Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: The dawn of morning veils her face Lyrics: 1 The dawn of morning veils her face
When the bright sun ascends the space;
So glad will grace resign her room
To glory in the heavn'ly home.
2 Happy the company that's gone
From cross to crown, from thrall to throne;
How loud they sing upon the shore,
To which they sail'd in heart before!
3 Bless'd are the dead, ye, faith the word,
That die in Christ the living Lord,
And on the other side of death
Thus joyful spend their praising breath:
4 "Death from all death has set us free,
"And will our gain for ever be;
"Death loos'd the massy chains of woe,
"To let the mournful captive go.
5 "Death is to us a sweet repose,
"The bud was op'd to shew the rose;
"The cage was broke to let us fly,
"And build our happy nest on high.
6 "Lo, here we do triumphant reign,
"And joyful sing in lofty strain:
"Lo here we rest, and love to be,
"Enjoying more that faith could see.
7 "The thousandth part we now behold,
"By mortal tongues was never told;
"We got a taste, but now above
"We forage in the fields of love.
8 "Faith once beheld a distant joy,
"Now love drinks deep without alloy;
"Beyond the fears of more mishap,
"We gladly rest in glory's lap.
9 "Earth was to us a seat of war,
"In thrones of triumph now we are;
"We long'd to see our Jesus dear,
"And sought him there, but find him here.
10 "We walk in white without annoy,
"In glorious galleries of joy:
"And crown'd through everlasting days,
"We rival cherubs in their praise.
11 "No longer we complain of wants,
"We see the glorious King of saints,
"Amidst his joyful hosts around,
"With all his heav'nly glory crown'd.
12 "We see him at his table head
"With living water, living bread
"His cheerful guests incessant load
"With all the plenitude of God.
13 "we see the holy flaming fires,
"Cherubic and seraphic quires;
"And gladly join with those on high,
"To warble praise eternally.
14 "Glory to God that here we came,
"And glory to the glorious Lamb;
"Our light, our life, our joy, our all,
"We now embrace secure from fall.
15 "Our Lord is ours, and we are his;
"Yea, now we see him as he is:
"And hence we like unto him are,
"And full his glorious image share.
16 "No darkness now, no dismal night,
"No vapour interceps the light;
"We see for ever face to face,
"The highest Prince in highest place.
17 "This, this does heav'n enough afford,
"We are for ever with the Lord:
"We want no more, for all is giv'n;
"His presence is the bliss of heav'n."
18 While thus i laid my list'ning ear
Close to the door of heav'n to hear;
And then the sacred page did view,
Which told me all I heard was true;
19 Yet shew'd me that the heav'nly song
Surpasses ev'ry mortal tongue,
With such unutterable strains
As none in fett'ring flesh attains:
20 Then said I, "O to mount away,
"And leave this clog of heavy clay!
"Let wings of time more hasty fly,
"That I may join the songs on high."
Topics: Song of desired heaven
The Song of Heaven desired by Saints on earth