Meter: in 100 hymnalsTune Sources: Tans'urs New Haarmony of Zion, 1764Tune Key: G MajorIncipit: 13323 21713 5432 Used With Text: God's law is perfect, and converts
Meter: in 168 hymnals Composer and/or Arranger: Healey Willan, 11880-Tune Sources: Plainsong melody, probably 12th centuryTune Key: F MajorIncipit: 12343 23213 45653 Used With Text: Of the Father's love begotten
Meter: with refrainAppears in 424 hymnals Composer and/or Arranger: J. H. StocktonTune Key: E Flat MajorIncipit: 55312 34555 13121 Used With Text: Sweetest note in seraph song
Meter: in 1,040 hymnalsTune Sources: Williams's Psalmody, 1770.Tune Key: G MajorIncipit: 51132 12345 43432 Used With Text: Come, we that love the Lord
Meter: DAppears in 177 hymnals Composer and/or Arranger: James William Elliott, 1833-1915Tune Key: F MajorIncipit: 13565 45321 23462 Used With Text: O Jesus, I have promised
Meter: DAppears in 288 hymnals Composer and/or Arranger: John Bacchus Dykes, 1823-1876Tune Key: g minorIncipit: 55112 33221 1177 Used With Text: I heard the voice of Jesus say
Meter: in 299 hymnals Composer and/or Arranger: Thomas Haweis, 1734-1820; Samuel Webbe, the youngerTune Key: G MajorIncipit: 51354 34213 25171 Used With Text: Joy to the world! The Lord is come
Meter: with refrainAppears in 84 hymnalsTune Sources: English Traditional Melody.Tune Key: e minorIncipit: 11554 32171 23451 Used With Text: O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy
Meter: DAppears in 255 hymnals Composer and/or Arranger: Gottfried Wilhelm Fink, 1783-1847Tune Key: B Flat MajorIncipit: 51176 56556 21715 Used With Text: O sing a song of Bethlehem