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Showing 31 - 40 of 46Results Per Page: 102050
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The Good Shepherd

Appears in 12 hymnals Topics: Grace Restoring First Line: The Lord my Shepherd holds me Lyrics: 1 The Lord my Shepherd holds me Within His tender care, And with His flock He folds me, No want shall find me there. In pastures green He feeds me, With plenty I am blest; By quiet streams He leads me And makes me safely rest. 2 Whatever ill betides me, He will restore and bless; For His Name's sake He guides me In paths of righteousness. Thy rod and staff shall cheer me In death's dark vale and shade, For Thou wilt then be near me: I shall not be afraid. 3 My food Thou dost appoint me, Supplied before my foes; With oil Thou dost anoint me, My cup of bliss o'erflows. Thy goodness Lord, shall guide me, Thy mercy cheer my way; A home Thou wilt provide me Within Thy house for aye. Scripture: Psalm 23 Used With Tune: EWING

Graves into Gardens

Author: Brandon Lake; Chris Brown; Steven Furtick; Tiffany Hammer Appears in 4 hymnals Topics: Fulfillment; God's Love; Grace; Mercy; Praise; Restoration; Surrender; Transformation First Line: I searched the world Refrain First Line: Oh there's nothing better than You Used With Tune: [I searched the world]
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Thy life was given for me

Author: Frances Ridley Havergal (1836-1879) Meter: Appears in 156 hymnals Topics: God Grace, His Restoring Lyrics: 1 Thy life was given for me; Thy blood, O Lord, was shed, That I might ransomed be, And quickened from the dead: Thy life was given for me; What have I given for Thee? 2 Long years were spent for me In weariness and woe, That through eternity Thy glory I might know: Long years were spent for me; Have I spent one for Thee? 3 And Thou hast brought to me, Down from Thy home above, Salvation full and free, Thy pardon and Thy love: Great gifts Thou broughtest me; What have I brought to Thee? 4 O let my life be given, My years for Thee be spent, World fetters all be riven, And joy with suffering blent! Thou gav'st Thyself for me; I give myself to Thee. Amen. Used With Tune: OLD 120TH
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Waiting for an Answer to Prayer; or, Deliverance begun and compleated

Appears in 43 hymnals Topics: Church restored by prayer; Deliverance begun and perfected; Saints by Christ; Church God's presence there; Delight and safety in the church; Delight in God; Glory and grace promised; God present in his churches; Grace and glory; Prayer and Praise; Worship Delight in it; Worship public; Church restored by prayer; Deliverance begun and perfected; Saints by Christ; Church God's presence there; Delight and safety in the church; Delight in God; Glory and grace promised; God present in his churches; Grace and glory; Prayer and Praise; Worship Delight in it; Worship public First Line: Lord, thou hast call'd thy grace to mind Lyrics: 1 Lord thou hast call'd thy grace to mind, Thou hast revers'd our heavy doom: So God forgave when Israel sinn'd, And brought his wandering captives home. 2 Thou hast begun to set us free, And made thy fiercest wrath abate: Now let our hearts be turn'd to thee, And thy salvation be complete. 3 Revive our dying graces, Lord, And let thy saints in thee rejoice; Make known thy truth, fulfil thy word: We wait for praise to tune our voice. 4 We wait to hear what God will say: He’ll speak, and give his people peace: But let them run no more astray, Lest his returning wrath increase. Scripture: Psalm 85:1-8
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God of pity, God of grace

Author: Eliza Fanny Morris (1821-1874) Meter: Appears in 45 hymnals Topics: God Grace, His Restoring Lyrics: 1 God of pity, God of grace, When we humbly seek Thy face, Bend from heaven, Thy dwelling place; Hear, forgive, and save. 2 When Thy love our hearts shall fill, And we long to do Thy will, Turning to Thy holy hill, Lord, accept and save. 3 Should we wander from Thy fold, And our love to Thee grow cold, With a pitying eye behold; Lord, forgive and save. 4 Should the hand of sorrow press, Earthly care and want distress, May our souls Thy peace possess; Jesus, hear and save. 5 And, whate'er our cry may be, When we lift our hearts to Thee, From our burden set us free; Hear, forgive, and save. Amen. Used With Tune: CAPETOWN
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Come, let us who in Christ believe

Author: C. Wesley, 1707-1788 Appears in 97 hymnals Topics: Grace Restoring Lyrics: 1 Come, let us, who in Christ believe, Our common Saviour praise, To Him with joyful voices give The glory of His grace. 2 He now stands knocking at the door Of every sinner's heart; The worst need keep Him out no more, Or force Him to depart. 3 Through grace we hearken to Thy voice, Yield to be saved from sin; In sure and certain hope rejoice That Thou wilt enter in. 4 Come quickly in, Thou heavenly Guest, Nor ever hence remove; But sup with us, and let the feast Be everlasting love. Used With Tune: TOTTENHAM
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The Saviour's Constant Presence

Appears in 5 hymnals Topics: Grace Restoring First Line: My Shepherd is the Lord Who knows my needs Lyrics: 1 My Shepherd is the Lord Who knows my needs, And I am blest; By quiet streams, in pastures green, He leads And makes me rest. My soul He save and for His own Name's sake He guides my feet the paths of right to take. 2 Tho' in death's vale and shadow be my way I fear no ill, For Thou art near, Thy rod and staff my stay And comfort still. My table Thou dost spread before my foes, My head Thou dost anoint, my cup o'erflows. 3 The goodness and the mercy that have aye Upon me shone Shall surely follow me thro' all the way Till life is done; And evermore Jehovah's house shall be My dwelling-place thro' all eternity. Scripture: Psalm 23 Used With Tune: LUX BENIGNA
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When in His Might the Lord

Meter: Appears in 5 hymnals Topics: The Church The Covenant People; God Power of; Grace Refreshing; Israel Restoration of; Sowing and Reaping Lyrics: 1 When in his might the Lord arose to set us free, and Zion was restored from her captivity, in transports then of joy and mirth we praised the Lord of all the earth. 2 The nations saw with fear the might of God displayed, when he at last drew near to give his people aid; great things for us the Lord has wrought, and gladness to our hearts has brought. 3 Again refresh us, Lord, with thy reviving love, and be thy blessing poured in mercy from above; by grace revive our hearts again, as streams refreshed by copious rain. 4 Although with bitter tears the sower bears his seed, when harvest time appears he shall be glad indeed; for they that in the sowing weep shall yet in joy and gladness reap. Scripture: Psalm 126 Used With Tune: ARTHUR'S SEAT Text Sources: The Psalter, 1912; mod.
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God of compassion, in mercy befriend us

Author: Rev. John J. Moment Appears in 7 hymnals Topics: God Grace, His Restoring Lyrics: 1 God of compassion, in mercy befriend us; Giver of grace for our needs all-availing, Wisdom and strength for each day do Thou send us, Patience untiring and courage unfailing. 2 Wandering and lost, Thou hast sought us and found us, Stilled our rude hearts with Thy word of consoling; Wrap now Thy peace, like a mantle, around us, Guarding our thoughts and our passions controlling. 3 How shall we stray, with Thy hand to direct us, Thou who the stars in their courses art guiding? What shall we fear, with Thy power to protect us, We who walk forth in Thy greatness confiding? Amen. Used With Tune: O QUANTA QUALIA
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Days in the Sanctuary

Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals Topics: Grace Restoring First Line: How lovely, Lord of Hosts, to me Lyrics: 1 How lovely, Lord of hosts, to me The tabernacles of Thy grace; O how I long, yea, faint to see Thy hallowed courts, Thy dwelling-place; For Thee my heart and spirit sign, For Thee, O living God, I cry. 2 The sparrow has her place of rest; The swallow thro' Thy kindly care, Has found where she may build her nest And brood her young in safety there; Thy altars as my rest I sing, O Lord of Hosts, my God, my King. 3 Blest they who in Thy house abide, They still to Thee shall render praise; Blest they who in Thy strength confide, And in whose hearts are Zion's ways; Tho' passing thro' the vale of tears, Like springs of joy Thy grace appears. 4 Advancing still from strength to strength, They onward go where saints have trod, Till ev'ry one appears at length In Zion's courts before his God; Jehovah God of Hosts, give ear, Our father's God, in mercy hear. 5 Upon us look, O God, our shield, The face of Thy anointed see; A thousand other days can yield No gladness like one day with Thee; Tho' only at Thy door I wait, No tents of sin give joy so great. 6 Jehovah, God our Shield and Sun, Will grace and glory surely give; No good will He withhold from one Who in His sight shall rightly live; O Lord of Hosts, most blest is he Who puts his steadfast trust in Thee. Scripture: Psalm 84 Used With Tune: ELLERTON


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