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Showing 301 - 310 of 1,711Results Per Page: 102050

Lynda Faye

Person Name: L. F. Author of "Don't Ever Let Go Of My Hand" in Special Sacred Selections Linda Faye England

Joseph Fayez

Person Name: Joseph Fayez جوزيف فايز Author of "صليبي كان بدالك" جوزيف فايز

Maher Fayez

Person Name: Maher Fayez ماهر فايز Author of "في ابنه" ماهر فايز

Shadi Fayez

Person Name: Shadi Fayez شادي فايز Author of "فأنت كل ما أريد" شادي فايز

W. P. Faylor

Author of "Seeking to save"

J. S. Fearis

1867 - 1932 Person Name: J. S. F. Author of "As a Father" in Loyal Praise John Sylvester Fearis, 1867-1932 Born: Feb­ru­a­ry 5, 1867, Rich­land, Io­wa. Died: Sep­tem­ber 2, 1932, Lake Ge­ne­va, Wis­con­sin. Fearis’ fa­ther was a suc­cess­ful sing­ing school teach­er, and a paint­er by trade. At a young age, John learned to read mu­sic in his fa­ther’s classe­s. He was pas­sion­ate­ly fond of mu­sic, and, tak­ing less­ons on the reed or­gan, he was soon able to play in Sun­day school and church. Lat­er he took charge of the church choir, and taught sing­ing class­es in near­by towns. He wrote his first hymn tune at age 16. He event­u­al­ly joined the ed­it­or­i­al staff of the Choir Lead­er, pub­lished by the Lo­renz Pub­lish­ing Com­pa­ny in Day­ton, Ohio. Sources-- Choir Her­ald, De­cem­ber 1932, p. 219 Emurian, p. 17 Hall, pp. 393-4 Lyrics-- Brightly Beams Ano­ther Morn­ing Children’s Day Show Me the Way, My Shepherd What Com­fort to Our Hearts What Won­der­ful Love Is the Love Music-- Be Thou Ex­alt­ed Beautiful Isle of Some­where God May Call for You Little Rain­drops Promise Made to Mo­ther, The Songs in the Night Show Me the Way, My Shep­herd There’s Light for a Step Wherever He Leads Me I’ll Go

Mary Feary

Author of "O, be glad, ye children, blessed little children" in The Evergreen 19th Century We have little data on this author, except that Feary was her maiden name.

Melodie Feather

Editor of "" in Come Sing a Song with Me

William R. Featherston

1846 - 1873 Person Name: William R. Featherstone Author of "My Jesus, I Love Thee" in Favorite Hymns of Praise William Ralph Featherston(e) Canada 1846-1873. Born at Montreal, Quebec, Canada, he joined the Wesleyan Methodist Church there. He became a Christian at age 16 while in Toronto, and is thought to have written his famous hymn about the same time. He sent the poem to his aunt, Ms. E. Featherston Wilson and she gave it to a publisher. Adoniram. J Gordon, an evangelist, founder of Gordon College & Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, found the hymn in a 1870 London hymnal and was impressed with the words, but did not like the tune, so he composed the melody that has been used with the hymn ever since. Featherstone is thought to have married Julie R MacAlister in 1869 and that they had a son, John, in 1870. Featherstone died in Montreal at age 26. John Perry

David Featherstone

Translator of "Ĉion al Jesu' mi cedos" in TTT-Himnaro Cigneta


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