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Hymnal, Number:spap1800

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Psalm 129: Oft did they vex me from my youth

Meter: Appears in 5 hymnals First Line: Oft did they vex me from my youth Lyrics: 1Oft did they vex me from my youth, may Isr’el now declare; 2Oft did they vex me from my youth, yet not victorious were. 3The plowers plow’d upon my back; they long their furrows drew. 4The righteous Lord did cut the cords of the ungodly crew. 5Let Sion’s haters all be turn’d back with confusion. 6As grass on houses’ tops be they, which fades ere it be grown: 7Whereof enough to fill his hand the mower cannot find; Nor can the man his bosom fill, whose work is sheaves to bind. 8Neither say they who do go by, God’s blessing on you rest: We in the name of God the Lord do wish you to be blest. Scripture: Psalm 129

Psalm 130: Lord, from the depths to thee I cry'd

Meter: Appears in 28 hymnals First Line: Lord, from the depths to thee I cry'd Lyrics: 1Lord, from the depths to thee I cry’d. 2My voice, Lord, do thou hear: Unto my supplication’s voice give an attentive ear. 3Lord, who shall stand, if thou, O Lord, should’st mark iniquity? 4But yet with thee forgiveness is, that fear’d thou mayest be. 5I wait for God, my soul doth wait, my hope is in his word. 6More than they that for morning watch, my soul waits for the Lord; I say, more than they that do watch the morning light to see. 7Let Israel hope in the Lord, for with him mercies be; And plenteous redemption is ever found with him. 8And from all his iniquities he Isr’el shall redeem. Scripture: Psalm 130

Psalm 131: My heart not haughty is, O Lord

Meter: Appears in 8 hymnals First Line: My heart not haughty is, O Lord Lyrics: 1My heart not haughty is, O Lord, mine eyes not lofty be; Nor do I deal in matters great, or things too high for me. 2I surely have myself behav’d with quiet sp’rit and mild, As child of mother wean’d: my soul is like a weaned child. 3Upon the Lord let all the hope of Israel rely, Ev’n from the time that present is unto eternity. Scripture: Psalm 131

Psalm 133: Behold, how good a thing it is

Meter: Appears in 18 hymnals First Line: Behold, how good a thing it is Lyrics: 1Behold, how good a thing it is, and how becoming well, Together such as brethren are in unity to dwell! 2Like precious ointment on the head, that down the beard did flow, Ev’n Aaron’s beard, and to the skirts,* did of his garments go. 3As Hermon’s dew, the dew that doth on Sion’ hills descend: For there the blessing God commands, life that shall never end. Scripture: Psalm 133

Psalm 134: Behold, bless ye the Lord, all ye

Meter: Appears in 5 hymnals First Line: Behold, bless ye the Lord, all ye Lyrics: 1Behold, bless ye the Lord, all ye that his attendants are, Ev’n you that in God’s temple be, and praise him nightly there. 2Your hands within God’s holy place lift up, and praise his name. 3From Sion’ hill the Lord thee bless, that heav’n and earth did frame. Scripture: Psalm 134

Psalm 135: Praise ye the Lord, the Lord's name praise

Meter: Appears in 7 hymnals First Line: Praise ye the Lord, the Lord's name praise Lyrics: 1Praise ye the Lord, the Lord’s name praise; his servants, praise ye God. 2Who stand in God’s house, in the courts of our God make abode. 3Praise ye the Lord, for he is good; unto him praises sing: Sing praises to his name, because it is a pleasant thing. 4For Jacob to himself the Lord did chuse of his good pleasure, And he hath chosen Israel for his peculiar treasure. 5Because I know assuredly the Lord is very great, And that our Lord above all gods in glory hath his seat. 6What things soever pleas’d the Lord, that in the heav’n did he, And in the earth, the seas, and all the places deep that be. 7He from the ends of earth doth make the vapours to ascend; With rain he lightnings makes, and wind doth from his treasures send. 8Egypt’s first-born, from man to beast 9who smote. Strange tokens he On Phar’oh and his servants sent, Egypt, in midst of thee. 10He smote great nations, slew great kings: 11Sihon of Heshbon king, And Og of Bashan, and to nought did Canaan’s kingdoms bring: 12And for a wealthy heritage their pleasant land he gave, An heritage which Israel, his chosen folk, should have. 13Thy name, O Lord, shall still endure, and thy memorial With honour shall continu’d be to generations all. 14For why? the righteous God will judge his people righteously; Concerning those that do him serve, himself repent will he. 15The idols of the nations of silver are and gold, And by the hands of men is made their fashion and mould. 16Mouths have they, but they do not speak; eyes, but they do not see; 17Ears have they, but hear not; and in their mouths no breathing be. 18Their makers are like them; so are all that on them rely. 19O Isr’el’s house, bless God; bless God, O Aaron’s family. 20O bless the Lord, of Levi’s house ye who his servants are; And bless the holy name of God, all ye the Lord that fear. 21And blessed be the Lord our God from Sion’s holy hill, Who dwelleth at Jerusalem. The Lord O praise ye still. Scripture: Psalm 135

Psalm 136: Give thanks to God, for good is he

Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals First Line: Give thanks to God, for good is he: Lyrics: 1Give thanks to God, for good is he: for mercy hath he ever. 2Thanks to the God of gods give ye: for his grace faileth never. 3Thanks give the Lord of lords unto: for mercy hath he ever. 4Who only wonders great can do: for his grace faileth never. 5Who by his wisdom made heav’ns high: for mercy hath he ever. 6Who stretch’d the earth above the sea: for his grace faileth never. 7To him that made the great lights shine: for mercy hath he ever. 8The sun to rule till day decline: for his grace faileth never. 9The moon and stars to rule by night: for mercy hath he ever. 10Who Egypt’s first-born kill’d outright: for his grace faileth never. 11And Isr’el brought from Egypt land: for mercy hath he ever. 12With stretch’d-out arm, and with strong hand: for his grace faileth never. 13By whom the Red sea parted was: for mercy hath he ever. 14And through its midst made Isr’el pass: for his grace faileth never. 15But Phar’oh and his host did drown: for mercy hath he ever. 16Who through the desert led his own: for his grace faileth never. 17To him great kings who overthrew: for he hath mercy ever. 18Yea, famous kings in battle slew: for his grace faileth never. 19Ev’n Sihon king of Amorites: for he hath mercy ever. 20And Og the king of Bashanites: for his grace faileth never. 21Their land in heritage to have: (for mercy hath he ever.) 22His servant Isr’el right he gave: for his grace faileth never. 23In our low state who on us thought: for he hath mercy ever. 24And from our foes our freedom wrought: for his grace faileth never. 25Who doth all flesh with food relieve: for he hath mercy ever. 26Thanks to the God of heaven give: for his grace faileth never. Scripture: Psalm 136

Psalm 138: Thee will I praise with all my heart

Meter: Appears in 11 hymnals First Line: Thee will I praise with all my heart Lyrics: 1Thee will I praise with all my heart, I will sing praise to thee 2Before the gods: And worship will toward thy sanctuary. I’ll praise thy name, ev’n for thy truth, and kindness of thy love; For thou thy word hast magnify’d all thy great name above. 3Thou didst me answer in the day when I to thee did cry; And thou my fainting soul with strength didst strengthen inwardly. 4All kings upon the earth that are shall give thee praise, O Lord, When as they from thy mouth shall hear thy true and faithful word. 5Yea, in the righteous ways of God with gladness they shall sing: For great’s the glory of the Lord; who doth for ever reign. 6Though God be high, yet he respects all those that lowly be; Whereas the proud and lofty ones afar off knoweth he. 7Though I in midst of trouble walk, I life from thee shall have: ’Gainst my foes’ wrath thou’lt stretch thine hand; thy right hand shall me save. 8Surely that which concerneth me the Lord will perfect make: Lord, still thy mercy lasts; do not thine own hands’ works forsake. Scripture: Psalm 138

Psalm 139: O Lord, thou hast me search'd and known

Meter: Appears in 19 hymnals First Line: O Lord, thou hast me search'd and known Lyrics: 1O Lord, thou hast me search’d and known. 2Thou know’st my sitting down, And rising up; yea, all my thoughts afar to thee are known. 3My footsteps, and my lying down, thou compassest always; Thou also most entirely art acquaint with all my ways. 4For in my tongue, before I speak, not any word can be, But altogether, lo, O Lord, it is well known to thee. 5Behind, before, thou hast beset, and laid on me thine hand. 6Such knowledge is too strange for me, too high to understand. 7From thy Sp’rit whither shall I go? or from thy presence fly? 8Ascend I heav’n, lo, thou art there; there, if in hell I lie. 9Take I the morning wings, and dwell in utmost parts of sea; 10Ev’n there, Lord, shall thy hand me lead, thy right hand hold shall me. 11If I do say that darkness shall me cover from thy sight, Then surely shall the very night about me be as light. 12Yea, darkness hideth not from thee, but night doth shine as day: To thee the darkness and the light are both alike alway. 13For thou possessed hast my reins, and thou hast cover’d me, When I within my mother’s womb inclosed was by thee. 14Thee will I praise; for fearfully and strangely made I am; Thy works are marv’llous, and right well my soul doth know the same. 15My substance was not hid from thee, when as in secret I Was made; and in earth’s lowest parts was wrought most curiously. 16Thine eyes my substance did behold, yet being unperfect; And in the volume of thy book my members all were writ; Which after in continuance were fashion’d ev’ry one, When as they yet all shapeless were, and of them there was none. 17How precious also are thy thoughts, O gracious God, to me! And in their sum how passing great and numberless they be! 18If I should count them, than the sand they more in number be: What time soever I awake, I ever am with thee. 19Thou, Lord, wilt sure the wicked slay: hence from me bloody men. 20Thy foes against thee loudly speak, and take thy name in vain. 21Do not I hate all those, O Lord, that hatred bear to thee? With those that up against thee rise can I but grieved be? 22With perfect hatred them I hate, my foes I them do hold. 23Search me, O God, and know my heart, try me, my thoughts unfold: 24And see if any wicked way there be at all in me; And in thine everlasting way to me a leader be. Scripture: Psalm 139

Psalm 140: Lord, from the ill and froward man

Meter: Appears in 6 hymnals First Line: Lord, from the ill and froward man Lyrics: 1Lord, from the ill and froward man give me deliverance, And do thou safe preserve me from the man of violence: 2Who in their heart mischievous things are meditating ever; And they for war assembled are continually together. 3Much like unto a serpent’s tongue their tongues they sharp do make; And underneath their lips there lies the poison of a snake. 4Lord, keep me from the wicked’s hands, from vi’lent men me save; Who utterly to overthrow my goings purpos’d have. 5The proud for me a snare have hid, and cords; yea, they a net Have by the way-side for me spread; they gins for me have set. 6I said unto the Lord, Thou art my God: unto the cry Of all my supplications, Lord, do thine ear apply. 7O God the Lord, who art the strength of my salvation: A cov’ring in the day of war my head thou hast put on. 8Unto the wicked man, O Lord, his wishes do not grant; Nor further thou his ill device, lest they themselves should vaunt. 9As for the head and chief of those about that compass me, Ev’n by the mischief of their lips let thou them cover’d be. 10Let burning coals upon them fall, them throw in fiery flame, And in deep pits, that they no more may rise out of the same. 11Let not an evil speaker be on earth established: Mischief shall hunt the vi’lent man, till he be ruined. 12I know God will th’ afflicted’s cause maintain, and poor men’s right. 13Surely the just shall praise thy name; th’ upright dwell in thy sight. Scripture: Psalm 140


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