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Showing 41 - 50 of 359Results Per Page: 102050

Come on, companions of our way

Author: James Montgomery Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: Come on, companions of our way, Who travel to eternal day Through this poor world of night; Give to the Lord, in noble songs, The praise that to His name belongs, As children of the light. Call'd out of darkness, by His voice, Be that clear shining path our choice, Which Christ our captain trod! Whether with flowers and fragrance crown'd, Or thorns and thistle interwound, It leads the soul to God. Though pilgrims in a vale of woes, Thick-strown with snares, and throng'd with foes; Since Jesus journey'd through, 157 Plant but your steps where his have prest The ground once curst,--that ground now blest Is heaven's highway for you. To heaven, to heaven then march we on, Go where our conquering Lord hath gone! Thus where He is, shall we In joy behold Him face to face, And, changed by glorifying grace, Resemble Him we see. Topics: Fellowship of heavenly travellers; Pilgrimage of life

Free, though in chains, the mountains stand

Author: James Montgomery Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: Free, though in chains, the mountains stand, The valleys link'd run through the land; In fellowship the forests thrive, And streams from streams their strength derive. The cattle graze in flocks and herds, In choirs and concerts sing the birds; Insects by millions ply the wing, And flowers in peaceful armies spring. All nature is society, All nature's voices harmony, All colours blend to form pure light,-- Why then should Christians not unite? Thus to the Father pray'd the Son, "One may they be as We are one, 158 That I in them, and Thou in me, They one with Us may ever be." Children of God! combine your bands; Brethren in Christ! join hearts and hands, And pray,--for so the Father will'd, That the Son's prayer may be fulfill'd:-- Fulfill'd in you, fulfill'd in all, That on the name of Jesus call, And every covenant of love They bind on earth be bound above. Topics: Union, Christian, symbolized

The grace of Jesus Christ our Lord

Author: James Montgomery Meter: Appears in 5 hymnals Lyrics: The grace of Jesus Christ our Lord, The Father's love, with sweet accord, The Holy Ghost's communion be Our bond of peace and amity. Our fellowship on earth begun, Be with the Father and the Son; And may the Holy Spirit's might, Our souls as one man's soul, unite. Then to the church, the Saviour's pride, Our hearts' affections be allied; And these, like His, the sinner's friend, To all for whom He died, extend. So may we, like the Saints above, Live in an element of love, 159 And every fruit in season show, Of Faith, Hope, Charity below. Till, as these frames return to dust, Our reasoning souls among the just, Shall with the Lord our God be found, In life's eternal bundle bound. Topics: Fellowship bond of

Mercy alone can meet my case

Author: James Montgomery Meter: Appears in 45 hymnals Lyrics: Mercy alone can meet my case; For mercy, Lord, I cry;-- Jesus! Redeemer! show thy face In mercy, or I die. Save me, for none beside can save; At thy command I tread, With failing step, life's stormy wave; The wave goes o'er my head. I perish, and my doom were just; But wilt thou leave me? No: I hold Thee fast, my hope, my trust, I will not let Thee go. Still sure to me Thy promise stands, And ever must abide; Behold it written on Thy hands, And graven in Thy side. To this, this only, will I cleave, Thy word is all my plea; Thy word is truth, and I believe: Have mercy, Lord, on me. Topics: Confession and repentance; Prayer for Divine mercy Scripture: Psalm 6:4

Father of eternal grace

Author: James Montgomery Meter: Appears in 68 hymnals Lyrics: Father of eternal grace, Glorify Thyself in me: Meekly, beaming in my face, May the world Thine image see. Happy only in Thy love, Poor, unfriended, or unknown, Fix my thoughts on things above, Stay my heart on Thee alone. Humble, holy, all-resign'd To Thy will,--Thy will be done; Give me, Lord, the perfect mind Of Thy well-belovèd Son. 190 Counting gain and glory loss, May I tread the path He trod, Die with Jesus on the cross, Rise with Him to Thee, my God! Topics: God's image in his saints

Sweet is Thy mercy, O my God

Author: James Montgomery Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: Sweet is Thy mercy, O my God! When humbled at Thy feet, I learn the lessons of Thy rod, Thy mercy, Lord, is sweet. For Thou dost not in wrath chastise, But when I go astray, "Return," a voice behind me cries, "Walk here;--this is the way." Impatient of Thine easy yoke, If heedless yet I roam, Some sharp affliction, with a stroke Of kindness, warns me home. That godly sorrow then I feel, Which nothing can control, Until the hand that wounded, heal, That bruised me, make me whole. As, at Thy word, the winds and waves From ocean-warfare cease; That word my soul from shipwreck saves, Thy presence brings me peace. "Sweet is Thy mercy, O my God!" 'Tis transport to repeat, When Thou hast thrown aside the rod, "Thy mercy, Lord, is sweet!" Topics: God's Mercy Scripture: Psalm 9:21

God is my strong salvation

Author: James Montgomery Meter: D Appears in 288 hymnals Lyrics: God is my strong salvation, What foe have I to fear? In darkness and temptation, My light, my help is near: Though hosts encamp around me, Firm to the fight I stand: What terror can confound me, With God at my right hand? Place on the Lord reliance, My soul, with courage wait; His truth be thine affiance, When faint and desolate: His might thine heart shall strengthen, His love thy joy increase; Mercy thy days shall lengthen, "The Lord will give thee peace." Topics: Trust in the Lord

Hid in the rock-cleft, let me stand

Author: James Montgomery Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: Hid in the rock-cleft, let me stand, While Thou art passing by, But from the glory, with Thine hand, Lord, screen me, or I die. On Sinai Thy pavilion spread, Speak from the fire to me, If trembling I may turn my head To noon-dark Calvary. Come with the whirlwind, earthquake, flame, Yet shall my soul rejoice, To hear them follow'd by Thy name, Told in the still small voice. Be mercy mingled with the cup, My Father gives to drink, Lest over-sorrow swallow up The spirit prone to sink. And when, before the great white throne, With all the human race, I stand, as though I stood alone, My God, may I find grace! Topics: Prayer for Divine manifestations

How beautiful the sight

Author: James Montgomery Meter: Appears in 68 hymnals Lyrics: How beautiful the sight Of brethren who agree In friendship to unite, And bonds of charity! 'Tis like the precious ointment, shed O'er all his robes, from Aaron's head. 'Tis like the dews that fill The cups of Hermon's flowers; Or Zion's fruitful hill, Bright with the drops of showers, When mingling odours breathe around, And glory rests on all the ground. For there the Lord commands Blessings, a boundless store, From His unsparing hands-- Yea, life for evermore; Thrice happy they who meet above To spend eternity in love. Topics: Brotherly Love Scripture: Psalm 133

Full speed along the world's highway

Author: James Montgomery Meter: Appears in 8 hymnals Lyrics: Full speed along the world's highway, By crowds of eager travellers trod, My soul, my soul, a moment stay, To hold communion with thy God. He spake with Abraham at the oak, He call'd Elisha from the plough, David He from the sheep-folds took; Thy day, Thy hour of grace is now. Earth, with thy vanities, depart! My God, I stand alone with Thee; Thine eye is looking on my heart; Oh! what a noon is risen on me! Struck to the ground, like conscious Saul, And blinded with the sudden view, Trembling, astonish'd, "Lord," I call, What wouldst Thou have Thy servant do?" My sins, as fresh-committed, rise; My secret sins, by darkness seal'd, Before my Judge's flaming eyes, Are all in naked guilt reveal'd. Lord, lay Thine hand upon my head; A touch, a word, will make me whole; Speak with the voice that wakes the dead, Peace, pardon, comfort, to my soul. 212 Then, though I shudder at Thy sight, Through Him who my offences bore, In light, as God is in the light, I walk by faith, and sin no more. Topics: Noon


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