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Methinks I Stand Upon The Rock

Author: Thomas Kelly Hymnal: CYBER #9812 Meter: Lyrics: 1 Methinks I stand upon the rock Where Balaam stood, and wondering look Upon the scene below: The tents of Jacob goodly seem, The people happy I esteem, Whom God has favored so. 2 The sons of Israel stand alone, Jehovah claims them for His own, His cause and theirs the same: He saved them from the tyrant’s hand, Allots to them a pleasant land, And calls them by His name. 3 Their toils have almost reached a close, And soon in peace they shall repose Within the promised land: E’en now its rising hills are seen, Enriched with everlasting green, Where Israel soon shall stand. 4 O Israel, who is like to thee? A people saved, and called to be Peculiar to the Lord! Thy shield! He guards thee from the foe; Thy sword! He fights thy battles, too; Himself thy great reward! 5 Fear not, though many should oppose, For God is stronger than thy foes, And makes thy cause His own: The promised land before thee lies, Go up, and take the glorious prize Reserved for thee alone. 6 In glory there the King appears; He wipes away His people’s tears, And makes their sorrows cease: From toil and strife they there repose, And dwell secure from all their foes, In everlasting peace. 7 Fair emblem of a better rest, Of which believers are possessed, Beyond material space! Methinks I see the distant shore, Where sin and sorrow are no more; And long to reach the place. 8 Nor shall I always absent be From Him my soul desires to see, Within the realms of light; Ere long my Lord will rend the veil, And not a cloud shall then conceal His glory from my sight. 9 Sweet hope! it makes the coward brave; It makes a freeman of the slave, And bids the sluggard rise; It lifts a worm of earth on high, It gives him wings, and makes him fly To worlds beyond the skies. Languages: English Tune Title: MERIBAH

My Trust Is In The Lord

Author: Henry F. Lyte Hymnal: CYBER #9840 Lyrics: 1 My trust is in the Lord; What foe can injure me? Why bid me like a bird Before the fowler flee? The Lord is on His heavenly throne, Omnipotent to save His own. 2 The wicked may assail, The tempter sorely try, All earth’s foundations fail, All nature’s springs be dry; Yet God is in His holy shrine, And I am strong while He is mine. 3 His flock to Him is dear, He watches them from high; He sends them trials here To fit them for the sky: But safely will He tend and keep The humblest, feeblest of His sheep. 4 His foes a season here May triumph and prevail; But ah, the hour is near When all their hopes must fail: While like the sun His saints shall rise, And shine with Him above the skies. Languages: English Tune Title: HETCH HETCHY

My Savior, How Thy Soul Was Awed

Author: Henry F. Lyte Hymnal: CYBER #9844 Meter: Lyrics: 1 My Savior, how Thy soul was awed, When, hanging on the tree, Thou criedst aloud, "My God, my God," Hast Thou forsaken Me? 2 When angry foes around Thee strove, And faithless friends forsook; And earth below, and Heaven above, Wore one dark threatening look. 3 Beneath Thy cross, Lord, let me lie, Thy bleeding love to view; And weep, and watch, and pray that I May ne’er those wounds renew. 4 Beneath Thy cross O let me lie, And mark what Thou hast won, And hear Thy last triumphant cry, "’Tis done! The work is done!" 5 Lord, let my soul that triumph share; I look to Thee to save. Where is thy sting, O death? and where Thy victory, O grave? Languages: English Tune Title: MAITLAND

Man The Life-Boat!

Author: M. Woolsey Stryker Hymnal: CYBER #9922 Meter: D First Line: Man the life-boat! Man the life-boat! Refrain First Line: Man the life-boat! Man the life-boat! Lyrics: 1 Man the life-boat! Man the life-boat! Strong and short above the roar, Sounds the order to the watchers On the tempest beaten shore, Hark! again the guns appealing! Signals burn for swift relief; There are men and wives and children, Facing death, on yonder reef! Refrain: Man the life-boat! Man the life-boat! Help, for Christ’s sake, them that drown! In the peril of great waters, Let them not in sin go down! 2 Man the life-boat! Man the life-boat! Fog and night and cruel sea, All the odds of death against them, And eternal jeopardy. Thou, who bidd’st us dare the surges, Stay us at the struggling oar! Nay! go with us to the rescue! Shall they sink in sight of shore? [Refrain] 3 Man the life-boat! Man the life-boat! Courage, fellow men! ’Tis He, Guiding us to your deliverance, Once that trod the Galilee! Lo, the Church that carrieth Jesus, Not death’s flood-gates shall o’erwhelm; Scourging storms but urge us shoreward, Life and Love are at the helm! [Refrain] 4 Man the life-boat! Man the life-boat! Think how once on breaking deck Thou didst stand aghast, till Jesus Brought thee from the lurching wreck. To the oars then! O Redeemer Let Thy heart throb thro’ our hand, Till the souls in mortal danger, Find thro’ Thee the solid land. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: CÓRDOBA

My Soul! Weigh Not Thy Life

Author: Leonard Swain Hymnal: CYBER #10021 Meter: Lyrics: 1 My soul! weigh not thy life Against thy heavenly crown, Nor suffer Satan’s deadliest strife To beat thy courage down. 2 With prayer and crying strong, Hold on the fearful fight; And let the breaking day prolong The wrestling of the night. 3 The battle soon will yield, If thou thy part fulfill; For, strong as is the hostile shield, Thy sword is stronger still. 4 Thine armor is divine, Thy feet with victory shod; And on thy head shall quickly shine The diadem of God! Languages: English Tune Title: BRIGHTON

My Savior

Author: Henry M. Wharton Hymnal: CYBER #10331 Meter: D First Line: Jesus, Thou art ever near me Lyrics: 1 Jesus, Thou art ever near me Blessèd Savior of my soul, And I hope to linger near Thee While the endless ages roll; Plunged in dark despair and sadness, Paths of sin and death I trod; Thou didst turn my grief to gladness, Taught me how to walk with God. 2 I have often grieved Thy Spirit, Put Thee to an open shame, Naught but wrath could hope to merit, Cast reproach upon Thy name; Down the lonely road I wandered, Of my doom was well aware; Every hope and project squandered, Hastening madly to despair. 3 Oh, how precious was the hour When Thy hand was laid on me, And by Thine almighty power, Broke my chains and set me free; Then my life was filled with glory, And my heart rejoiced in Thee; Now I love to tell the story How my blessèd Lord saved me. 4 Now no longer I am roaming In the wilderness of sin; As the days are going, coming, All is joy and peace within; Thou to me my strength hast given, And Thy grace so full and free, I am on my way to Heaven, Walking day by day with Thee Languages: English Tune Title: KARNATAKA

Meet Me There!

Author: Edward G. Taylor Hymnal: CYBER #10453 Meter: D First Line: Meet me there! Oh, meet me there! Lyrics: 1 Meet me there! Oh, meet me there! In the heav’nly world so fair, Where our Lord has entered in, And there comes no taint of sin; With our friends of long ago, Clad in raiment white as snow, Such as all the ransomed wear— Meet me there! Yes, meet me there! 2 Meet me there! Oh, meet me there! Far beyond this world of care; When this troubled life shall cease, Meet me where is perfect peace; Where our sorrows we lay down For the kingdom and the crown, Jesus doth a home prepare— Meet me there! Yes, meet me there! 3 Meet me there! Oh, meet me there! No bereavement we shall bear; There no sighings for the dead, There no farewell tear is shed; We shall, safe from all alarms, Clasp our loved ones in our arms, And in Jesus’ glory share— Meet me there! Yes, meet me there! Languages: English Tune Title: GATWICK

My Savior Face To Face

Author: W. C. Agar Hymnal: CYBER #10480 First Line: I am glad I found the Savior Refrain First Line: O I want to see my Savior face to face Lyrics: 1 I am glad I found the Savior, For He makes my heart rejoice, And I feel within my soul His saving grace; But I want to talk with Jesus, Hear His loving, gentle voice; I want to see my Savior face to face. Refrain: O I want to see my Savior face to face, Who hath loved me and redeemed me by His grace; In His kingdom, crowned with glory On His everlasting throne, I want to see my Savior face to face. 2 Yes, I know He ever loves me, Daily guides my erring feet, And I’m resting in His tender, fond embrace; But I want to know Him better, And my dear Redeemer meet, I want to see my Savior face to face. [Refrain] 3 When life’s sun is slowly setting, Twilight shadows veil the sky, And I’m near the ending of life’s weary race; In my heart will be this longing, None but Christ can satisfy, I want to see my Savior face to face. [Refrain] 4 When I tread the crystal pavement Of the new Jerusalem, Where my Savior has prepared for me a place, Where the angel choirs are singing Praise and glory to the Lamb, O then I’ll see my Savior face to face. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [I am glad I found the Savior]

Marching On!

Author: Robert Lowry Hymnal: CYBER #10521 First Line: Marching on! marching on! Refrain First Line: Marching on! marching on! Lyrics: 1 Marching on! marching on! Glad as birds on the wing, Come the bright ranks of soldiers From near and from far; Happy hearts, full of song, ’neath Our banners we bring; We are soldiers of Zion Prepared for the war. Refrain: Marching on! marching on! Sound the battle cry! Sound the battle cry! Marching on! marching on! Shout the victory, The victory, the victory! 2 Pressing on! pressing on! To the din of the fray, With the firm tread of faith to The battle we go; ’Mid the cheering of angels, Our ranks march away, With our flags pointing ever Right on tow’rds the foe. [Refrain] 3 Fighting on! fighting on! In the midst of the strife, At the call of our captain, We draw every sword; We are battling for God, We are struggling for life, Let us strike every rebel That fights ’gainst the Lord. [Refrain] 4 Singing on! singing on! From the battle we come, Every flag bears a wreath, Every soldier renown; Heav’nly angels are waiting To welcome us home, And the Savior will give us A robe and a crown. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Marching on! marching on]

My Dearest Friend

Author: Mrs. J. M. Hunter Hymnal: CYBER #10539 First Line: I have a friend, a precious friend Refrain First Line: My dearest friend, my truest friend Lyrics: 1 I have a friend, a precious friend, Who keeps my day by day, On whom my hopes of Heav’n depend, Who is my guide and stay. Refrain: My dearest friend, my truest friend, My friend in life, my friend in death, Unto His name let praise ascend, With glad, with glad exultant breath. 2 I need not feel one anxious thought, Or know one pressing care, But that I may—His word hath taught— Take unto Him in prayer. [Refrain] 3 O sinner, take Him for your friend, His grace is free to all; He will the trusting soul defend, Nor suffer it to fall. [Refrain] 4 ’Tis sweet to feel His presence near, And on His strength rely, To know that He thro’ life will cheer, Support when death is nigh. [Refrain] 5 ’Tis sweet to work for such a friend; Dear Lord, our efforts guide, For if Thou wilt Thy blessing send, The work shall e’er abide. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [I have a friend, a precious friend]


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