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Hymnal, Number:elhl1918

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Soldiers of the cross, arise

Hymnal: ELHL1918 #482 (1918) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Soldiers of the cross, arise, Gird you with your armor bright; Mighty are your enemies, Hard the battle ye must fight. 2 O’er a faithless fallen world Raise your banner in the sky; Let it float there wide unfurled; Bear it onward; lift it high. 3 'Mid the homes of want and woe, Strangers to the living Word, Let the Savior’s herald go, Let the voice of hope be heard. 4 Where the shadows deepest lie, Carry truth’s unsullied ray; Where are crimes of blackest dye, There the saving sign display. 5 To the weary and the worn Tell of realms where sorrows cease; To the outcast and forlorn Speak of mercy and of peace. 6 Guard the helpless; seek the strayed; Comfort troubles; banish grief; In the might of God arrayed, Scatter sin and unbelief. 7 Be the banner still unfurled, Still unsheathed the Spirit’s sword, Till the kingdoms of the world Are the kingdom of the Lord. Topics: Church Languages: English
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Jesus shall reign where'er the sun

Hymnal: ELHL1918 #483 (1918) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun Does his successive journeys run; His kingdom stretch from shore to shore, Till moons shall wax and wane no more. 2 For Him shall endless prayer be made, And endless praises crown His head; His name, like sweet perfume, shall rise With every morning sacrifice. 3 People and realms of every tongue Dwell on His love with sweetest song; And infant voices shall proclaim Their early blessings on His name. 4 Blessings abound where'er He reigns; The prisoner leaps unloosed his chains; The weary find eternal rest, And all the sons of want are blest. 5 Where He displays His healing power, Death and the curse are known no more; In Him the tribes of Adam boast More blessings than their father lost. 6 Let every creature rise and bring Peculiar honors to our King; Angels descend with songs again, And earth repeat the loud Amen. Topics: Church Languages: English
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Send Thou, O Lord, to every place

Hymnal: ELHL1918 #484 (1918) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Send Thou, O Lord, to every place Swift messengers before Thy face, The heralds of Thy wondrous grace, Where Thou, Thyself, wilt come. 2 Send men whose eyes have seen the King Men in whose ears His sweet words ring; Send such Thy lost ones home to bring; Send them where Thou wilt come. 3 To bring good news to souls in sin; The bruised and broken hearts to win; In every place to bring them in; Where Thou, Thyself, wilt come. 4 Thou who hast died, Thy victory claim; Assert, O Christ, Thy glory's name, And far to lands of pagan shame, Send men where Thou wilt come. 5 Gird each one with the Spirit's sword, The sword of Thine own deathless Word; And make them conquerors, conquering Lord, Where Thou, Thyself, wilt come. 6 Raise up, O Lord the Holy Ghost, From this broad land a mighty host, Their war-cry, "We will seek the lost, Where Thou, O Christ, wilt come!" Topics: Church Languages: English
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Lord of the Church, we humbly pray

Hymnal: ELHL1918 #485 (1918) Lyrics: 1 Lord of the Church, we humbly pray For those who guide us in Thy way, And speak Thy holy Word; With love divine their hearts inspire, And touch their lips with hallowed fire, And needful strength afford. 2 Help them to preach the truth of God, Redemption through the Savior's blood; Nor let the Spirit cease On all the Church His gifts to shower; To them a messenger of power, To us, of life and peace. 3 So may they live to Thee alone; Then hear the welcome word,"Well done!" And take their crown above; Enter into their Master's joy, And all eternity employ In praise, and bliss, and love. Topics: Church Languages: English
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God of the prophets! bless the prophets' sons

Hymnal: ELHL1918 #486 (1918) Meter: Lyrics: 1 God of the prophets! bless the prophets' sons; Elijah's mantle o'er Elisha cast; Each age its solemn task may claim but once; Make each a nobler, stronger than the last! 2 Anoint them prophets! Make their ears attent To Thy divinest speech; their hearts awake To human need; their lips make eloquent To assure the right, and every evil break. 3 Anoint them priests! Strong intercessors they For pardon, and for charity and peace! Ah, if with them the world might pass, astray, Into the dear Christ's life of sacrifice! 4 Anoint them kings! aye, kingly kings, O Lord! Anoint them with the Spirit of Thy Son! Theirs not a jewelled crown, a blood-stained sword; Theirs, by sweet love, for Christ a kingdom won! 5 Make them apostles! Heralds of Thy cross; Forth may they go to tell all realms Thy grace; Inspired of Thee, may they count all but loss, And stand at last with joy before Thy face. 6 O mighty age of prophet-kings, return! O truth, O faith, enrich our urgent time! Lord Jesus Christ, again with us sojourn; A weary world awaits Thy reign sublime! Topics: Church Languages: English
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Lord, when at Thy command

Hymnal: ELHL1918 #487 (1918) Lyrics: 1 Lord, when at Thy command, The word of life we sow, Watered by Thy almighty hand, The seed shall surely grow: The virtue of Thy grace A large increase shall give, And multiply the faithful race Who to Thy glory live. 2 Now then the ceaseless shower Of Gospel blessings send, And let the soul-converting power Thy ministers attend; On multitudes confer The heart-renewing love, And by the joy of grace prepare For fuller joys above. Topics: Church Languages: English
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Lord, pour Thy Spirit from on high

Hymnal: ELHL1918 #488 (1918) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Lord, pour Thy Spirit from on high, And Thine ordainèd servants bless; Graces and gifts to each supply, And clothe Thy priests with righteousness. 2 Within Thy temple when they stand, To teach the truth as taught by Thee, Savior, like stars in Thy right hand, Let all Thy Church’s pastors be. 3 Wisdom, and zeal, and faith impart, Firmness and meekness from above, To bear Thy people in their heart, And love the souls whom Thou dost love; 4 To watch and pray, and never faint, By day and night strict guard to keep, To warn the sinner, cheer the saint, To feed Thy lambs, and fold Thy sheep. 5 So, when their work is finished here, May they in hope their charge resign; So, when their Master shall appear, They may with crowns of glory shine. Topics: Church Languages: English
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We bid thee welcome, in the name

Hymnal: ELHL1918 #489 (1918) Meter: Lyrics: 1 We bid thee welcome, in the name Of Jesus, our exalted Head: Come as a servant, so He came, And we receive thee in His stead. 2 Come as a shepherd; guard and keep This fold from hell, and earth, and sin, Nourish the lambs, and feed the sheep The wounded heal, the lost bring in. 3 Come as a teacher, sent from God, Charged His whole counsel to declare; Lift o’er our ranks the prophet’s rod, While we uphold thy hands with prayer. 4 Come as a messenger of peace, Filled with the Spirit, fired with love; Live to behold our large increase, And die to meet us all above. Topics: Church Languages: English
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How beauteous are their feet

Hymnal: ELHL1918 #490 (1918) Meter: Lyrics: 1 How beauteous are at their feet, Who stand on Zion's hill; Who bring salvation on their tongues, And words of peace reveal! 2 How charming is their voice; How sweet their tidings are! "Zion, behold thy Savior-King; He reigns and triumphs here." 3 How happy are our ears That hear this joyful sound, Which kings and prophets waited for, And sought, but never found. 4 How blessed are our eyes That see this heavenly light; Prophets and kings desired it long, But died without the sight. 5 The watchmen join their voice, And tuneful notes employ; Jerusalem breaks forth in songs, And deserts learn the joy. 6 The Lord makes bare His arm Through all the earth abroad: Let all the nations now behold Their Savior and their God. Topics: Church Languages: English
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Lord of the harvest, hear

Hymnal: ELHL1918 #491 (1918) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Lord of the harvest, hear Thy needy servants’ cry; Answer our faith’s effectual prayer, And all our wants supply. 2 On Thee we humbly wait, Our wants are in Thy view: The harvest, truly, Lord, is great, The laborers are few. 3 Convert and send forth more Into Thy Church abroad, And let them speak Thy Word of power, As workers with their God. 4 Oh, let them spread Thy name, Their mission fully prove: Thy universal grace proclaim, Thine all-redeeming love. Topics: Church Languages: English


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