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Showing 591 - 600 of 600Results Per Page: 102050

Spirit of Jesus

Author: Gaskell Meter: Appears in 5 hymnals First Line: O, NOT to crush with abject fear Lyrics: O, not to crush with abject fear The burdened soul of man Did Jesus on the earth appear, And open heaven’s high plan: He came to bid him find repose, And God his Father know; And thus with love to raise up those That once were bowed low. O, not in coldness nor in pride His holy path he trod; ’Twas his delight to turn aside And win the lost to God; And unto sorrowing guilt disclose The fount whence peace should flow; And thus with love to raise up those That once were bowed low. O, not with cold, unfeeling eye Did he the suffering view; Not on the other side pass by, And deem their tears untrue; ’Twas joy to him to heal their woes, And heaven’s sweet refuge show; And thus with love to raise up those That once were bowed low.

Forever with the Lord

Author: Montgomery Meter: Appears in 632 hymnals First Line: Forever with the Lord! Lyrics: Forever with the Lord! So, Father, let it be; Life from the dead is in that word, ’Tis immortality. Here in the body pent, Absent from Thee I roam; Yet nightly pitch my moving tent A day’s march nearer home. My Father’s house on high! Home of my soul, how near At times to faith’s foreseeing eye Thy golden gates appear! I hear at morn and even, At noon and midnight hour, The choral harmonies of heaven Earth’s Babel-tongues o’erpower. And then I feel, that He, Remembered or forgot, The Lord, is never far from me, Though I perceive Him not. Forever with the Lord! Father, if ’tis Thy will, The promise of that blessed word Even here to me fulfil. Be Thou at my right hand, Then can I never fail; Uphold Thou me, and I shall stand; Help, and I must prevail.

Christ Walking on the Sea

Author: Bulfinch Meter: Appears in 15 hymnals First Line: Lord, in whose might the Saviour trod Lyrics: Lord, in whose might the Saviour trod The dark and stormy wave, And trusted in his Father’s arm, Omnipotent to save; When darkly round our footsteps rise The floods and storms of life, Send Thou Thy Spirit down to still The dark and fearful strife. Strong in our trust, on Thee reposed, The ocean-path we’ll dare, Though waves around us rage and foam, Since Thou art present there.

Presence of Jesus

Author: C. Wesley Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: Not in the name of pride Lyrics: Not in the name of pride Or selfishness we’re met; From worldly paths we turn aside, And worldly thoughts forget. Jesus, we look to thee, Thy promised presence claim! Thou in the midst of us shalt be, Assembled in thy name. Present we know thou art; But, O, thyself reveal! Now, Lord, let every bounding heart Thy peace and gladness feel! O, may thy quickening voice The death of sin remove; And bid our inmost souls rejoice In hope of perfect love!


Author: H. Ware Meter: Irregular Appears in 28 hymnals First Line: Oppression shall not always reign Lyrics: Oppression shall not always reign; There comes a brighter day, When freedom, burst from every chain, Shall have triumphant way. Then right shall over might prevail, And truth, like hero armed in mail, The hosts of tyrant wrong assail, And hold eternal sway. What voice shall bid the progress stay Of truth’s victorious car? What arm arrest the growing day, Or quench the solar star? What reckless soul, though stout and strong, Shall dare bring back the ancient wrong, Oppression’s guilty night prolong, And freedom’s morning bar?

“After This Manner Pray Ye.”

Author: Montgomery Meter: Appears in 203 hymnals First Line: Our Heavenly Father, hear Lyrics: Our Heavenly Father, hear The prayer we offer now: Thy name be hallowed far and near, To Thee all nations bow. Thy kingdom come; Thy will On earth be done in love, As saints and seraphim fulfil Thy perfect law above. Our daily bread supply, While by Thy word we live; The guilt of our iniquity Forgive as we forgive. From dark temptation’s power Our feeble hearts defend; Deliver in the evil hour, And guide us to the end. Thine, then, forever be Glory and power divine; The sceptre, throne, and majesty Of heaven and earth are Thine.

“Let This Cup Pass From Me.”

Author: Anonymous Meter: Appears in 44 hymnals First Line: A voice upon the midnight air Lyrics: A voice upon the midnight air, Where Kedron’s moonlit waters stray, Weeps forth in agony of prayer, “O Father, take this cup away!” Ah, thou who sorrow’st unto death, We conquer in thy mortal fray; And earth for all her children saith, “O God, take not this cup away!” O Lord of sorrow, meekly die; Thou’lt heal or hallow all our woe; Thy peace shall still the mourner’s sigh; Thy strength shall raise the faint and low. Great chief of faithful souls, arise; None else can lead the martyr band, Who teach the soul how peril flies, When faith, unarmed, uplifts the hand. O King of earth, the cross ascend; O’er climes and ages ’tis thy throne; Where’er thy fading eye may bend, The desert blooms and is thine own. Thy parting blessing, Lord, we pray; Make but one fold below, above; And when we go the last, lone way, O, give the welcome of thy love.

The Angel in the Prison

Author: J. G. Adams Appears in 4 hymnals First Line: God's angels! not only on high do they sing Lyrics: God’s angels! not only on high do they sing, And soar through our skies with invisible wing; But here, on the earth, where in wretchedness lie Its sin-stricken children to struggle and die. They come, in their mercy and power, to dispel The spectres of gloom from the prisoner’s cell; In love’s name to say to the stricken one there, That God still hath ear, and an answer to prayer. And strong grows the heart of the outcast—and soon In that dim prison come the pure light-gleams of noon; The resolve and the faith of the sinner forgiven, Send him back to the world with a heart seeking heaven. God’s angels! Love speed them o’er earth’s wide domain! New aids to impart, and new triumphs to gain; Till the wrathful and wrong from our world shall retire, And humanity’s groans in her praises expire. For the promise of truth—though the doubting deny— Is, that love shall prevail in the earth as on high; Its life-waters healing, wherever they flow, With the angels above, or the angels below.


Author: Emily Taylor Meter: Appears in 131 hymnals First Line: Come to the house of prayer Lyrics: Come to the house of prayer, O ye afflicted, come! The God of peace shall meet you there, He makes that house His home. Come to the house of praise, Ye who are happy now; In sweet accord your voices raise, In kindred homage bow. Ye aged, hither come, For ye have felt His love; Soon shall ye lift a holier song In fairer courts above. Ye young, before His throne, Come, bow; your voices raise; Let not your hearts His praise disown, Who gives the power to praise. Thou, whose benignant eye In mercy looks on all; Who seest the tear of misery, And hear’st the mourner’s call; Up to Thy dwelling-place Bear our frail spirits on, Till they outstrip time’s tardy pace, And heaven on earth be won.

Cheerful Worship

Author: Watts Meter: Appears in 14 hymnals First Line: Come, ye who love the Lord! Lyrics: Come, ye who love the Lord! And let your joys be known; Join in a song with sweet accord, And thus surround His throne. The sorrows of the mind Be banished from this place! Religion never was designed To make our pleasures less. The sons of God have found That heaven begins below: Celestial fruits, on earthly ground, From faith and hope may grow. Then let our sorrows cease, And every tear be dry; We’re travelling through the paths of peace To fairer worlds on high.


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