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Now I'm convinc'd the Lord is kind

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P73a (1766) Topics: Prosperity dangerous Lyrics: 1 Now I'm convinc'd the Lord is kind To Men of Heart sincere; Yet once my foolish Thoughts repin'd, And border'd on Despair. 2 I griev'd to see the Wicked thrive, And spoke with angry Breath, "How pleasant and profane they live? "How peaceful is their Death! 3 "With well-fed Flesh and haughty Eyes, "They lay their Fears to sleep; "Against the Heav'ns their Slanders rise, "While Saints in Silence weep. 4 "In vain I lift my Hands to pray, "And cleanse my Heart in vain, "For I am chasten'd all the Day, "The Night renews my Pain." 5 Yet while my Tongue indulg'd Complaints, I felt my Heart reprove; "Sure I shall thus offend thy Saints, And grieve the Men I Love." 6 But still I found my Doubts too hard, The Conflict too severe, Till I retir'd to search thy Word, And learn thy Secrets there. 7 There, as in some prophetic Glass, I saw the Sinner's Feet High mounted on a slipp'ry Place, Beside a fi'ry Pit. 8 I heard the Wretch profanely boast, 'Till at thy Frown he fell; His Honours in a Dream were lost, And he awakes in Hell. 9 Lord, what an envious Fool I was! How like a thoughtless Beast! Thus to suspect thy promis'd Grace, And think the Wicked blest. 10 Yet I was kept from full Despair, Upheld by Pow'r unknown; That blessed Hand that broke the Snare, Shall guide me to thy Throne. Scripture: Psalm 73 Languages: English
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GOD, my Supporter and my Hope

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P73b (1766) Topics: Prosperity dangerous Lyrics: 1 God, my Supporter and my Hope, My Help for ever near, Thine Srm of Mercy held me up, When sinking in Despair. 2 Thy Counsels, Lord, shall guide my Feet Through this dark Wilderness; Thine Hand conduct me near thy Seat, To dwell before thy Face. 3 Were I in Heav'n without my GOD, 'Twould be no Joy to me; And whilst this Earth is my Abode, I long for none but Thee. 4 What if the Springs of Life were broke, And Flesh and Heart should faint, GOD is my Soul's eternal Rock, The Strength of ev'ry Saint. 5 Behold, the Sinners that remove Far from thy Presence die; Not all the Idol Gods they love Can save 'em when they cry. 6 But to draw near to Thee, my GOD, Shall be my sweet Employ; My Tongue shall sound thy Works abroad, And tell the World my Joy. Languages: English
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Lord, what a thoughtless Wretch was I

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P73c (1766) Topics: Prosperity dangerous Lyrics: 1 Lord, what a thoughtless Wretch was I, To mourn and murmur, and repine To see the Wicked plac'd on high, In Pride and Robes of Honour shine! 2 But, O their End, their dreadful End! Thy Sanctuary taught me so; O slipp'ry Rocks I see them stand, And fi'ry Billows roll below. 3 Now let 'em boast how tall they rise, I'll never envy them again; There they may stand with haughty Eyes, Till they plunge deep in endless Pain. 4 Their fancy'd Joys, how fast they flee! Just like a Dream when Man awakes; Their Songs of softest Harmony Are but a Preface to their Plagues. 5 Now I esteem their Mirth and Wine Too dear to Purchase with my Blood; Lord, 'tis enough that thou art mine, My Life, my Portion, and my GOD. Scripture: Psalm 73:17-20 Languages: English
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Sure there is a righteous GOD

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P73d (1766) Topics: Prosperity dangerous Lyrics: 1 Sure there is a righteous GOD, Nor is Religion vain; Though Men of Vice may boast aloud, And Men of Grace complain. 2 I saw the Wicked rise, And felt my Heart repine, While haughty Fools, with scornful Eyes In Robes of Honour shine. 3 [Pamper'd with wanton Ease, Their Flesh looks full and fair; Their Wealth rolls in like flowing Seas, And grows without their Care. 4 Free from the Plagues and Pains That pious Souls endure; Through all their Life Oppression reigns, And racks the humble Poor. 5 Their impious Tongues blaspheme The everlasting GOD; Their Malice blasts the good Man's Name, And spreads their Lies abroad. 6 But I, with flowing Tears Indulg'd my Doubts to rise; "Is there a GOD that sees or hears "The things below the Skies!"] 7 The Tumults of my Thought Held me in hard Suspense, Till to thy House my Feet were brought, To learn thy Justice thence. 8 Thy Word with Light and Pow'r Did my Mistakes amend; I view'd the Sinner's Life before, But here I learnt their End. 9 On what a slipp'ry Steep The thoughtless Wretches go! And O that dreadful fi'ry Deep That waits their Fall below! 10 Lord, at thy Feet I bow, My thoughts no more repine: I call my GOD my Portion now, And all my Pow'rs are thine. Scripture: Psalm 73 Languages: English
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The Glory of Christ, The Success of the Gospel, and the Gentile Church

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #79 (1740) Topics: Prosperity dangerous First Line: My Saviour and my King Lyrics: 1 My Saviour and my King, Thy Beauties are divine; Thy Lips with Blessings overflow, And ev'ry Grace is thine. 2 Now make thy Glory known, Gird on thy dreadful Sword, And ride in Majesty to spread The Conquests of thy Word. 3 Strike through thy stubborn Foes, Or melt their Hearts t'obey, While Justice, Meekness, Grace, and Truth, Attend thy glorious Way. 4 Thy Laws, O GOD, are right; Thy Throne shall ever stand; And thy victorious Gospel proves A Sceptre in thy Hand. 5 [Thy Father and thy GOD Hath without Measure shed His Spirit, like a joyful Oil, T'anoint thy sacred Head.] 6 [Behold, at thy Right-hand The Gentile Church is seen, Like a fair Bride in rich Attire, And Princes guard the Queen.] 7 Fair Bride, receive his Love, Forget thy Father's House; Forsake thy Gods, thy Idol-Gods, And pay thy Lord thy Vows. 8 O let thy GOD and King Thy sweetest Thoughts employ; Thy Children shall his Honours sing In Palaces of Joy. Scripture: Psalm 45 Languages: English
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I'll speak the Honours of my King

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #80 (1740) Topics: Prosperity dangerous Lyrics: 1 I'll speak the Honorus of my King, His Form divinely fair; None of his Sons of mortal Race May with the Lord compare. 2 Sweet is thy Speech, and heav'nly Grace Upon thy Lips is shed; Thy GOD, with Blessings infinite, Hath crown'd thy sacred Head. 3 Gird on thy Sword, victorious Prince, Ride with majestic Sway; Thy Terror shall strike through thy foes, And make the World obey. 4 Thy Throne, O GOD, for ever stands; Thy Word of Grace shall prove A peaceful Scepter in thy Hands, To rule the Saints by Love. 5 Justice and Truth attend thee still, But Mercy is thy choice; And GOD, thy GOD, thy Soul shall fill With most peculiar Joys. Scripture: Psalm 45 Languages: English
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The Glory of Christ, and Power of his Gospel

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #81a (1740) Topics: Prosperity dangerous First Line: Now be my Heart inspir'd to sing Lyrics: 1 Now be my Heart inspir'd to sing The glories of my Saviour King, Jesus the Lord; how heav'nly fair His form! how bright his Beauties are! 2 O'er all the Sons of human Race He shines with a superior Grace; Love from his Lips divinely flows, And Blessings all his state compose. 3 Dress thee in Arms, most mighty Lord, Gird on the Terror of thy Sword, In Majesty and Glory ride With Truth and Meekness at thy Side. 4 Thine Anger, like a pointed Dart, Shall pierce the Foes of stubborn Heart; Or Words of Mercy kind and sweet, Shall melt the Rebels at thy feet. 5 Thy Throne, O GOD, for ever stands, Grace is the Scepter in thy Hands; Thy Laws and Works are just and right, Justice and grace are thy delight. 6 GOD, thine own GOD, has richly shed His Oil of Gladness on thy Head, And with his sacred Spirit blest His first-born Son above the rest. Scripture: Psalm 45 Languages: Latin
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Christ and his Church; or, The mystical Marriage

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #81b (1740) Topics: Prosperity dangerous First Line: The King of Saints, how fair his Face Lyrics: 1 The King of saints, how fair his Face, Adorn'd with Majesty and Grace! He comes with Blessings from above, And wins the Nations to his Love. 2 At his Right-hand our Eyes behold The Queen array'd in purest Gold; The World admires her heav'nly Dress, Her Robe of Joy and Righteousness. 3 He forms her Beauties like his own; He calls and seats her near his Throne: Fair Stranger, let thine Heart forget The Idols of thy native State. 4 So shall the King the more rejoice In thee the Fav'rite of his Choice; Let him be lov'd, and yet ador'd, For he's thy Maker and thy Lord. 5 O happy Hour, when thou shalt rise To his fair Palace in the Skies, And all thy Sons (a num'rous Train) Each like a Prince in Glory reign! 6 Let endless Honours crown his Head; Let ev'ry Age his Praises spread; While we with chearful Songs approve The Condescensions of his Love. Scripture: Psalm 45 Languages: English
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GOD our Portion here and hereafter

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #129 (1740) Topics: Prosperity dangerous First Line: GOD, my Supporter and my Hope Lyrics: 1 God, my Supporter and my Hope, My Help for ever near, Thine arm of Mercy held me up, When sinking in Despair. 2 Thy Counsels, Lord, shall guide my Feet Through this dark Wilderness; Thine Hand conduct me near thy Seat, To dwell before thy Face. 3 Were I in Heav'n without my GOD, 'Twould be no Joy to me; And whilst this earth is my Abode, I long for none but Thee. 4 What if the Springs of Life were broke, And Flesh and Heart should faint, GOD is my Soul's eternal Rock, The Strength of ev'ry Saint. 5 Behold, the Sinners that remove Far from thy Presence die; Not all the Idol Gods they love Can save 'em when they cry. 6 But to draw near to Thee, my GOD, Shall be my sweet Employ; My Tongue shall sound thy Works abroad, And tell the World my Joy. Languages: English
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The Mystery of Providence unfolded

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #131 (1740) Topics: Prosperity dangerous First Line: Sure there is a righteous GOD Lyrics: 1 Sure there is a righteous GOD, Nor is Religion vain; Though Men of Vice may boast aloud, And Men of Grace complain. 2 I saw the Wicked rise, And felt my Heart repine, While haughty fools, with scornful Eyes In Robes of Honour shine. 3 [Pamper'd with wanton Ease, Their Flesh looks full and fair; Their Wealth rolls in like flowing Seas, And grows without their Care. 4 Free from the Plagues and Pains That pious Souls endure; Through all their Life Oppression reigns, And racks the humble Poor. 5 Their impious Tongues blaspheme The everlasting GOD; Their Malice blasts the good Man's Name, And spreads their Lies abroad. 6 But I, with flowing Tears Indulg'd my Doubts to rise; "Is there a GOD that sees or hears "The things below the Skies?"] 7 The Tumults of my Thought Held me in hard Suspense, Till to thy House my feet were brought, To learn thy Justice thence. 8 Thy Word with Light and Pow'r Did my Mistakes amend; I view'd the Sinner's Life before, But here I learnt their End. 9 On what a slipp'ry Steep The thoughtless Wretches go! And O that dreadful fi'ry Deep That waits their Fall below! 10 Lord, at thy feet I bow, My thoughts no more repine; I call my GOD my Portion now, And all my Pow'rs are thine. Scripture: Psalm 73 Languages: English


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