Text Results

Scripture:Matthew 13:44-52

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Showing 31 - 40 of 51Results Per Page: 102050

Jesus, Come, for We Invite You

Author: Christopher Idle (1938-) Meter: Appears in 15 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 13:44-46 Lyrics: 1 Jesus, come, for we invite you, guest and master, friend and Lord; now, as once at Cana's wedding, speak, and let us hear your word: lead us through our need or doubting, hope be born and joy restored. 2 Jesus, come! Transform our pleasures, guide us into paths unknown; bring your gifts, command your servants, let us trust in you alone: though your hand may work in secret, all shall see what you have done. 3 Jesus, come in new creation, heaven brought near by power divine; give your unexpected glory, changing water into wine: rouse the faith of your disciples -- come, our first and greatest sign! 4 Jesus, come! Surprise our dullness; make us willing to receive more than we can yet imagine, all the best you have to give: let us find your hidden riches, taste your love, believe, and live! Topics: Call and Vocation; Epiphany (season) Used With Tune: SICILIAN MARINERS

God of the Fertile Fields

Author: Georgia Harkness Meter: Appears in 15 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 13:24-60 Lyrics: 1 God of the fertile fields, shaper of earth that yields our daily bread: forth from your bounteous hand come gifts your love has planned, that all in every land be clothed and fed. 2 We would be stewards true, holding in trust from you all that you give; help us in love to share, teach us like you to care for people everywhere, that all may live. 3 As grows the hidden seed to fruit that serves our need, so your reign grows. Let all our toil be used, no gift of yours abused, no humble task refused your love bestows. 4 God of the countryside, dear to the Christ who died to make us one: we pledge our lives anew in faithful love to you. Guide all we say and do. Your will be done. Topics: Care of Creation; Commitment; Dedication and Stewardship; Renewal Used With Tune: ITALIAN HYMN
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O Jesus, Highest Treasure

Author: Salomo Liscovius; Frederick William Foster Meter: D Appears in 10 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 13:44 Lyrics: 1 O Jesus, highest treasure, in your communion blessed I find unfailing pleasure, true happiness and rest; myself a willing off'ring I give to you alone, because by death and suff'ring you did for me atone. 2 O Joy, all joys excelling, the Bread of Life, the Way, you came to make your dwelling in sinful hearts to stay. My spirit’s hungry craving you can forever still; from deepest anguish saving, with bliss my cup can fill. 3 O let my eyes be lightened by sight of your dear face; my life below be brightened by tasting of your grace; without you, mighty Savior, to live is naught but pain; to have your love and favor is happiness and gain. 4 Earth’s glory to inherit is not what I desire; to heav'n aspires my spirit, to glow with nobler fire; where Christ himself appearing in brightest majesty, for me a place preparing, there, there I long to be. Topics: Son and Redeemer; Christ; Christ--Atonement; Christ--Bread of Life; Life in Christ Used With Tune: MUNICH Text Sources: Moravian tr. (1754)

There's Nothing Worth More (Nada vale más)

Author: Bryan Torwalt; Katie Torwalt Meter: Irregular Appears in 9 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 13:44-46 First Line: There’s nothing worth more Refrain First Line: Holy Spirit, you are welcome here Topics: Adoration; Jesus Christ Presence of; Pentecost Used With Tune: HOLY SPIRIT Text Sources: Spanish trans. anon.

God, your glory we have seen in your Son

Author: Didier Rimaud, 1922-; Ronald Johnson, 1913-; Brian Arthur Wren, 1936- Meter: 12.12 with refrain Appears in 6 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 13:37-46 First Line: In the fields of this world his good news he has sown Lyrics: Refrain: God, your glory we have seen in your Son, full of truth, full of heavenly grace; in Christ make us live, his love shine on our face, and the nations shall see in us the triumph you have won. 1 In the fields of this world his good news he has sown, and send us out to reap till the harvest is done. [Refrain] 2 In his love like a fire that consumes he passed by, the flame has touched our lips: let us shout, 'Here am I!' [Refrain] 3 He was broken for us, God-forsaken his cry, and still the bread he breaks: to ourselves we must die. [Refrain] 4 He has trampled the grapes of new life on his cross; now drink the cup and live: he has filled it for us. [Refrain] 5 He has founded a kingdom that none shall destroy; the corner-stone is laid: go to work, build with joy! [Refrain] Topics: Commitment; Confirmation Service; Discipleship; Epiphany; Eucharist; Evangelism; Glory of God; Jesus Christ Transfiguration; Kingdom of God; Mission/Sending; People of God; Saints Days and Holy Days Any Saint; Saints Days and Holy Days St Mark; Witness Used With Tune: DIEU NOUS AVONS VU TA GLOIRE

Go Make a Difference

Author: Steve Angrisano, b. 1965; Tom Tomaszek, b. 1950 Appears in 6 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 13:45-46 First Line: We are the salt of the earth Refrain First Line: Go make a diff'rence Topics: Commissioning; Global Family; Ministry/Mission; Rites of the Church Order for the Blessing on the Fifteenth Birthday; Rites of the Church Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: General Use; Sending Forth Used With Tune: [We are the salt of the earth]

God in Heaven Hath a Treasure

Author: P. S.; Emma F. Bevan Meter: D Appears in 5 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 13:44 Lyrics: 1 God in heaven hath a treasure, Riches none may count or tell; Hath a deep eternal pleasure, Christ, the Son, He loveth well. God hath here on earth a treasure, None but He its price may know— Deep, unfathomable pleasure, Christ revealed in saints below. 2 Christ, the Light that fills the heavens, Shining forth on earth beneath, Through His Spirit freely given, Light of life ’midst shades of death. Down from heav’n’s unclouded glory God Himself the treasure brought, Closing thus His love’s sweet story With His sweetest, deepest thought. 3 God in tongues of fire descending, Chosen vessels thus to fill With the treasure never ending, Ever spent—unfailing still. Still unwasted, undiminished, Though the days of dearth wear on, Store eternally unfinished, Fresh, as if but now begun. 4 Earthen vessels, marred, unsightly, But the treasure as of old, Fresh from glory, gleaming brightly, Heav’n’s undimmed, unchanging gold. God’s own hand the vessel filling From the glory far above, Longing hearts forever stilling With those riches of His love. 5 Thus, through earthen vessels only, Shining forth in ceaseless grace, Reaching weary hearts and lonely, Beams the light in Jesus’ face. Vessels worthless, broken, bearing Through the hungry ages on, Riches giv’n with hand unsparing, God’s great gift, His precious Son. 6 Thus though worn, and tried, and tempted, Glorious calling, saint, is thine; Let the Lord but find thee emptied, Living branch in Christ the Vine! Vessels of the world’s despising, Vessels weak, and poor, and base; Bearing wealth God’s heart is prizing, Glory from Christ’s blessed face. 7 Oh, to be but emptier, lowlier, Mean, unnoticed, and unknown, And to God a vessel holier, Filled with Christ, and Christ alone! Naught of earth to cloud the glory, Naught of self the light to dim, Telling forth His wondrous story, Emptied—to be filled with Him. Used With Tune: GLOAMING Text Sources: Timeless Truths (http://library.timelesstruths.org/music/God_in_Heaven_Hath_a_Treasure); The Cyber Hymnal (http://www.hymntime.com/tch/htm/g/i/giheaven.htm)

Jesus Lord, How Joyful You Have Made Us

Author: John Heap of Birds (1894-1966); David Graber (1943-) Meter: Irregular Appears in 5 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 13:44-46 First Line: Jesus A, Nahetotaetanome (Jesus Lord, how joyful you have made us) Topics: Call and Vocation; Jesus, the Way, the Truth, the Life Used With Tune: JESUS NAHETOTATAETANOME Text Sources: Tsese-Ma'heone-Nemeototse

O God, Our Lord, Your Holy Word

Author: Arnag, 1490-1539; W. Gustave Polack, 1890-1950 Appears in 5 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 13:44 First Line: O God, our Lord Topics: Word of God Used With Tune: O HERRE GOTT, DEIN GÖTTLICH WORT

Seek Ye First the Kingdom

Author: Norman Elliott Meter: D Appears in 4 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 13:44-46 First Line: "Seek ye first the kingdom Topics: Jesus Christ Teachings; Pilgrimage and Conflict Used With Tune: CRANHAM


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