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Scripture:Psalm 139:13-18

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Mi pensamiento eres tú, Señor

Hymnal: Celebremos Su Gloria #401 (1992) Scripture: Psalm 139:7-18 Lyrics: Mi pensamiento eres tú, Señor, Mi pensamiento eres tú, Señor, Mi pensamiento eres tú, Señor, Mi pensamiento eres tú, Señor. Porque tú eres mi buen pastor, me alimentas con tu amor, y tu Palabra me da vigor, seguro estoy; Porque tú eres mi buen pastor, me alimentas con tu amor, y tu Palabra me da vigor, seguro estoy. Topics: Amor de Dios; Love Of God; Biblia; Bible; Comunión con Dios; Communion with God; Cuidado Divino; Divine Care Languages: Spanish Tune Title: PENSAMIENTO
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'Tis thus in solitude I roam

Author: Rev. Thomas Cogswell Upham (1799-1872) Hymnal: Carmina Sanctorum, a selection of hymns and songs of praise with tunes #519 (1886) Scripture: Psalm 139 Topics: The Christian Life Languages: English Tune Title: WELTON

Lavish Love, Abundant Beauty

Author: Peter Ellis, 1950- Hymnal: The Covenant Hymnal #641 (1996) Meter: D Scripture: Psalm 139:13-16 Topics: God Love; Stewardship and Giving Tune Title: PLEADING SAVIOR
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In Water We Grow

Author: Brian Wren, 1936- Hymnal: Worship and Rejoice #678 (2003) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 139:13-16 First Line: In water we grow, secure in the womb Lyrics: 1 In water we grow, secure in the womb, and speechlessly know love's safety and room. Baptizing and blessing, we publish for good the freeing, caressing safekeeping of God. 2 In water we wash: the dirt of each day, its trouble and rush are carried away. In Christ recreated by love's cleansing art, self will and self hatred dissolve and depart. 3 In water we dive, and cannot draw breath, then surface alive, rebounding from death. Our old self goes under, in Christ dead and drowned. We rise, washed in wonder, by love clad and crowned. 4 In water we dwell, for by its deep flow through bloodstream and cell, we live, think, and grow. Praise God, love outflowing, whose well of new birth baptizes our knowing, and waters the earth. Languages: English Tune Title: STANLEY BEACH

Canción del Profeta

Author: Emilio Vicente Matéu, siglo XX Hymnal: Flor Y Canto (2nd ed.) #695 (2001) Scripture: Psalm 139 First Line: Ya antes que hubieras nacido Refrain First Line: Tú me llamas, Señor Topics: Amor; Confianza; Esperanza; Fe; Iglesia Peregrina; Luz; Ministerio y Misión; Oracion; Quince Años (Quinceañeras); Ritos de la Iglesia Reconciiación; Ritos de la Iglesia Rito de la Profesión Religiosa Languages: Spanish Tune Title: [Ya antes que hubieras nacido]

Psalm 139

Hymnal: The United Methodist Hymnal #854 (1989) Scripture: Psalm 139 First Line: Search me, O God, and know my heart Refrain First Line: Search me, O God, and know my heart Lyrics: Response: (General) Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my thoughts. Topics: Psalter Languages: English Tune Title: [Search me, O God, and know my heart]
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To the chief Musicain, A Psalm of David

Hymnal: The Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New-Testament #PCXXXIX (1742) Scripture: Psalm 139 First Line: O Lord, thou dost me search and know Lyrics: 1 O Lord, thou dost me search and know, Thou know'st my sitting down, 2 My rising up, my thought also To thee far off is known. 3 Thou fann'st my path and lying down, And all my ways kmow'st well. 4 For !o each word that's in my tongue, Lord, thou can'st fully tell. 5 Behind thou gird'st me, and before, On me dost lay thine hand 6 Such high and wond'rous skill is more Than I can comprehend. 7 Where shall I from thy spirit go? Or from thy face where fiy? 8 If heav'n I climb thou there? lo thou If down in hell I lie. 9 If morning wings I take, and dwell Where utmost sea-coasts be. 10 Ev'n there thy hand conduct me shall, And thy right hand hold me. 11 Yea darkness sure shall cover me, If that I thus shall say: Then shall the night about me be Like to the lightsome day. 12 Yea darkness darkneth not from thee, But like the day shines night: Alike unto thee both these be, The darkness and the light. [2] 13 For thou my reins possessed hast, And also cover'd me, Within my mother's womb thou hast. 14 My praise shall be of thee; Because that 1 am fashion'd thus In fearful wond'rous wise; And that thy works are marvellous, My soul right well descries. 15 From thee my substance was not hid, When closely made was I; And when that I was fashioned In earth's deeps curiously. 16 Thine eyes did on my substance look, When yet I wanted frame: And all my members in thy book Were written down by name. Which day by day should fashion'd be, When none of them were come. 17 How precious are thy thoughts to me, God! how great's their sum? 18 If I of them account should take, More than the sands they be. And still when that I do awake, I present am with thee. [3] 19 O God, thou surely wilt them slay That wicked persons be; Depart therefore from hence away, Ye men of blood, from me. 20 Because that they against thee do Speak in mischievous wise. Thy name in vain they take also, Who are thine enemies. 21 Jehovah, hate I not the men That thee do hate? likewise Am I not sore aggriev'd with them That up against thee rise? 22 With perfect hate them hate do I, I take them for my foes. 23 Search me, O God, my heart descry, Try me, my thoughts disclose. 24 Behold in me if fhat there be Ev'n any wicked way; And in the way conduct thou me That doth endure for aye. Languages: English
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A Psalm of David

Hymnal: The Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament, faithully translated into English metre #PCXXXIX (1758) Scripture: Psalm 139 First Line: O Lord, thou dost me search and know Lyrics: 1 O Lord, Thou dost me search and know: 2 Thou know'st my sitting down; My rising up, and all my tho'ts, to Thee far off are known. 3 Thou compassest my path and bed, and knowest all my ways: 4 And ev'ry word that moves my tongue, O LORD, thine eye surveys. 5 Thou hast best me round about, and on me laid thy hand. 6 Such knowledge wondrous is to me, too high to understand. 7 Where shall I from thy spirit go; or from thy presence fly? 8 If heav'n I climb, lo Thou art There; There if in hell I lie. 9 If morning wings I take, and dwell where utmost sea coasts are; 10 Ev'n there thy hand shall lead me on, and thy right hand me bear. 11 Or if I say, the darkness shall conceal me from thy sight; The darkest night shall then to Thee, around me, all be light. 12 For darkness darkens not to Thee; but night as day shines clear: Thick darkness and the shining light to Thee alike appear. [2 Part] 13 Because thou hast possest my reigns, and safely cover'd me Within my tender mother's womb; 14 my praise shall be of Thee; For fearfully and wondrously, Thou didst my frame compose; Thy works in me are marvellous; and that my soul well knows. 15 When first I was in secret made, my substance Thou didst know; while I most curiously was wrought, as in dark caves below. 16 Thine eyes my shapeless substance saw and written in thy book Were all my members tho' not made, which after fashion took. 17 How precious also to my soul are thy sweet thoughts become? O God, how numerous they grow, how vast their growing sum? 18 If I should number them, their sum more than the sand would be: And still whenever I awake I present am with Thee. [3 Part] 19 O God, Thou surely wilt them slay, who wicked persons are: And therefore all ye men of blood, depart from me afar. 20 For they against Thee wickedly speak out with tongues profane: And they who are thine enemies, take thy great name in vain. 21 JEHOVAH! hate I not all those, who hatred show to Thee? And those who up against The rise, am I not griev'd to see? 22 Yea I abhor them utterly, who up against Thee rise; And all who show themselves thy foes, I count mine enemies. 23 O gracious God, I beg Thee make a thorough search of me; And know my heart, me strictly try, my thoughts within me see. 24 And see if any way of sin in me indulged be; And in thy way to endless bliss for ever lead Thou me. Languages: English
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Our righteousness must far exceed

Hymnal: Church Hymn Book #CVIII (1816) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 139 Lyrics: 1 Our righteousness must far exceed That of the Pharisees indeed; It must be of a diff'rent kind, Such as renews the heart and mind. 2 To sing and pray, and make a show, Is what the hypocrite can do; May seem to act the christian part, Yet not the cause of Christ at heart. 3 Where grace divine, reigns not within, The mind is still attach'd to sin; The best devotion, dead and cold, As was the Pharisees of old. 4 But diff'rent is the b'lievers state, He will not live at such a rate; His case unto himself is known, He pleads, no merits of his own. 5 He pleads not for self-righteousness, But all he pleads is pard'ning grade; All which he trusts he shall partake, And that alone for Jesus sake. 6 He gains that faith which works by love, And all within him live and move In Christ his Saviour, and his God, Who hath redeem'd him with his blood. 7 Here is the christian set to view: Lord grant that I may be such too; Grant me that righteousness I need, Which does the Pharisees exceed. Topics: Sixth Sunday after Trinity Languages: English
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Ye Christian men pray notice well!

Hymnal: Church Hymn Book #XLI (1816) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 139 Lyrics: 1 Ye Christian men pray notice well! Our Saviour in the Parable Does clearly prove and plainly show, What Satan in the Church can do. 2 The Church is to a field compar'd, Well cultivated and prepar'd: And where the Gospel truth is b'liev'd, There is the Gospel seed receiv'd. 3 But when the watchmen fall to sleep, And they neglect their guard to keep, The enemy soon interfer's, And sows the field with seeds of tares. 4 Such ever was the Churches case, The formal Christian void of grace: Is like the tares among the wheat, When rightly prov'd is but a cheat. 5 But lest the wheat be pluck'd up too, The tares among the wheat must grow: There to remain till harvest day, Till they are search'd and cast away. 6 This Parable will shew us plain, That Saints and Sinners will remain: As members of his Church and State, Till Jesus comes to separate. 7 How careful then ought we attend! To watch and pray unto the end; Till all our trials shall be past, Lest we should prove but tares at last. Topics: Fifth Sunday after Epiphany Languages: English


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