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Lord, what is Man, poor feeble Man

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P144b (1766) Topics: Life and Riches short and feeble Lyrics: 1 Lord, what is Man, poor feeble Man, Born of the Earth at first? His Life a Shadow, light and vain, Still hasting to the Dust. 2 O what is feeble dying Man, Or any of his Race, That GOD should make it his Concern To visit him with Grace? 3 That GOD who darts his Lightnings down, Who shakes the Worlds above, And Mountains tremble at his Frown, How wond'rous is his Love! Scripture: Psalm 144:3-6 Languages: English
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The Vanilty of Man, and Condescension of GOD

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #264b (1740) Topics: Life and Riches short and feeble First Line: Lord, what is Man, poor feeble Man Lyrics: 1 Lord, what is Man, poor feeble Man, Born of the Earth at first? His Life a Shadow, light and vain, Still hasting to the Dust. 2 O what is feeble dying Man, Or any of his Race, That GOD should make it his Concern To visit him with Grace? 3 That GOD who darts his Lightnings down, Who shakes the Worlds above, And Mountains tremble at his Frown, How wond'rous is his Love! Scripture: Psalm 144:3-6 Languages: English
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For ever blessed be the Lord

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P144a (1766) Topics: Life and Riches short and feeble Lyrics: 1 For ever blessed be the Lord, My Saviour and my Shield; He sends his Spirit with his Word, To arm me for the Field. 2 When Sin and Hell their Force unite, He makes my Soul his Care, Instructs me to the heav'nly Fight, And guards me through the War. 3 A Friend and Helper so divine Does my weak Courage raise; He makes the glorious Vict'ry mine, And his shall be the Praise. Scripture: Psalm 144:1-2 Languages: English
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Happy the City, where their Sons

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P144c (1766) Topics: Life and Riches short and feeble Lyrics: 1 Happy the City, where their Sons, Like Pillars round a Palace set, And Daughters, bright as polish'd Stones, Give Strength and Beauty to the State. 2 Happy the Country, where the Sheep, Cattle and Corn, have large Increase; Where Men securely work or sleep, Nor Sons of Plunder break the Peace. 3 Happy the Nation thus endow'd, But more divinely blest are those, On whom the All-Sufficient GOD Himself with all his Grace bestows. Scripture: Psalm 144:12-15 Languages: English
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My GOD, my King, thy various Praise

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P144d (1766) Topics: Life and Riches short and feeble Lyrics: 1 My God, my King, thy various Praise Shall fill the Remnant of my Days; Thy Grace employ my humble Tongue Till Death and Glory raise the Song. 2 The Wings of ev'ry Hour shall bear Some thankful Tribute to thine Ear; And ev'ry setting Sun shall see New Works of Duty done for Thee. 3 Thy Truth and Justice I'll proclaim; Thy Bounty flows, an endless Stream; Thy Mercy swift, thine Anger slow, But dreadful to the stubborn Foe. 4 Thy Works with sov'reign Glory shine, And speak thy Majesty divine; Let Britain round her Shores proclaim The Sound and Honour of thy Name. 5 Let distant Times and Nations raise The long Succession of thy Praise, And unborn Ages make my Song The Joy and Labour of their Tongue. 6 But who can speak thy wond'rous Deeds, Thy greatness all our Thoughts exceeds; Vast and unsearchable thy Ways, Vast and immortal be thy Praise. Scripture: Psalm 144 Languages: English
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Infimities and Mortality the Effect of Sin; or, Life, Old Age, and Preparation for Death

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #160a (1740) Topics: Life and Riches short and feeble First Line: Lord, if thine Eyes survey our Faults Lyrics: 1 Lord, if thine Eyes surveys our Faults, And Justice grows severe, Thy dreadful Wrath exceeds our Thoughts, And burns beyond our Fear. 2 Thine Anger turns our Frame to Dust, By one Offence to Thee Adam, with all his Sons, have lost Their Immortality. 3 Life, like a vain Amusement, flies, A Fable or a Song; By swift Degrees our Nature dies, Nor can our Joys be long. 4 'Tis but a few whose Days amount To threescore Years and ten; And all beyond that short Account Is Sorrow, Toil and Pain. 5 [Our Vitals with laborious Strife Bear up the crazy Load, And drag those poor Remains of Life Along the tiresome Road.] 6 Almighty GOD, reveal thy Love, And not thy Wrath alone; Oh! let our sweet Experience prove The Mercies of thy Throne. 7 Our Souls would learn the heav'nly Art T' improve the Hours we have, That we may act the wiser Part, And live beyond the Grave. Scripture: Psalm 90:8-12 Languages: English
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The Frailty and Shortness of Life

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #161 (1740) Topics: Life and Riches short and feeble First Line: Lord, what a feeble Piece Lyrics: 1 Lord, what a feeble Piece Is this our mortal Frame! Our Life how poor a Trifle 'tis, That scarce deserves the Name. 2 Alas, the brittle Clay That built our Body first! And every Month, and every Day, 'Tis mould'ring back to Dust. 3 Our Moments fly apace, Nor will our Minutes stay; Just like a Flood. our hasty Days Are sweeping us away. 4 Well, if our Days must fly, We'll keep their End in Sight, We'll spend them all in Wisdom's Way, And let them speed their Flight. 5 They'll waft us sooner o'er This Life's tempestuous Sea; Soon we shall reach the peaceful Shore Of blest Eternity. Scripture: Psalm 90:5 Languages: English
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Assistance and Victory in the spiritual Warfare

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #264a (1740) Topics: Life and Riches short and feeble First Line: For ever blessed be the Lord Lyrics: 1 For ever blessed be the Lord, My Saviour and my Shield; He sends his Spirit with his Word, To arm me for the Field. 2 When Sin and Hell their Force unite, He makes my Soul his Care, Instructs me to the heav'nly Fight, And guards me through the War. 3 A Friend and Helper so divine Does my weak Courage raise; He makes the glorious Vict'ry mine, And his shall be the Praise. Scripture: Psalm 144:1-2 Languages: English
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The Greatness of GOD

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #265b (1740) Topics: Life and Riches short and feeble First Line: My GOD, my KIng, tny various Praise Lyrics: 1 My God, my King, thy various Praise Shall fill the Remnant of my days; Thy Grace employ my humble Tongue Till Death and Glory raise the Song. 2 The Wings of ev'ry Hour shall bear Some thankful Tribute to thine Ear; And ev'ry setting Sun shall see New Works of Duty done for Thee. 3 Thy Truth and Justice I'll proclaim; Thy Bounty flows, an endless Stream; Thy Mercy swift, thine Anger slow, But dreadful to the stubborn foe. 4 Thy Works with sov'reign Glory shine, And speak thy Majesty divine; Let Britain round her Shores proclaim The Sound and Honour of thy Name. 5 Let distant Times and Nations raise The long Succession of thy Praise, And unborn Ages make my Song The Joy and Labour of their Tongue. 6 But who can speak thy wond'rous Deeds, Thy greatness all our Thoughts exceeds; Vast and unsearchable thy Ways, Vast and immortal be thy Praise. Scripture: Psalm 144 Languages: English
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Life, Death, and the Resurrection

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #157 (1740) Topics: Life and Riches short and feeble First Line: Think, mighty GOD, on feeble Man Lyrics: 1 Think, mighty GOD, on feeble Man; How few his Hours! how short his Span! Short from the Cradle to the Grave' Who can secure his vital Breath Against the bold Demands of Death, With Skill to fly, or Pow'r to save? 2 Lord, shall it be for ever said, "The Race of Man was only made "For Sickness, Sorrow, and the dust!" Are not thy Servants, Day by Day, Sent to their Graves, and turn'd to Clay? Lord, where's thy Kindness to the Just? 3 Has thou not promis'd to thy Son And all his Seed a heav'nly Crown? But Flesh and Sense indulge Despair; For ever blessed be the Lord, That Faith can read his holy Word, And find a Resurrection there. 4 For ever blessed be the Lord, Who gives his Saints a long Reward For all their Toil, Reproach and Pain; Let all below, and all above, Join to proclaim thy wond'rous Love, And each repeat their loud Amen. Scripture: Psalm 89:47-52 Languages: English


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