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Meter: d

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Showing 41 - 50 of 329Results Per Page: 102050

O God, Be Merciful to Me

Meter: D Appears in 1 hymnal
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O God, in Whose all-searching eye

Author: C. Wordsworth Meter: D Appears in 7 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O God, in Whose all-searching eye Thy servants stand, to ratify The vow baptismal, by them made, When first Thy hand was on them laid; Bless them, O Holy Father, bless, Who Thee, with heart and voice confess; May they, acknowledged as Thine own, Stand evermore before Thy throne. 2 O Christ, Who didst at Pentecost Send down from heaven the Holy Ghost; And at Samaria baptize Those whom Thou didst evangelize; And then on Thy baptized confer The best of gifts, the Comforter, By apostolic hands, and prayer; Be with us now, as Thou wert there. 3 Arm these Thy soldiers, mighty Lord, With shield of faith, and Spirit's sword; Forth to the battle may they go, And boldly fight against the foe, With banner of the cross unfurled, And by it overcome the world; And so at last receive from Thee The palm and crown of victory. 4 Come, ever blessèd Spirit, come, And make Thy servant's hearts Thy home; Thus consecrated, Lord, to Thee, May each a living temple be. Enrich that temple's holy shrine With sevenfold gifts of grace divine; With wisdom, light, and knowledge, bless, Strength, counsel, fear, and godliness. Amen. Topics: Confirmation Used With Tune: JORDAN
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O Praise the LORD! His Praise Proclaim!

Meter: D Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Church As Covenant People; God Praises of; God Sovereignty of ; Israel; Ordination; Servants of Christ or God Scripture: Psalm 135 Used With Tune: CREATION Text Sources: OPC/URCNA 2016

O God, You Gave Your Servant John

Author: Joy F. Patterson Meter: D Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 O Lord, you gave your servant John a vision of the world to come: a radiant city filled with light, where you with us will make your home; where neither grief nor pain shall dwell, since former things have passed away, and where they need no sun nor moon; your glory lights eternal day. 2 Our cities wear great shrouds of pain; beneath our gleaming towers of wealth the homeless crouch in rain and snow, the poor cry out for strength and health. Youth’s hope is dimmed by ignorance; unwilling, workers idled stand; indifference walks unheeding by as hunger stretches out its hand. 3 Come, Lord, make real John’s vision fair; come, dwell with us, make all things new; we try in vain to save our world unless our help shall come from you. Come, strengthen us to live in love; bid hatred, greed, injustice cease. Your glory all the light we need, let all our cities shine forth peace. Topics: A New Heaven and A New Earth Completion of Creation and City of God; Biblical Characters John; Church Triumphant; City/City of God; Eternal Life; Funerals and Memorial Services; Glory; God House, Home; Heaven(s)/Paradise; Hunger; Pain; Peace (World); Poverty; Vision/Dream; World; Youth; All Saints Year B Used With Tune: CANDLER

My gracious Redeemer I love

Author: B. Francis Meter: D Appears in 201 hymnals Used With Tune: SALOME

I Have a Home

Author: Barney Elliott Warren Meter: D Appears in 5 hymnals First Line: I have a home prepared for me Refrain First Line: I'll live for Him till life shall end Lyrics: 1 I have a home prepared for me, A mansion bright across the sea; And when I pass to yon bright shore, I’ll dwell with Christ forevermore. Refrain: I’ll live for Him till life shall end, Then on my pinions I’ll ascend To that bright home, where all is fair, And take my starry crown to wear. 2 I have a home in heav’n above, Where all is pure and perfect love; A home where sin can never be, Where all is perfect purity. [Refrain] 3 I have a home, forever free From toil, and care, and misery, Where stormy seas can never roll, Where bliss eternal crowns the soul. [Refrain] 4 I have a home—how sweet to know ’Tis well secured from every foe— Where peace and joy do reign supreme, Where love shall be my only theme. [Refrain] Hymnal of the Church of God, 1953 (Timeless Truths) Used With Tune: [I have a home prepared for me]

Divine Protection

Author: Augustus Toplady Meter: D Appears in 11 hymnals First Line: A sovereign Protector I have
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The world Was Hushed in Silence Deep

Author: Mrs. S. K. Bourne Meter: D Appears in 5 hymnals Lyrics: 1 The world was hushed in silence deep, The waiting shepherds watched their sheep, When came the joyful angel throng, And list’ning ages caught their song. O glorious song! O blessed story! It floats along from realms of glory, Each Christmas day it comes again,— “On earth be peace! goodwill to men!” 2 A wondrous star was sent to shine, And show the world the Babe divine; And from the East the wise men came, With royal honors to His name. O guiding star, so brightly beaming! From ages far thy radiance streaming, Still draws the nations to His feet The Babe of Bethlehem to greet! 3 ‘Twas Love that brought Him here to earth, ‘Twas Love that plann’d His humble birth, ‘Tis Love that draws us to Him now, And bids us at His feet to bow. O holy Love! in fullest measure, We bring to Thee our richest treasure, To grace Thy glowing diadem, O blessed Babe of Bethlehem! Topics: Christmas Used With Tune: KENT

Great God, your Spirit, like the wind

Author: Alan Gaunt, 1935- Meter: D Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Commitment; Compassion; Fulfilment; Holy Spirit; Intercession of the Church; Judgment of God; Justice; Peace of the World; Prophetic Witness; Vision Scripture: Acts 2:1-13 Used With Tune: JERUSALEM
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Dulce Oración

Author: William W. Walford; Juan B. Cabrera Meter: D Appears in 23 hymnals First Line: Dulce oración, dulce oración Lyrics: 1 Dulce oración, dulce oración, de toda influencia mundanal Elevas tú mi corazón, al tierno Padre celestial. ¡Oh, cuántas veces tuve en ti auxilio en ruda tentación, Y cuántos bienes recibí, mediante ti, dulce oración! 2 Dulce oración, dulce oración, al trono excelso de bondad Tú llevarás mi petición a Dios que escucha con piedad. Por fe espero recibir la gran divina bendición, Y siempre a mi Señor servir por tu virtud, dulce oración. 3 Dulce oración, dulce oración, que aliento y gozo al alma das, En esta tierra de aflicción consuelo siempre me serás. Hasta el momento en que veré a Cristo en célica mansión, Entonces me despediré feliz, de ti, dulce oración. Topics: Acción de Gracias; Thanksgiving; Devoción; Oración e Intercesión; Prayer and Intercession Scripture: Psalm 63:1-8 Used With Tune: SWEET HOUR


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