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Hymnal, Number:nvpd1752

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With them that strive, and fight with me

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #59 (1752) Lyrics: 1. With them that strive, and fight with me, Fight Lord; my Cause defend. 2. Seise Shield, and Buckler, and arise, Me, with thine Aid, befriend. 5. Advance thy pointed Spear, and stop My Persecutor's Way; In Mercy, to my trembling Soul, I'm thy Salvation, say. 4. Confounded, and asham'd, be they Who would my Soul surprise; Turn back, and to Confusion bring, All that my Hurt devise. 5. Drive them, as Chaff before the Wind Let them thine Angel chase. 6. Both dark, and slip'ry, make their Way; And with swift Vengeance trace. 7. For, unprovok'd, they, for my Soul, Have dig'd, and spread their Net. 8. With sudden Ruin, plunge him down Into the Toyls he set, 9. Then, to the Lord, my grateful Soul Shall shout her Thankfulness; In his Salvation I'll rejoice. And my Deliv'rer bless. 10. My Bones, preserv'd, shall say, O Lord, Who may with Thee compare Who frees the helpless from the strong, And Poor from Spoiler's Snare. Second Part 11. False Witness rose, and charged me, With Crimes I never knew. 12. They me reward with Ill, for Good; My very Life pursue. 13. But I, when they were sick, myself With Sack-cloth did invest; With Fasts I mourned, and my Pray'r Return'd into my Breast. 14. Had he, my Friend, or Brother, been, So were my Actions turn'd; I bow'd down heavily, as one That for his Mother mourn'd. 15. But my least slip was their Delight, When they assembled were; Abjects, unknown, together get, My Fame incessant tear. 16. Vile Parasites, who cringe for Bread, Admitted to their Feasts, At me have snarl'd, and gnash'd their Teeth, And flung their impious Jests. 17. How long, O Lord, wilt thou look on? Me rescue from their Pow'r; My Darling from the Lyon keep, That threatens to devour. 18. So, in the Congregation great, With Thanks I'll Thee confess; And, in the Face of all the World, To Thee my Praise address. Third Part 19. Let not, with Joy, insult o'er me, My treach'rous Enemies; Nor them that hate me, without Cause, Deride, with winking Eyes. 20. Their Words are not the Words of Peace; But foul malicious Lies, Against the quiet in the Land, They craftily devise. 21. Yea, with Insult, they laugh'd, and said, "Ha, ha, our Eye it saw. 22. Thou, Lord, hast seen, nor Silence keep. Nor far from me withdraw. 23. Rouse, Lord, and to my Judgment wake; My God, my Cause decree. 24. Judge me, O Lord, as thou art just, Lest they triumph o'er me. 25. O let them never, in their Heart, Have Cause to boast, and say, "Ah! ah! 'tis as our Heart could wish, "He's now become our Prey. 26. To Shame, and to Confusion, bring Who at my Hurt, are glad; Let them, who magnify themselves, Be with Dishonour clad. 27. Let those be glad, and shout for Joy, Who my just Cause confess; "And say, The Lord be magnify'd, "Who loves his Servant's Peace. 28. So shall my Tongue aloud proclaim The Justice of thy Ways; I'll spend my Days in sacred Hymns, To celebrate thy Praise. Scripture: Psalm 35 Languages: English
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When Man, I see, grows bold in Sin

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #61 (1752) Lyrics: 1. When Man, I see, grows bold in Sin, My Heart may well advise, That there's no true religious Fear Of God, before his Eyes. 2. Himself he flatters, with Deceit, And thinks himself approved; Until, at length, he's sadly forc'd To hate the Crimes, he lov'd. 3. The Words are Mischief, and Deceit, Which from his Mouth proceed; Wisdom is banish'd from his Heart, And Goodness from his Deed. 4. In bad Designs, while on his Bed, He wastes his waking Time; Himself he hardens in his Sins, Nor sticks at any Crime. 5. Thy Mercy, Lord, from Heav'n shines, And spares the guilty Blood; Thy Faithfulness above the Clouds, And makes thy Promise good. 6. Thy Justice, like the Mounts of God, Stands firm, and ne'er decreast; Thy Judgments are unfathom'd Depths, Thou, Lord sav'st Man, and Beast. Second Part 7. O God, how excellent's thy Grace! How unconfin'd it flows! Therefore, in Shadow of thy Wings, Men's Son's their Trust repose. 8. They, with the Fatness of thy House, Shall fully be supply'd; And drink immortal Joys, at Streams Which from thy Favour glide. 9. Thou art the Fountain of our Life, All richly flows from Thee; We in thy Face's gracious Light, An heav'nly Light shall see. 10. The Wonders of thy Love to them That know Thee, still impart; And let thy Faithfulness extend, To all, upright in Heart. 11 . Let not the Foot of haughty Foes, Against me fatal prove; Nor all the Force of wicked Hands, Me, from my Hopes, remove. 12. Lo! there the Workers of Deceit Are fall'n before our Eyes; Down are they thrust, depriv'd of Pow'r, For ever more, to rise. Scripture: Psalm 36 Languages: English
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My Heart concludes, the bold in Sin

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #63 (1752) Lyrics: 1. My Heart concludes, the bold in Sin, No fear of God has lodg'd within. 2. He blinds his Eyes with fond self Love; Until his Crimes most hateful prove. 3. False, and mischievous, Words he speaks; Wisdom, and Goodness, he forsakes. 4. In Bed, he plotts some vile Intent, His hardened Heart's on Mischief bent. 5. Thy Mercy, Lord, from Heav'n shines; And spares the Sinner, in his Sins: Thy Faithfulness unto thy Word, And Saints, above the Sky has soar'd. 6. Thy Justice, like great Mounts, remains. Thy Judgment mighty Depths contains; Lord, by thy providential Care, Both Man, and Beast, preserved are. Second Part 7. How wondrous excellent's thy Love! O thou who dwell'st the Heav'ns above! Therefore Men's Sons, when they're distrest, Fly to thy shelt'ring Wings for Rest. 8. With Fatness of thy House supply'd, Their joyful Souls are satisfy'd; From Thee immortal Pleasures rill, Where thou shalt make them drink their fill. 9. Life's Fountain is alone with Thee; Light, in thy glorious Light, we see. 10. To them that know Thee, Love impart; Thy Justice to th' upright in Heart. 11. Let no proud Foot destructive prove; Nor wicked Hand my Hopes remove. 12. The Wicked fallen are, by Surprise; They are thrust down, no more to rise. Scripture: Psalm 36 Languages: English
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Fret not thyself, tho' wicked Men

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #64 (1752) Lyrics: 1. Fret not thyself, tho' wicked Men Grow opulent, and great; Let not their prosp'rous Vices raise Thine Envy, at their State. 2. For, like the Grass that's flourishing, They shall be soon cut down; They wither, as the verdent Herb, Before the scorching Sun. 3. But in the Lord repose thy Trust, And practice all that's good; So in the Land thou safe shall dwell, And sure shall be thy Food. 4. Delight thyself in God; and he Will thy Desires fulfill. 5. To God commit thy Way; trust him, And he'll perform all well. 6. Thy wronged Innocence he'll clear. As from the Clouds the Sun; He'll make thy Justice forth to shine, Bright as the Day at Noon. 7. Be silent, wait thou on the Lord, Let no Impatience rise, At their Success; who bring to pass, The Mischiefs they devise. 8. Enkindling Anger quench betimes, Wrath utterly forsake; Lest, Thee, Partaker in their Crimes, Ungovern'd Passions, make. 9. For wicked Men shall be cut off, By a most righteous Hand; But those that wait upon the Lord, Inherit shall the Land. 10. The Wicked soon are gone; nor shall. On strictest Search, be found; 11. Whereas the Meek possess the Earth; With Peace, and Joy, are crown'd, Second Part 12. The Wicked plot against the Just; They gnash, and rage, and foam. 13. But God derides their Schemes; he sees Their Day is near to come. 14. They've drawn the Sword,and bent the Bow, To make the Poor their Prey; To cast the Needy to the Ground, The upright Man to slay. 15. Their Sword shall pierce thro' their own Hearts; Their Bow be broke in twain. 16. The just Man's little Stores excells, What many Wicked gain. 17. The Wicked's Arms shall broken be ; But God the Just sustains. 18. Th'Upright he guides thro' all their Days, Their Portion safe remains. 19. When sad distressing Times approach, They free from Shame abide; Tho' Days of raging Famine come. They shall be satisfied. 20. But wicked Men shall be cut off, Who dare the Lord provoke; Like Fat of Lambs, they melt away, And vanish into Smoak. Third Part 21, The Wicked borrows, where he can, And takes no Care to pay; But righteous Men will Mercy show, And freely give away. 22. For those the Lord vouchsafes to bless, The promised Land enjoy; While such as fall beneath his Curse, He'll from the Earth destroy. 23. The Lord directs the good Man's Steps, Who loves his just Command: 54. Tho' he should fall, yet shall he rise, Supported by thine Hand. 25. Thro' Youth, and Age, I never saw, But righteous Men were fed; Nor have their Seed forsaken been, When asking for their Bread. 26. He's ever merciful, and lends: And blessed is his Race. 27. Depart from Evil, and do Good; And so prolong thy Days. 28. For God loves Judgment, he his Saints Preserves, and ne'er forsakes; But the vile Seed of wicked Men, Destruction overtakes. 29. The Righteous shall possess the Land; There dwell as setled Heirs. 30. His Mouth of sacred Wisdom speaks; Right Things his Tongue declares. 31. The Law of God is in his Heart; None of his Steps shall stray. 32. The Wicked watch, and seek by Crafts, The righteous Man to slay. 33. But God ne'er leaves, in wicked Hands, His Saints, without Defence; Nor their rash Judgment e'er approves, But clears their Innocence. Fourth Part 34. Wait on the Lord, and keep his Way, And thine shall be the Right To heir the Land; when wicked Men Shall perish in thy Sight. 35. I've seen the Wicked rise, and spread, As Trees in native Ground. 36. But lo! he vanish'd, Root, and Branch; When sought, could not be found. 37. Mark well the truly perfect Man, And carefully attend The upright Liver; and you'l find A blessed Peace his End. 39. But bold Transgressors surely shall One common Ruin share: Vengeance, at last, will cut them off, Nor any Wicked spare. 39. Whereas, the Safety of the just, Is wholly from the Lord; Who, when the Times most dang'rous prove, Will Strength to them afford. 40. The Lord will help, and rescue them. He'll free them from th' Unjust; Them from their Rage, and Pow'r, he'll save, Because in him they trust. Scripture: Psalm 37 Languages: English
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O Lord, rebuke me not in Wrath

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #68 (1752) Lyrics: 1. O Lord, rebuke me not in Wrath; Nor, in thy Rage, chastise. 2. Thine Arrows stick in me; thy Hand Sore pressing on me lies. 3. Thine Anger's Heat consumes my Flesh, And leaves no Soundness there; My Bones are pain'd, and find no Rest, While all my Sins appear. 4. For o'er my Head, my Sins have rowl'd, They're a vast Burden grown; I Cannot bear their Punishment, Nor their least Guilt atone. 5. My Foolishness hath made my Wounds, Stench, and Corruption, grow. 6. Distress'd in Mind, and much bow'd down, I all Day mourning go. 7. A violent Heat has seis'd my Loins; And spread thro' ev'ry Part. 8. I'm feeble, broken sore, and roar, Thro' Anguish of my Heart. 9. All my Desire, and Groans, O Lord, To Thee are fully known. 1O. My Heart's perplex'd, my Strength doth fail; Mine Eye-Sight's from me gone. Second Part 11. Friends, and Companions, stand aloof, To see my wretched Plight; My Kinsmen stand far off, and gaze, At such a dismal Sight. 11. Then they, who hunted for my Life, Their Snares for me did lay; And they, that fought my Hurt, spread Lies, And fram'd Deceit all Day. 13. But, as one deaf, I did not hear; As dumb, my Tongue was ty'd: 14. Thus, as if quite bereft of Sense, I never once reply'd. 15. For in the Lord I trust; my God Will answer when I call. 16. Hear me, (I said,) lest they insult, And triumph when I fall. 17. For I am prone to halt; whilst Grief Thus constant preys within. 18. To Thee, Lord, I'll confess my Fault; With Sorrow for my Sin. 19. Mean while my Foes are lively grown, Encreas'd in Strength and Pride; They, that injuriosly me hate, Are greatly multiply'd. 20. And they that Ill for Good reward, A base ingratefull Crew, Are now my Adversaries turn'd; Because I Good pursue. 21. Forsake me not, O Lord; nor far, My God, from me depart. 22. Make hast to rescue me; for thou, Lord, my Salvation art. Scripture: Psalm 33 Languages: English
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I thought to guard my Ways with Care

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #69 (1752) Lyrics: 1 I thought to guard my Ways with Care, And lest my tongue grow vain, to clap the Bridle to my Mouth; While I'm with the Profane. 2. I silent sat, as one that's dumb, A while, I held my Peace, From good discourse; but this I found, Did inward Pain increase. 3 My Heart, with Indignation, glow'd, While I was musing long; The fire within more fiercely burnt, Then spake I with my tongue. 4 Teach me, O Lord, to know mine End, And Measure of my Days, How short they are; Oh, may I know, How swift my time decays. 5 Lo! but a Span thou mad'st my days, Mine Age is Nought with Thee; At's best Estate, sure ev'ry Man Is wholly Vanity: 6 Surely, a Shadow's all his show, His mighty Stir is vain; He heaps up Wealth, but knows not who Shall heir his mighty Gain. Second Part. 7 What, Lord, can I expect on Earth? My Hope is fix'd in Thee. 8 Forgive my many sins; lest I, The Scorn of Fools, should be. 9 I silent was, and ne'er complain'd Because it was thy Will. 10 But lest thy hand consume me quite, Remove the Strokes I feel. 11 If thou but speak an angry Word, And man, for Sin, chastise; So vain is he, as eat by Moths, His Beauty fades, and dies, 12 Lord, hear my Pray'r, mov'd by my Tears, To my Request give Ear; For here I sojourn, Stranger=like, As all my Fathers were. 13 O spare me, Lord, my wasted Strength, In Mercy, now restore; E'er at thy Summons, I go hence, And shall be here no more. Scripture: Psalm 39 Languages: English
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I did resolve to guard my Ways

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #71 (1752) Lyrics: 1. I Did resolve to guard my Ways, And lest my Tongue grow loose, and vain, To put the Bridle to my Mouth; When e'er I mix'd with the Profane. 2. Profoundly silent, for a while, I heard their Talk, and held my Peace, Nor utter'd my devouter Thoughts; But this did inward Pain increase. 3. My Heart, with Indignation, glow'd. And, while I mus'd, the mighty Force Of Zeal, which burn'd within my Breast, Broke forth in this divine Discourse. 4. Teach me, O Lord, to know mine End, And what's the Measure of my Days, How they will issue; may I see How swift my fleeting Time decays. 5. Behold thou mad'st my Days a Span, My greatest Age is nought with Thee; Sure ev'ry Man, at his best State, Is altogether Vanity, 6. Man, like an empty Shadow, stalks; Lo! with what Noise, and Toil, and Cares, He heaps up Wealth, but all in vain: He knows not who shall be his Heirs. Second Part 7. What then, O Lord, can I expect, From such a fading World as this My Hopes are plac'd on Thee alone, The Source, and Centre, of my Bliss. 8. From all my Guilt, and Punishment, In Mercy, Lord, my Soul redeem; And make me not the Scorn of Fools, Who me reproach, and Thee blaspheme. 9. But, Lord, because 'tis thou corrects't; I would be dumb, and not complain. 10. Yet, lest thine Hand consume me quite, Thy heavy Strokes from me restrain. 11. For if thou speak'st an angry Word, When ever Man offendeth Thee; His Beauty blasts, as eat by Moths, Sure ev'ry Man is Vanity. 12. O hear my Pray'r, attend my Cry, With Pity Lord my Tears behold; I, as a Stranger sojourn here, As, all my Fathers did of old. 13. O Spare me, Lord, in Mercy spare, My wasted Strength to me restore; E'er by thy final Summons call'd, I hence shall go, and be no more. Scripture: Psalm 39 Languages: English
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With unmov'd Patience, for the Lord

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #72 (1752) Lyrics: 1. With unmov'd Patience, for the Lord, I waited hopefully; He bow'd to me a gracious Ear, And heard my humble Cry. 2. He brought me from the roaring Pit, Where plung'd in Mire, I lay; He set my Feet upon a Rock, And firm he made my Way. 3. With a new Song he fill'd my Mouth; Praise to our God most high; Many shall see, and learn to fear, And on the Lord rely. 4. That Man is blest, who on the Lord, With Confidence, relies; Who disregards the Proud, and such As turn aside to Lies. 5. O Lord, my God, thy wondrous Works, Which thou hast wrought of old; And Thoughts of Kindness towards us, Are more than can be told. 6. Rich Sacrifice, and Offering, Thou did'st no more desire; Nor burnt, nor Sin Off'ring, but strict Obedience did require. 7. "Then said I, Lo, I come, of me "Thy sacred Rolls declare; 8. "My God, Thy Will is my Delight, "Thy Laws in my Heart are. 9. "I, in the Congregation great, "Have preached Righteousness; "Lo, Lord, thou know'st, I've not refrain'd "From publishiing thy Grace. 10. "I have not hid within my Heart "Nor from the World conceal'd, "Thy Faithfulness, and saving Health: "But Grace, and Truth reveal'd. Second Part 11. Those tender Mercies I proclaim Withhold not, Lord, from me; But let thy Kindness and thy Truth My constant Keepers be. 12. Numberless Evils me surround, My Sins have seiz'd me fast; They blind me, they exceed my Hairs Therefore my Heart's lay'd wast. ' 13. Be pleas'd, O Lord, in this Distress To come, and set me free; O gracious God, make no Delays, But hast to succour me. 14. Shame, and Confusion, be their Lot, Who at my Ruin aim; May they who wish, and seek, my Hurt, Be driven back with Shame. 15. With Desolation them reward, Who shamefully me treat; That sport themselves, and Triumph make, At mine afflicted State. 16. Let all that seek thy Face rejoice, In Thee be satisfy'd; Who thy Salvation love, still say, "The Lord be magnify'd. 17. Tho' I am poor, distress'd, the Lord Yet thinks on me alway: For thou my Help, and Saviour, art, My God, make no Delay. Scripture: Psalm 40 Languages: English
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Thrice bless'd the Man, whose thoughtful Mind

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #74 (1752) Lyrics: 1. Thrice bless'd the Man, whose thoughtful Mind The Needy doth regard; With Safety in the evil Day, The Lord will him reward. 2. From Dangers he'll preserve his Life, On Earth he bless'd shall be; And none of all his spiteful Foes, On him, their Will shall see. 3. Upon his Bed of Languishing, The Lord will Strength supply; In Sickness kindly turn his Bed, That he may easy ly. 4. "O Lord, be merciful to me, (I thus myself express'd) "And heal my wounded Soul, for I "Against Thee have transgress'd. 5. Mine Enemies, maliciously, With Slanders me defame; In Wrath, they say, "When shall he die, "And perish shall his Name? 6. If e'er he comes to visit me, His Speech is cloath'd with Fraud; He gathers Evil to his Heart, Then spreads it all abroad. Second Part 7. Who hate me whisper evil Things, And do my Hurt devise. 8. "His Crimes have caught him fast,(say they) "He's fall'n, no more to rise. 9. Yea, my familiar Friend, from whom I nothing could conceal; Who ate my Bread, yet basely has Against me lift his Heel. 10. But thou, O Lord, be merciful, To me, I humbly pray; And raise me up, that I their Crimes, With Justice, may repay. 11. That me thou favour'st as thou said'st By this I surely know; Because to triumph over me, Thou suffer'st not my Foe. 12. For, as for me, thou dost uphold Me, in mine Innocence Thou settest me before thy Face, Art ever my Defence. 13. The Lord, the God of Isr'el's House, Be bless'd by Sons of Men, From Age to Age, till Time's no more. Amen! O Lord, Amen! Scripture: Psalm 41 Languages: English
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As pants the chased, thirsty Hart

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #76 (1752) Lyrics: 1. As pants the chased, thirsty, Hart, After the cooling Brook; So pants my Soul for Thee, O God, For Thee I longing look. 2. My Soul for God, the living God, Thirsts, while I'm exil'd here; When shall I come, and in thy Courts, Before my God appear? 3. My mourning Tears, by Day, and Night, Have been my constant Food; While, with continual Insult, they Have cry'd, "Where is thy God? 4. My Soul I pour out, when I think, How to thy House I went, With Multitudes; in Joy, and Praise, Thy sacred Day we spent. 5. Why so dejected, O my Soul? Why art thou restless grown? Trust God; I yet shall sing his Praise, For his Salvation shown. 6. Tho' O my God, my Soul's cast down; Remember Thee I will, From Jordans Banks, and Hermon's Mount, And Misar's lowly Hill. Second Part 7. Deep calls to Deep; thy Thunders roar'd. And pour'd the Waters down; So o'er me have, with Force, and Noise, Thy Waves and Billows gone. 8. Thy Loving-kindness yet, O Lord, Shall brighten up the Day; Each Night I'll Anthems sing; to Thee, God of my Life, I'll pray. 9. I'll humbly say to God, my Rock, "Why do'st forget me so? "Why go I mourning, for the great "Oppression of the Foe? 10. It pierc'd my Bones, as with a Sword, To hear my Foes upbraid; While daily they with impious Scoffs, "Where is thy God? have said. 11. Why troubled? why cast down my Soul! Trust God: Thou yet shall sing Loud Songs to him, who is thy God, And Health's unfailing Spring. Scripture: Psalm 42 Languages: English


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