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Christ a Redeemer and Friend

Author: John Newton Meter: Appears in 61 hymnals First Line: Poor, weak and worthless though I am Lyrics: 1. Poor, weak and worthless though I am I have a rich almighty friend; Jesus, the Savior, is His name; He freely loves, and without end. 2. He ransomed me from hell with blood, And by His power my foes controlled; He found me wandering far from God, And brought me to His chosen fold. 3. He cheers my heart, my wants supplies, And says that I shall shortly be, Enthroned with Him above the skies; O what a Friend is Christ to me! 4. But, ah! my inmost spirit mourns; And well my eyes with tears may swim, To think of my perverse returns: I’ve been a faithless friend to Him. 5. Often my gracious friend I grieve, Neglect, distrust, and disobey; And often Satan’s lies believe Sooner than all my Friend can say. 6. He bids me always freely come, And promises whate’er I ask: But I am straitened, cold and dumb, And count my privilege a task 7. Before the world that hates His course, My treacherous heart has throbbed with shame; Loath to forego the worlds applause, I hardly dare avow His name. 8. Sure, were I not most vile and base, I could not thus my friend requite! And were not He the God of grace, He’d frown and spurn me from His sight. Used With Tune: HAMBURG Text Sources: Olney Hymns (London: W. Oliver, 1779), number 30

Come, Let Us Who in Christ Believe

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: Appears in 97 hymnals First Line: Come, let us, who in Christ believe Lyrics: 1. Come, let us, who in Christ believe, Our common Savior praise, To Him with joyful voices give The glory of His grace. 2. He now stands knocking at the door Of every sinner’s heart; The worst need keep Him out no more, Or force Him to depart. 3. Through grace we hearken to Thy voice, Yield to be saved from sin; In sure and certain hope rejoice, That Thou wilt enter in. 4. Come quickly in, Thou heavenly guest, Nor ever hence remove; But sup with us, and let the feast Be everlasting love. Used With Tune: BELMONT Text Sources: Hymns on God's Everlasting Love, 2nd series, 1741

Lo, They Come, The Victors

Author: Jeremiah E. Rankin Meter: 11.11.11 D Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Lo, they come, the vic­tors! Banners are all furled Lyrics: 1 Lo, they come, the vic­tors! Banners are all furled; For the cross of Je­sus conquered has the world. Marching home in tri­umph, crowd the migh­ty thong, One their thorn-crowned lead­er, one their vic­tor song. Refrain: In the high­est glo­ry, He from Hea­ven came; Mighty to de­li­ver, shout aloud His name. 2 They have washed their rai­ment, shining, snowy white; Clothed are they with glo­ry, as the sons of light. Theirs the scars of bat­tle, when the fight was on; Theirs the shout of tri­umph, now the day is won. [Refrain] 3 Up the steeps they’re throng­ing, to ce­les­ti­al heights; Ah, what joys await them, what su­preme de­lights! Theirs the wed­ding ban­quet, for re­fresh­ment spread; Like great seas the cho­rus, by their voic­es sped. [Refrain] 4 To the Cap­tain’s roll call, all make an­swer, "Here!" "Blessèd of My Fa­ther, in His name draw near." This the pur­chased king­dom, this the vic­tor song; The eter­nal cho­rus; pour its tide along. [Refrain] Used With Tune: SANAA Text Sources: Echoes of Paradise by Thoro Harris (Boston: Charles H. Woodman, 1903)


Author: Charles Wesley; Unknown Appears in 4 hymnals First Line: 怎能如此, 像我这样罪人, 也蒙宝血救赎大恩? Lyrics: 怎能如此, 像我这样罪人, 也蒙宝血救赎大恩? 主为我受痛苦鞭伤, 也为我死在十架上? 奇异的爱, 怎能如此, 我主我神为我受死? 何等奇妙! 永生主竟受死! 有谁能解释这奥秘? 神圣之爱, 广阔深长, 最高天使使也难测量, 上主怜悯, 超过猜想, 世人都当敬拜景仰. 我主离开天上宝座荣华.无量恩惠白白赐下, 谦卑虚已, 显彰慈爱, 流血救赎亞当後代, 恩典怜爱, 无过无涯, 罪人像我, 竟蒙厚爱. 我灵受困, 多年在牢狱中; 被罪包围, 黑暗重重; 主眼发出復活榮光, 我灵苏醒, 满室光明! 枷锁脫落, 心灵获释, 我就起來跟随主行. 不再定罪, 心中除尽忧愁; 我拥有主並他所有. 主內生活让他居首, 穿起义袍圣洁无垢; 坦然无惧到宝座前, 藉主救赎, 获得冠冕 Used With Tune: SAGINA

Out On The Mountain

Author: Josephine Querns Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: Far out on the mountain of sin I had wandered Refrain First Line: Come home, come home Lyrics: 1 Far out on the mountain of sin I had wandered, Far out on the mountain so dreary and cold; When gently I heard a sweet voice to me calling, "Oh come back, thou lost one, come into the fold." Refrain: Come home, come home, The Savior is watching for thee; Oh list to the voice that so sweetly is calling, "My love hath redeemed thee, Oh come unto Me." 2 "So long I have sought thee, and patiently waited, So long I have sought thee—Oh listen to Me; My love hath redeemed thee, Oh come back, dear lost one, My love hath redeemed thee, Oh come unto Me." [Refrain] 3 Come all who are wandering, footsore and weary, Come trust in His love, ’tis so boundless and free; Oh hear His sweet voice as ’tis now gently calling, "Oh come back, My loved one, Oh come unto Me." [Refrain] Used With Tune: [Far out on the mountain of sin I had wandered] Text Sources: Boundless Love (Philadelphia: Hall-Mack Company, 1896)

Messiah, Joy of Every Heart

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: Appears in 19 hymnals Lyrics: 1. Messiah, joy of every heart, Thou, thou the King of Glory art! The Father’s everlasting Son! Thee it delights Thy Church to own; For all our hopes on Thee depend, Whose glorious mercies never end. 2. Bent to redeem a sinful race, Thou, Lord, with unexampled grace, Into our lower world didst come, And stoop to a poor virgin’s womb; Whom all the heavens could not contain, Our God appeared a child of man! 3. When Thou hadst rendered up Thy breath, And dying drawn the sting of death, Thou didst from earth triumphant rise, And ope the portals of the skies, That all who trust in Thee alone Might follow, and partake Thy throne. 4. Seated at God’s right hand again, Thou dost in all His glory reign, Thou dost, Thy Father’s image, shine, In all the attributes divine; And Thou with judgment clad shalt come To seal our everlasting doom. 5. Wherefore we now for mercy pray; O Savior, take our sins away! Before Thou as our judge appear, In dreadful majesty severe, Appear our advocate with God, And save the purchase of Thy blood. 6. Hallow, and make Thy servants meet, And with Thy saints in glory seat; Sustain and bless us by Thy sway, And keep to that tremendous day, When all Thy church shall chant above, The new eternal song of love. Used With Tune: ADORO TE Text Sources: Hymns for Those That Seek and Those That Have Redemption, 1746

Not To Our Names

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 60 hymnals First Line: Not to our names, Thou only just and true Used With Tune: YORKSHIRE Text Sources: The Psalms of David,1719

Abide with Me (Dietrich)

Author: Emma Graves Dietrich Appears in 18 hymnals First Line: Abide with me; I need Thee every day Refrain First Line: Abide with me from morn till eve Lyrics: 1. Abide with me; I need Thee every day, To lead me on thro’ all the weary way; When storms surround, and only clouds I see, Lord, be my comfort, and abide with me. Refrain Abide with me from morn till eve, For without Thee I cannot live; Abide with me when night is nigh, For without Thee, I dare not die. 2. Be with me, Lord, where’er my path may lead; Fulfill Thy word, supply my every need; Help me to live each day more close to Thee, And, oh, dear Lord, I pray, abide with me. [Refrain] 3. Abide with me, my Lord, and when at last, This earth and all its weary cares are past; I’ll pray no more that Thou abide with me, For then, at last, I shall abide with Thee. [Refrain] Used With Tune: [Abide with me; I need Thee every day] Text Sources: Joyful Praise, by Charles H. Gabriel (Cincinnati, Ohio: Jennings & Graham, 1902), number 138

The One Life

Author: Caroline D. Howe Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Thine are the rivers: Thine, O God, the power Lyrics: 1 Thine are the rivers: Thine, O God, the power That bids them bear their waters to the sea; No cloud is mirrored there at morning hour, No wave uplifts its surging anthem free, Until the great command is heard from Thee. 2 Thine are the mountains. To the thunders nigh, Sounding their echo through the length of days, Unawed they stand, like giants towering high, In monumental state to speak Thy praise, Unshaken still, though lightnings are ablaze. 3 Thine are the forests, circling mile on mile, Where labyrinthine paths untrodden wind, Until our souls, all doubts to reconcile, Turn from these widening realms to Thee, to find The mighty purpose of Thy mightier mind. 4 Thine are all worlds, and Thine all realms of space, Whereon the stars mark out their shining course; Whate’er the sunlight clasps in its embrace, Bears the impress of love, whose tender force Kindles the soul and traces out its source. 5 Thine are the heav’ns; the wondrous arch of blue Up which the monarch sun shall proudly climb, And Thine the clouds of gold and purple hue, With planets laughing at the march of time, And shadowing forth Thy mysteries sublime. 6 Thine are our souls! Our beings blend with Thine, Upreaching toward Thee through these longings high, Stamped with Thy seal, and hearing countersign Of that One Life in us, that grows divine, By love illumed, as we to Thee draw nigh. Used With Tune: OLD 124TH

How Long Wilt Thou Forget Me, Lord?

Author: Anonymous Meter: Appears in 22 hymnals Lyrics: 1. How long wilt Thou forget me, Lord? Shall it for ever be? O how long shall it be that Thou Wilt hide Thy face from me? 2. How long take counsel in my soul, Still sad in heart, shall I? How long exalted over me Shall be mine enemy? 3. O Lord my God, consider well, And answer to me make: Mine eyes enlighten, lest the sleep Of death me overtake: 4. Lest that mine enemy should say, Against him I prevailed; And those that trouble me rejoice, When I am moved and failed. 5. But I have all my confidence Thy mercy set upon; My heart within me shall rejoice In Thy salvation. 6. I will unto the Lord my God Sing praises cheerfully, Because He hath His bounty shown To me abundantly. Scripture: Psalm 13 Used With Tune: PARIS Text Sources: Scottish Psalter


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