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Jesus, be our Guide,

Author: Nicolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf; L. Heyl Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran hymnal #406 (1908) Topics: Third Sunday after Easter Lyrics: 1 Jesus! be our Guide, As thro' life we glide; Faithfully in our behavior May we follow Thee, dear Savior, Lead us by Thy hand Thro' to fatherland. 2 When the world is cold, Let us to Thee hold; When the cup of sorrow draining, May we do so uncomplaining; For thro' trials we Find our way to Thee. 3 When affliction's smart Anguishes the heart-- Though our life be woe and weakness, Help us bear our cross in meekness; May we keep in mind, God's a Father kind. 4 Order Thou our ways, Lord! Through all our days; Though our path be dark and cheerless, Jesus with us, we'll be fearless; Open, when life's o'er, Lord! to us Thy door! Languages: English Tune Title: JESUS BE OUR GUIDE (Seelenbräutigam)
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Seems it in my anguish lone

Author: Christoph Titius; Catherine Winkworth Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran hymnal #412 (1908) Topics: Third Sunday after Easter Lyrics: 1 Seems it in my anguish lone, As though God forsook His own, Yet I hold this knowledge fast, God will surely help at last. 2 Though awhile it be delayed, He denieth not His aid; Though it come not oft with speed, It will surely come in need. 3 As a father not too soon Grants his child the longed-for boon, So our God gives when He will; Wait His pleasure and be still. 4 I can rest in thoughts of Him, When all courage else grows dim, For I know my soul shall prove His is more than father's love. 5 Would the powers of ill affright, I can smile at all their might; Or the cross be pressing sore, God, my God, lives evermore! 6 Man may hate me causelessly, Man may plot to ruin me, Foes my heart may piecer and rend: God in heaven is still my Friend. 7 Earth may all her gifts deny, Safe my treasure is on high; And if heaven at last be mine, All things else I can resign. 8 I renounce thee willingly, World, I hate what pleases thee, Baneful every gift of thine, Only be my God still mine. 9 Ah Lord, if but Thee I have, Nought of other good I crave, Bright is even death's dark road, If but Thou art there, my God. Languages: English Tune Title: WEBER (Seymour)
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Her lignes Trængsels-tiden

Author: Henrik Vemmeløv Hymnal: Salmebog for Lutherske Kristne i Amerika #381 (1919) Topics: Third Sunday after Easter Lyrics: 1 Her lignes Trængsels-Tiden Kun ved en stakket Stund, Saa følger Trøsten siden, Saa taler Sandheds Mund. O Sjæl, bliv derfor ved! Bliv ved at kjæmpe, raabe, Bliv ved at tro og haabe I al Taalmodighed! 2 Se, Stunden snart skal komme, Da Jesus vil sin Brud Til de udvalgte Fromme Af Trængsel føre ud, Og hente til det Sted, Hvor Synd og Død ei mere, Ei Graad og Skrig skal være, Men evig, evig Fred. 3 Min Sjæl, vær du kun stille, Og bliv i Troen ved, Lad ingen Nød dig skille Fra Kristi Kjærlighed! Du veed jo til din Trøst, Guds Børn som saa med Taare, Dem visselig staar fore En salig Glædes Høst. 4 Saa trøst dig da, mit Hjerte, Med disse dyre Ord, Og vid, at al den Smerte, Du lider her paa Jord, Ei værd at lignes er Med al den Glæde hisset, Dig Jesus har forvisset, Vort Borgerskab er der. Languages: Norwegian

Halleluja, jeg har

Author: Brorson Hymnal: M. B. Landstads Kirkesalmebog og "Nokre Salmar" ved Professor Dr. E. Blix, samt følgende tillæg #251 (1897) Topics: Third Sunday after Easter For Evening Lyrics: 1 Halleluja, jeg har Min Jesus fundet! Hans Naades Glans er klar I mig oprundet; Nu ser jeg Veien til Guds Fryde-Bolig Nu kan, nu skal, nu vil, Nu kan, nu skal, nu vil, Jeg vandre trolig. 2 Fremad! min Tid er knap, Jeg faar at rende, Hvor løbe de omkap, Som Kronen kjende! Al Verden vil jeg først Bort fra mig kaste, Og som,en Hjort i Tørst, Og som er Hjort i Tørst, Til Himlen haste. 3 Kun fort paa Livets Vei, Oplyste Sjæle! I maa i Sandhed ei Ved Verden dvæle; Enhver for Gud sig til Den Sag forpligte, At vi til Himlen vil, At vi til Himlen vil, Alene sigte. 4 Kun fort, og strider mod De ande Tanker, Som sig i Kjød og Blod Om Sjælen sanker! Endog den mindste Lyst Ret at bekrige, Det løfter Haabets Trøst, Det løfter Haabets Trøst, Til Himmerige. 5 Det er en liden Tid, Saa har jeg vundet, Saa er den ganske Strid Med Et forsvundet, Saa kan jeg hvile mig I Rosendale, Og uafladelig Og uafladelig, Med Jesu tale. 6 Mig tykkes, at jeg ser, Hvor Gud sig fryder, Naar Jesu Stridsmænd meer Igjennem bryder, At det kan Ende faa Med deres Plage Og hver sin Krone maa, Og hver sin Krone maa, Af Jesu tage. 7 Jeg ser dig nok, min Krans I Himmerige! For dine Perlers Glans Maa Solen vige, Og naar jeg tænker paa, Hvo dig fortjente, Saa veed jeg, at jeg maa, Saa veed jeg, at jeg maa, Dit vist forvente. Languages: Norwegian

Her lignes Trængsels-Tiden

Author: H. K. Vemmeløv Hymnal: M. B. Landstads Kirkesalmebog og "Nokre Salmar" ved Professor Dr. E. Blix, samt følgende tillæg #381 (1897) Topics: Third Sunday after Easter High Mass Lyrics: 1 Her lignes Trængsels-Tiden Kun ved en stakket Stund, Saa følger Trøsten siden, Saa taler Sandheds Mund. O Sjæl, bliv derfor ved! Bliv ved at kjæmpe, raabe, Bliv ved at tro og haabe I al Taalmodighed! 2 Se, Stunden snart skal komme, Da Jesus vil sin Brud Til de udvalte Fromme Af Trængsel føre ud, Og hente til det Sted, Hvor Synd og Død ei mere, Ei Graad og Skrig skal være, Men evig, evig Fred. 3 Min Sjæl, vær du kun stille, Og bliv i Troen ved, Lad ingen Nød dig skille Fra Kristi Kjærlighed! Du veed jo til din Trøst, Guds Børn som saa med Taare, Dem visselig staar fore En salig Glædes Høst. 4 Saa trøst dig da, mit Hjerte, Med disse dyre Ord, Og viid, at al den Smerte, Du lider her paa Jord, Ei værd at lignes er Med al den Glæde hisset, Dig Jesus har forvisset, Vort Borgerskab er der. Languages: Norwegian
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Our God Is Love, and All His Saints

Author: Thomas Cotterill, (1779-1823). Hymnal: The Hymnal and Order of Service #500 (1926) Meter: Topics: Third Sunday after Easter Lyrics: 1 Our God is love, and all His saints His image bear below; The heart with love to God inspired With love to man will glow. 2 Teach us to love each other, Lord, As we are loved by Thee; None who are truly born of God Can live in enmity. 3 Heirs of the same immortal bliss, Our hopes and fears the same, The bonds of love our hearts unite, With mutual love inflame. 4 So may the unbelieving world See how true Christians love; And glorify our Saviour's grace, And seek that grace to prove. Amen. Scripture: 1 John 4:7 Languages: English Tune Title: LAMBETH
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Giv, o Gud, jeg aldrig glemmer

Author: Kingo Hymnal: Salmebog for Lutherske Kristne i Amerika #386 (1919) Topics: Third Sunday after Easter Lyrics: Giv, o Gud, jeg aldrig glemmer, At jeg Arme bleven er En udaf din Kirkes Lemmer, Som dit Kjendemerke bær! Gid din Kirke hos os staar Som en vandet Urtegaard! Lad ei trædes under Fode Det, du har begyndt at pode! Languages: Norwegian
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O Jesus, Joy of Loving Hearts

Author: Bernard of Clairvaux, (1091-1153) Hymnal: The Hymnal and Order of Service #241 (1926) Meter: Topics: Third Sunday after Easter First Line: O Jesus, Joy of loving hearts! Lyrics: 1 O Jesus, Joy of loving hearts! Thou Fount of life! Thou Light of men! From fullest bliss that earth imparts, We turn unfilled to Thee again. 2 Thy truth unchanged hath ever stood, Thou savest those that on Thee call; To them that seek Thee, Thou art good, To them that find Thee, all in all. 3 We taste Thee, O Thou living Bread, And long to feast upon Thee still; We drink of Thee, the Fountainhead, And thirst our souls from Thee to fill. 4 Our restless spirits yearn for Thee, Where'er our changeful lot is cast, Glad, that Thy gracious smile we see, Blest, that our faith can hold Thee fast. 5 O Jesus, ever with us stay! Make all our moments calm and bright; Chase the dark night of sin away, Shed o'er the world Thy holy light. Amen. Languages: English Tune Title: ROCKINGHAM
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Jesus Is My Joy, My All

Author: Johan Olof Wallin; Ahasuerus Fritsch Hymnal: The Hymnal and Order of Service #491 (1926) Meter: Topics: Third Sunday after Easter Lyrics: 1 Jesus is my Joy, my All, He for me His life hath given; I am His, I hear His call; He hath writ my name in heaven. Earthly treasures pass away; Jesus I will love for aye. 2 Riches, pomp, and earthly joy Cannot tempt my soul from heaven; Gold is mingled with alloy, Bitterness with sweetness given, Riches flee and hopes decay; Jesus' grace abides alway. 3 In my Jesus I am blest, He to pleasant pastures leads me, Stills my soul and gives it rest, And with heavenly manna feeds me. Earthly things must face and fall; Jesus is my Life, my All. 4 Then away, O world! thy joy Leads the soul to grief and sorrow; Death is found in sin's employ Fears to-day, regrets to-morrow. Jesus only satisfies; Jesus points me to the skies! Amen. Languages: English Tune Title: JESUS ALLT MITT GODA ÄR
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How bless'd are they who always strive

Hymnal: Church Hymn Book #LXXXII (1816) Meter: Topics: Third Sunday after Easter Lyrics: 1 How bless'd are they who always strive, To keep their souls to God alive! Who keep their minds with God arrang'd, And live to ev'ry vice astrang'd. 2 They war with Satan, world and flesh, And e'er renew their strength afresh; They honour God in all they do, And always good examples shew. 3 Altho' they bear reproach and blame, They glorify their Saviour's name; They treat their enemies with love, Which is their method to reprove. 4 Whate'er their state of life may be, They keep their hearts from envy free; From all revenge they will abstain, To shame the ignorance of men. 5 This makes their state of mind complete, When they with patience can submit! To all the precepts of the Lord, His ordinance and blessed word. Scripture: 1 Peter 2:11-20 Languages: English


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