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Author: J. W.; C. W. Hymnal: SHPW1844 #408 (1844) First Line: O! what shall I do my Saviour to praise Lyrics: 1 O what shall I do my Saviour to praise, So faithful and true, so plenteous in grace; So strong to deliver, so good to redeem, The weakest believer that hangs upon him? 2 How happy the man whose heart is set free, The people that can be joyful in thee! Their joy is to walk in the light of thy face, And still they are talking of Jesus’s grace. 3 Their daily delight shall be in thy name; They shall, as their right, thy righteousness claim. Thy righteousness wearing, and cleansed by thy blood, Bold shall they appear in the presence of God. 4 For thou art their boast, their glory, and power; And I also trust to see the glad hour; My soul’s new creation, alive from the dead; The day of salvation that lifts up my head. 5 Yes, Lord, I shall see the bliss of thy own; Thy secret to me shall soon be made known; For sorrow and sadness I joy shall receive, And share in the gladness of all that believe. Topics: Praise Languages: English

A Song of Praise to the eternal Three

Author: Watts Hymnal: SHPW1844 #409 (1844) First Line: To Him that chose us first Lyrics: 1 To Him that chose us first, Before the world began; To Him that bore the curse, To save rebellious man; To Him that formed our hearts anew, Is endless praise and glory due. 2 The Father’s love shall run Through our immortal songs; We bring to God the Son, Hosannas on our tongues; Our lips address the Spirit’s name, With equal praise and zeal the same. 3 Let every saint above, And angel round the throne, For ever bless and love The sacred Three-in-One; Thus heaven shall raise his honours high, When earth and time grow old and die. Topics: Praise Languages: English

"He hath done all things well"

Author: Medley Hymnal: SHPW1844 #410 (1844) Meter: First Line: O! for a heart prepared to sing Lyrics: 1 O for a heart prepared to sing, To God, my Saviour and my King; While with his saints I join to tell, My Jesus has done all things well. 2 [All worlds his glorious power confess; His wisdom all his works express; But O his love what tongue can tell? My Jesus has done all things well.] 3 How sovereign, wonderful, and free, Is all his love to sinful me! He plucked me as a brand from hell; My Jesus has done all things well. 4 And since my soul has known his love, What mercies has he made me prove; Mercies which all my praise excel; My Jesus has done all things well. 5 [Whene’er my Saviour and my God Has on me laid his gentle rod, I know, in all that has befell, My Jesus has done all things well.] 6 Sometimes he’s pleased his face to hide, To make me pray, or stain my pride; Yet am I helped on this to dwell, My Jesus has done all things well.] 7 Soon shall I pass the vale of death, And in his arms shall lose my breath; Yet then my happy soul shall tell, My Jesus has done all things well. 8 And when to that bright world I rise, And join the anthems in the skies, Among the rest this note shall swell, My Jesus has done all things well. Topics: Praise Languages: English

Come, saints, and sing in sweet accord

Author: Kent Hymnal: SHPW1844 #411 (1844) Meter: Topics: Praise Scripture: 2 Samuel 23:5 Languages: English

"It shall be well with the righteous"

Author: Kent Hymnal: SHPW1844 #412 (1844) Meter: First Line: What cheering words are these! Lyrics: 1 What cheering words are these; Their sweetness who can tell? In time and to eternal days, “’Tis with the righteous well.” 2 In every state secure, Kept as Jehovah’s eye, ’Tis well with them while life endure, And well when called to die. 3 [Well when they see his face, Or sink amidst the flood; Well in afflictions thorny maze, Or on the mount of God.] 4 [Well when the gospel yields Pure honey, milk, and wine; Well when thy soul her leanness feels, And all her joys decline.] 5 [’Tis well when joys arise; ’Tis well when sorrows flow; ’Tis well when darkness veils the skies, And strong temptations blow.] 6 ’Tis well when at his throne They wrestle, weep, and pray; ’Tis well when at his feet they groan, Yet bring their wants away. 7 ’Tis well when they can sing As sinners bought with blood; And when they touch the mournful string, And mourn an absent God. 8 ’Tis well when on the mount They feast on dying love; And ’tis as well, in God’s account, When they the furnace prove. 9 ’Tis well when Jesus calls, “From earth and sin arise, Join with the host of virgin souls, Made to salvation wise.” Topics: Praise Languages: English

"He hateth putting away"

Author: Kent Hymnal: SHPW1844 #413 (1844) Meter: First Line: Let Zion songs of triumph sing Lyrics: 1 Let Zion songs of triumph sing; Let gladness crown the day; Jehovah is her God and King, He hates to put away. 2 ’Graved on his hands divinely fair, Who did their ransom pay, The golden letters still appear; He hates to put away. 3 Think not that he’ll thy suit reject, Or spurn thy humble plea; He hears the groans of his elect, And hates to put away. 4 [When loathsome in thy sins and blood, He did thy state survey, And for a stranger Surety stood; He hates to put away.] 5 Salvation’s of the Lord alone; Grace is a shoreless sea; In heaven there’s ne’er a vacant throne; He hates to put away. Topics: Praise Languages: English

Praise to the Saviour

Author: Watts Hymnal: SHPW1844 #414 (1844) Meter: First Line: I long for a concert of heavenly praise Lyrics: 1 I long for a concert of heavenly praise, To Jesus, my God, the omnipotent Son! My soul should awake in harmonious lays, Could it tell half the wonders that Jesus has done. 2 I’d sing how he left his own mansions of light, The robes made of glory that dressed him above, Yet pleased with his journey and swift in his flight; He came on the pinions of covenant love! 3 Quick down to the place of our distant abode, He came, we adore him, to raise us on high; He came to atone the dread justice of God, And took up a life to be able to die! 4 All hell and its lions stood roaring around; His flesh and his spirit with malice they tore, While oceans of sorrow lay pressing him down, As vast as the burden of guilt which he bore. 5 Fast bound in the chains of imperious death, The Infinite Captive a prisoner lay; The Infinite Captain arose from the earth, And leaped to the hills of ethereal day! 6 Then mention no more of the vengeance of God, The lions of hell, and their roaring no more; We lift up our eyes to his shining abode; Our loudest hosannas his name shall adore! 7 His conquest is crowned with the honours he won; Hosanna through all the ethereal groves; The God and the Man, how he fills up his throne! How he shines! how he smiles! how he looks! how he loves! Topics: Praise Languages: English

Worthy the Lamb

Hymnal: SHPW1844 #415 (1844) Meter: 6.4 First Line: Glory to God on high! Lyrics: 1 Glory to God on high! Let earth and skies reply, Praise ye his name! His love and grace adore, Who all our sorrow bore; Sing aloud evermore, Worthy the Lamb! 2 Jesus, our Lord and God, Bore sin’s tremendous load! Praise ye his name! Tell what his arm has done, What spoils from death he won, Sing his great name alone; Worthy the Lamb! 3 While they around the throne Cheerfully join in one, Praising his name, Ye who have felt his blood Sealing your peace with God, Sound his dear fame abroad; Worthy the Lamb! Topics: Praise Languages: English

Praise for Atoning Blood

Author: Newton Hymnal: SHPW1844 #416 (1844) Meter: 8.7.7 First Line: Let us love, and sing, and wonder Lyrics: 1 Let us love, and sing, and wonder; Let us praise the Saviour’s name; He has hushed the law’s loud thunder; He has quenched Mount Sinai’s flame; He has washed us in his blood; He has brought us home to God! 2 Let us love the Lord who bought us; Pitied us when enemies; Called us by his grace, and taught us; Gave us ears, and gave us eyes; He has washed us in his blood; He has brought us home to God! 3 Let us sing though fierce temptation Threatens hard to bear us down; Jesus is our strong salvation; He will surely give the crown; He has washed us in his blood; He has brought us home to God! 4 [Let us wonder! grace and justice Join and point to mercy’s store; When, through grace, in Christ our trust is, Justice smiles, and asks no more; He has washed us in his blood; He has brought us home to God!] 5 Let us praise, and join the chorus Of the saints enthroned on high; Here they trusted him before us, Now their praises fill the sky; He has washed us in his blood; He has brought us home to God! 6 Yes, we praise thee, gracious Saviour; Wonder, love, and bless thy name; Pardon, Lord, our poor endeavour; Pity, for thou know’st our frame; Wash our souls and songs with blood, For by thee we come to God. Topics: Praise Languages: English

The Pilgrim's Joy

Author: Swain Hymnal: SHPW1844 #417 (1844) First Line: To Zion we go, the seat of our King Lyrics: 1 To Zion we go, the seat of our King, And yet while below we cannot but sing; Though few here esteem us, the God we adore Has died to redeem us! what could he do more? 2 What Jesus has done to save us from hell; What conquests he won, when he himself fell; The depths of his sorrow; the heights of his love; Can never be known till we sing them above. Topics: Praise Languages: English


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