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Great God, indulge my humble claim

Hymnal: Hymns, Selected and Original #389 (1828) Meter: Topics: Christian experience Communion with Christ, and love to him Lyrics: 1 Great God, indulge my humble claim: Be thou my hope, my joy, my rest! The glories, that compose thy name, Stand all engag'd to make me blest. 2 Thou great and good, thou just and wise, Thou art my Father and my God! And I am thine by sacred ties, Thy child and servant, bought with blood 3 With heart and eyes and lifted hands, For thee I long, for thee I look, As travellers in thirsty lands Pant for the cooling water-brook. 4 Ev'n life itself, without thy love, No lasting pleasure can afford: Yea, 'twould but a tiresome burden prove, If I were banish'd from thee, Lord. 5 I'll lift my hands, I'll raise my voice, While I have breath to pray or praise. This work shall make my heart rejoice, Throughout the remnant of my days.
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Love divine, how sweet the sound!

Hymnal: Hymns, Selected and Original #391 (1828) Meter: Irregular Topics: Christian experience Communion with Christ, and love to him Lyrics: 1 Love divine, how sweet the sound! May the theme on earth abound: My the hearts of saints below, With the sacred rapture glow! 2 Love amazing, large and free, Love unknown, to think on me! Let that love upon me shine, Saviour, with its beams divine. 3 Better than earth's gilded toys, Or an age of carnal joys; Better far than Ophir's gold, Love that never can be told. 4 Better than this life of mine, Saviour, is thy love divine: Drop the veil, and let me see Rivers of this love in thee. 5 While in Mesech's tents I stay, Love divine shall tune my lay; When I soar to bliss above Still I'll praise a Saviour's love.
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Thou art my portion, O my God!

Hymnal: Hymns, Selected and Original #392 (1828) Meter: Topics: Christian experience Communion with Christ, and love to him Lyrics: 1 Thou art my portion, O my God! Soon as I know thy way, My heart makes haste t'obey thy word, And suffers no delay. 2 I choose the path of heav'nly truth, And glory in my choice; Not all the riches of the earth Could make me so rejoice. 3 The testimonies of thy grace I set before mine eyes; Thence I derive my daily strength, And there my comfort lies. 4 Whene'er I wander from thy path, I think upon my ways; Then turn my feet to thy commands, And trust thy pard'ning grace. 5 Now I am thine, for ever thine: O save thy servant, Lord! Thou art my shield, my hiding-place, My hope is in thy word. 6 Thou hast inclin'd this heart of mine Thy statutes to fulfil; And thus till mortal life shall end Would I perform thy will.
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While thee I seek, protecting Pow'r!

Hymnal: Hymns, Selected and Original #393 (1828) Meter: Topics: Christian experience Communion with Christ, and love to him Lyrics: 1 While thee I seek, protecting Pow'r! Be my vain wishes still'd; And may this consecrated hour With better hopes be fill'd. 2 Thy love the pow'rs of thought bestow'd; To thee my thoughts would soar. Thy mercy o'er my life has flow'd: That mercy I adore. 3 In each event of life, how clear Thy ruling hand I see! Each blessing to my soul more dear, Because bestow'd by thee. 4 In ev'ry joy that crowns my days, In ev'ry pain I bear, My heart shall find delight in praise, Or seek relief in pray'r. 5 When gladness wings my favour'd hour, Thy love my thoughts shall fill: Resign'd, when storms of sorrow low'r, My soul shall meet thy will. 6 My lifted eye, without a tear, The low'ring storm shall see; My steadfast heart shall know no fear: That heart will rest on thee!
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Our Father, thron'd above the sky

Hymnal: Hymns, Selected and Original #394 (1828) Meter: Topics: Christian experience Communion with Christ, and love to him Lyrics: 1 Our Father, thron'd above the sky, To thee our empty hands we spread; Thy children at thy footstool lie, And ask thy blessings on their head. 2 With cheerful hope and filial fear, In that august and precious name, By thee ordain'd, we now draw near, And would the promis'd blessing claim. 3 Does not an earthly parent hear The cravings of his famish'd son? Will he reject the filial pray'r, Or mock him with a cake of stone? 4 Our heav'nly Father, how much more Will thy divine compassions rise; And open thy unbounded store, To satisfy thy children's cries? 5 yes, we will ask, and seek, and press For gracious audience at thy seat; Still hoping, waiting for success, If persevering to entreat. 6 For Jesus in his faithful word The upright supplicant has blest; And all thy saints with one accord The prevalence of pray'r attest.
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Take me, O my Father, take me

Author: Ray Palmer Hymnal: Trinity Hymnal #410 (1961) Meter: D Topics: Christian Life Repentance; Heart Surrendered; Longing for Christ and God; Submission Lyrics: 1 Take me, O my Father, take me; Take me, save me, through thy Son; That which thou wouldst have me, make me, Let thy will in me be done. Long from thee my footsteps straying, Thorny proved the way I trod; Weary come I now, and praying, Take me to thy love, my God. 2 Fruitless years with grief recalling, Humbly I confess my sin; At thy feet, O Father, falling, To thy household take me in. Freely now to thee I proffer This relenting heart of mine; Freely life and soul I offer, Gift unworthy love like thine. 3 Once the world's Redeemer, dying, Bore our sins upon the tree; On that sacrifice relying, Now I look in hope to thee: Father, take me; all forgiving, Fold me to thy loving breast; In thy love for ever living I must be for ever blest. Amen. Scripture: Psalm 119:176 Languages: English Tune Title: VESPER HYMN
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O thou that hear'st when sinners cry

Author: Isaac Watts Hymnal: Trinity Hymnal #413 (1961) Meter: Topics: Christian Life Repentance; Forgiveness of Sins; Heart Contrite; Heart Pure; Longing for Christ and God Lyrics: 1 O thou that hear'st when sinners cry, Though all my crimes before thee lie, Behold them not with angry look, But blot their mem'ry from thy book. 2 Create my nature pure within, And form my soul averse to sin; Let thy good Spirit ne'er depart, Not hide thy presence from my heart. 3 I cannot live without thy light, Cast out and banished from thy sight; Thy holy joys, my God, restore, And guard me, that I fall no more. 4 A broken heart, my God, my King, Is all the sacrifice I bring; The God of grace will ne'er despise A broken heart for sacrifice. 5 My soul lies humbled in the dust, And owns thy dreadful sentence just: Look down, O Lord, with pitying eye, And save the soul condemned to die. 6 Then will I teach the world thy ways; Sinners shall learn thy sovereign grace; I'll lead them to my Saviour's blood, And they shall praise a pard'ning God. Amen. Scripture: Psalm 51 Languages: English Tune Title: HAMBURG
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We have not known thee as we ought

Author: Thomas Benson Pollock Hymnal: Trinity Hymnal #418 (1961) Meter: Topics: Christian Life Repentance; Consecration; Longing for Christ and God; Sanctification Lyrics: 1 We have not known thee as we ought, Nor learned thy wisdom, grace and pow'r; The things of earth have filled our thought, And trifles of the passing hour. Lord, give us light thy truth to see, And make us wise in knowing thee. 2 We have not feared thee as we ought, Nor bowed beneath thine awful eye, Nor guarded deed, and word, and thought, Remembering that God was nigh. Lord, give us faith to know thee near, And grant the grace of holy fear. 3 We have not loved thee as we ought, Nor cared that we are loved by thee; Thy presence we have coldly sought, And feebly longed thy face to see. Lord, give a pure and loving heart To feel and own the love thou art. 4 We have not served thee as we ought; Alas! the duties left undone, The work with little fervor wrought, The battles lost, or scarcely won! Lord, give the zeal, and give the might, For thee to toil, for thee to fight. 5 When shall we know thee as we ought, And fear, and love, and serve aright! When shall we, out of trial brought, Be perfect in the land of light! Lord, may we day by day prepare To see thy face, and serve thee there. Amen. Scripture: Nehemiah 1:7 Languages: English Tune Title: ST. CHRYSOSTOM
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My faith looks up to Thee

Author: Ray Palmer Hymnal: Church Book #435 (1890) Meter: 6.4 Topics: The Christian Life Trust in Christ and Redemption Lyrics: 1 My faith looks up to Thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary, Saviour divine! Now hear me while I pray; Take all my guilt away; O let me from this day Be wholly Thine. 2 May Thy rich grace impart Strength to my fainting heart, My zeal inspire; As Thou hast died for me, O may my love to Thee Pure, warm, and changeless be, A living fire. 3 While life’s dark maze I tread, And griefs around me spread, Be Thou my Guide; Bid darkness turn to day, Wipe sorrow’s tears away, Nor let me ever stray From Thee aside. 4 When ends life’s transient dream, When death’s cold, sullen stream Shall o’er me roll; Blest Saviour, then, in love, Fear and distrust remove; O bear me safe above, A ransomed soul. Languages: English Tune Title: FAITH
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Jesus, my Truth, my Way

Author: C. Wesley Hymnal: Church Book #436 (1890) Meter: Topics: The Christian Life Trust in Christ and Redemption Lyrics: 1 Jesus, my Truth, my Way, My sure, unerring Light, On Thee my feeble soul I stay, Which Thou wilt lead aright. 2 My Wisdom and my Guide, My Counsellor thou art: O let me never leave Thy side, Nor from Thy paths depart. 3 Thou seest my feebleness; Jesus, be Thou my Power, My help and Refuge in distress, My Fortress and my Tower. 4 Give me to trust in Thee; Be Thou my sure abode: My horn, and rock,and buckler be, My Saviour and my God. 5 Myself I cannot save, Myself I cannot keep; But strength in Thee I surely have, Whose eyelids never sleep. 6 My soul to Thee alone Now therefore I commend: Thou, Jesus, having loved thine own, Wilt love me to the end! Languages: English Tune Title: ST. GEORGE


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