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Now that Death by Death Hath Found His Ending

Author: John Mason Neale; Joseph of the Studium Hymnal: NHEC #216 (1866) Meter: 10.9.10. Lyrics: Now that Death by death hath found his ending, Thou dost call to Thee Thy loved Eleven; And from holy Olivet ascending On a cloud art carried up to Heaven. O that wondrous Birth! that wondrous Rising! That more wondrous mounting to the sky! So Elias, earthly things despising, In a fiery chariot went on high. Parted from Him, still they watched His going: ‘Why stand gazing thus?’ the Angel said: ‘This same Jesus, all His glory showing, Shall return to judge the quick and dead.’ Quickened and cleansed, receive remission new In the descending SPIRIT’s fiery dew, Sons of the Church, and light-formed generation! For lo! the law goes forth from Sion’s nation, The cloven tongues of flame the PARACLETE’s salvation! Languages: English
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Rain Down, Ye Heavens, Eternal Bliss

Author: John Mason Neale; Joseph of the Studium Hymnal: NHEC #218 (1866) Meter: with refrain Lyrics: Rain down, ye heav’ns, eternal bliss! The Cherub-cloud today Bears JESUS where His Father is, Along the starry way! Sundered of old were Heaven and Earth: But Thou, Incarnate King! Hast made them one by that Thy Birth, And this Thy triumphing. ‘Thy victor-raiment, wherefore red? What mean the marks of pain That print Thy form?’—the Angels said, The ascending Monarch’s train. Very Oblation, by the scourges torn! Nailed to the bitter Cross, O Virgin-born! As once the Prophet from the monster’s maw, So now Thy love, accomplishing the Law, Adam from utter death to perfect Life would draw. Vanities earthly in earth will we lay, Ashes with ashes, the dust with the clay: Lift up the heart, and the eye, and the love, Lift up thyself, to the regions above: Since the Immortal hath entered of late, Mortals may pass at the heavenly gate. Stand we on Olivet: mark Him ascend, Whose is the glory and might without end; There, with His own ones, the Giver of Good Blessing them once more, a little while stood. “Nothing can part us,—nor distance, nor foes, Lo! I am for you, and who can oppose?” Languages: English
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Wafting Him Up on High

Author: John Mason Neale; Joseph of the Studium Hymnal: NHEC #221 (1866) Meter: Lyrics: Wafting Him up on high, The glorious cloud receives The LORD of Immortality, And earth the Victor leaves: The Heavenly People raise the strain, The Apostles pour the hymn again;— GOD of our Fathers, Thou art blest Ye faithful, tell your joys! All hearts with gladness bound! GOD is gone up with a merry noise,— The LORD with the trumpet’s sound! To Him we cry, by woes once tried, Now glorious at the FATHER’s side,— GOD of our Fathers, Thou art blest! Zealous for GOD of yore, With zeal still Moses burns: “Come, Heavenly Spirits, and adore The Victor Who returns; Rise, Angel legions, rise and sing The ancient hymn to greet the King,— GOD of our Fathers, Thou art blest!” Joined with the trumpet-peal, the din and shout, Cornet flute, sackbut, dulcimer rang out, And bade adore the golden deity: The SPIRIT’s gentler voice gives praise to Thee, O co-eternal One—O consubstantial Three! Languages: English
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Of Twofold Natures, Christ, the Giver

Author: John Mason Neale; Joseph of the Studium Hymnal: NHEC #223 (1866) Meter: Lyrics: Of twofold natures, CHRIST, the Giver Of immortality and love, Ascendeth to the FATHER’s glory, Ascendeth to the Throne above: Wherefore He, this glorious morn, Be by all adored: Thou That liftest up our horn, Holy art Thou, LORD! Slaves are set free, and captives ransomed: The Nature that He made at first He now presenteth to the FATHER, The chains of her damnation burst: This the cause that He was born, Adam’s race restored: Thou That liftest up our horn, Holy art Thou, LORD! Emptied awhile of all His brightness, He entered thus the glorious fight; O’erthrew the foe, mankind exalted Far above every Pow’r and Might: Therefore bare He pains and scorn, Calvary’s heart-blood poured:— Thou That liftest up our horn, Holy art Thou, LORD! Praising the LORD they stood, the Martyr Three, Untouched amidst the fire, and wholly free: With them associate, let the world’s wide frame To Him Whose healing dew restrained the flame, Send up the hymn of praise, and magnify His Name! Languages: English
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Holy Gift, Surpassing Comprehension

Author: John Mason Neale; Joseph of the Studium Hymnal: NHEC #226 (1866) Meter: with refrain Lyrics: Holy gift, surpassing comprehension! Wondrous mystery of each fiery tongue! CHRIST made good His Promise in Ascension: O’er the Twelve the cloven flames have hung! Spake the LORD, or ere He left the Eleven; “Here in Salem wait the Gift I send: Till the PARACLETE come down from Heaven: Everlasting Guide and Guard and Friend.” O that shame, now ended in that glory! Pain untold, now lost in joy unknown! Tell it out with praise, the whole glad story, Human nature at the FATHER’s Throne! Declare, ye Angel Bands that dwell on high, How saw ye Him, the Victor, drawing nigh? What strange new visions burst upon your sight? One in the form of Man, That claims by right The very throne of GOD, the unapproached Light! Eternal! After Thine own will Thou born in time would’st be: After the self-same counsel still Was Thine Epiphany: Thou in our flesh didst yield Thy breath, Immortal GOD, for man: Thou by Thy death didst conquer Death, Through Thine Almighty plan: Thou, rising Victor to the sky, Fill’st Heav’n and earth above: And send’st the Promise from on high, The SPIRIT of Thy love! Topics: Theoctistus of the Studium Languages: English
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Jesus, Name All Names Above

Author: John Mason Neale; Theoctistus of the Studium Hymnal: NHEC #229 (1866) Meter: Lyrics: JESU, Name all names above, JESU, best and dearest, JESU, Fount of perfect love, Holiest, tenderest, nearest; JESU, source of grace completest, JESU purest, JESU sweetest, JESU, Well of power Divine, Make me, keep me, seal me Thine! JESU, open me the gate That of old he entered, Who, in that most lost estate, Wholly on Thee ventured; Thou, Whose Wounds are ever pleading, And Thy Passion interceding, From my misery let me rise To a Home in Paradise! Thou didst call the Prodigal: Thou didst pardon Mary: Thou Whose words can never fall, Love can never vary: LORD, to heal my lost condition, Give—for Thou canst give—contrition, Thou canst pardon all mine ill If Thou wilt: O say, “I will!” Woe, that I have turned aside After fleshly pleasure! Woe, that I have never tried For the Heavenly Treasure! Treasure, safe in Home supernal; Incorruptible, eternal! Treasure no less price hath won Than the Passion of The SON! JESU, crowned with Thorns for me, Scourged for my transgression, Witnessing, through agony, That Thy good confession! JESU, clad in purple raiment, For my evils making payment; Let not all Thy woe and pain, Let not Calvary, be in vain! When I reach Death’s bitter sea And its waves roll higher, Help the more forsaking me As the storm draws nigher: JESU, leave me not to languish, Helpless, hopeless, full of anguish! Tell me,—“Verily I say, Thou shalt be with Me today!” Topics: Metrophanes of Smyrna Languages: English
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O Unity of Threefold Light

Author: John Mason Neale; Metrophanes of Smyrna Hymnal: NHEC #234 (1866) Meter: Lyrics: O Unity of Threefold Light, Send out Thy loveliest ray, And scatter our transgressions’ night, And turn it into day; Make us those temples pure and fair, Thy glory loveth well, The spotless tabernacles, where Thou may’st vouchsafe to dwell! The glorious hosts of peerless might That ever see Thy Face, Thou mak’st the mirrors of Thy Light, The vessels of Thy grace: Thou, when their wondrous strain they weave, Hast pleasure in the lay: Deign thus our praises to receive, Albeit from lips of clay! And yet Thyself they cannot know, Nor pierce the veil of light That hides Thee from the Thrones below, As in profoundest night: How then can mortal accents frame Due tribute to the King? Thou, only, while we praise Thy Name, Forgive us as we sing! Topics: Euthymius; Leo VI; John Mauropus; Stephen the Sabaite, Saint Languages: English
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Art Thou Weary, Art Thou Languid

Author: John Mason Neale; Stephen the Sabaite, 725-794 Hymnal: NHEC #242 (1866) Meter: Lyrics: Art thou weary, art thou languid, Art thou sore distrest? “Come to me”—saith One—“and coming, Be at rest!” Hath He marks to lead me to Him, If He be my Guide? “In His Feet and Hands are Wound-prints, And His Side.” Is there Diadem, as Monarch, That His Brow adorns? “Yea, a Crown, in very surety, But of Thorns!” If I find Him, if I follow, What His guerdon here? “Many a sorrow, many a labour, Many a tear.” If I still hold closely to Him, What hath He at last? “Sorrow vanquished, labour ended, Jordan past!” If I ask Him to receive me, Will He say me nay? “Not till earth, and not till Heaven Pass away!” Finding, following, keeping, struggling, Is He sure to bless? “Angels, Martyrs, Prophets, Virgins, Answer, Yes!” Languages: English
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The Pilgrims of Jesus

Author: John Mason Neale; Joseph of the Studium Hymnal: NHEC #245 (1866) Meter: First Line: O happy band of pilgrims Lyrics: O happy band of pilgrims, If onward ye will tread With JESUS as your Fellow To JESUS as your Head! O happy, if ye labour As JESUS did for men: O happy, if ye hunger As JESUS hungered then! The Cross that JESUS carried He carried as your due: The Crown that JESUS weareth He weareth it for you. The Faith by which ye see Him, The Hope, in which ye yearn, The Love that through all troubles To Him alone will turn,— What are they, but vaunt-couriers To lead you to His Sight? What are they, save the effluence Of Uncreated Light? The trials that beset you, The sorrows ye endure, The manifold temptations That Death alone can cure,— What are they, but His jewels Of right celestial worth? What are they but the ladder, Set up to Heav’n on earth? O happy band of pilgrims, Look upward to the skies:— Where such a light affliction Shall win you such a prize! Languages: English
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The Return Home

Author: John Mason Neale; Joseph of the Studium Hymnal: NHEC #248 (1866) Meter: First Line: Safe home, safe home in port Lyrics: Safe home, safe home in port! —Rent cordage, shattered deck, Torn sails, provisions short, And only not a wreck: But oh! the joy upon the shore To tell our voyage-perils o’er! The prize, the prize secure! The athlete nearly fell; Bare all he could endure, And bare not always well: But he may smile at troubles gone Who sets the victor-garland on! No more the foe can harm No more of leaguered camp, And cry of night-alarm, And need of ready lamp: And yet how nearly he had failed,— How nearly had that foe prevailed! The lamb is in the fold In perfect safety penned: The lion once had hold, And thought to make an end: But One came by with Wounded Side, And for the sheep the Shepherd died. The exile is at Home! —O nights and days of tears, O longings not to roam, O sins, and doubts, and fears,— What matter now (when so men say) The King has wiped those tears away? O happy, happy Bride! Thy widowed hours are past, The Bridegroom at thy side, Thou all His own at last! The sorrows Of thy former cup In full fruition swallowed up! Languages: English


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