Author: Joseph Hart, 1712-1768 Meter: 8.7 D Appears in 1,471 hymnals Scripture: Luke 14:17 Lyrics: 1 Come, ye sinners, poor and needy,
Weak and wounded, sick and sore,
Jesus ready stands to save you,
Full of pity, love, and pow'r;
He is able, He is able,
He is willing—doubt no more;
He is able, He is able,
He is willing—doubt no more.
2 Let not conscience make you linger,
Nor of fitness fondly dream;
All the fitness He requireth
Is to feel your need of Him;
This He gives you, This He gives you,
'Tis the Saviour's rising beam;
This He gives you, This He gives you,
'Tis the Saviour's rising beam.
3 Agonizing in the garden,
Lo, your Saviour prostrate lies!
On the bloody tree behold Him!
Hear Him cry before He dies:
"It is finished, it is finished!"
Sinners, will not this suffice?
"It is finished, it is finished!"
Sinners, will not this suffice?
4 Lo! the rising Lord ascending,
Pleads the virtue of His blood;
Venture on Him, venture freely,
Let no other trust intrude;
None but Jesus, none but Jesus
Can do helpless sinners good;
None but Jesus, none but Jesus
Can do helpless sinners good.
5 Saints and angels, joined in concert,
Chant the praises of the Lamb,
While the blissful seats of heaven
Sweetly echo with His name;
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Sinners here may do the same;
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Sinners here may do the same. Topics: Book One: Hymns, Songs, Chorales; Warning Message The Accepted Time Used With Tune: GREENVILLE NEW
Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy