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Tune Identifier:"^st_columba_irish$"

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Showing 41 - 50 of 62Results Per Page: 102050

Our Messiah Came

Author: Tamra N. Lee Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Our Messiah came for all mankind Lyrics: 1 Our Messiah came for all mankind, To bring us back to God! For we like sheep had gone astray, We all the broad road trod. 2 It broke His heart to see us go And perish in our sin; So Jesus came from Heav’n to earth Our souls from hell to win. 3 In Bethlehem our king was born, And in a manger lay; The prophet Micah did foretell: His goings forth for aye. 4 His life was filled with doing good, And teaching men of peace; His holiness, His truth and love Brought proud men to their knees. 5 The Jewish rulers hated Him, And plotted to destroy The heav’nly King whose life did bring The way of peace and joy. And when they’d scourged and beaten Him, They hung Him on a tree; With nails and spear His hands and side Were pierced for you and me. But death could not restrain our Lord, For He is King of life! And bursting from the darkened tomb, Conquered Satan, sin and strife. Dear Savior how can I give thanks For giving me Your grace? I’ll give my life, my love, my all, Forever sing Your praise! Used With Tune: ST. COLUMBA

O Joy Of Earth!

Author: John H. Anketell Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: O joy of earth! A Savior’s birth Lyrics: 1 O joy of earth! A Savior’s birth To fallen man is granted; The song of love is sung above, And shepherds hear it chanted. 2 Their wakeful eyes with glad surprise See white-robed angels shining; The ravished ear a song can hear, All melody combining: 3 "Be glory given in highest Heaven, To God through years unending; On earth may peace and love increase God will to men descending." 4 In haste they seek that Infant meek, Whose cradle is a manger, And at His feet with homage meet They hail the Heaven-born stranger. 5 And we with them in Bethlehem Will seek the Lord of glory, Will sing His praise through endless days And tell His wondrous story. 6 Sweet Babe, so frail! The thorn, the nail Shall cause Thee bitter sorrow; But soon Thy night shall end in light, And bring an Easter morrow. 7 Thy star divine shall ever shine To guide the pilgrim stranger; While faith shall own Thy love alone, And worship at Thy manger! Used With Tune: ST. COLUMBA Text Sources: Gospel and Epistle Hymns for the Christian Year (New York: The Church Record Company, 1889)

The Heavenly Song

Author: Jessie G. McCartee Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: All hail to Thee! All hail to Thee! Lyrics: 1 All hail to Thee! All hail to Thee! Thou Lamb enthroned in glory; We’ll praise Thee through eternity, And cast our crowns before Thee. 2 No more the helpless babe who slept In Bethlehem’s lowly manger, Nor man of sorrow, He who wept, On earth a lonely stranger. 3 No thorny crown around Thy brow, No more in anguish bleeding, Angelic hosts before Thee bow, But not for mercy pleading. 4 Thy blood-bought flock all safely rest Within Thy fold in Heaven, Their happy souls forever blest, Their many sins forgiven. All hail to Thee! All hail to Thee! Thou Lamb enthroned in glory; We’ll praise Thee through eternity, And cast our crowns before Thee. Used With Tune: ST. COLUMBA

My Life's Fountain

Author: Jessie A. Lee Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: My Saviour, Father, Guide and Friend Lyrics: 1 My Saviour, Father, Guide and Friend, A solace to the mourning, A wise Creator, powerful Hand; A Judge to the scorning. 2 He leads me by His loving hand, His gentle voice does guide me; He vowed that He would ne’er forsake And always walk beside me. 3 When I am frightened He is there To comfort and sustain me. His words give wisdom to my ear, And peace will always claim me. 4 My Saviour has made me to go With Him o’er plain or mountain; And I will gladly follow Him, For He is my life’s fountain. Used With Tune: ST. COLUMBA

Of All The Happy Golden Days

Author: D. Rand Pierce Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 Of all the happy golden days, The heav’nly Father gives us, None can surpass for joy and praise, The gladsome tide of Christmas. 2 How sad and dark the world became, The blessèd Bible tells us, Till in a stall, at Bethlehem, Was born the baby Jesus. 3 Within the inn there was no room To place the little Stranger, So in a cattle cave of gloom They laid Him in a manger. 4 How little dreamed that silent town Of all the midnight wonder, When Christ the Lord of Heav’n came down To break sin’s bands asunder. 5 And to the shepherds, that same night, An angel told the story, And off they hastened with delight, And found the Lord of glory. 6 And then a wondrous star had led The wise men, too, to travel, Far from the East, with weary tread, To see this kingly marvel. 7 And when they found the Savior dear, Within the lowly manger, They worshipped Him, and presents rare They gave the little Stranger. 8 We love to tell how Jesus came, The blessèd Lord of glory, For His is now the sweetest name In any song or story. 9 And gifts are dearer when we know That Jesus first was given; For God did love this lost world so He gave His Son from Heaven. 10 So let the whole wide world be glad For all the joy it gives us, For how could any one be sad On such a day as Christmas! Used With Tune: ST. COLUMBA Text Sources: The Heavenly Pilgrim and Other Poems (Fitchburg, Mass.: D. Rand Pierce, 1909)

Incarnation Hymn

Author: Neil Barham Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: In mute astonishment and awe Lyrics: 1. In mute astonishment and awe, The angels learn God’s plan To send His Uncreated Son Down to the Earth—as Man! 2. From Light Eternal shines the Light, And Satan’s night is ended; Its brilliance breaks upon the world In day uncomprehended. 3. The Word, enfleshed, invades His world, And speaks the words of life: Lay down your arms, my rebel sons; Be reconciled from strife. 4. Immortal God, yet mortal man, With men He makes His dwelling, And we behold His glory here, In grace beyond all telling. 5. His grace and truth, His abundant love, His grand, gigantic meekness Appear to us in human form, In omnipotent weakness. 6. Incarnate God, embrace me now, And by your Spirit’s art, Enflesh the Word of God anew Within my yielded heart. Used With Tune: ST. COLUMBA

A Diligent and Grateful Heart

Author: Raymond Gunn, 1925 - Appears in 3 hymnals Topics: Call; Commitment; Ministry; Ordination; Service; Sharing; Stewardship; Thanks, Thanksgiving Used With Tune: ST. COLUMBA

Beneath the Forms of Outward Rite

Author: James A. Blaisdell, 1867-1957; Barbara Howard, 1930 - Appears in 17 hymnals Topics: Community; Fellowship; Incarnation; Lord's Supper; Love; New Life Scripture: John 6:33-34 Used With Tune: ST. COLUMBA

The Bible Is a Brilliant Lamp

Author: Richard W. Adams Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1. The Bible is a brilliant lamp, Given to light up our way, To show our feet the way to tread, To turn darkness into day. 2. To teach to us the Father’s love, And the Evil One’s cruel hate, To show the path round many snares, The way to the pearly gate. 3. Given to all who truly seek, For wisdom, meaning and love, Instruction in life’s mysteries, The way to Heaven above. 4. And once you grasp the lamp, do not Hoard that brilliant, precious light, But share with all the radiant beam, And watch it conquer the night. The Lamp 5. I once planned a far off journey, Thinking easy was the way; Full of confidence and eager, Though I had no guide that day. 6. I had maps offered by strangers, Some seemed sage and wise, but they Admitted, when I pressed for more They had never been that way. 7. Others, smooth of tongue, persuasive, Gave assurances that they Knew of a secret canyon path Guaranteed to speed my way. 8. I marveled at my good fortune, To have found such ones that told The easy way to reach my goal, A city of jeweled gold. 9. With my preparations finished, I was ready to embark, But the sun had long departed, The highway silent and dark. 10. The courage that I’d felt within The warm and brightly lit room Had fled away—I was alone Standing in icy cold gloom. 11. But not alone! I saw a man Come up, a lamp in his hand; Use this, he said. The darkness hides Snares and traps throughout the land. 12. The lamp, a dusty, worn relic, Would surely a weak beam yield, No use on stygian byway, No help in ebony field. 13. More power than you know, my friend, To pierce the darkest of night. It saved my life full many time, Whenever I sought its light. 14. I did not see how the ancient Antique could still have a power, But polite, I took it and left The old man, pleading the hour. 15. In the death cold dark I wandered The path dismal, fell and drear, Groping for landmarks in the black Wondering—could I be near? 16. Was that river, serpent coiled? Was that the lightning rent tree? Was that the canyon through the hills To the city waiting for me? 17. O, for a moon to shed its rays And help me make out the ground; But thickest cloud hid moon and stars In a joyless gloom profound. 18. But suddenly, I thought, The lamp! I’d had it all through the night! Desperately, I pulled it out, Praying, O Lord, give me light. 19. Opened, the lamp began to glow As though from an inner power; I naught had done, but on its own Could it guide me and save the hour? 20. By gaping maw of canyon dark I stood, the lamp held on high; I saw the glint of waiting swords, As spider awaits the fly. The lying lips, the honeyed tongues, Had led to the verge of doom; I almost fell into the trap They laid in that warm, bright room. They only cared for self, not me, Lust, boasting and greed their god; They feared not justice, only cared For pleasure bought with my blood. With thanks to Heav’n that by the lamp I escaped the dark side’s snare, I fled away, on eagle wings, Clutching lamp as bright as e’er. I now could see the stone and root That in dark had made me fall; And then, at last, at breaking dawn, Loomed the city’s jasper wall. But who was that, by gate of pearl, With open arms of greeting? The old man from the inn it was; O, what a strange, glad meeting! How came you here before me, when You had no lamp to guide you? “Oh, but I did—I merely shared That lamp of power beside you. “That is the wonder of the lamp: You share it time and again, And still you have its brilliant light To help find your journey’s end. For you see, you never lose it, E’en though you give it away, The light of love shines as brightly As it did on God’s first day. The Bible is a brilliant lamp, Given to light up our way, To show our feet the way to tread, To turn darkness into day. To teach to us the Father’s love, And the Evil One’s cruel hate, To show the path round many snares, The way to the pearly gate. Given to all who truly seek, For wisdom, meaning and love, Instruction in life’s mysteries, The way to Heaven above. And once you grasp the lamp, do not Hoard that brilliant, precious light, But share with all the radiant beam, And watch it conquer the night. THE LAMP © 2001 Richard W. AdamsThis poem may be freely reproduced or published for Christian worship or devotions,provided it is not altered, and this notice is on each copy. All other rights reserved. Used With Tune: ST. COLUMBA

O dearest Lord, Thy sacred brow

Author: Fr. Andrew, S. D. C. Appears in 35 hymnals Used With Tune: ST. COLUMBA


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