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Hymnal, Number:dwip1785

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What shall I render to my God

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #CXVIb (1785) Lyrics: 1 What shall I render to my GOD For all his kindness shown? My feet shall visit thine abode, My songs address thy throne. 2 Among the saints that fill thine house My offerings shall be paid; There shall my zeal perform the vows My soul in anguish made. 3 How much is mercy thy delight, Thou ever-blessed GOD! How dear thy servants in thy sight? How precious is their blood? 4 How happy all thy servants are! How great thy grace to me! My life which thou hast made thy care, Lord, I devote to thee. 5 Now I am thine, forever thine, Nor shall my purpose move; Thy hand hath loos'd my bonds of pain, And bound me with thy love. 6 Here in thy courts I leave my vow, And thy rich grace record; Witness, ye saints, who hear me now, If I forsake the Lord. Scripture: Psalm 116:12-19 Languages: English
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Praise to GOD from all Nations

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #CXVIIa (1785) First Line: O all ye nations, praise the Lord Lyrics: 1 O all ye nations, praise the Lord, Each with a diff'rent tongue; In every language learn his word, And let his name be sung. 2 His mercy reigns thro' every land; Proclaim his grace abroad; Forever firm his truth shall stand; Praise ye the faithful GOD. Scripture: Psalm 117 Languages: English
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From all that dwell below the skies

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #CXVIIb (1785) Lyrics: 1 From all that dwell below the skies Let the Creator's praise arise: Let the Redeemer's name be sung, Thro' every land, by every tongue. 2 Eternal are thy mercies, Lord, Eternal truth attends thy word; Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore, 'Till suns shall rise and set no more. Scripture: Psalm 117 Languages: English
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Thy name, almighty Lord

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #CXVIIc (1785) Lyrics: 1 Thy name, almighty Lord, Shall sound through distant lands; Great is thy grace, and sure thy word; Thy truth forever stands. 2 Far be thine honour spread, And long thy praise endure, Till morning light and evening shade Shall be exchang'd no more. Scripture: Psalm 117 Languages: English
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Deliverance from a Tumult

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #CXVIIIa (1785) First Line: The Lord appears my helper now Lyrics: 1 The Lord appears my helper now, Nor is my faith afraid What all the sons of earth can do, Since heaven affords its aid. 2 'Tis safer, Lord, to hope in thee, And have my GOD my friend, Than trust in men of high degree, And on their truth depend. 3 'Tis thro' the Lord my heart is strong, In him my lips rejoice; While his salvation is my song, How cheerful is my voice! 4 Like angry bees they girt me round; When GOD appears they fly: So burning thorns with crack'ling sound Make a fierce blaze, and die. 5 Joy to the saints and peace belongs; The Lord protects their days: Let Israel tune immortal songs To his Almighty grace. Scripture: Psalm 118:6-15 Languages: English
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Publick Praise for Deliverance from Death

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #CXVIIIb (1785) First Line: Lord, thou hast heard thy servant cry Lyrics: 1 Lord, thou hast heard thy servant cry, And rescu'd from the grave; Now shall he live: (and none can die, If God resolve to save.) 2 Thy praise more constant than before, Shall fill his daily breath; Thy hand that hath chastis'd him sore Defends him still from death. 3 Open the gates of Zion now, For we shall worship there, The house where all the righteous go Thy mercy to declare. 4 Among th' assemblies of thy saints Our thankful voice we raise; There we have told thee our complaints, And there we speak thy praise. Scripture: Psalm 118:17-21 Languages: English
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Christ the Foundation of the Church

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #CXVIIIc (1785) First Line: Behold the sure foundation stone Lyrics: 1 Behold the sure foundation stone Which GOD in Zion lays, To build our heavrnly hopes upon, And his eternal praise. 2 Chosen of God, to sinners dear, And saints adore the name, They trust their whole salvation here, Nor shall they suffer shame. 3 The foolish builders, scribe and priest, Reject it with disdain; Yet on this rock the church shall rest, And envy rage in vain. 4 What tho' the gates of hell withstood? Yet must this building rise: 'Tis thy own work, Almighty GOD, And wondrous in our eyes. Scripture: Psalm 118:22-23 Languages: English
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Hosannah; the Lord's day; or, Christ's Resurrection and our Salvation

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #CXVIIId (1785) First Line: This is the day the Lord hath made Lyrics: 1 This is the day the Lord hath made, He calls the hours his own; Let heaven rejoice, let earth be glad, And praise surround the throne. 2 To day he rose and left the dead; And Satan's empire fell; To day the saints his triumphs spread, And all his wonders tell. 3 Hosannah to th' anointed king, To David's holy son, Help us, O Lord; descend and bring Salvation from thy throne. 4 Blest be the Lord, who comes to men With messages of grace; Who comes in GOD his father's name To save our sinful race. 5 Hosannah in the highest strains The Church on earth can raise; The highest heavens, in which he reigns, Shall give him nobler praise. Scripture: Psalm 118:24-26 Languages: English
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An Hosannah for the Lord's-Day; or, A new song of Salvation by Christ

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #CXVIIIe (1785) First Line: See what a living stone Lyrics: 1 See what a living stone The builders did refuse; Yet GOD hath built his church thereon In spite of envious Jews. 2 The scribe and angry priest Reject thine only Son; Yet on this rock shall Zion rest, As the chief corner-stone. 3 The work, O Lord, is thine, And wondrous in our eyes: This day declares it all divine, This day did Jesus rise. 4 This is the glorious day That our Redeemer made; Let all rejoice and sing, and pray, Let all the church be glad. 5 Hosannah to the king Of David's royal blood: Bless him, ye saints, he comes to bring Salvation from your GOD. 6 We bless thine holy word Which all this grace displays; And offer at your altar, Lord, Our sacrifice of praise. Scripture: Psalm 118:22-27 Languages: English
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An Hosannah for the Lord's Day; or, A new Song of Salvation by Christ

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #CXVIIIf (1785) First Line: Lo! what a glorious corner stone Lyrics: 1 Lo! what a glorious corner stone The Jewish builders did refuse: But God hath built his church thereon, In spite of envy and the Jews. 2 Great GOD, the work is all divine, The joy and wonder of our eyes; This is the day that proves it thine, The day that saw our Saviour rise. 3 Sinners rejoice, and saints be glad; Hosannah, let his name be blest; A thousand honours on his head, With peace, and light, and glory rest! 4 In God's own name he comes to bring Salvation to our dying race; Let the whole church address their king With hearts of joy, and songs of praise. Scripture: Psalm 118:22-27 Languages: English


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