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Hymnal, Number:nvpd1754

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Happy the Man whose tender Care

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #82 (1754) Lyrics: 1 Happy the Man, whose tender Care relieves the Poor distress'd! When he's by Troubles compaas'd round, the Lord shall give him Rest. 2 The Lord his Life, with Blessings crown'd, in Safety shall prolong; And disappoint the Will of those that seek to do him Wrong. 3 If he in languishing Estate, oppress'd with Sickness, lie; The Lord will easy make his Bed, and inward Strength supply. 4 Secure of this, to Thee, my God, I thus my pray'r address'd: "Lord, for thy Mercy, heal my Soul, "tho' I have much trasgress'd." 5 My cruel Foes, with sland'ring Words, attempt to wound my Fame: "When shall he die (say they,) and Men "Forget his very Name?" 6 Suppose they formal Visits make, 'tis all but empty Show: They gather Mischief in their Hearts, and vent it where they go. 7,8 With private Whispers, such as these, to hurt me they devise: "A sore Disease afflicts him now; "he's fall'n, no more to rise." 9 My own familiar Bosom-friend, on whom I most rely'd, Has me, whose daily Guest he was, with open Scorn defy'd. 10 But thou my sad and wretched State, in Mercy, Lord, regard; And raise me up, that all their Crimes may meet their just Reward. 11 By this I know, thy gracious Ear is open when I call; Because Thou suffer'st not my Foes to triumph in my Fall. 12 Thy tender Care secures my Life from Danger and Disgrace; And Thou vouchsaf'st to set me still before thy glorious Face. 13 Let therefore Israel's Lord and God from Ages to Age be blest; And all the People's glad Applause with loud Amens express'd. Scripture: Psalm 41 Languages: English
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As pants the Hart for cooling Streams

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #84 (1754) Lyrics: 1 As pants the Hart for cooling streams, when heated in the Chace; So longs my Soul, O God, for Thee, and thy refreshing grace. 2 For Thee, my God, the living God, my thirsty Soul doth pine: O! when shall I behold thy Face, Thou Majesty Divine? 3 Tears are my constant Food, while thus insulting Foes upbraid: "Deluded Wretch! where's now thy God? "And where his promis'd Aid?" 4 I sigh whene'er my musing thoughts those happy Days present, When I with Troops of pious Friends thy Temple did frequent; When I advanc'd with Songs of Praise, my solemn Vows to pay; And led the joyful sacred Throng, and kept the Festal Day. 5 Why restless, why cast down, my Soul? Trust God; and He'll employ His Aid for thee, and change these Sighs to thankful Hymns of Joy. 6 My Soul's cast down, o God; but thinks on Thee, and Sion, still; From Jordan's Bank, from Hermon's Heights, And Missar's humbler Hill. 7 One Trouble calls another on; and, bursting o'er my Head, Fall spouting down, till round my Soul, a roaring Sea is spread. 8 But when thy Presence, Lord of Life, has once dispell'd this Storm, To Thee I'll midnight Anthems sing, and all my Vows perform. 9 God of my Strength, how long shall I, like one forgotten, mourn, Forlorn, forsaken, and expos'd to my Oppressor's Scorn? 10 My Heart is pierc'd, as with a Sword, whilst thus my Foes upbraid; "Vain Boaster, where is now thy God? "and where His promis'd Aid?" 11 Why restless, why cast down, my Soul? Hope still; and thou shalt sing The Praise of Him who is thy God, thy Health's eternal Spring. Scripture: Psalm 42 Languages: English
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Just Judge of Heav'n, against my Foes

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #85 (1754) Lyrics: 1 Just Judge of Heav'n, against my Foes Do Thou assert my injur'd Right: O! set me free, my God, from those That in Deceit and Wrong delight. 2 Since Thou art still my only Stay, Why leav'st Thou me in deep Distress? Why go I mourning all the Day, Whilst me insulting Foes oppress? 3 Let me with Light and Truth be blest; Be these my Guides, and lead the Way, Till on thy Holy Hill I rest, And in thy sacred Temple pray. 4 Then will I there fresh Altars raise To God, who is my only Joy; And well-tun'd Harps, with Songs of Praise, Shall all my grateful Hours employ. 5 Why then cast down, my Soul? and why So much oppress'd with anxious Care? On God, thy God, for Aid rely; Who will thy ruin'd State repair. Scripture: Psalm 43 Languages: English
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O Lord, our Fathers oft have told

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #86 (1754) Lyrics: 1 O Lord, our Fathers oft have told, in our attentive Ears, Thy Wonders in their Days perform'd, and elder Times than theirs: 2 How Thou, to plant them here, didst drive the Heathen from the Land, Dispeopled by repeated Strokes of thy avenging Hand. 3 For not their Courage, nor their Sword, to them Possession gave; Nor Strength, that, from unequal Force, their fainting Troops could save; But thy Right-hand, thy po'rful Arm, whose succour they implor'd; Thy Presence with the chosen Race, who thy great Name ador'd. 4 As Thee their God our Fathers own'd; Thou art our Sov'reign King; O! therefore, as thou didst to them, to us Deliv'rance bring! 5 Thro' thy victorious Name, our Arms the proudest Foe shall quell; And crush them with repeated Strokes, as oft as they rebel. 6 I'll neither trust my Bow nor Sword, when I in Fight engage; 7 But Thee, who hast our Foes subdu'd, and sham'd their spiteful Rage. 8 To Thee the Triumph we ascribe, from whom the Conquest came: In God we will rejoice all Day, and ever bless His Name. Part II 9 But Thou hast cast us off; and now most shamefully we yield; for Thou no more vouchsaf'st to lead Our Armies to the Field. 10 Since when, to ev'ry upstart Foe we turn our Backs in Fight; And with our Spoil their Malice feast, who bear us antient Spite. 11 To Slaughter doom'd, we fall, like Sheep, into their butch'ring Hands; Or (what's more wretched yet) survive, dispers'd thro' Heathen Lands. 12 Thy People Thou hast sold for Slaves; and set their Price so low, That not thy Treasure, by the Sale, but their Disgrace, may grow; 13,14 Reproach'd by all the Nations round, the Heathens Bye-word grown; Whose Scorn of us is both in speech, and mocking Gestures, shown. 15 Confusion strikes me blind; my Face in conscious Shame I hide; 16 While we are scoff'd, and God blasphem'd, by their licentious Pride. Part III 17 On us this Heap of Woes is fall'n; all this we have endur'd; Yet have not, Lord, renounc'd thy Name, or Faith to Thee abjur'd: 18 But in thy righteous Paths have kept our Hearts and Steps with Care; 19 Tho' Thou hast broken all our Strength, and we almost despair. 20 Could we, forgetting thy great Name, on other Gods rely, 21 And not the Searcher of all Hearts the treach'rous Crime descry? 22 Thou seest what Suff'rings for thy sake we ev'ry Day sustain. All slaughter'd,or reserv'd like Sheep appointed to be slain. 23 Awake, arise; let seeming sleep no longer Thee detain; Nor let us, Lord, who sue to Thee, forever sue in vain. 24 O! wherefore hidest thou thy Face from our afflicted State, 25 Whose Souls and Bodies sink to Earth with Grief's oppressive Weight? 26 Arise, O Lord, and timely Haste to our Deliv'rance make: Redeem us, Lord, if not for ours, yet for they Mercies sake. Scripture: Psalm 44 Languages: English
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While I the King's loud praise rehearse

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #89 (1754) Lyrics: 1 While I the King's loud Praise rehearse, indited by my Heart, My Tongue is like the Pen of him that writes with ready Art. 2 How matchless is thy Form, O King! thy Mouth with Grace o'erflows; Because fresh Blessings God on thee eternally bestows. 3 Gird on thy Sword, most mighty Prince; and, clad in rich Array, With glorious Ornaments of Pow'r, majestic Pomp display. 4 Ride on in State, and still protect the Meek, the Just, and True; Whilst thy Right-hand with swift Revenge does all thy Foes pursue. 5 How sharp thy Weapons are to them that dare thy Pow'r oppose! Down, down they fall, while thro' their Heart the feather'd Arrow goes. 6 But thy firm Throne, O God, is fix'd for ever to endure; Thy Sceptre's Sway shall always last, by righteous Laws secure. 7 Because thy Heart, by Justice led, did upright Ways approve, And hated still the crooked Paths where wand'ring Sinners rove; Therefore did God, thy God, on thee the Oil of Gladness shed; And has above thy Fellows round, advanc'd thy lofty Head. 8 With Cassia, Aloes, and Myrrh, thy Royal Robes abound; Which, from the stately Wardrobe brought, spread grateful Odours round. 9 Among the honourable Train did princely Virgins wait; The Queen was plac'd at thy Right-hand, in golden Robes of State. Part II 10 But thou, O Royal Bride, give Ear, and to my Words attend: Forget thy native Country now, and ev'ry former Friend. 11 So shall thy Beauty charm the King, nor shall his Love decay: For he is now become thy Lord; to him due Rev'rence pay. 12 The Tyrian Matrons, rich and proud, shall humble Presents make; And all the wealthy Nations sue, thy Favour to partake. 13 The King's fair Daughter's beauteous Soul all inward Graces fill; Her Raiment is of purest Gold, adorn'd with costly Skill. 14 She in her nuptial Garments dress'd, with Needles richly wrought, Attended by her Virgin Train, shall to the King be brought. 15 With all the State of solemn Joy the Triumph moves along; Till, with wide Gates, the Royal Court receives the pompous Throng. 16 Thou, in thy Royal Father's room, must princely Sons expect: Whom thou to diff'rent Realms may'st send, to govern and protect: 17 Whilst this my Song to future Times transmits thy glorious Name; And makes the world with one Consent thy lasting Praise proclaim. Scripture: Psalm 45 Languages: English
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God is our Refuge in Distress

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #92 (1754) Lyrics: 1 God is our Refuge in Distress, A present Help, when Dangers press; In Him, undaunted, we'll confide; 2,3 Tho' Earth were from her Centre toss'd, And Mountains in the Ocean lost, Torn piece-meal by the roaring Tide. 4 A gentler Stream with Gladness still The City of our Lord shall fill, The Royal Seat of God most High; 5 God dwells in Sion, whose fair Tow'rs Shall mock th' Assaults of earthly Pow'rs, While His Almighty Aid is nigh. 6 In Tumults when the Heathen rag'd, And Kingdoms War against us wag'd, He thunder'd, and dispers'd their Pow'rs: 7 The Lord of Hosts conducts our Arms, Our Tow'r of Refuge in Alarms, Our Fathers Guardian God, and ours. 8 Come see the Wonders He has wrought, On Earth what Desolation brought; 9 How He has calm'd the jarring World: He broke the warlike Spear and Bow; With them their thund'ring Chariots too Into devouring Flames when hurl'd. 10 Submit to God's Almighty Sway, For Him the Heathen shall obey, And Earth her Sov'reign Lord confess: 11 The God of Hosts conducts our Arms, Our Tow'r of Refuge in Alarms, As to our Fathers in Distress. Scripture: Psalm 46 Languages: English
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O all ye People, clap your Hands

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #93a (1754) Lyrics: 1 O all ye People, clap your Hands, 2 And with triumphant Voices sing; No Force the mighty Pow'r withstands Of God, the Universal King. 3,4 He shall opposing Nations quell And with Success our Battles fight; Shall fix the Place where we must dwell, The Pride of Jacob, his Delight. 5,6 God is gone up, our Lord and King, With Shouts of Joy, and Trumpets Sound: To Him repeated Praises sing, And let the chearful Song go round. 7,8 Your utmost Skill in Praise be shown, For Him, who all the World commands; Who sits upon His righteous Throne, And spreads his Sway o'er Heathen Lands. 9 Our Chiefs, and Tribes, that far from hence T' adore the God of Abr'am came; Found Him their constant sure Defence. How great the glorious is his Name! Scripture: Psalm 47 Languages: English
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The Lord, the only God, is great

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #93b (1754) Lyrics: 1 The Lord, the only God, is great, and greatly to be prais'd In Sion, on whose happy Mount his sacred Throne is rais'd. 2 Her Tow'rs, the Joy of all the Earth with beauteous Prospect rise; On her North-Side th' Almighty King's Imperial City lies. 3 God in her Palaces is known: His Presence is her guard: 4 Confed'rate Kings withdrew their Siege, and of Success despair'd. 5 They view'd her Walls, admir'd, and fled, with Grief and Terror struck; 6 Like Women whom the sudden Pangs of Travail had o'ertook. 7 No wretched Crew of Mariners appear like them forlorn, When Fleets from Tarshish' wealthy Coasts by Eastern Winds are torn. 8 In Sion we have seen perform'd a Work that was foretold, In Pledge that God, for Times to come, His City will uphold. 9 Not in our Fortresses and Walls did we, O God, confide; But on the Temple fix'd our Hopes, in which thou dost reside. 10 According to thy Sov'reign Name, thy Praise thro' Earth extends; Thy pow'rful Arm, as Justice guides, chastises, or defends. 11 Let Sion's Mount with Joy resound, her Daughters all be taught, In Songs his Judgments to extol, who this Deliv'rance wrought. 12 Compass her Walls in solemn Pomp; your Eyes quite round her cast; Count all her Tow'rs, and see if there you find one Stone displac'd. 13 Her Forts and Palaces survey; observe their Order well; That, with Assurance, to your Heirs this Wonder you may tell. 14 This God is ours, and will be ours, whilst we in Him confide; Who, as He has preserv'd us now, till Death will be our Guide. Scripture: Psalm 48 Languages: English
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Let all the list'ning World attend

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #95 (1754) Lyrics: 1 Let all the list'ning World attend, 2 and my Instructions hear: Let High and Low, and Rich and Poor, with joint consent give Ear: 3 My Mouth, with sacred wisdom fill'd, shall good Advice impart; The sound Result of prudent thoughts, digested in my Heart. 4 To Parables of weighty Sense I will my Ear incline; While to my tuneful Harp I sing, dark Words of deep Design. 5 Why should my courage fail in times of Danger, and of Doubt; When Sinners, that would me supplant, have compass'd me about? 6 Those Men, that all their Hope and Trust in Heaps of Treasure place; And boasting, triumph, when they see their ill-got Wealth increase; 7 Are yet unable from the Grave their dearest Friend to free; Nor can, by Force of costly Bribes, reverse God's firm Decree. 8,9 Their vain Endeavours they must quit; the Price is held too high: No sums can purchase such a Grant, that Man should never die. 10 Not Wisdom can the Wise exempt, nor Fools their Folly save; But both must perish, and, in Death, their Wealth to others leave. 11 For tho' they think their stately Seats shall ne'er to Ruin fall; But their Remembrance last in lands which by their Names they call; 12 Yet shall their Fame be soon forgot, how great soe'er their State: With Beasts their Memory, and they, shall share one common Fate. Part II 13 How great their Folly is, who thus absurd Conclusions make! And yet their children, unreclaim'd, repeat the gross Mistake. 14 They all, like Sheep to Slaughter led, the Prey of Death are made; Their Beauty, while the Just rejoice, within the Grave shall fade. 15 But God will yet redeem my Soul; and from the greedy Grave His greater Pow'r shall set me free, and to himself receive. 16 Then fear not thou, when worldly Men in envy'd Wealth abound; Nor thou, their prosp'rous House increase, with State and Honour crown'd. 17 For, when they're summon'd hence by Death; they leave all this behind; No Shadow of their former Pomp within the Grave they find: 18 And yet they tho't their State was blest, caught in the Flatt'rer's Snare; Who praises those that slight all else, and of themselves take care. 19 In their Forefathers Steps they tread; and when, like them, they die, Their wretched Ancestors, and they, in endless Darkness lie. 20 For Man, how great soe'er his State; unless he's truly wise, As like a sensual Beast he lives, so, like a Beast, he dies. Scripture: Psalm 49 Languages: English
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The Lord hath spoke, the mighty God

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #98 (1754) Lyrics: 1 The Lord hath spoke, the mighty God 2 Hath sent his Summons all abroad, From dawning Light, till Day declines: The list'ning Earth his Voice hath heard, And he from Sion hath appear'd, Where Beauty in Perfection shines. 3,4 Our God shall come, and keep no more Misconstru'd Silence, as before; But wasting Flames before Him send; Around shall Tempests fiercely rage, While He does Heav'n and Earth engage His just Tribunal to attend. 5,6 Assemble all my Saints to me (Thus runs the great divine Decree), That in my lasting Cov'nant live; And Off'rings bring with constant Care: (The Heav'n's His Justice shall declare; For God himself shall Sentence give). 7 Attend, my People; Israel, hear; Thy strong Accuser I'll appear; Thy God, thy only God, am I; 8 'Tis not of Off'rings I complain, Which, daily in my Temple slain, My sacred Altar did supply. 9 Will this alone Atonement make? No Bullock from thy Stall I'll take, Nor He-goat from thy Fold accept: 10 The Forest Beasts, that range alone, The Cattle too, are all my own, That on a thousand Hills are kept, 11 I know the Fowls, that build their nests In craggy Rocks; and savage Beasts, That loosely haunt the open Fields: 12 If seiz'd with Hunger I could be, I need not seek Relief from thee, Since the World's mine, and all it yields. 13 Think'st thou that I have any Need On slaughter'd Bulls and Goats to feed, To eat their Flesh, and drink their Blood? 14 The Sacrifices I require, Are Hearts which Love and Zeal inspire, And Vows with strictest Care made good. 15 In Time of Trouble call on me, And I will set thee safe and free; And thou Returns of Praise shalt make. 16 But to the Wicked thus saith God: How dar'st thou teach my Laws abroad, Or in thy Mouth my cov'nant take? 17 For stubborn thou, confirm'd in sin, Hast Proof against Instruction been, And of my word didst lightly speak: 18 When thou a subtle Thief didst see, Thou gladly didst with him agree, And with Adult'rers didst partake. 19 Vile Slander is thy chief Delight; Thy Tongue, by Envy mov'd, and spite, Deceitful Tales does hourly spread. 20 Thou dost with hateful Scandals wound Thy Brother, and with Lyes confound The Offspring of thy Mother's Bed. 21 These Things didst thou, whom still I strove To gain with Silence, and with Love; Till thou didst wickedly surmise, That I was such a one as thou: But I'll reprove and shame thee now, And set thy Sins before thine Eyes. 22 Mark this, ye wicked Fools, lest I Let all my Bolts of Vengeance fly, While none shall dare your Cause to own: 23 Who praises me, due Honour gives; And to the Man that justly lives, My strong Salvation shall be shown. Scripture: Psalm 50 Languages: English


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