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John Hampden Gurney

1802 - 1862 Person Name: John H. Gurney Author of "Great King of nations, hear our prayer" in The Hymnal Gurney, John Hampden, M.A., eldest son of Sir John Gurney, a Baron of the Exchequer, was born in Serjeants’ Inn, London, Aug. 15, 1802, and educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he graduated in 1824. On taking Holy Orders he became Curate of Lutterworth (1827-1844), and subsequently Rector of St. Mary's, Marylebone, and Prebendary of St. Paul's Cathedral. He died in London, March 8, 1862. The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge and other religious societies had his cordial sympathy, and received his active support. His publications include several small volumes in prose, and the following:— (1) Church Psalmody; Hints for the improvement of a Collection of Hymns published by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1853; (2) A Collection of Hymns for Public Worship. Lutterworth, 1838. This contains 300 hymns, and is known as his Lutterworth Collection; (3) Psalms and Hymns for Public Worship, selected for some of the Churches of Marylebone. London, 1851. This collection of 300 hymns and psalm versions is known as his Marylebone Collection. The Preface is signed by "Charles Baring," "Thomas Garnier," and "John Hampden Gurney," but the work was practically done by Gurney. To the Lutterworth Collection 1838, he contributed :— 1. Earth to earth, and dust to dust. Burial. 2. Great King of nations, hear our prayer. Fast Day. 3. Lord, as to Thy dear Cross we flee. Lent. 4. Lord, at Thy word the constant sun. Harvest. 5. Saviour, what wealth was Thine. Passiontide. 6. Soon to the dust we speed. Heaven anticipated. 7. Thou God of mercy and of might. Good Friday. 8. Thou plenteous source of light and love. Advent. 9. Thou Who of old didst raise. Ascension. 10. Through centuries of sin and woe. For Peace. 11. We praise Thee, everlasting God. Te Deum. These hymns were all signed "J. H. G.," and Nos. 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9 and 11, were repeated in the Marylebone Collection, 1851; and to these were added:— 12. Fair waved the golden corn. Child's Hymn. 13. How vast the debt we owe. Offertory. 14. Lord of the Harvest, Thee we hail. Harvest. This is No. 4 above rewritten. 15. Lord, we lift our eyes above. Love of Christ. In addition to these we are specially indebted to Gurney for, "We saw Thee not when Thou didst come" (q.v.), and "Yes, God is good," &c. (q.v.). Several of the above-named hymns are in extensive use in Great Britain and America. The most popular are annotated under their respective first lines. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Adoniram Judson

1788 - 1850 Author of "The Lord's Prayer" in Trinity Psalter Hymnal Adoniram Judson MA DD USA 1788-1850. Born at Malden, MA, his father being a Congregational pastor. He graduated from Brown University, Providence, RI, in 1807 and opened a school. He wrote an English grammar and mathematics textbook for girls. He then attended Andover Theological Seminary. studying Hebrew, Greek, and Latin. His friend, Jacob Eames, turned him from religion, but Eames died suddenly, and he Judson, shocked, turned back to God in 1808. In 1809 he became interested in missions. In 1810 he was licensed to preach by the Orange Vermont Congregational Association, preparatory to pastoral ministry. However, he had inclinations to overseas ministry, and, having failed to get an appointment from the London Missionary Society, persuaded the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ACBFM), to send him and his wife, Ann Hasaltine, and six others, as Baptist missionaries to India. They departed in 1812 on a 4-month voyage to Calcutta. Enroute, Ann miscarried their first child. Arriving there, having studied Baptist principles enroute, they decided to be baptized. They were, and they resigned from ABCFM, laying plans for creation of a Baptist Missionary society from the U.S. After experiencing various hindrances from the East India Company, they escaped India, and began mission work in Rangoon, Burma (now Myanmar) in 1813, becoming the first mission of American Baptists (where Judson labored for almost 40 years). They spent three years learning the Burmese language with the help of a tutor. They evangelized and did Bible translation. They spent 12 years making 18 converts from Buddhism. In 1817 a printing press came from America and a printer, George Hough, and his wife. They printed the first Christian tracts in the Burmese language, including 800 copies of the book of Matthew, translated into Burmese by Judson. That helped in gaining converts. In 1824, Rangoon having been taken by the British, Dr. Judson was charged with being a British spy and was held captive by the natives until the Burmese capitulated to the British in 1826. Thanks to his sickly wife’s efforts he was released after 21 months in squalid prison conditions, and was pressed to serve as a translator for the Burmese government during negotiations for the Treaty Yandobo. His wife died that year from complications of smallpox. In 1828 he moved his mission efforts to Moulmein, where, with help from a Jonathan Wade, he built a church and school and continued work on the Burmese Bible. He married Sarah Hall Boardman, widow of his late colleague, G D Boardman, who died at sea. She was a gifted linguist and teacher. He finished translating the Burmese Bible, after 24 years, in 1834, and he and wrote several tracts in that language. After the birth of her 8th child (most with her former husband), Sarah’s health declined, and they embarked for the U.S. She died enroute. He completed the trip and remained on furlough for nine months. He suffered from laryngitis due to pulmonary illness, and reduced strength, but was hailed a hero throughout the Christian community. When he talked, he had to use someone who could repeat his words in order to be heard above a whisper. While at Madison University in upstate NY, he met and married Emily Chubbock, a writer and educator. They returned to Burma in 1846 to continue work on an enlarged Burmese dictionary. It was compiled in 1849. Shortly thereafter, he contracted a respiratory fever and, while attempting to travel to a better climate for his health, died at sea in the Bay of Bengal. Most of their children died in infancy or when young. His legacy included establishing 100 churches, 8000 believers, and encouraging more missionaries to come to Burma after him, Sarah Cummings, Jason Tuma, and Eleanor Macomber, to name a few. His memoirs were published in 1853. He also wrote some hymns. Because of his efforts, Myanmar has the 3rd largest population of Baptist Christians in the world, behind the U.S. and India. Each July there is a Judson Day in Myanmar. Accolades given and institutions and organizations named after Judson in both Myanmar and America are too numerous to name here, but one can look them up. John Perry ============ Judson, Adoniram, D.D., born at Maldon, Massachusetts, Aug. 9, 1788, where his father was Pastor of a Baptist Church. He graduated at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, 1807; and went in 1815, together with his first wife, as a Missionary to India. After encountering various hindrances from the East India Company, they began their mission in Burma. On June 8, 1824, Rangoon having been taken by the British, Dr. Judson was imprisoned by the natives, and was kept in captivity until the Burmese capitulated to the British in 1826. His first wife dying on Oct. 24, 1826, he married the widow of his late colleague, G. D. Boardman (ne'e Hull, April 10, 1834. He died at sea, April 12, 1850, and was buried in the deep. He translated the Bible into Burmese, and wrote several tracts in that language. A Burmese-English Dictionary was compiled from his papers. His Memoirs, by Dr. Wayland, were published in 1853. His hymns include :— 1. Our Father God, [Lord] Who art in heaven. The Lord's Prayer. This hymn is dated "Prison, Ava, March 1825," and was written during his imprisonment. It was given in his Memoirs, 1853, vol. i. p. 308. It is in common use in Great Britain and America. 2. Our Saviour bowed beneath the wave. Holy Baptism. This dates from 1829, or earlier, and is in 7 stanzas, It is said to have been "sung at the Baptism of several soldiers at Moulmein, British Pegu." St. i.-iii. usually form the hymn. 3. Come, Holy Spirit, Dove divine. Holy Baptism. This is composed of st. vii., v., vi. of No. 2, and is found in Winchell's Collection, 1832. [Rev. F. M. Bird, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

G. W. Briggs

1875 - 1959 Person Name: George Wallace Briggs Author of "The Church the Family of God" in Sing for Joy George Wallace Briggs is a Canon of Worcester Cathedral and one of the most distinguished British hymn writers and hymnologists of today. Six of his hymns appear in the Episcopal Hymnal of 1940 (American). Another hymn on the Bible entitled "Word of the living God" was written for the 25th Anniversary of the British Bible Reading Fellowship and was sung in Westminster Abbey on June 5, 1947. It has been widely used since that time. Canon Briggs is a leading member of the Hymn Society of Great Britain and Ireland. He is also the composer of several hymn times, six of which have appeared in British hymnals. In addition to his work as a clergy man of the Church of England and an hymnologist, he has interest himself actively in the field of religious education, being largely responsible for two books with wide circulation in Britain, "Prayers and Hymns for used in Schools" and "The Daily Service." These books have had great influence on the worship practices of British schools, public and private. It is of historic interest that he is the author of one of the prayers used at the time of the famous meeting of Churchill and Roosevelt on H.M.S. Prince of Wales in 1941 when the Atlantic Charter was framed. --Ten New Hymns on the Bible, 1952. Used by permission.

George Washington Doane

1799 - 1859 Person Name: G. W. Doane, 1799-1859 Author of "Thou Art the Way" in Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary Doane, George Washington, D.D. Bishop Doane was born at Trenton, New Jersey, May 27, 1799, and graduated at Union College, Schenectady, New York. Ordained in 1821, he was Assistant Minister at Trinity Church, New York, till 1824. In 1824 he became a Professor at Trinity College, Hartford, Conn.; in 1828 Rector of Trinity Church, Boston; and, in 1832, Bishop of New Jersey. He founded St. Mary's Hall, Burlington, 1837, and Burlington College, Burlington, 1846. Died April 27, 1859.  Bishop Doane's exceptional talents, learning, and force of character, made him one of the great prelates of his time. His warmth of heart secured devoted friends, who still cherish his memory with revering affection. He passed through many and severe troubles, which left their mark upon his later verse. He was no mean poet, and a few of his lyrics are among our best. His Works, in 4 volumes with Memoir by his son, were published in 1860. He issued in 1824 Songs by the Way, a small volume of great merit and interest. This edition is now rare. A second edition, much enlarged, appeared after his death, in 1859, and a third, in small 4to, in 1875. These include much matter of a private nature, such as he would not himself have given to the world, and by no means equal to his graver and more careful lyrics, on which alone his poetic fame must rest.The edition of 1824 contains several important hymns, some of which have often circulated without his name. Two of these are universally known as his, having been adopted by the American Prayer Book Collection, 1826:-- 1. Softly now the light of day. Evening. This, in addition to its use in American hymnals, is also found in the English Collections, including Snepp's Songs of Grace & Glory.   Written in 1824. 2. Thou art the way, to Thee alone. Christ the Way. This, in the judgment of many, is the first of American hymns, and one of the most admirable and useful in the English language. In the United States its use is most extensive, and since its introduction into the English Collections by Bickersteth in 1833, Hall in his Mitre, in 1836, and others, it has grown in favour until it ranks with the most popular of the great English hymns. Near in merit to the foregoing stands a companion piece in the same work, which deserves to be better known :— 3.  Lord, should we leave Thy hallowed feet. The next three have been overlooked at home, but have obtained considerable circulation in English Collections. 4.  Father of mercies hear,  Thy pardon we implore.    Ash Wednesday or Lent.    A translation of "Audi, benigne Conditor" q.v.), published in his Songs by the Way, 1824, together with several other translations, thus anticipating by twelve years the great English movement in that direction.   Original translation in his Songs by the Way, 1875Miller (S. & S., p. 12) attributes this translation to Dr. Neale in error. 5.  Return and come to God.   Invitation.   In his Songs, &c, 1824.   It is found in  Hall’s Mitre, 1836; the Baptist Hymnal, 1879, and several others. 6.  To thee, 0 Lord, with dawning light.  Morning.    This hymn is attributed to Heber by Miller (S. & S. , p. 381) in error.  It is included in the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge Hymns, 1852; in Windle and others.    It is from the Songs, &c, 1824. His later hymns, the dates of which are generally preserved in the last edition of his Songs by the Way, include the following, which are more or less in use :— 7.  Beloved, it is well.   All well in Christ.   This is entitled "To my wife"; is dated Mar. 12, 1833, and was written in a copy of Dr. Bedell's "It is well."    It is given in Kennedy, 1863. 8.  Broken-hearted, weep no more.    Assurance of Peace.    The date of this hymn is not preserved. It is found as early as 1829, when it appeared in the 2nd edition of Cleland's (Baptist) Hymns. 9.  Fling out the banner, let it float.    Missions, Home & Foreign.    This hymn, sometimes dated 1824 in error, was written at Riverside, 2nd Sunday in Advent, 1848, and is one of the author's latest effusions.    It is in extensive use both in Great Britain and America. 10.  He came not with His heavenly crown.   The two Advents. In his Songs by the Way, edition 1875, this poem is dated Dec. 1827.    In Dale's English Hymnbook, 1879, it is given with the omission of stanza iii., and in the American Protestant Episcopal  Hymnal,   1871,  it begins  with stanza iv., "Once more, O Lord, Thy sign shall be."    Full text in Lyra Sac. Amer., p. 92. 11.  Lift not thou the wailing voice.   Burial.   A funeral hymn, adopted by the Anglican Hymnbook, but dated 1826 in error, for 1830. 12.  What is that, mother?  The lark, my child. This is not a hymn, but a familiar and long popular song. 13.  "When darkness erst [once] at God's command. Israel in Egypt.    In Kennedy, 1863, No. 722. 14.  Young and happy while thou art.    Youth for Christ.   A favourite piece in many juvenile collections.   It is dated Sept., 1827, and is given in Songs by the Way, 1875. The Lyra Sacra Americana also contains the following:— 15.  Brightness of the Father's glory.    Morning. A tr. of "Consors Paterni luminis " (q.v.).   It is from the Songs, &c, 1824. 16.  Child that kneelest meekly there.     Child at Prayer.    Suggested by a cast from a piece of sculpture by Greenough representing a child at prayer. 17.  Grant me, Lord, Thy graces three.    Faith, Hope, and Charity desired. 18.  Perfect through suffering may it be.     Uses of suffering.    Dated in Songs by the Way, "The Breakers, June 1, 1853." 19.  Yes, it is a faithful saying.   Redemption. In his Songs, &c, 1824.             [Rev. F. M. Bird, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Oliver Wendell Holmes

1809 - 1894 Person Name: Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Author of "Father Of Mercies, Heavenly Friend" in The Cyber Hymnal Holmes, Oliver Wendell, M.D, LL.D., son of the Rev. Abiel Holmes, D.D. of Cambridge, U.S.A., was born at Cambridge, Aug. 29, 1809, and educated at Harvard, where he graduated in 1829. After practising for some time in Boston, he was elected in 1847 to the chair of Anatomy, in Harvard. His writings in prose and verse are well known and widely circulated. They excel in humour and pathos. Although not strictly speaking a hymnwriter, a few of his hymns are in extensive use, and include:— 1. Father of mercies, heavenly Friend. Prayer during war. 2. Lord of all being, throned afar. God's Omnipresence. This is a hymn of great merit. It is dated 1848. 3. 0 Lord of hosts, Almighty King. Soldiers’ Hymn. Dated 1861. 4. 0 Love divine that stoop'st to share. Trust. 1859. Of these Nos. 2 and 4 are in his Professor at the Breakfast Table, and are in common use in Great Britain, in Martineau's Hymns, 1873, and others. In 1886 the D.C.L. degree was conferred upon Professor Holmes by the University of Oxford. He was a member of the Unitarian body. He died Oct 7, 1894. [Rev. F. M. Bird, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================== Holmes, O. W. , p. 530, i. His Songs in Many Keys was published in 1861, his Poems, 1869, and the Cambridge edition of his Complete Poetical Works, 1895. Additional hymns of his have come into common use of late, including:— 1. Land where the banners wave last in the sun. [American National Hymn.] Appeared in his Songs in Many Keys, 1861 (7th ed. 1864, p. 289) as "Freedom, our Queen." 2. Lord, Thou hast led us as of old. [Promised Unity.] In his Before the Curfew and other Poems, chiefly occasional, Boston, 1888, as "An hymn set forth to bo sung by the Great Assembly at Newtown [Mass.]." In the Complete Poetical Works it is dated 1886. The hymn "Soon shall the slumbering morn awake," in Hymns for Church and Home, Boston, 1895, is composed of stanzas v.-vii. 3. Our Father, while our hearts unlearn The creeds that wrong Thy name. [Fruits of the Spirit.] Written for the 25th Anniversary Reorganization of the Poston Young Men's Christian Union, May 31, 1893. In his Complete Poetical Works, 1895, p. 298, Horder's Worship Song, 1905, and other collections. 4. Thou gracious [God] Power Whose mercy lends. [Reunion.] "Written for the annual meeting of the famous class '29, Harvard University, in 1869. ln the Methodist Hymn Book, 1904, it begins "Thou gracious God, Whose mercy lends." [Rev. L. F. Benson, D.D.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Gustav Friedrich Ludwig Knak

1806 - 1878 Author of "Es ist in keinem Andern Heil" in Gesangbuch der Bischöflichen Methodistenkirche Knak, Gustav Friedrich Ludwig, son of Christian F. L. Knak, Justiz Commissarius at Berlin, was born at Berlin, July 12, 1806. He matriculated as a student of theology at the University of Berlin, Easter, 1826. In the autumn of 1829 he became tutor in a private school at Königs-Wusterhausen, near Berlin, where he worked manfully for the sick and dying during the cholera year 1831. He returned to Berlin in August, 1832, and acted as one of the editors of the well-known Geistlicher Lieder Schatz (referred to in this Dictionary as the Berlin Geistlicher Lieder Schatz), to which he contributed a number of hymns, and for which he wrote the preface dated Dec. 11, 1832. In the autumn of 1834 he was ordained pastor of Wusterwitz, near Dramburg, in Pomerania; and in the end of 1849 was appointed Gossner's successor as Pastor of the Lutheran-Bohemian congregation (Bethlehemskirche) in Berlin. During a holiday visit to a married daughter at Dünnow, near Stolpemünde, he was taken suddenly ill, and died there July 27, 1878; his body being removed to Berlin and laid to rest in the graveyard belonging to his church (O. Kraus, 1879, p. 266; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, xvi. 261, &c). Knak was a man of prayer, a faithful and successful preacher and pastor, and greatly interested in Missions at home and abroad, especially in the Lutheran missions to China and the Chinese Orphanage at Hong Kong. As a hymn-writer he is distinguished by elegance of style, harmony of rhythm, and deep love to the personal Christ. His hymns appeared in his Simon Johanna, hast du mich lieb? Berlin, 1829 (enlarged editions pub. at Berlin 1840, and again in 1843 as his Zionsharfe); in the Berlin Geistlicher Lieder Schatz, ed. 1832; and in his Liebe urn, Liebe . . . Nachtrag zu dessen Zionsharfe. Werder, 2nd ed. 1849 (3rd ed. Berlin, 1850). Those of Knak's hymns which have passed into English are:— i. Lasst mich geh'n, lasst mich geh'n. Longing for Heaven. Of the origin of this favourite hymn, 0. Kraus, 1879, p. 269, gives the following account:— "Knak's earnest zeal in the cause of missions to the heathen had the natural result, that for many years he was summoned as festival preacher to the most distant Mission services. On the way to fulfil these engage¬ments many of Knak's hymns had their origin. About 1845, one day the pastor of Wusterwitz [his cure] came to pastor Sondermann at Coprieben, and asked him to play the well-known popular melody 'Morgenroth, orgenroth,' as he had just composed a hymn to that tune. As the desired melody rang out, the poet struck up for the first time that hymn since sung by hundreds of thousands, *Lasst mich geh'n! Lasst mich geh'n.” Later, Knak's blind organist, Voigtlander, in Berlin, composed the pleasing melody, to which at the present time the hymn is generally sung." This hymn appears to have been written on July 23, 1846, and is included in his Liebe um Liebe, 1849 (3rd ed., 1850, No. 48), in 5 stanzas of 5 lines, entitled "Longing after Jerusalem." It soon attained wide popularity, and is given as No. 1597 in the Berlin Geistlicher Lieder Schatz, ed. 1863. Translated as:— 1. To the sky, to the sky. A good and full translation by J. M. Sloan, contributed to J. H. Wilson's Service of Praise, 1865, No. 165, and Songs of Zion, 1878, No. 94; in both cases set to Voigtländer's melody. 2. Let me go, let me go, Jesus, face to face, to know. In full, by Mrs. Edmund Ashley, in the British Herald, Sept., 1867, p. 139; repeated in Reid's Praise Book, 1872. In the Christian Hymns, Adelaide, 1872, No. 347 begins with st. ii. "Glorious light, glorious light." Other translations are, (1) "Let me close, let me close," as No. 12 in Heart Melodies , Lond., Morgan, N.D., signed “A. P. E. J." (2) "Let me flee, let me flee," by E. Massie, 1866. (3) "Let me go, let me go, Lord to me," by Mrs. H. R. Spaeth, in the Southern Lutheran Service & Hymns for Sunday Schools , Philadelphia, 1883. (4) "Let me go! ah, let me go," by J. Kelly, 1885. Other hymns by Knak which have been translated into English are:— ii. Herr, du hast uns reich gesegnet. Close of Divine Service. Zionsharfe, 1843, No. 92, in 2 st. Tr. as "Lord, we've tasted Thy rich blessing," in L. Rehfuess's Church at Sea, 1868. iii. Ich bin ein Pilger Gottes hier auf Erden. Pilgrimage of Life. Liebe um Liebe, 3rd ed. 1850, No. 45, in 4 stanzas. Translated as "God's pilgrim am I here, on earth below," by J. Kelly, 1885. iv. Jesus sei mit dir auf alien Wegen. Birthday wish. Liebe um Liebe, 3rd ed. 1850, No. 36, in 22 lines. Tr. as (1) "Jesus be with thee in thy ways, Jesus favour," in L. Rehfuess's Church at Sea, 1868. (2) “Jesu be with thee in all thy ways, Jesu crown," by J. Kelly, 1885. v. Mit der Sehnsucht heissen Blicken. Love to Christ. Zionsharfe, 1840, p. 4, in 6 stanzas. Translated as "With the glow of ardent longing," by Miss Burlingham, in the British Herald, Sept. 1865, p. 141. vi. Sei getrost, o Seele. Cross and Consolation. Zionsharfe, 1840, p. 2, in 3 stanzas. Translated as "O my soul, be comforted, Give not," by J. Kelly, 1885. vii. Wenn Seelen sich zusammenflnden. Communion of Saints. Berlin Geistlicher Lieder Schatz, ed. 1832, No. 1857, in 5 stanzas. Tr. as "When they may chance to meet together," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 186). viii. Zieht im Frieden eure Pfade. Farewell. Zionsharfe, 1843, No. 86, in 11 lines. Tr. as "Now in peace go on your ways," in L. Rehfuess's Church at Sea, 1868. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Edward Osler

1798 - 1863 Person Name: Edward Osler, 1798-1863 Author of "O God, Unseen, Yet Ever Near" in Ambassador Hymnal Osler, Edward, was born at Falmouth in January, 1798, and was educated for the medical profession, first by Dr. Carvosso, at Falmouth, and then at Guy's Hospital, London. From 1819 to 1836 he was house surgeon at the Swansea Infirmary. He then removed to London, and devoted himself to literary pursuits. For some time he was associated with the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, both in London and at Bath. In 1841 he became the Editor of the Royal Cornwall Gazette, and took up his residence at Truro. He retained that appointment till his death, at Truro, March 7, 1863. For the Linnaean Society he wrote Burrowing and Boring Marine Animals. He also published Church and Bible; The Voyage: a Poem written at Sea, and in the West Indies, and Illustrated by papers on Natural History, 1830; The Life of Lord Exmouth, 1837, &c. His hymnological work is mainly connected with the Mitre Hymn Book. During 1835-36 he was associated with Prebendary W. J. Hall, the editor, in producing that collection, which was published in 1836 as Psalms and Hymns adapted to The Services of the Church of England. He resided in Mr. Hall's house during the time. From the "hall manuscript" we gather that he contributed 15 versions of the Psalms (5 being rewritten from others), and 50 hymns (a few rewritten). Most of these hymns and Psalm versions, together with others not in the Mitre Hymn Book, were afterwards given in the monthly numbers of his Church and King, from Nov. 1836 to Aug. 1837. The best known of these hymns are, “O God, unseen, yet ever near," and “Worship, honour, glory, blessing." Several of his hymns in common use are:— 1. Father, Whose love and truth fulfil. Holy Baptism. 2. Glory to God! with joyful adoration. Praise to the Father. 3. Great God, o'er earth and heaven supreme. Men the Stewards of God's Bounties. 4. Great God of hosts, our ears have heard. Ps. xliv. Based on the N. Version. 5. Great God, Whose awful mystery. Holy Trinity. 6. I hold the sacred book of God. Martyrs. 7. Jehovah hath spoken, the nations shall hear. Second Advent. 8. Lord, may the inward grace abound. Holy Baptism. 9. May we Thy precepts, Lord, fulfil. Love. 10. Mighty Saviour, gracious King. Advent. 11. 0 God, the help of all Thy Saints. Ps. x. 12. O Thou, the Lord and Life of those. Christ the Life of Men. 13. O Saviour, Who didst come. Easter. 14. Saviour, Whose love could stoop to death. Easter. 15. See, Lord, before Thy mercy seat. For Schools. 16. Set in a high and favoured place. Advent. 17. Wake frem the dead, new life begin. Lent. 18. With trembling awe we come. Lent. Several of these hymns are not in Osier's Church and King. We have ascribed them and others to him on the authority of the "hall MSS." It must be noted also that the text in the Church and King often differs from that in the Mitre. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) Though not mentioned by Julian, perhaps his most enduring contribution to hymnody is the third stanza of "Praise the Lord! Ye Heavens, Adore Him", whose first two stanzas are of anonymous authorship. --Leland Bryant Ross (2019)

Thomas Cotterill

1779 - 1823 Person Name: Thomas Cotterill, 1779-1823 Author of "In memory of the Saviour's love" in The Hymnary of the United Church of Canada Thomas Cotterill (b. Cannock, Staffordshire, England, 1779; d. Sheffield, Yorkshire, England, 1823) studied at St. John's College, Cambridge, England, and became an Anglican clergyman. A central figure in the dispute about the propriety of singing hymns, Cotterill published a popular collection of hymns (including many of his own as well as alterations of other hymns), Selection of Psalms and Hymns in 1810. But when he tried to introduce a later edition of this book in Sheffield in 1819, his congregation protested. Many believed strongly that the Church of England should maintain its tradition of exclusive psalm singing. In a church court the Archbishop of York and Cotterill reached a compromise: the later edition of Selection was withdrawn, and Cotterill was invited to submit a new edition for the archbishop's approval. The new edition was published in 1820 and approved as the first hymnal for the Anglican church of that region. Cotterill's suppressed book, however, set the pattern for Anglican hymnals for the next generation, and many of its hymns are still found in modern hymnals. Bert Polman =============== Thomas Cotterill was born in 1779; studied at S. John's College, Cambridge, graduating M.A.; ordained in 1806, and enterred upon parochial work at Tutbury; afterwards removed to Lane End, where he remained for nine years among the Potteries; in 1817, became perpetual Curate of S. Paul's, Sheffield. He died in 1823. He was the author of several books; among them, "A Selection of Psalms and Hymns for Public and Private Use, adapted to the Services of the Church of England." In the preparation of this collection (the 8th ed., 1819), he had the assistance of Montgomery, who in this work did what he condemned in others, viz., altering and remodeling other authors' hymns. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A., 1872. ====================== Cotterill, Thomas, M.A., was the son of a woolstapler at Cannock, Staffordshire, where he was born Dec. 4, 1779. After attending the local boarding-school of the Rev. J. Lomax, he proceeded to the Free School, Birmingham. He graduated at St. John's College, Cambridge (B.A. 1801, M.A. 1805), of which he became a Fellow. Taking Holy Orders, he became Curate of Tutbury in June, 1803 (not 1806, as stated by Miller in Singers & Songs of the Church). His subsequent charges were the Incumbency of Lane End, Staffordshire, 1808-17, and the Perpetual Curacy of St. Paul's Sheffield, 1817-23. He died at Sheffield Dec. 29, 1823 (not Jan. 5, 1824, as in the Gentleman’s Magazine), aged 44. His volume of Family Prayers attained to the sixth edi¬tion in 1824. As a hymn-writer, Cotterill is less known than as the compiler of a Selection of Psalms and Hymns which has had a most marked effect on modern hymnals. The first edition of that Selection was published in 1810, and the 9th in 1820. All subsequent issues were reprints of the last. The most important edition is the 8th, 1819. To that Selection Cotterill contributed at various dates 25 original hymns and versions of individual psalms. These, in common with all the hymns in the Selection, are given without author's name. Through the aid, however, of marked copies [in the collections of Brooke and Julian] and of members of Cotterill's family, we are enabled to identify most, if not all, of his original productions. In addition to those which are annotated under their first lines, we have— i. In his Selection of Psalms & Hymns for Public and Private Use, adapted to the Festivals of the Church of England, &c, 1st ed., 1810:— 1. Awake, O sword, the Father cried. Atonement. 2. Before Thy throne of grace, O Lord. Lent. 3. From Sinai's mount, in might array'd. The Law and the Gospel. 4. From Thine all-seeing Spirit, Lord. Ps. 139. 5. In all the ways and works of God. Ps. 145. 6. Out of the deeps, O Lord, we call. Ps. 130. 7. The Lord, who once on Calvary. The Intercessor. This is based on “Where high the heavenly temple stands," q. v. ii. In the Appendix to the 6th ed. of the same Selection, Staffordshire, 1815:— 8. Blessed are they who mourn for sin. Lent. 9. Father of mercies, let our songs [way, ways]. Thanksgiving. 10. I was alive without the law. Lent. 11. Lord of the Sabbath, 'tis Thy day. Sunday. iii. In the 8th edition of the same, 1819 :— 12. Help us, O Lord, Thy yoke to wear. Charity Sermons. This is sometimes given as "Lord, let us learn Thy yoke to wear," as in Kennedy, 1863, &c. 13. I love the Lord, for He hath heard. Ps. 116. 14. Lo in the East a star appears. Epiphany. This in an altered form begins in Kennedy, 1863, No. 188, with stanza ii., "The ancient sages from afar." 15. Lord, cause Thy face on us to shine. For Unity. 16. When Christ, victorious from the grave. Easter. The 9th ed. of the Selection, 1820, was practically a new work. It was compiled by Cotterill, but revised by Dr. Harcourt, the Archbishop of York, and was dedi¬cated to him. It was the outcome of the compromise in the legal proceedings over the 8th ed., 1819. The 8th ed. contained 367 hymns in addition to 128 versions of the Psalms and 6 Doxologies, the 9th only 152. Its full title was A Selection of Psalms and Hymns for Public Worship, Lond., T. Cadell, 1820. It may be noted that copies of the 8th ed., 1819, are found with two distinct title-pages. One of these, accompanied with the preface, was for the general public, the second, without the preface, for the use of the congregations of St. James's and St. Paul's, Sheffield. Of Cotterill's hymns the most popular are, "O'er the realms of pagan darkness," "Let songs of praises fill the sky," and "Jesus exalted far on high," but these are not distinguished by any striking features of excellence. He was more happy in some of his alterations of older hymns, and in the com¬piling of centos. Many of the readings introduced into the great hymns of the Church first appeared in his Selection. The most notable amongst these are, "Rock of Ages," in 3 stanzas, as in Hymns Ancient & Modern, 1861, the Wesleyan Hymn Book, and other collections; "Lo! He comes with clouds descending;" and “Great God, what do I see and hear." Cotterill's connection with the Uttoxeter Psalms & Hymns, 1805, is given in detail in the article on Staffordshire Hymn-books, and his lawsuit over the 8th ed. of his Selection, 1819, in the article on England Hymnody, Church of. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

John Needham

? - 1786 Person Name: John Needham, 1710-1787 Author of "Holy and Reverend Is the Name" in The Christian Hymnary. Bks. 1-4 Needham, John, was the son of John Needham, Baptist Minister, of Hitchin, Herts, but the date of his birth is unknown. He would doubtless be educated by his father, who was a tutor and in repute as a learned man. In 1750 Needham became co-pastor with John Beddome at the Baptist meetinghouse in the Pithay, Bristol; but, two years later, Beddome having retired through age, a violent controversy arose in the Church with regard to a continuance of the plan of co-pastorship. As the result, Needham and a number of his friends removed to a Baptist meetinghouse in Callowhill Street, where a Mr. Foot was pastor. For a time the two societies used the same builing at different hours, but in 1755 they were united, with Mr. Needham and Mr. Foot as co-pastors. It is known that up to 1774 this arrangement continued, and it is also known that in 1787, both Mr. Needham and Mr. Foot having died, the Callowhill Street Church became extinct, but which of the two pastors was the survivor is not known. The date of Needham's death is unknown. It was probably circa 1786. In 1768 he published Hymns Devotional and Moral on various Subjects, collected chiefly from the Holy Scriptures, &c, Bristol, S. Farley, 1768. These hymns are 263 in all, and whilst none of them possess great excellence, yet several are of a pleasing and useful character. During the past 120 years several have appeared in Nonconformist hymnbooks, and specially in those of the Baptists. Of these the following are still in common use:— 1. Ashamed of Christ! my soul disdains. Not ashamed of Christ. 2. Awake, my tongue, thy tribute bring. The Divine Perfections. 3. Glory to God, Who reigns above. Jesus, the Messiah. 4. Great author of the immortal mind. Imitation of God's Moral Perfections. From "flow matchless, Lord, Thy glories are." 5. Happy the man whose cautious steps. Christian Moderation. 6. Holy and reverend is the Name. Reverence in Worship. 7. Kind are the words that Jesus speaks. Christ the Strengthener. 8. Lord,ere [Now Lord] the heavenly seed is sown. Parable of the Sower. 9. Methinks the last great day is come. The Judgment. 10. Rise, O my soul, pursue the path. The Example of the Saints. 11. See how the little toiling ant. Youth for Christ. 12. Thou art, O God, a Spirit pure. God a Spirit. 13. To praise the ever bounteous Lord. Harvest. 14. When some kind shepherd from his fold. The Lost Sheep. From this “O how divine, how sweet the joy," in Hatfield's Church Hymn Book, New York, 1872, is taken. [Rev. W. R. Stevenson, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Edward Turney

1816 - 1872 Author of "O Love Divine! O Matchless Grace!" in The A.M.E. Zion Hymnal Turney, Edward, D.D., an American Baptist minister, was born at Easton (then Weston), Connecticut, May 6, 1816, and graduated at Madison University, New York. He was successively pastor at Hartford and at Granville, Ohio (1842-47); Professor of Biblical Criticism, Madison University, 1850, and also of Biblical Literature at Fairmount Theological Seminary, Cincinnati (1853-58). Subsequently he taught in Washington, District of Columbia. He died at Washington, Sept. 28, 1872. He published Baptismal Hymn, 1862, and Memorial Poems and Hymns, 1864. Of these hymns the following are in common use:— 1. Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus. Peace and Rest in Jesus. 2. Come to Jesus, little one (1860). Invitation. 3. I will go in the strength of the Lord (circa 1860). Missions. In the Church Missionary Gleaner (English) in 1861. 4. O love divine, 0 matchless grace (1864). Divine Love. These hymns are in the Memorial Poems & Hymns, 1864. [Rev. F. M. Bird, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)


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