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Scripture:Isaiah 49

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Eternal Beam of Light Divine

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: Appears in 96 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 49:25 Lyrics: 1 Eternal Beam of light divine, Fountain of unexhausted love, in whom the Father’s glories shine, through earth beneath, and heav'n above: 2 Jesus, the weary wand'rer’s rest, give me thine easy yoke to bear, with steadfast patience arm my breast, with spotless love and holy fear. 3 Thankful, I take the cup from thee, prepared and mingled by thy skill, though bitter to the taste it be, pow'rful the wounded soul to heal. 4 Be thou, O Rock of ages, nigh; so shall each murm'ring thought be gone, and grief and fear and care shall fly, ss clouds before the mid-day sun. 5 Speak to my warring passions, “Peace”' day to my wounded heart, “Be still!” Thy power my strength and fortress is, and all things serve thy sovereign will. 6 O death, where is thy sting? Where now thy boasted victory, O grave? Who shall contend with God? or who can hurt whom God delights to save? Topics: Jesus Christ Rock of Ages Used With Tune: KENT

O Christ, Our True and Only Light

Author: Johann Heermann, 1585-1647; Catherine Winkworth, 1827-1878 Meter: Appears in 96 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 49:6 Lyrics: 1 O Christ, our true and only light, enlighten those who sit in night; let those afar now hear your voice and in your fold with us rejoice. 2 Fill with the radiance of your grace the souls now lost in error's maze; enlighten those whose inmost minds some dark delusion haunts and blinds. 3 O gently call those gone astray that they may find the saving way; let ev'ry conscience sore oppressed in you find peace and heav'nly rest. 4 Shine on the darkened and the cold, recall the wand'rers to your fold; unite all those who walk apart, confirm the weak and doubting heart, 5 That they with us may evermore such grace with wond'ring thanks adore and endless praise to you be giv'n by all your Church in earth and heav'n. Topics: Missions Used With Tune: O JESU CHRISTE, WAHRES LICHT

God Is Working His Purpose Out

Author: A. C. Ainger Meter: Irregular Appears in 93 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 49:1 Lyrics: 1 God is working his purpose out as year succeeds to year: God is working his purpose out, and the time is drawing near; nearer and nearer draws the time, the time that shall surely be, when the earth shall be filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea. 2 From utmost east to utmost west, where human foot hath trod, by the mouth of many messengers goes forth the voice of God: "Give ear to me, ye continents, ye isles, give ear to me," that the earth may filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea. 3 March we forth in the strength of God, with the banner of Christ unfurled, that the light of the glorious gospel of truth may shine throughout the world; fight we the fight with sorrow and sin to set their captives free, that earth may filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea. 4 All we can do is nothing worth unless God blessed the deed; vainly we hope for the harvest-tide till God gives life to the seed; yet nearer and nearer draws the time, the time that shall surely be, when the earth shall be filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea. Topics: God Eternity and Power; Purpose; Warfare, Spiritual Used With Tune: PURPOSE
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Zion klagt mit Angst und Schmerzen

Author: Johann Heermann Appears in 66 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 49:14-16 Lyrics: 1 Zion klagt mit Angst und Schmerzen, Zion, Gottes werthe Stadt, die Er trägt in seinem Herzen, die Er Ihm erwählet hat: ach! spricht sie, wie hat mein Gott mich verlassen in der Noth, und läßt mich so harte pressen, meiner hat Er ganz vergessen. 2 Der Gott, der mir hat versprochen seinen Beistand jederzeit, der läßt sich vergebens suchen jetzt in meiner Traurigkeit. Ach, will Er denn für und für grausam zürnen über mir? kann und will Er sich der Armen jetzt nicht, wie vorhin, erbarmen? 3 Zion, o du Vielgeliebte, sprach zu ihr des Herren Mund: zwar du bist jetzt die Betrübte, Seel und geist ist dir verwund't? doch stell alles Trauren ein, wo mag eine Mutter sein, die ihr eigen Kind kann hassen und aus ihre Sorgen lassen. 4 Ja, wenn man auch solte finden einen solchen Mutter-Sinn, da die Liebe kann verschwinden: so bleib ich doch, der ich bin; meine Treu' bleibt gegen dir, Zion, o du meine Zier, du hast mir mein Herz besessen: deiner kann ich nicht vergessen. 5 Laß dich nicht den Satan blenden, der sonst nichts als schrecken kann; siehe, hier in meinen Händen hab ich dich geschrieben an; wie mag es denn anders sein? ich muß ja gedenken dein, deine Mauren will ich bauen und dich fort und fort anschauen. 6 Du bist mir stets für den Augen, du liegst mir in meine Schooß, wie die Kindlein, die noch saugen, meine Treu zu dir ist groß; mich und dich soll keine Zeit, keine Noth, Gefahr und Streit, ja der Satan selbst nicht scheiden, bleib getreu in allen Leiden. Topics: Gesänge vom Worte Gottes und der chirstlichen Kirche; Songs from the Word of God and the Christian Church
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Our debt paid upon the cross

Meter: Appears in 63 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 49:15 First Line: What majesty and grace Topics: Provisions and Promises of the Gospel

He's Got the Whole World in His Hands

Meter: Irregular Appears in 61 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 49:16 Lyrics: 1 He's got the whole world in his hands, he's got the whole world in his hands, he's got the whole world in his hands, he's got the whole world in his hands. 2 He's got the wind and the rain in his hands, he's got the wind and the rain in his hands, he's got the wind and the rain in his hands, he's got the whole world in his hands. 3 He's got the tiny little baby in his hands, he's got the tiny little baby in his hands, he's got the tiny little baby in his hands, he's got the whole world in his hands. 4 He's got you and me, brother, in his hands, he's got you and me, brother, in his hands, he's got you and me, brother, in his hands, he's got the whole world in his hands. Used With Tune: WHOLE WORLD Text Sources: African-American spiritual

Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord!

Author: Timothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 Meter: Appears in 61 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 49:6 Lyrics: 1 Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord! Unnumbered blessings, give my spirit voice; tender to me the promise of his word; in God my Saviour shall my heart rejoice. 2 Tell out, my soul, the greatness of his name! Make known his might, the deeds his arm has done; his mercy sure, from age to age the same; his holy name, the Lord, the mighty one. 3 Tell out, my soul, the greatness of his might! Powers and dominions lay their glory by. Proud hearts and stubborn wills are put to flight, the hungry fed, the humble lifted high. 4 Tell out, my soul, the glories of his word! Firm is his promise, and his mercy sure. Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord to children's children and for evermore! Topics: General Liturgical Section; Advent III Year A; Advent III Year C; Advent IV Year B Used With Tune: WOODLANDS Text Sources: Magnificat
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Salvation, Righteousness and Strength

Author: Watts Appears in 60 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 49:6 First Line: The Lord on high proclaims Lyrics: 1 The Lord on high proclaims His Godhead from his throne: "Mercy and justice are the names By which I will be known. 2 Ye dying souls that sit In darkness and distress, Look from the borders of the pit To my recov'ring grace." 3 Sinners shall hear the sound; Their thankful tongues shall own, Our righteousness and strength is found In thee, O Lord, alone. 4 In thee shall Isr'el trust, And see their guilt forgiv'n; God will pronounce the sinners just, And take the saints to heav'n.
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He will Hide Me

Author: M. E. Servoss Appears in 60 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 49:2 First Line: When the storms of life are raging Lyrics: 1 When the storms of life are raging, Tempests wild on sea and land, I will seek a place of refuge In the shadow of God’s hand. Chorus: He will hide me, He will hide me, Where no harm can e’er betide me; He will hide me, safely hide me In the shadow of His hand. 2 Though He may send some affliction, ’Twill but make me long for home; For in love and not in anger, All His chastenings will come. [Chorus] 3 Enemies may strive to injure, Satan all his arts employ; He will turn what seems to harm me Into everlasting joy. [Chorus] 4 So, while here the cross I’m bearing, Meeting storms and billows wild, Jesus for my soul is caring, Naught can harm His Father’s child. [Chorusn] Used With Tune: [When the storms of life are raging]

Blessed Redeemer

Author: Avis B. Christiansen, 1895-1985 Meter: with refrain Appears in 60 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 49:26 First Line: Up Calv'ry's mountain one dreadful morn Refrain First Line: Blessed Redeemer! Precious Redeemer Topics: Easter; Jesus Blood and the Cross; The Cross Used With Tune: REDEEMER


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