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Hymnal, Number:dwip1785

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Intemperance punished and pardoned; or, A Psalm for the Glutton and the Drunkard

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #CVIIc (1785) First Line: Vain man on foolish pleasures bent Lyrics: 1 Vain man on foolish pleasures bent, Prepares for his own punishment; What pains, what loathsome maladies From luxury and lust arise! 2 The drunkard feels his vitals waste; Yet drowns his health to please his taste; Till all his active powers are lost, And fainting life draws near the dust. 3 The glutton groans, and loathes to eat, His soul abhors delicious meat; Nature, with heavy loads opprest Would yield to death to be releas'd. 4 Then how the frighten'd sinners fly To GOD for help with earnest cry! He hears their groans, prolongs their breath, And saves them from approaching death. 5 No med'cines could effect the cure So quick, so easy, or so sure: The deadly sentence GOD repeals, He sends his sovereign word, and heals. 6 Oh may the sons of men record The wondrous goodness of the Lord! And let their thankful offering prove How they adore their Maker's love. Scripture: Psalm 107 Languages: English
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Deliverance from Storms and Shipwreck; or, The Seaman's Song

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #CVIId (1785) First Line: Would you behold the works of God Lyrics: 1 Would you behold the works of GOD, His wonders in the world abroad, With the bold mariner, survey The unknown regions of the sea. 2 They leave their native shores behind, And seize the favour of the wind! 'Till God command, and tempests rise That heave the ocean to the skies. 3 Now to the heavens they mount amain, Now sink to dreadful deeps again; What strange affrights young sailors feel, And like a staggering drunkard reel! 4 When land is far, and death is nigh, Lost to all hope, to GOD they cry: His mercy hears the loud address, And sends salvation in distress. 5 He bids the winds their wrath asswage, And stormy tempests cease to rage; The gladsome train their fears give o'er And hail with joy their native shore. 6 Oh may the sons of men record The wondrous goodness of the Lord! Let them their private offerings bring, And in the church his glory sing. Scripture: Psalm 107 Languages: English
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The Mariner's Psalm

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #CVIIe (1785) First Line: Thy works of glory, mighty Lord Lyrics: 1 Thy works of glory, mighty Lord, That rule the boisterous sea, The sons of courage shall record, Who tempt that dangerous way. 2 At thy command the winds arise, And swell the towering waves! The men astonish'd mount the skies, And sink in gaping graves. 3 [Again they climb the watery hills, And plunge in deeps again; Each like a tottering drunkard reels, And finds his courage vain. 4 Frighted to hear the tempest roar, They pant with fluttering breath; And hopeless of the distant shore, Expect immediate death.] 5 Then to the Lord they raise their cries; He hears the loud request, And orders silence thro' the skies, And lays the floods to rest. 6 Sailors rejoice to lose their fears, And see the storms allay'd: Now to their eyes the port appears; There let their vows be paid. 7 'Tis GOD that brings them safe to land; Let stupid mortals know That waves are under his command, And all the winds that blow. 8 Oh that the sons of men would praise The goodness of the Lord! And those that see thy wondrous ways, Thy wondrous love record. Scripture: Psalm 107 Languages: English
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Colonies planted; or, Nations blest and punished

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #CVIIf (1785) First Line: When God, provok'd with daring crimes Lyrics: 1 When GOD, provok'd with daring crimes, Scourges the madness of the times, He turns their fields to barren sand, And dries the rivers from the land. 2 His word can raise the springs again, And make the wither'd mountains green, Send showery blessings from the skies; And harvests in the desert rise. 3 [Where nothing dwelt but beasts of prey, Or men as fierce and wild as they, He bids th' opprest and poor repair, And builds them towns and cities there. 4 They sow the fields, and trees they plant, Whose yearly fruit supplies their want; Their race grows up from fruitful stocks, Their wealth increases with their flocks. 5 Thus they are blest; but if they sin, He lets the heathen nations in, A savage crew invades their lands, Their princes die by barbarous hands. 6 Their captive sons, expos'd to scorn, Wander unpity'd and forlorn; The country lies unfenc'd, untill'd, And desolation spreads the field. 7 Yet if the humbled nation mourns, Again his dreadful hand he turns: Again he makes their cities thrive, And bids the dying churches live.] 8 The righteous with a joyful sense Admire the works of providence; And tongues of atheists shall no more Blaspheme the GOD that saints adore. 9 How few with pious care record These wondrous dealings of the Lord! But wise observers still shall find The Lord is holy, just and kind. Scripture: Psalm 107 Languages: English
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A Song of Praise

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #CVIII (1785) First Line: Awake, my soul, to sound his praise Lyrics: 1 Awake, my soul, to sound his praise, Awake my harp to sing; Join all my powers the song to raise, And morning incense bring. 2 Among the people of his care, And thro' the nations round; Glad songs of praise will I prepare, And there his name resound. 3 Be thou exalted, O my GOD, Above the starry train; Diffuse thy heavenly grace abroad, And teach the world thy reign. 4 So shall thy chosen sons rejoice, And throng thy courts above; While sinners hear thy pardoning voice, And taste redeeming love. Scripture: Psalm 108 Languages: English
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Love to Enemies from the Example of Christ

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #CIX (1785) First Line: God of mercy and my praise Lyrics: 1 God of my mercy and my praise, Thy glory is my song; Tho' Sinners speak against thy grace With a blaspheming tongue. 2 When in the form of mortal man Thy son on earth was found; With cruel slanders false and vain, They compass'd him around. 3 Their mis'ries his compassion move, Their peace he still pursu'd; They render hatred for his love, And evil for his good. 4 Their malice rag'd without a cause, Yet with his dying breath He pray'd for murd'rers on his cross, And blest his foes in death. 5 Lord, shall thy bright example shine In vain before my eyes; Give me a soul a-kin to thine, To love mine enemies. 6 The Lord shall on my side engage, And in my Saviour's name I shall defeat their pride and rage, Who slander and condemn. Scripture: Psalm 109:1-5 Languages: English
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Christ exalted, and Multitudes converted; or, The Success of the Gospel

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #CXa (1785) First Line: Thus God th' eternal Father spake Lyrics: 1 Thus GOD th' eternal Father spake To Christ the Son: "Ascend and sit "At my right-hand, 'till I shall make "Thy foes submissive at thy feet. 2 "From Zion shall thy word proceed, "Thy word, the sceptre in thy hand, "Shall make the hearts of rebels bleed, "And bow their wills to thy command. 3 "That day shall shew thy power is great, "When saints shall flock with willing minds, "And sinners crowd thy temple-gate, "Where holiness in beauty shines." 4 "O blessed power! O glorious day! "What a large vict'ry shall ensue; "And converts, who thy grace obey, "Exceed the drops of morning dew. Scripture: Psalm 110 Languages: English
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The Kingdom and Priesthood of Christ

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #CXb (1785) First Line: Thus the great Lord of earth and sea Lyrics: 1 Thus the great Lord of earth and sea Spake to his Son, and thus he swore; "Eternal shall thy priesthood be, "And change from hand to hand no more. 2 "Aaron, and all his sons, must die: "But everlasting life is thine, "To save forever those that fly "For refuge from the wrath divine. 3 "By me Melchisedec was made "On earth a king and priest at once; "And thou, my heavenly priest shalt plead, "And thou, my king shalt rule my sons." 4 Jesus the priest ascends his throne, While counsels of eternal peace, Between the father and the son, Proceed with honour and success. 5 Thro' the whole earth his reign shall spread, And crush the powers that dare rebel: Then shall he judge the rising dead, And send the guilty world to hell. 6 Tho' while he treads his glorious way, He drinks the cup of threats and blood, The sufferings of that dreadful day Shall but advance him near to GOD. Scripture: Psalm 110 Languages: English
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Christ's Kingdom and Priesthood

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #CXc (1785) First Line: Jesus, our Lord ascend thy throne Lyrics: 1 Jesus, our Lord ascend thy throne, And near the Father sit; In Zion shall thy power be known, And make thy foes submit. 2 What wonders shall thy gospel do! Thy converts shall surpass The numerous drops of morning-dew, And own thy sovereign Grace. 3 GOD hath pronounc'd a firm decree, Nor changes what he swore: "Eternal shall thy priesthood be, "When Aaron is no more. 4 "Melchisedec, that wondrous priest, "That king of high degree, "That holy man who Abraham blest, "Was but a type of thee." 5 Jesus our priest forever lives To plead for us above; Jesus our King forever gives The blessings of his love. 6 GOD shall exalt his glorious head, And his high throne maintain, Shall strike the powers and princes dead, Who dare oppose his reign. Scripture: Psalm 110 Languages: English
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The Wisdom of GOD in his Works

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #CXIa (1785) First Line: Songs of immortal praise belong Lyrics: 1 Songs of immortal praise belong To my almighty GOD; He has my heart, and he my tongue To spread his name abroad. 2 How great the works his hands has wrought! How glorious in our sight! And men in every age have sought His wonders with delight. 3 How fair and beauteous nature's frame! How wise th' eternal mind! His counsels never change the scheme That his first thoughts design'd. 4 When he redeem'd his chosen sons, He fix'd his covenant sure; The orders that his lips pronounce, To endless years endure. 5 Nature and time, and earth and skies, Thy heavenly skill proclaim; What shall we do to make us wise, But learn to read thy name? 6 To fear thy power, to trust thy grace; Is our divinest skill! And he's the wisest of our race That best obeys thy will. Scripture: Psalm 111 Languages: English


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