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Joel Barlow

1754 - 1812 Hymnal Number: 8 Author of "Awake, my soul! to sound His praise" in Church Hymnal Barlow, Joel, born at Reading, Connecticut, 1755 [sic], graduated at Yale 1778, and died near Cracow, Poland, 1812, He was well known as an author and politician during and after the American Revolution. His publications include Hasty Pudding; Columbia, &c. In 1785, at the request of the (Congregational) General Association of Connecticut, he corrected and enlarged Dr. Watts's Psalms, supplying those omitted by Watts, and adapting the whole to American thought and circumstances. This work, published in 1786, went through various editions, and, although officially superseded by Dwight in 1800, it continued to be issued for many years after. Its title is somewhat curious as setting forth its design. It reads:— Psalms carefully suited to the Christian Worship in the United States of America, being Dr. Watts’ Imitation of the Psalms of David, as improved by Mr. Barlow. Of his renderings of the Psalms, there are still in common use:— 1. Awake, my soul, to sound His praise. Ps. cviii. This is No. 233 in Hatfield's Church Hymn Book, 1872, and other collections. 2. Lord,Thou hast scourged our guilty land. Ps. lx. Altered from Watts. Also in Hatfield's Church Hymn Book, No. 1312. 3. Our land, O Lord, with songs of praise. Ps. xxxi . In the Philadelphia Presbyterian Hymnal, 1874. 4. In Thee, great God, with songs of praise. National Hymn. This is No. 3 in a slightly different form. It is No. 962 in N. Adams's Church Pastorals, Boston, 1804. [Rev. F. M. Bird, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

John King

1789 - 1858 Hymnal Number: 91 Author of "When, His salvation bringing" in Church Hymnal In H. and J. Gwyther's Psalmist, A Selection. of Psalms & Hymns, etc., Lond., 1830, there is 1 psalm version signed “J. King," and 1 psalm version and 4 hymns signed "I. King." One of the latter is "When His salvation bringing," No. 417, in 3 stanzas of 8 lines, with a chorus. This hymn is in extensive modern use. Concerning the author great, difficulty has been experienced in tracing his identity. Under date of Aug. 15, 1865, the Rev. John Gwyther informed D. Sedgwick that the signatures stood for "Joshua King, late Vicar of Hull." In a second communication, dated Aug. 19, 1865, be writes further, "Mr. Joshua King was Curate to Mr. J. Eyton, of Wellington, Shropshire, when Mr. E. made his collection of Hymns and wrote them for his Book, but whether he published them in any other form I don't know. Mr. K. gave his Hymn Book to my brother." From the Registers of Eyton Church we find that Mr. King's name was John. He graduated at Queen's College, Cambridge, B.A. 1814; became Incumbent of Christ Church, Hull, in 1822, and died Sep. 12, 1858, aged 69. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) See also Joshua King.

Samuel F. Coffman

1872 - 1954 Person Name: Samuel Frederick Coffman Hymnal Number: 172 Author of "We bless the name of Christ, the Lord" in Church Hymnal Born: June 11, 1872, Dale En­ter­prise, Rock­ing­ham Coun­ty, Vir­gin­ia. Died: June 28, 1954, Vine­land, On­tar­io, Ca­na­da. Buried: First Men­non­ite Church, Vine­land, On­tar­io, Ca­na­da. Coffman spent most of his school years in Elk­hart Coun­ty, In­di­a­na, where his fam­i­ly had moved in 1879. He grad­u­at­ed from the Elk­hart High School in 1890, and at­tend­ed the Moo­dy Bi­ble Ins­ti­tute (1894-95 and for six months in 1897-98). From 1890-94, he worked for the Men­non­ite Pub­lish­ing Com­pa­ny in Elk­hart. He was con­vert­ed at meet­ings held in Elk­hart by his fa­ther, and was bap­tized on May 26, 1888. He was elect­ed su­per­in­tend­ent of the Elk­hart Men­non­ite Sun­day school on De­cem­ber 28, 1893. In 1894-95 he served in the Men­non­ite Home Miss­ion in Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois. There he was or­dained to the min­is­try in 1895; he be­came bi­shop in Vine­land, On­tar­io, in 1903. Coffman served wide­ly in his de­nom­in­a­tion be­yond the bor­ders of his own con­gre­ga­tion and con­fer­ence. He was mod­er­at­or of the On­tar­io Con­fer­ence in 1931-34, and mod­er­at­or of the Gen­er­al Con­fer­ence in 1911 and 1933. He al­so served as sec­re­ta­ry of the Gen­er­al Con­fer­ence for a time. He was a mem­ber of the fol­low­ing Gen­er­al Con­fer­ence com­mit­tees: Mu­sic Com­mit­tee from its be­gin­ning in 1911 un­til 1947; Peace Prob­lems Com­mit­tee 1925-49; His­tor­ic­al Com­mit­tee from its in­cept­ion in 1911, and its chair­per­son from 1911 un­til 1947; Gen­er­al Sun­day School Com­mit­tee from its be­gin­ning in 1915 un­til it was in­cor­por­at­ed in­to the Com­miss­ion for Christ­ian Ed­u­ca­tion and Young Peo­ple’s Work in 1937. He served for a time on the Miss­ions Com­mitt­ee of the Men­non­ite Board of Miss­ions and Char­i­ties. He served on the Men­non­ite Board of Ed­u­ca­tion from its incep­tion in 1905 un­til about 1944, serv­ing as sec­re­ta­ry for about 20 years. He al­so served on the Pub­li­ca­tion Board and its Pub­lish­ing Com­mit­tee. He was the found­er and served as prin­ci­pal of the On­tar­io Men­non­ite Bi­ble School in Kitch­en­er, 1907-47. He was ed­it­or of the Bi­ble stu­dy de­part­ment of the Christ­ian Mon­i­tor from the be­gin­ning of its pub­li­ca­tion in 1909 un­til 1953. He served as pas­tor of the Moy­er con­gre­ga­tion in Vine­land from 1902 un­til he died in 1954, and as bi­shop of the Ni­a­ga­ra Dis­trict from 1903. He was a char­ter mem­ber of the Non­re­sist­ant Re­lief Or­gan­i­za­tion in On­tar­io, or­gan­ized in 1918, and its se­cre­ta­ry 1920-54. In 1918 he was ap­point­ed the spe­cial cor­res­pond­ent with the Ca­na­di­an gov­ern­ment re­gard­ing mil­i­tary serv­ice and the im­mi­gra­tion of the Russ­ian Men­non­ites. He was as­so­ci­at­ed with the Ca­na­di­an Men­non­ite Board of Col­o­niz­a­tion (1922-44), and ac­tive­ly aid­ed the im­mi­gra­tion from Russ­ia to On­tar­io (1922-25). In his ear­li­er min­is­try, he was wide­ly used in Bi­ble con­fer­ence and evan­gel­is­tic work. In 1901 on a com­miss­ion from the On­tar­io Con­fer­ence, he or­gan­ized a num­ber of con­gre­ga­tions and or­dained min­is­ters and dea­cons in Al­ber­ta. During Coff­man’s time as hymn ed­it­or of the Mu­sic Com­mit­tee, the fol­low­ing books ap­peared at Scott­dale, Penn­syl­van­ia: Church and Sun­day School Hymn­al Sup­ple­ment, 1911 Life Songs, 1916 (co-ed­it­or) Church Hymn­al, 1927 Songs of Cheer for Child­ren, 1928 Life Songs No. 2, 1938 (ed­it­or) Photo & bi­o­graphy cour­te­sy of the Men­non­ite His­tor­ic­al So­ci­e­ty of Ca­na­da

William Ellsworth Witter

1854 - 1954 Person Name: W. E. Witter Hymnal Number: 226 Author of "While Jesus whispers to you" in Church Hymnal Witter, Will Ellsworth, was born Dec. 9, 1854, near La Grange, New York, and educated at the Genessee State Normal School, New York, and the University of Rochester. From the latter he passed in 1880 to the Rochester Baptist Theological Seminary, and in 1884 he entered the Baptist Ministry. He has written several songs and poems, one of which:— While Jesus whispers to you (The Divine Call) has come into somewhat prominent use. It was written in July 1878, and originated mainly in the great anxiety of the author respecting two of his pupils. In 1878 it was set to music by H. R. Palmer, and included in his Book of Anthems, 1878: from whence it passed into Good as Gold, and I. D. Sankey's Sacred Songs and Solos, London 1881. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

John Miller

1756 - 1810 Hymnal Number: 6 Translator of "God Himself is with us" in Church Hymnal Miller, John (sometimes given as Müller, or Muller), was a Moravian minister at various places in England and Ireland from 1768; finally at Cootehill, Co. Cavan, from 1805 to 1810. His original hymns and translations were contributed to the Moravian Hymn Book, 1789. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Chester G. Allen

1838 - 1878 Hymnal Number: 120 Composer of "ALLEN" in Church Hymnal Chester G. Allen was known as a teacher, composer and musical writer. He taught music in Cleveland, Ohio public schools. He also edited and compiled collections of music for schools and churches, containing many of his own compositions. Nancy Naber

William Cullen Bryant

1794 - 1878 Hymnal Number: 168 Author of "Thou, whose unmeasured temple stands" in Church Hymnal Bryant, William Cullen. First in order of time of the great American poets, Bryant was born at Cummington, Mass., Nov. 3, 1794, and was educated at Williams College. In 1815 he'was called to the Bar, and practised for a time at Great Barrington. In 1825 he retired from the Bar, settled at New York, and devoted himself to literary pursuits, founding the New York Review, and editing for a short time the New York Evening Post. He died June 12, 1878. His poetical and other works are well known. His hymns were written at intervals during his long life. They were collected and privately printed in 1869, and number over 20. Those in common use are:— 1. Almighty, listen while we raise. Praise. This is given as "Almighty hear us,” &c, in the Unitarian Hymn and Tune Book, Boston, 1868. It was introduced into Great Britain through Beard's Collection, 1857. 2. Deem not that they are blest alone. Mourning. In this form it is in Beard's Collection, 1837. It is best known as "0 deem not they are," &c, and in this form it is No. 964 in Songs for the Sanctuary, N. Y., 1865-72, No. 452, in Dr. Martineau's Hymns of Prayer and Praise, Lond., 1873, &c. 3. Father, to Thy kind love we owe. God's Lovingkindness. This is given in several modern collections, including the Unitarian Hymn and Tune Book, Boston, 1868, Martineau, 1873, &c. 4. 0 God, whose dread and dazzling brow. Compassion desired. Is No. 57 in the Boston Hymn and Tune Book, 1868, as above. 5. When he who from the scourge of wrong. Hope of the Resurrection. This is seldom found in modern hymnals. Text in Lyra Sacra Americana, 1868. The above hymns (1-5) appeared in Dr. H. D. Sewall's (Unitarian) Psalms & Hymns for Social and Private Worship, 1820, and were written at the instance of a Miss Sedgwick. Following as near as possible the chronological order of the hymns we have next:— 6. O Thou Whose own vast temple stands. Opening of a Place of Worship. Written in 1835 for the Dedication of a Chapel in Prince Street, N. Y. This is the most widely known of this author's hymns. It was introduced into Great Britain as early as 1837, when it was included in Beard's Collection, No. 405. It is in 4 stanzas of 4 lines. Orig. text in Songs for the Sanctuary, N. Y., 1865, No. 1017, and Martineau, 1873, No. 727. Another form of the hymn is "Thou, Whose unmeasured temple stands," This is No. 569 in the American Presb. Psalms and Hymns, Richmond, 1867, Horder's Congregational Hymns, Lond. 1884, No. 747, and others. 7. All that in this wide world we see. Omnipresence. This is dated 1836. In his Collection in 1837, No. 17, Beard gives it as an original contributed thereto, thus fixing its first publication. 8. Thou unrelenting past. The Past. Dates from 1836. Also in Martineau, 1873, No. 508. 9. Not in the solitude. God in the City. Dates from 1836, and is No. 26 in Martineau, 1873. 10. Whither, midst falling dew. Divine Guidance. This, in common with Nos. 8 and 9, is more a poem than hymn. It is addressed "To a Waterfowl," and dates from 1836. In Martineau, 1873. 11. Dear ties of mutual succour bind. Charity Sermons. No. 905 in the Amer. Methodist Episcopal Hymnal, 1878. It dates from about 1836. 12. 0 Thou whose love can ne'er forget. Ordination. Given (but not as an original contributed thereto) in Beard's Collection (Eng.), 1837. 13. Mighty One, before Whose face. Ordination. This is dated 1840 (but is probably earlier), and is given in several collections, including Mr. Beecher's Plymouth Collection, 1855, and others. 14. Look from Thy sphere of endless day. Home Missions. This hymn has also attained to considerable use both in Great Britain and America. It dates from 1840. It is in the Song. for the Sanctuary, N. Y., 1865, Horder's Congregational Hymns, 1884, &c. 15. Lord, who ordainest for mankind. Thanks for a Mother's love. Written at Dr. Osgood's suggestion, and printed in his Christian Worship, 1862. It is repeated in Martineau, 1873. 16. All praise to Him of Nazareth. Holy Communion. Dr. Hatfield in his Church Hymn Bk., 1872, No. 736, gives this in 3 stanzas of 4 lines. In the Songs for the Sanctuary it is in its full form of 5 stanzas. It dates from 1864. 17. As shadows cast by cloud and sun. Epiphany. In the Methodist Episcopal Hymnal, N. Y., 1878. It was contributed to that Hymnal, 1877, but was composed for the Semi-Centennial Celebration of the Church of the Messiah, Boston, March 19, 1875. 18. When doomed to death the Apostle lay. On behalf of Drunkards. Also in the Methodist Episcopal Hymnal, 1878. In addition to the above the following hymns by Bryant are in limited use:— 19. All things that are on earth. Love of God. In Beard's Collection, 1837. 20. Close softly, fondly, while ye weep. Death. In Mr. Beecher's Plymouth Coll., 1855. 21. How shall I know thee in the sphere which keeps? The Future Life. In the Supplement to the Boston Hymns for the Church of Christ, 1853. 22. Standing forth in life's rough way. On behalf of Children. In Dr. Alton's Children's Worship, 1878; Horder's Congregational Hymns, 1884, and others. 23. When this song of praise shall cease. Death anticipated. In his Hymns, 1869, and W. R. Stevenson's School Hymnal, 1880, No 313. 24. When the blind suppliant in the way. Opening the eyes of the blind. In the Methodist Episcopal Hymnal, 1878, N. Y., No. 201. It dates from 1874. 25. Wild was the day, the wintry sea. The Pilgrim Fathers. In Hymns of the Spirit, by Longfellow and Johnson. Boston, 1864. In 1869, Hymns by W. C. Bryant, 12mo, were privately printed. In this work the texts of many of the older hymns are altered. The dates of his hymns are difficult to determine, and many of those given above are approximate only. Bryant's genius was cool, meditative, and not distinguished by lyric fire. His hymns are correct and solid, but none reach the highest rank. [Rev. F. M. Bird, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Heinrich Christoph Zeuner

Person Name: Heinrich C. Zeuner Hymnal Number: 198 Composer of "MISSIONARY CHANT" in Church Hymnal See Zeuner, Charles, 1795-1857

William Caldwell

1801 - 1857 Hymnal Number: 408 Composer of "LOVING KINDNESS" in Church Hymnal

Carl Mueller

Hymnal Number: 80 Composer of "MUELLER" in Church Hymnal


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