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In the cross of Christ I glory

Hymnal: Christian Hymns #146 (1898) Meter: 8.7 Topics: TheChurch Year The Passion Lyrics: 1 In the cross of Christ I glory, Towering o'er the wrecks of time; All the light of sacred story Gathers round its head sublime. 2 When the woes of life o'ertake me, Hopes deceive, and fears annoy, Never shall the cross forsake me: Lo! it glows with peace and joy. 3 When the sun of bliss is beaming Light and love upon my way, From the cross the radiance streaming Adds new luster to the day. 4 Bane and blessing, pain and pleasure, By the cross are sanctified; Peace is there that knows no measure, Joys that through all time abide. 5 In the cross of Christ I glory, Towering o'er the wrecks of time; All the light of sacred story Gathers round its head sublime. Languages: English Tune Title: ARUNDEL
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Stricken, smitten and afflicted

Hymnal: Christian Hymns #148 (1898) Meter: 8.7 Topics: TheChurch Year The Passion Lyrics: 1 Stricken, smitten, and afflicted, See Him dying on the tree! 'Tis the Christ by man rejected; Yes, my soul, 'tis He, 'tis He! 2 Ye who think of sin but lightly, Nor suppose the evil great, Here may view its nature rightly, Here its guilt may estimate. 3 Mark the sacrifice appointed! See who bears the awful load; 'Tis the Word, the Lord's Anointed, Son of man, and Son of God. 4 Here we have a firm foundation, Here the refuge of the lost; Christ's the Rock of my salvation: His the name of which we boast. 5 Lamb of God for sinners wounded! Sacrifice to cancel guilt! None shall ever be confounded Who on Thee their hopes have built. Languages: English Tune Title: LONGING FOR HEAVEN
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Jesus, refuge of the weary

Hymnal: Christian Hymns #150 (1898) Meter: 8.7 Topics: TheChurch Year The Passion Lyrics: 1 Jesus, refuge of the weary, Object of the Spirit's love, Fountain in life's desert dreary, Saviour from the world above: 2 O how oft Thine eyes, offended, Gazed upon the sinner's fall! Yet, upon the cross extended, Thou didst bear the pain of all. 3 Do we pass that cross unheeding, Breathing no repentant vow, Though we see Thee wounded, bleeding, See Thy thorn-encircled brow? 4 Yet Thy sinless death has brought us Life eternal, peace, and rest; Only what Thy grace has taught us Calms the sinner's stormy breast. 5 Jesus, may our hearts be burning With more fervent love for Thee; May our eyes be ever turning To Thy cross of agony; 6 Till in glory, parted never From the blessed Saviour's side, Graven in our hearts for ever, Dwell the cross, the Crucified. Languages: English Tune Title: LONGING FOR HEAVEN
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Saviour! all my sins confessing

Hymnal: Christian Hymns #151 (1898) Meter: 8.7 Topics: TheChurch Year Ascension Lyrics: 1 Saviour! all my sins confessing, Gracious hear me when I cry; Give, through faith, the promised blessing, Freely, fully justify. 2 By Thy Holy Spirit's leading, Bring me to Thy bosom nigh, In Thy blessed footsteps treading, Soul and body sanctify. 3 Thus, the days of conflict ended, In the mansions of the sky, Whither, Lord, Thou art ascended, With Thyself, me glorify. Languages: English Tune Title: LONGING FOR HEAVEN
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Come hither, ye faithful, triumphantly sing!

Hymnal: Christian Hymns #159 (1898) Meter: Topics: TheChurch Year Christmas Lyrics: 1 Come hither, ye faithful, triumphantly sing! Come, see in the manger the angels' great King! To Bethlehem hasten with joyful accord: O come ye, come hither to worship the Lord! O come ye, come hither to worship the Lord! 2 True Son of the Father, He comes from the skies; To be born of a virgin He does not despise: To Bethlehem hasten with joyful accord; O come ye, come hither to worship the Lord! O come ye, come hither to worship the Lord! 3 Hark! hark to the angels! all singing in heaven, "To God in the highest all glory be given!" To Bethlehem hasten with joyful accord: O come ye, come hither to worship the Lord! O come ye, come hither to worship the Lord! 4 To Thee, then, O Jesus, this day of Thy birth, Be glory and honor through heaven and earth: True Godhead incarnate! omnipotent Word! O come, let us hasten to worship the Lord! O come, let us hasten to worship the Lord! Languages: English Tune Title: ADESTE FIDELES
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Lord of our life, and God of our salvation

Hymnal: Christian Hymns #163 (1898) Meter: Topics: TheChurch Year Festival of the Reformation Lyrics: 1 Lord of our life, and God of our salvation, Star of our night, and Hope of every nation, Hear and receive Thy Church's supplication, Lord God Almighty. 2 Lord, Thou canst help when earthly armor faileth, Lord, Thou canst save when deadly sin assaileth, Lord, o'er Thy Rock nor death nor hell prevaileth: Grant us Thy peace, Lord: 3 Peace in the land--from foeman's sword deliver, Peace in the church--let brethren naught dissever; Peace in the heart and conscience now and ever Grant us, O Saviour! 4 Grant us Thy help till Thy foes back are driven, Grant them Thy truth, that they may be forgiven, Grant peace on earth, and after we have striven, Peace in Thy heaven. Languages: English Tune Title: LORD OF OUR LIFE
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Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!

Hymnal: Christian Hymns #165 (1898) Meter: Topics: TheChurch Year Trinity Lyrics: 1 Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee; Holy, holy, holy! merciful and mighty! God in Three Persons, blessed Trinity! 2 Holy, holy, holy! all the saints adore Thee, Casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea; Cherubim and seraphim, falling down before Thee, Which wert, and art, and evermore shalt be. 3 Holy, holy, holy! though the darkness hide Thee, Though the eye of sinful man Thy glory may not see, Only Thou art holy; there is none beside Thee, Perfect in power, in love, and purity. 4 Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! All Thy works shall praise Thy name, in earth and sky and sea; Holy, holy, holy! merciful and mighty! God in Three Persons, blessed Trinity! Languages: English Tune Title: HOLY, HOLY, HOLY
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All praise to Jesus' hallowed name

Hymnal: Christian Hymns #166 (1898) Meter: Topics: TheChurch Year Christmas Lyrics: 1 All praise to Jesus' hallowed name, Who of virgin pure became True man for us! The angels sing, As they to earth the glad news bring. Hallelujah! 2 Th'eternal Father's only Son For a manger leaves His throne; Disguised in our poor flesh and blood Is now the everlasting Good. Hallelujah! 3 He whom the world could not inclose Doth in Mary's lap repose; He is become an infant small, Who by His might upholdeth all. Hallelujah! 4 Th'eternal Light, come down from heaven, Hath to us new sunshine given; It shineth in the midst of night, And maketh us the sons of light. Hallelujah! 5 The Father's Son, God ever blest, In the world become a guest; He leads us from this vale of tears, And makes us in His kingdom heirs. Hallelujah! 6 He came to earth despised and poor, Man to pity and restore, And make us rich in heaven above, With angels equal, through His love. Hallelujah! 7 All this He did that He might prove To us sinners His great love: For this let Christendom adore And praise His name forevermore. Hallelujah! Languages: English Tune Title: ALL PRAISE TO JESUS' HALLOWED NAME
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Christ the Lord is risen again

Hymnal: Christian Hymns #168 (1898) Meter: Topics: TheChurch Year Easter Lyrics: 1 Christ the Lord is risen again; Christ hath broken death's strong chain; Hark, angelic voices cry, Singing evermore on high, Hallelujah! 2 He who gave for us His life, Who for us endured the strife, Is our Paschal Lamb to-day; We, too, sing for joy and say, Hallelujah! 3 He who bore all pain and loss Comfortless upon the cross, Lives in glory now on high, Pleads for us and hears our cry. Hallelujah! 4 He who slumbered in the grave, Is exalted now to save; Now through Christendom it rings That the Lamb is King of kings. Hallelujah! 5 Thou our Paschal Lamb indeed, Christ, Thy ransomed people feed: Take our sins and guilt away, That we all may sing for aye, Hallelujah! Languages: English Tune Title: CHRIST THE LORD IS RISEN AGAIN
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To Thee our God we fly

Hymnal: Christian Hymns #171 (1898) Meter: Topics: TheChurch Year Day of Humiliation and Prayer Lyrics: 1 To Thee our God we fly For mercy and for grace; Oh, hear our lowly cry, And hide not Thou Thy face. O Lord, stretch forth Thy mighty hand, And guard and bless our fatherland. 2 Arise, O Lord of hosts; Be jealous for Thy name, And drive from out our coasts The sins that put to shame. O Lord, stretch forth Thy mighty hand, And guard and bless our fatherland. 3 Thy best gifts from on high In rich abundance pour, That we may magnify And praise Thee more and more. O Lord, stretch forth Thy mighty hand, And guard and bless our fatherland. 4 The powers ordained by Thee, With heavenly wisdom bless; May they Thy servants be, And rule in righteousness. O Lord, stretch forth Thy mighty hand, And guard and bless our fatherland. 5 The church of Thy dear Son Inflame with love's pure fire, Bind her once more in one, And life and truth inspire. O Lord, stretch forth Thy mighty hand, And guard and bless our fatherland. 6 Give peace, Lord, in our time: Oh, let no foe draw nigh, Nor lawless deed of crime Insult Thy Majesty. O Lord, stretch forth Thy mighty hand, And guard and bless our fatherland. Languages: English Tune Title: HANDEL'S 148TH PSALM


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