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Showing 51 - 60 of 147Results Per Page: 102050
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All men are equal in their birth

Author: Martineau Meter: Appears in 30 hymnals Topics: The Christian Nation Brotherhood Lyrics: 1 All men are equal in their birth, Heirs of the earth and skies; All men are equal when that earth Fades from their dying eyes. 2 God meet the throngs who pay their vows In courts that hands have made, And hears the worshiper who bows Beneath the plantain shade. 3 Oh, let man hasten to restore To all their rights of love; In power and wealth exult no more; In wisdom lowly move. 4 Ye great, renounce your earth-born pride; Ye low, your shame and fear; Live, as ye worship, side by side; Your brotherhood revere.
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More light shall break from out thy Word

Author: Allen Eastman Cross Appears in 14 hymnals Topics: The Christian Kingdom The Nation Used With Tune: TRURO
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The Lord is near! with Sinai tread

Author: Alexander Clark Appears in 3 hymnals Topics: The Christian Nation Fast-Day Lyrics: 1 The Lord is near! with Sinai trend He comes to earth again; From sudden darkness overhead, A tongue of lightning, clear and dread, Enough to wake the dusty dead, Proclaims God's will to men. 2 Oh, bleeding country, now arise, And call upon the Lord; Thy broken heart and tearful eyes Win pity on thee from the skies, Through Christ, the world's slain sacrifice, Who saves thee by his word. 3 Thou God of nations, hear our prayer; We lift our thoughts to thee; Our sinful nation's life, oh spare! And may our grief thy grace declare, By every Christly cross we bear To bless and make men free.
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See, gracious God! before thy throne

Author: Mrs. Steele Meter: Appears in 186 hymnals Topics: The Christian Nation Fast-Day Lyrics: 1 See, gracious God! before thy throne Thy mourning people bend; 'Tis on thy sovereign grace alone Our humble hopes attend. 2 Dark, frowning judgments from thy hand Thy dreadful power display; Yet mercy spares this guilty land, And still we live to pray. 3 How changes, alas! are truths divine, For error, guilt, and shame! What impious numbers, bold in sin, Disgrace the Christian name! 4 Oh, turn us, turn us, mighty Lord, By thy resistless grace; Then shall our hearts obey thy word, And humbly seek thy face. Scripture: Daniel 9:3-19
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And the flag of our fathers, in God's name unfurled

Author: T. H. Stockton Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: The Christian Nation Patriotism First Line: In the name of Jehovah our banner we raise Lyrics: 1 In the name of Jehovah our banner we raise, With its stars and its stripes pledged anew to his praise: 'Tis the ensign of truth, 'tis the standard of right, 'Tis the herald of liberty, union, and right. Chorus: And the flag of our fathers, in God's name unfurled, O'er their children shall wave to the end of the world. 2 If it ever prove false to its glorious trust, May its foes drag it down with contempt to the dust; But as long as 'tis true to the blazon it holds, Shall the arm of Omnipotence bear up its folds. [Chorus] 3 Here at home, with one sky and one land, let it be But the flag of one people, harmonious and free; From the north to the south, from the east to the west, With no treason to part it, no war to molest. [Chorus] 4 So abroad on all seas and all shores let it shine As the symbol of manhood, redeemed and divine; That the down-trodden nations in triumph may rise, With their feet on their chains, and their brows to the skies. [Chorus]
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Children of a free-born race

Author: Anon. Appears in 4 hymnals Topics: The Christian Nation Patriotism Lyrics: 1 Children of a free-born race, Happy in your dwelling-place, As your blessings ye retrace, Think from whence they flow: Think of that Creative Hand, Author of the sea and land, By whose power the nations stand In their weal or woe. 2 Here are freedom, health, and peace; Here oppression's surges cease; Streams of knowledge here increase, Deepening far and wide: Science here her tribute pours, Industry collects her stores, Wealth flows in from foreign shores Like a swelling tide. 3 Here, religion undefiled, With an influence pure and mild, Reaches to the humblest child, E'en from door to door: Let us then our offerings bring, Thanks unto the heavenly King; From the heart his praises sing Now and evermore.
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Restore, O Father, to our times restore

Author: Anon. Meter: Appears in 17 hymnals Topics: The Christian Nation At Peace Lyrics: 1 Restore, O Father, to our times restore, The peace which filled thine infant church of yore, Ere lust of power had sown the seeds of strife, And quenched the new-born charities of life. 2 Oh, never more may different judgments part From kindly sympathy a brother's heart! But, linked in one, believing thousands kneel, And share with each the sacred joy they feel. 3 From soul to soul, quick as the sunbeam's ray, Let concord spread one universal day; And faith by love lead all mankind to thee, Parent of peace, and fount of harmony!
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When Abraham, full of sacred awe

Author: Rippon's Coll. Meter: Appears in 73 hymnals Topics: The Christian Nation Fast-Day Lyrics: 1 When Abraham, full of sacred awe, Before Jehovah stood, And, with an humble, fervent prayer, For guilty Sodom sued. 2 With what success, what wondrous grace, Was his petition crowned! The Lord would spare, if in this place Ten righteous men were found. 3 And could a single pious soul So rich a boon obtain? Great God, and shall a nation cry, And plead with thee in vain? 4 Are not the righteous dear to thee Now, as in ancient times? Or does this sinful land exceed Gomorrah in her crimes? 5 Still we are thine; we bear thy name; Here yet is thine abode: Long has thy presence blest our land: Forsake us not, O God.
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God of our fathers, let thy face

Author: Samuel Wolcott Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Topics: The Christian Nation Patriotism Lyrics: 1 God of our fathers, let thy face Toward the Republic ever be! Encompass it with strength and grace, And law combine with liberty. 2 Unto our President impart Sustaining trust, discerning sight, The homage of the loyal heart, The steadfast courage for the right. 3 Within our Congress let the fire Of patriotic love abide; Its counsels lead, its acts inspire, And in the nation's halls preside. 4 Upon our Judges let the seal Of thy divine anointing be-- The wisdom calm, the righteous zeal, The robes of truth and equity. 5 God of our fathers, let thy face Toward the Republic ever be! Encompass it with strength and grace, And law combine with liberty.
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Nature hath seasons of repose

Author: Anon. Meter: Appears in 5 hymnals Topics: The Christian Nation Brotherhood Lyrics: 1 Nature hath seasons of repose; Her slumbering clouds and quiet sky; And many a bright-faced stream that flows Onward for ever noiselessly. 2 The stormy winds are hushed to rest, And hang self-poised upon their wings; And, nursed on mother nature's breast, Sweet flowers lie like sleeping things. 3 The ocean, that in mountains ran, Spreads boundlessly without a wave; And is it only said of man, His peace is in the gloomy grave? 4 Oh, for the coming of the end, The last long Sabbath-day of time, When peace from heaven shall descend Like heaven's own light, on every clime. 5 When men in ships far off at sea Shall hear the happy nations raise The song of peace and liberty, The chant of overflowing praise. 6 Mankind shall be one brotherhood; One human soul shall fill the earth; And God shall say, The world is good, As in the day I gave it birth.


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