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Showing 41 - 59 of 59Results Per Page: 102050
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When Abrah'm, full of sacred awe

Meter: Appears in 73 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances Public and National Blessings and Afflictions Lyrics: 1 When Abrah'm, full of sacred awe, Before Jehovah stood, And with an humble fervent pray'r, For guilty Sodom sued; 2 With what success, what wondrous grace, Was his petitions crown'd! The Lord would spare, if in the place Ten righteous men were found. 3 And could a single, pious soul So rich a boon obtain? Good God! and shall a nation cry, And plead with thee in vain? 4 Are not the righteous dear to thee, Now, as in ancient times? Or does this sinful land exceed Gomorrah in its crimes! 5 Still are we thine, we bear thy name, Here yet is thine abode. Long has thy presence blest our land: Forsake us not, O God! 6 O may our people, rulers, priests, Thy choicest blessings share; And know thee by that glorious name, "The God who heareth pray'r!"
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Praise to the Lord, who bows his ear

Meter: Appears in 33 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances Public and National Blessings and Afflictions Lyrics: 1 Praise to the Lord, who bows his ear Propitious to his people's pray'r; And, though deliv'rance long delay, Answers in his well chosen day. 2 Salvation doth to God belong; His pow'r and grace shall be our song; The tribute of our love we bring To thee our Saviour and our King. 3 O temples, guarded from the flame, Shall echo thy triumphant name; And ev'ry peaceful private home To thee a temple shall become. 4 Still be it our supreme delight To walk us in thy honour'd sight; Still in thy precepts and thy fear Till life's last hour, to persevere. 5 O when shall time the period bring, When peace shall stretch her balmy wing O'er ev'ry land and ev'ry shore, And raging war shall waste no more!
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Now let our songs address the God of peace

Meter: Irregular Appears in 9 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances Public and National Blessings and Afflictions Lyrics: 1 Now let our songs address the God of peace, Who bids the tumult of the battle cease; The pointed spears to pruning hooks he bends, And the broad falchion in the plough-share ends. His pow'rful word unites contending nations In kind embrace and friendly salutations. 2 While we beneath our vines and fig-trees sit, Or thus within thy sacred temple meet, Accept, great God! the tribute of our song, And all the mercies of this day prolong. Then spread thy peaceful word thro' ev'ry nation, That all the earth may hail thy great salvation.
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Peace! the welcome sound proclaim

Meter: Appears in 39 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances Public and National Blessings and Afflictions Lyrics: 1 Peace! the welcome sound proclaim; Dwell with rapture on the theme. Loud, still louder swell the strain: Peace on earth! good-will to men! 2 Breezes! whisp'ring soft and low, Gently murmur as ye blow, Now, when was and discord cease, Praises to the God of peace. 3 Ocean's billows far and wide, Rolling in majestic pride! Loud, still louder swell the strain: Peace on earth! good-will to men! 4 Vocal songsters of the grove! Sweetly chant in notes of love, Now, when war and discord cease, Praises to the God of peace. 5 Mortals, who these blessings feel! Christians who before him kneel! Loud, still louder swell the strain: Peace of earth, good-will to men!
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In sweet exalted strains

Meter: Irregular Appears in 139 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances For a Congregation Lyrics: 1 In sweet exalted strains, The King of Glory praise: O'er heaven and earth he reigns, Through everlasting days; He with a nod the world controls, Sustains or sinks the distant poles. 2 To earth he bends his throne, His throne of grace divine; Wide is his bounty known And wide his glories shine. Fair Salem, still his chosen rest, Is with his smiles and presence blest. 3 Then King of glory! come; And with thy favour crown This temple as thy dome, This people as thy own. Within this house O deign to show, How God can dwell with men below. 4 Here may thine ears attend Our interceding cries, And grateful praise ascend All fragrant to the skies. Here may thy word melodious sound, And spread the joys of heav'n around. 5 Here may th' attentive throng Imbibe thy truth and love; And converts join the song Of Seraphim above; And willing crowds surround thy board, With sacred joy and sweet accord. 6 In peace, here may our sons And daughters sound thy praise; and shine like polish'd stones, Though long succeeding days. Here Lord! display thy saving pow'r, While churches stand and saints adore.
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The God of love will sure indulge

Meter: Appears in 100 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances On the Death of Relatives and Friends Lyrics: 1 The God of love will sure indulge The flowing tear, the heaving sigh, When righteous persons fall around, When tender friends and kindred die. 2 Yet not one anxious murm'ring thought Should with our mourning passions blend; Nor should our bleeding hearts forget Th' almighty ever-living Friend. 3 Parent, Protector, Guardian, Guide! Thou art each tender name in one. On thee we cast our ev'ry care, And comfort seek from thee alone. 4 Our Father God, to thee we look, Our rock, our portion, and our Friend! And on thy gracious love and truth Our sinking souls shall still depend.
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Must friends and kindred droop and die

Meter: Appears in 46 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances On the Death of Relatives and Friends Lyrics: 1 Must friends and kindred droop and die, And helpers be withdrawn; While sorrow, with a weeping eye Counts up our comforts gone? 2 Be thou our comfort, mighty God! Our helper and our friend; Nor leave us in this dang'rous road, Till all our trials end. 3 O may our feet pursue the way Our pious fathers led; With love and holy zeal obey The counsels of the dead. 4 Let us be wean'd from earthly joys; Let hope our grief dispel, While dead in Jesus shall arise, In endless bliss to dwell.
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Life is a span, a fleeting hour

Meter: Appears in 165 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances On the Death of Relatives and Friends Lyrics: 1 Life is a span, a fleeting hour; How soon the vapour flies! Man is a tender transient flow'r, That e'en in blooming dies. 2 Death spreads like winter's frozen arms, And beauty smiles no more. Ah! where are now those rising charms, Which pleas'd our eyes before? 3 The once lov'd form, now cold and dead, Each mournful thought employs; And nature weeps her comforts fled, And wither'd all her joys. 4 But wait the interposing gloom, And lo! stern winter flies; And, drest in beauty's fairest bloom, The flow'ry tribes arise. 5 Hope looks beyond the bounds of time, When what we now deplore Shall rise in full immortal prime, And bloom to fade no more. 6 Then cease, fond nature! cease thy tears; Religion points on high: There everlasting spring appears, And joys that cannot die.
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Ye mourning saints, whose streaming tears

Meter: Appears in 88 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances On the Death of Relatives and Friends Lyrics: 1 Ye mourning saints, whose streaming tears Flow o'er your children dead: Say not in transports of despair, That all your hopes are fled. 2 While cleaving to that darling dust, In fond distress ye lie; Rise, and with joy and rev'rence view A heavenly parent nigh. 3 "I'll give the mourner," saith the Lord, "In my own house a place; "No names of daughters and of sons "Could yield so high a grace. 4 "Transient and vain is ev'ry hope A rising race can give; In endless honour and delight My children all shall live." 5 We welcome, Lord! those rising tears, Through which thy face we see, And bless those wounds, which thro' our hearts Prepare a way for thee.
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O hear me, Lord! on thee I call

Meter: Appears in 17 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances On the Death of Relatives and Friends Lyrics: 1 O hear me, Lord! on thee I call, And prostrate at thy footstool fall; Propitious in my cause appear, And bow to my request thine ear. 2 Look down, my only hope! look down; Behold me, but without a frown: And ne'er to my desiring eye Thy presence, heav'nly Lord! deny, 3 O let me, on thy aid reclin'd, Thee still my great salvation find; Nor leave me, helpless and forlorn, The absence of thy grace to mourn. 4 Though, doom'd the orphan's lot to bear, No father's kind concern I share, Nor o'er me wakes a mother's eye My wants attentive to supply:— 5 Adopted by thy care, in thee The Parent and the Friend I see; And, nourish'd by thy fost'ring hand, Within thy courts secure I stand.
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Children, in years and knowledge young

Meter: Appears in 67 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances For the Young, And Old Lyrics: 1 Children, in years and knowledge young, Your parents’ hope, your parents’ joy! Attend the counsels of my tongue: Let pious thoughts your minds employ. 2 If you desire a length of days, And peace to crown your mortal state: Restrain your feet from wicked ways, Your lips from slander and deceit. 3 The eyes of God regard His saints; His ears are open to their cries; He sets His frowning face against The sons of violence and lies. 4 To humble souls and broken hearts God with His grace is ever nigh: Pardon and hope his love imparts, When men in deep contrition lie. 5 He tells their tears, He counts their groans, His Son redeems their souls from death; His Spirit heals their broken bones, They in His praise employ their breath.
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With humble heart and tongue

Meter: Appears in 162 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances For the Young, And Old Lyrics: 1 With humble heart and tongue, My God! to thee I pray; O make me learn, whilst I am young, How I may cleanse my way. 2 Make an unguarded youth The object of thy care; Help me to choose the path of truth, And fly from ev'ry snare. 3 My heart, to folly prone, Inspire with love divine; Unite it to thyself alone, And make me wholly thine. 4 O let thy word of grace My warmest thoughts employ; Be this through all my following days, My treasure and my joy. 5 To what thy laws impart Be my whole will inclin'd; O let them dwell within my heart, And sanctify my mind. 6 May thy young servant learn, By these to cleanse his way; And may I here the path discern That leads to endless day.
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Eternal Sire, enthron'd on high!

Meter: Appears in 15 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances For the Young, And Old Lyrics: 1 Eternal Sire, enthon'd on high! Whom heav'nly hosts adore, Who yet to suppliant dust art nigh: Thy presence I implore. 2 Wilt thou forsake my hoary hairs, And leave my fainting heart? Who shall sustain my sinking years, If God, my strength, depart? 3 O guide me down the steep of age, And keep my passions cool; Teach me to scan the sacred page, And practise ev'ry rule. 4 Let me thy pow'r and truth proclaim To the surviving age; And leave a savour of thy name, When I shall quit the stage. 5 That solemn day is hast'ning on; My frame must soon decay. My friends, my youth's companions gone, Can I expect to stay? 6 My God! O smooth the mortal hour; On thee my hope depends. Support me with almighty pow'r While dust to dust descends. 7 Then let my soul, O gracious God! Ascend to realms of day; And in that sacred blest abode Its endless anthems pay.
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Praise to God, immortal praise

Meter: Irregular Appears in 605 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances The Troubles of Life Lyrics: 1 Praise to God, immortal praise, For the love that crowns our days: Bounteous source of ev'ry joy, let thy praise our tongues employ. 2 All that spring, with bounteous hand, Scatters o'er the smiling land; All that lib'ral autumn pours From her rich o'erflowing stores: 3 These to thee, our God! we owe, Source whence all our blessings flow! And for these our souls shall raise Grateful vows and solemn praise. 4 Yet should rising whirlwinds tear From its stem the rip'ning ear; Should the fig-tree's blasted shoot Drop her green untimely fruit: 5 Should the vine put forth no more, Nor the olive yield her store: Though the sick'ning flocks should fall, And the herds desert the stall: 6 Should thine alter'd hand restrain Vernal show'rs and latter rain, Blast each op'ning bud of joy, And the rising year destroy: 7 Yet to thee our souls shall raise Grateful vows and solemn praise; And, when ev'ry blessing's flown, Love thee—for thyself alone!
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Indulgent God! whose bounteous care

Meter: Appears in 64 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances Evening Lyrics: 1 Indulgent god! whose bounteous care O'er all thy works is shown: O let my grateful praise and pray'r Ascend before thy throne. 2 What mercies has this day bestow'd! How richly hast thou bless'd! My cup with plenty overflow'd, With cheerfulness my breast. 3 Now may sweet slumbers close my eyes, From pain and sickness free; And let my waking thoughts arise, To meditate on thee. 4 So bless each future day and night, Till life's fond scene is o'er; and then to realms of endless light O let my spirit soar!
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Thy gracious favour, Lord! display

Meter: Appears in 12 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances Public and National Blessings and Afflictions Lyrics: 1 Thy gracious favour, Lord! display, Which we have long implor'd; And, for thy wondrous mercies sake, Thy wonted aid afford. 2 God's answer patiently I'll wait; For he, with glad success, If they no more to folly turn, His morning saints will bless. 3 To all, that fear his holy name, His sure salvation's near; And in its former happy state, Our nation shall appear. 4 Truth from the earth shall spring, whilst heav'n Shall streams of justice pour; And God, from whom all blessings flow, Shall endless plenty show'r.
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When o'er the trodden paths of life

Meter: Appears in 11 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances Sickness and Recovery Lyrics: 1 When o'er the trodden paths of life, Backwards I turn mine eyes: What varied scenes, throughout the road, Awaken my surprise! 2 Thousands, to whom my natal hour Imparted vital breath, Just look'd on life, and clos'd their eyes In the fast sleep of death. 3 Thousands, who climb'd to manhood's stage; Safe through unnumber'd snares; Travell'd not far, before they sunk Amidst its thorns and cares. 4 Follow'd through ev'ry changing stage, With goodness all my days: Deny me not a heart to love, A tongue to speak thy praise. 5 Ten thousand thousand thanks to thee, Echo along the road. O may I join those endless songs, That fill thy blest abode.
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Though nature's voice you must obey

Meter: Appears in 23 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances On the Death of Relatives and Friends Lyrics: 1 Though nature's voice you must obey, Think, while your swelling griefs o'erflow, That hand, which takes your joys away, That sov'reign hand can heal your woe. 2 And, while your mournful thoughts deplore The parent gone, remov'd the friend! With hearts resign'd, his grace adore, On whom your nobler hopes depend. 3 Does he not bid his children come Through death's dark shades to realms of light? Yet, when he calls them to their home Shall fond survivors mourn their flight? 4 His word--here let your souls rely-- Immortal consolation gives: Your heav'nly Father cannot die, Th'eternal Friend for ever lives. 5 O be that best of friends your trust; On his almighty arm recline. He, when your comforts sink in dust, Can give you comforts more divine.
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Had not the Lord, may Israel say

Meter: Appears in 38 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances Public and National Blessings and Afflictions Lyrics: 1 Had not the Lord, may Isr'el say, Had not the Lord maintain'd our side, When men, to make our lives a prey, Rose like the swelling of the tide; 2 The swelling tide had stopt our breath, So fiercely did the waters roll, We had been swallow'd up in death; Proud waters had o'erwhelmed our soul. 3 For ever blessed be the Lord, Who broke the fowlers' deadly snare; Who sav'd us from the threat'ning sword, And made our lives his watchful care. 4 Our help is in Jehovah's name, Who form'd the earth and built the skies; Who still upholds all nature's frame And guards his church with watchful eyes.


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