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Tune Identifier:vater_unser_55345

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Chwalmy Boga za to szczerze

Hymnal: Śpiewnik Ewangelicki #91 (2002) Lyrics: 1 Chwalmy Boga za to szczerze, że nas rok po roku strzeże. Innych dość spotkało złego tego roku minionego. Nam zaś Boże miłościwy, dałeś z łaski rok szczęśliwy. 2 Ześlij nam rok w dary hojny, miły, dobry i spokojny; oddal od nas szkodę wszelką, nie karz głodem, biedą wielką, daj nam zdrowe dni, bądź z nami i nas nie karz chorobami. 3 Niech Twe słowo wśród nas gości, zachowując nas w świętości. Daj, byśmy się odnowili, świątobliwie w świecie żyli. Daj nam, Panie miłościwy, pokój trwały i prawdziwy! 4 Niech Twe Słowo i świętości u nas trwają w swej całości; rządź przez Ducha swego nami i naszymi zwierzchnościami, daj im mądrość, serce prawe, Tobie miłe, nam łaskawe. 5 Miej w opiece wszystkie stany, Boże øjcze uwielbiany, niech nas dobroć Twoja żywi, strzeże pokój Twój prawdziwy. Weź na koniec nas do raju z tego znikomego kraju! Topics: Rok kościelny Stary I Nowy Rok Languages: Polish Tune Title: VATER UNSER IM HIMMELREICH

Thou hidden source of calm repose

Author: Charles Wesley Hymnal: Christian Praise #114a (1957) Languages: English Tune Title: VATER UNSER

Not unto Us, O Lord of Heaven

Hymnal: Psalms for All Seasons #115B (2012) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Not unto us, O Lord of heaven, but unto you be glory given. In love and truth you do fulfill the counsels of your sovereign will; though nations fail your power to own, yet you still reign, and you alone. 2 The idol gods of heathen lands are but the work of human hands; they cannot see, they cannot speak, their ears are deaf, their hands are weak; like them shall be all those who hold to gods of silver and of gold. 3 So let us trust in God alone, the Lord, whose grace and power are known; and our complete allegiance yield to God who is our help and shield. Join, heaven and earth, in sweet accord; sing "Hallelujah, praise the Lord!" Topics: Biblical Names and Places Aaron; Biblical Names and Places Israel; Blessing; Elements of Worship Baptism; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Eternal Life; Faith; God as Shield; God's Will; God's Armor; God's Faithfulness; God's Glory; God's Goodness; God's Love; God's Name; Hope; Humanity Created by God; Idols and Idolatry; Lord's Prayer 1st petition (hallowed be your name); Lord's Prayer 7th petition (the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours…); Occasional Services New Year; Occasional Services Ordination and/or Installation; Questioning; Rejoicing; Suffering; Ten Commandments 2nd Commandment (do not make graven emages); Trust Scripture: Psalm 115 Tune Title: VATER UNSER
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Through midnight gloom from Macedon

Hymnal: The Hymnal Companion to the Book of Common Prayer with accompanying tunes (3rd ed., rev. and enl.) #118 (1893) Meter: Tune Title: VATER UNSER
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Deceit and Falsehood I Abhor

Hymnal: Psalms and Hymns to the Living God #119O (2023) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Deceit and falsehood I abhor, but love Thy law, Thy truth revealed; my steadfast hope is in Thy word; Thou art my refuge and my shield; the paths of sin I have not trod, but kept the precepts of my God. 2 According to Thy gracious word uphold me, Lord, deliver me; O do not let me be ashamed of patient hope and trust in Thee; O hold Thou me, and I shall stand and ever follow Thy command. 3 The froward Thou hast set at naught, who vainly wander from the right; the wicked Thou dost count as dross; Thy just decrees are my delight; for fear of Thee I stand in awe and rev'rence Thy most holy law. Topics: Instruction Scripture: Psalm 119:113-120 Languages: English Tune Title: VATER UNSER

Nimm von uns, Herr, du treuer Gott

Author: Martin Moller Hymnal: Evangelisches Kirchengesangbuch #119 (1969) Languages: German Tune Title: VATER UNSER IM HIMMELREICH
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O quickly come, dread Judge of all

Author: Lawrence Tuttiett Hymnal: Hymns of the Kingdom of God #121 (1910) Languages: English Tune Title: VATER UNSER

Jeg står for Gud, som all ting vet

Hymnal: Adoru kantante #123 (1971) First Line: Antaŭ la Ĉioscia nun Languages: Esperanto Tune Title: Vater Unser
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O quickly come, dread Judge of all

Hymnal: The University Hymn Book #123 (1912) Languages: English Tune Title: VATER UNSER

O God, Most Holy Are Thy Ways

Hymnal: Psalter Hymnal (Blue) #146 (1976) Meter: Topics: Providence, Divine; Shepherd, God, Christ As; Works of God ; Holiness Of God; Sea Scripture: Psalm 77 Languages: English Tune Title: THE LORD'S PRAYER (VATER UNSER)


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