afraid, Yet searched, and true they found it. 2 The Son of God, th'eternal King, That did us all salvation bring, And freed the world from danger, He whom the whole world could not take, The Lord which heav'n and earth did make, Was now laid in a manger. 3 The Father's wisdom willed it so, The Son's obedience knew no "No," Both wills were in one stature; And, as that wisdom hath decreed, The Word was now made flesh indeed, And took on Him our nature. 4 What comfort by Him do we win, Who made Himself the price of sin, To make us heirs of glory! To see this Babe, all innocence, A martyr born in our defense-- Can man forget this story? Topics: Nativity of our Lord

Vanish now all sinful dreaming

Author: Thomas Kingo, 1634-1703; J. C. Aaberg Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: Vanish now all sinful dreaming, Let the joy from heaven streaming Occupy my soul and mind. Watch, my spirit, and prepare thee, Lest the cunning foe ensnare thee When repose hath made thee blind. Sleep now in God’s care appeasing. While the noise of day is ceasing, Lean upon thy Savior’s breast. He will guard thee through the somber Night and make thy final slumber Quiet, peaceful, happy, blest.

Lord of the Church, We Humbly Pray

Author: Edward Osler Meter: Appears in 57 hymnals Lyrics: 1. Lord of the Church, we humbly pray For those who guide us in Thy way And speak Thy holy Word. With love divine their hearts inspire And touch their lips with hallowed fire And needful strength afford. 2. Help them to preach the truth of God, Redemption through the Savior’s blood, Nor let the Spirit cease On all the Church His gifts to shower— To them a messenger of power; To us, of life and peace. 3. So may they live to Thee alone, Then hear the welcome word, Well done, And take their crown above; Enter into their Master’s joy And all eternity employ In praise and bliss and love. Used With Tune: KOMMT HER ZU MIR

The Lord Ascendeth Up on High

Author: Arthur T. Russell Meter: Appears in 37 hymnals


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