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F. Hammerich

Person Name: Fr. Hammerich Topics: Added Hymns Translator of "Forfærdes ei, du lille Hob" in Salmebog for Lutherske Kristne i Amerika

N. J. Laache

Person Name: Nils J. Laache Topics: Added Hymns Author of "O, at jeg vel var kommen hjem " in Salmebog for Lutherske Kristne i Amerika

Christoph Praetorius

1631 - 1713 Person Name: Kristof. Prætorius Topics: Added Hymns Author of "Kristus, Sjælens sande Lys" in Salmebog for Lutherske Kristne i Amerika

Samuel Ödmann

1750 - 1829 Person Name: Samuel Ødmann Topics: Added Hymns Author of "Herre, naadig dig forbame" in Salmebog for Lutherske Kristne i Amerika

Carl Heinrich von Bogatzky

1690 - 1774 Person Name: Karl Bogatzky Topics: Added Hymns Author of "O, Frelser, som er Lys og Livet" in Salmebog for Lutherske Kristne i Amerika Bogatzky, Carl Heinrich von.   He was born Sept. 7,1690, on his father's estate of Jankowe, near Militsch, in Silesia. His father, J. A. v. Bogatzky, was descended from a noble Hungarian family, and entering the Austrian service attained the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Bogatzky's early education was picked up at various places as family arrangements permitted. He was for some time page at the Ducal Court of Weissenfels. From Weissenfels his father removed him to 13realau, to prepare for entering the army. During a long illness at Breslau he became convinced that God had other work for him to do. Receiving an offer of assistance from Count Heinrich xxiv., of Reuss-Kostriz, towards the expenses of an University course, he entered Urn University of Jena in 1713; but removed at Easter, 1715, to the University of Halle, still as a student of law. Before Christinas ho received notice that his mother had died in Silesia, and that he must return. During the week that elapsed before setting out, while attending divine service, he received what he regarded as his first true views of Justification by Faith. Disowned by his father for objecting to enter the army, he returned from Silesia to Halle and enrolled himself, at Easter, 1716, as a student of theology. At Halle he began for his own edification his best known work, The Golden Treasury, 1st published at Breslau in 1718. During 1718 his health failed, and his voice became so seriously affected that he was unable to take any parochial charge. From thenceforth he devoted himself to religious authorship, and speaking in private gatherings. He left Silesia in 1740, and for five years resided at Saalfeld, where he wrote many works, including that on True Conversion, 1741. In 1746 he removed to Halle, where G. A. Francke gave him a free room in the orphanage. The rest of his life was spent mainly in that town. The most important of his publications at this time was his Meditations and Prayers on the New Testament, 7 vols., 1755-61. He died at Halle, June 15, 1774. (Koch, iv. 468-478; Allg. Deutsche Biog., iii. 37- 39; Autobiography tr. by Samuel Jackson, Lond., 1856—the second dating his death, possibly through a misprint, as at Glaucha, near Halle, 1754).Bogatzky seems to have begun hymn-writing about 1718, and in all composed 411 hymns, some of which appeared in part, in his devotional works, 3 in the Cothnische Lieder, 1733-36, 6 in the Wernigerode Gesang-Buch, 1735, and in a collected form at Halle, 1750, as Die Uebungder Gottseligkeit in allerley Geistlichen Liedern, with 302 hymns (2nd ed. Halle, 1755, with 396; 3rd ed.. 1771, with 411, reprinted unaltered at Berlin, 1844). With this the Dowager Queen of Denmark was so much pleased that, as the 1st ed. was in very small type, she offered to contribute to an ed. in larger type, and when that was issued in 1750 (with 376 hymns), bought 300 copies, all of which she distributed.His hymns have little poetic fire or glow of imagination; but in his better productions there is stimulating zeal, warmth of religious feeling, and simplicity of religious faith, linking him rather with the earlier Halle School, than with the spiritual sensuousness of some of his fellow contributors to the Cothnische Lieder. (1) The hymns by him in English common use are: i. Wach auf du Geist der crsten Zeugen. [Missions.] 1st pub. 1750, as above, No. 133, of 14 stanzas of 6 lines, entitled, "For faithful labourers in the Harvest of the Lord, for the blessed spread of the Word to all the world." Included in the Berlin G. L. S., ed. 1863, No. 1383.    Translated as:— Awake, Thou Spirit, Who of old. A good translation of st. i.-iii., v.-viii. by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica, 1st series, 1855, p. 41, and thence, omitting st. ii., altered in metre, and beginning, "Awake, Thou Spirit, Who didst fire," as No. 290 in the Pennsylvania Lutheran Church Book, 1868. In Miss Winkworth's Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 87, it is altered in metre to "Wake, Spirit, Who in times now olden," st: vii. being omitted, and this form is No. 190 in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. Another translation is "O spirit of the early martyrs, wake," in the British Herald, Oct. 1865, p. 151.   Not in common use: ii. Ich bin erlost durch xneines Mittler's Blut. [Passiontide.] 1750, as above, No. 330, in 10 stanzas of 9 lines, entitled, "The believer's consolation in death." J. C. Wagner in his Neues Hildburghausisches Gesang-Buch, 1807 (1808, No. 231), included a greatly altered form beginning, "Ich bin erlost! Es floss des Mittler's Blut." The text translation is that in Knapp's Ev. L. S., 1837, No. 503, based on st. i., iii., v.-vii. of the original. The only translation in common use is:— I am redeem'd! the purchase of that blood, from Knapp, by Dr. H. Mills in his Horae Germanica, 1845 (1856, p. 64); repeated, omitting stanza ii., as No. 125 in Stryker's Christian Chorals, 1885.(2) Hymns not in English common use:— iii. Du Hiiter Israel. [Morning.] 1750, as above, No. 7, in 15 stanzas translated as "Guardian of Israel, Thou," by H. J. Buckoll, 1842, p. 53. iv. Einer bliebt Konig, wenn allea erlieget. [Christ as King.] 1st in the large type ed., 1750, No. 367, in 10 stanzas translated as "One reigneth still, though all else may be failing," by Miss Burlingham, in the British Herald, Dec. 1865, p. 185, and repeated, as No. 394, in Reid's Praise Book, 1872. v. Heut ist dein Tag vorhanden. [Sunday Morning.] 1750, as above, No. 106, in 5 stanzas translated as "This is Thy day so glorious," by H. J. Buckoll, 1842, p. 8. vi. Hirt und Euter deiner Schaafe. [Spiritual Watchfulness] 1750, as above, No. 279, in 16 stanzas translated as "Great Shepherd of the sheep, No longer," in S. Jackson's translation of Bogatzky's Life, 1856, p. 187. vii. Jehovah, hoher Gott von Hacht und Starke. [The Almighty God.] At Schreibersdorf in the Riesengebirge in 1720, standing on an eminence, he viewed the distant mountains which at first he thought were clouds, and deeply impressed by the majesty, glory, and omnipotence of God, he wrote this hymn after returning to the house (Life, 1856, p. 51). Included, as No. 558, in the Sammluvg Geist- und lieblicher Lieder, Leipzig and Gorlitz, 1725, and repeated, 1750, as above, No. 263, in 12 stanzas as "Jehovah, God of boundless strength and might," by Miss Winkworth, 1869, p. 274. viii. 0 stilles Lamm, du hast fur mich gelitten. [Cross and Consolation.] 1750, as above, No. 305, in 7 stanzas translated as "O silent Lamb! for me Thou hast endured," by Mrs. Findlater, in Hymns from the Land of Luther, 1858 (p. 64, 1884, p. 122). -John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Ludvig M. Bjørn

1834 - 1908 Person Name: Ludv. M. Bjørn Topics: Added Hymns Author of "O Jesus, fra det Høie" in Salmebog for Lutherske Kristne i Amerika Ludvig Marinus Biorn, was born in Moss, Norway, September 7, 1835. His father was minister in the state c hurch of Norway, and some of his ancestors held high military and ecclesiastical postions in Slesvig. Biorn became a student at the University of Norway in 1855, graduating as a theological candidate in 1861. The following year he emigrated to America, being called as pastor by the congregation of the Norwegian Synod in Manitowac county, Wisconsin. Here Rev. Biorn met all the hardships incident to pioner life. The war, too, added to the difficulty. Company F, of the Fifteenth Wisconsin Regiment, was mostly taken from his congregation. In 1879 he removed to Goodhue County, to the congregations of Land and Minneola. The year before the crops of the Northwest were a failure, and Goodhue, with the rest of the counties of this section, were suffering from that failure. With his parishioners, he set to work with a will, enlarging h s congregations, establishing schools, forming missions and other societies in connection witht the church. He taught the young and the old, visited the sick, assisted the poor, and buried the dead. Reverend Biorn was one of the leaders of the Anti-Missourians in the great predestination controversy, and when, after the division of the synod, the United Church was organized out of three Norwegian Lutheran denominations, Reverand Biorn became the vice-president of the new body. The North, in 1893, said: "Reverend Biorn has a frank, honest, prepossessing face. He is a thorough bred gentleman, a popular preacher, an able writer, and last but not least, there is a vein of true poetry in his psychical makeup, which has found expression in a number of poems, two or three of which are gems of their kind." Reverend Biorn died June 14, 1908. He was first married to Bolette Fleisher who died in September 1881. In 1884 he married Mathilda Johnson, of Wittenburg, Wis. From History of Goodhue County Minnesota edited by Franklyn Curtiss-Wedge , Chcago: H. C. Cooper, Jr., & Co., 1909 (pp 405-406)

N. K. Arktander

Person Name: N. Arctander Topics: Sædvanlige Salmer til Høimesse; Common Hymns for High Mass; Aarvaagenhed; Første Søndag i Faste Til Hoimesse; First Sunday in Lent High Mass; Langfredag ad; Good Friday High Mass Translator of "Jesu, dine dybe Vunder" in M. B. Landstads Kirkesalmebog og "Nokre Salmar" ved Professor Dr. E. Blix, samt følgende tillæg

Justus Falckner

1672 - 1723 Person Name: Justus Falkner Topics: Added Hymns Author of "Op, I Kristne, ruster eder" in Salmebog for Lutherske Kristne i Amerika Falckner, Justus, from his interest as the first Lutheran clergyman ordained in America, demands a somewhat fuller notice than would otherwise be given. He was fourth son of Daniel Falckner, Lutheran pastor at Langenreinsdorf, Crimmitschau, Zwickau, Saxony, and was born there, Nov. 22, 1672. He entered the University of Halle, Jan. 20, 1693, as a student of theology under A. H. Francke; but on completing his course felt the responsibility of the ministerial office in the German Church of that time too great for him to undertake. Along with his elder brother Daniel, who had shortly before returned from America, we find Justus accepting at Rotterdam, April 23, 1700, a power of attorney for the sale of Penn's lands in Pennsylvania. In 1701 ten thousand acres of Penn's lands were sold to Provost Andreas Rudman and other Swedes residing on the Manatawny. By intercourse with Rudman or otherwise Justus was led to reconsider his views on the ministry, and was on Nov. 24, 1703, ordained in the Swedish Church of Wicacoa, Philadelphia, by Rudman, T. E. Björck, and Anders Sandel, all Swedish Pastors. His first charge was the pastoral oversight of the Dutch settlers on the Manatawny, near New Hannover; but shortly afterwards he was sent by Rudman to take his place as pastor of the Lutheran Congregations at New York and Albany. There he proved himself an earnest, faithful and diligent worker, ministering also as occasion permitted, until their organization became consolidated, to three congregations in New Jersey (on the Hackensack, in Bergen County, and on the Raritan) and two in the State of New York (Loonenburg and Neuburg). In 1723 the pastorate at New York became vacant either by the death or removal of Falckner. Michael Knoll, who became pastor at New York in 1732, states that Falckner died in 1723. The entries in Church registers which have been held to prove that when he felt the weight of years he retired to New Jersey as a smaller and easier field of labour, seem to he signed by a Daniel Falckner — whether brother, nephew, or son does not appear (manuscripts, &c, from Pastor Ko'hler, Langenreinsdorf; from Dr. B. M. Schmucker, Pottstown, Pennsylvania, &c. Details from these sources are given more fully in the Blatter fur Hymnologie, 1885, pp. 3-6). To his Catechism, the first known publication by a Lutheran minister in America (written in Dutch and published at New York, 1708, as Grondlyche Onderricht, &c), three hymns are appended which seem to be translations from the German. The only hymn by Falckner translate into English is:— Auf! ihr Christen, Christi Glieder. [Christian Warfare.] It seems to have been written while he was a student at Halle, and appears in the Geistreiches Gesang-Buch, Halle, 1697, p. 430, in 11 stanzas of 6 lines, entitled " Encouragement to conflict in the spiritual warfare." It is a vigorous and stirring hymn, and after its reception into Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, 1704, came into extended use, and is still found in many collections as in the Unverfälschter Liedersegen 1851. The only translation in common use is:— Rise, ye children of salvation, omitting stanza 4 in Mrs. Bevan's Songs of Eternal Life , 1858, p, 10. Three centos have come into use—the translations of stanzas 1, 3, 9 in Dr. Pagenstecher's Collection, 1864; of stanzas 1, 5, 9, 11 in the English Presbyterian Psalms & Hymns, 1867, and the Temple Hymn Book, 1867; and of stanzas 1, 5, 11 in Laudes Domini, N. Y., 1884. Another translation is: "If our all on Him we venture," a translation of stanza iii. as stanza ii. of No. 1064 in the Supplement of 1808 to the Moravian Hymn Book, 1801 (1886, No. 509). [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

J. Soeholdt

Person Name: Joh. Søholdt Topics: Added Hymns Author of "Ungdomsskare, Som i Fare" in Salmebog for Lutherske Kristne i Amerika

P. T. Foersom

Person Name: Peter Foersom Topics: Added Hymns Author of "Nu lukker sig mit Øie" in Salmebog for Lutherske Kristne i Amerika


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