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Tune Identifier:abends_oakeley

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Showing 61 - 67 of 67Results Per Page: 102050

Dearest of Names, Our Lord, Our King

Author: Samuel Medley, 1738-1799 Meter: Appears in 8 hymnals First Line: Dearest of Names, our Lord, our king! Lyrics: 1. Dearest of names, our Lord, our king! Jesus, Thy praise we humbly sing; In cheerful songs will spend our breath, And in Thee triumph over death. 2. Death is no more among our foes, Since Christ the mighty conqueror rose; Both power and sting the Savior broke, He died, and gave the finished stroke. 3. Saints die, and we should gently weep; Sweetly in Jesus’ arms they sleep; Far from this world of sin and woe, Nor sin, nor pain, nor grief they know. 4. Death no terrific foe appears, An angel’s lovely form he wears; A friendly messenger he proves To every soul whom Jesus loves. 5. Death is a sleep; and O, how sweet, To souls prepared its stroke to meet! Their dying beds, their graves are blessed, For all to them is peace and rest. 6. Their bodies sleep, their souls take wing, Uprise to Heaven, and there they sing With joy, before the Savior’s face Triumphant in victorious grace. 7. Soon shall the earth’s remotest bound Feel the archangel’s trumpet sound; Then shall the graves’ dark caverns shake, And joyful, all the saints shall wake. 8. Bodies and souls shall then unite, Arrayed in glory strong and bright; And all His saints will Jesus bring, His face to see, His love to sing. 9. O, may I live with Jesus nigh, And sleep in Jesus when I die! Then joyful, when from death I wake, I shall eternal bliss partake Used With Tune: ABENDS

Pour Down Thy Spirit

Author: William Romanis Meter: Appears in 6 hymnals First Line: Pour down Thy Spirit from above Lyrics: 1. Pour down Thy Spirit from above, And bid all strife and discord cease; Joint heart to heart in mutual love, O reign among us, Prince of Peace. 2. If in the souls where love should be Arise the storms of fierce self-will, Calm Thou that troubled, angry sea, Speak to the tempest, Peace, be still. 3. If rude reproach be o’er us flung, And slander wound as with a sword, Rule Thou th’unruly answering tongue, And silence every vengeful word. 4. Whene’er in this wild world we meet, Unkindly deeds that anger move, Teach us forgiveness, triumph sweet, To conquer evil will with love. 5. In every land, in every home, In every heart let love increase; Let love proclaim Thy kingdom come, O reign among us, Prince of Peace. Used With Tune: ABENDS Text Sources: Wigston Magna School Hymns, 1878

For Sion's Sake I Will Not Cease

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1 For Sion’s sake I will not cease In agony of prayer to cry, No, never will I hold my peace, Till God proclaim salvation nigh: 2 Worthy in her great Savior’s worth ’Till Sion doth illustrious shine, And as a burning lamp goes forth The blaze of righteousness divine. 3 Thy righteousness the world shall see, The Gentiles on thy beauty gaze, And all the kings of earth agree In wondering at thy glorious grace. 4 Thy glorious grace what tongue can tell? The Lord shall a new name impart, Th’unutterable name reveal, And write it on His people’s heart. 5 Sion, for thee Thy God shall care, And claim thee as His just reward, Thee for His crown of glory wear, The royal diadem of thy Lord. 6 Outcast of God and man no more, No more forsaken and forlorn, Thy desolate estate is o’er, For God shall comfort all that mourn. 7 The widowed Church shall married be, And soon a numerous offspring bear: Thy every son shall comfort thee, And cherish with a husband’s care. 8 Thy duteous sons to thee shall cleave, The barren woman that keeps house, Nor ever more the bosom leave Of their dear mother and their spouse. 9 The Lord Himself thy husband is, He bought, and claims thee for His own; Thy God delights to call thee His, Flesh of His flesh, bone of His bone. 10 The joy that swells a bridegroom’s breast, When glorying o’er his long-sought bride, Shall swell Thy God, of thee possessed, Of thee, for whom He lived and died. 11 Prophets to thee thy Lord hath raised, O holy city of our God, Hath on thy walls His watchmen placed, And with a trumpet-voice endued. 12 They cry, and never hold their peace, His promise day and night they plead, Till God from all thy sins release, And make thee like thy glorious Head. 13 Call on Him now, ye watchmen, call, Cry, ye remembrancers divine, Give Him no rest, who died for all, Till in all His pure worship join: 14 Till God appear, the faithful God, And make Jerusalem a praise, And spread thro’ all the earth abroad, And ’stablish her with perfect grace. 15 The Lord by His right hand hath sworn, The arm of His almighty power, No more shalt thou to sin return, Thy en’my shall no more devour. 16 Satan, the world, and sin too long Have robbed the children of their bread, Poor laboring souls, they suffered wrong, Nor saw their legal toil succeed. 17 They sowed the ground, and did not reap, Planted, and not drink the wine: But I will comfort all that weep, And fill the poor with food divine. 18 No more shall strange desires consume Their holy, pure, and constant joy, The waster pride no more shall come, Their gifts and graces to destroy. 19 Surely the faithful see at last The labor of their hands shall eat, Shall praise the Lord, and more than taste The heavenly everlasting meat. 20 They all shall sit beneath the vine, In calm inviolable peace, And drink within My courts the wine, My courts of perfect holiness. 21 Go thro’ the gates (’tis God commands); Workers with God, the charge obey, Remove whate’er His work withstands, Prepare, prepare His people’s way. 22 Their even course let nothing stop, Cast up the way, the stones remove, The high and holy way cast up, The Gospel way of perfect love. 23 Lift up for all mankind to see The standard of their dying God, And point them to the shameful tree, The cross all stained with hallowed blood. 24 The Lord hath glorified His grace, Throughout the earth proclaimed His Son; Say ye to all the sinful race, He died for all your sins t’atone. 25 Sion, thy suffering God behold, Thy Savior and salvation, too: He comes, He comes, so long foretold, Clothed in a vest of bloody hue. 26 Himself prepares His people’s hearts, Breaks and binds up, and wounds and heals, A mystic death, and life imparts, Empties the full, the emptied fills. 27 He fills whom first He hath prepared, With Him the perfect grace is given, Himself is here their great reward, Their future and their present Heaven. 28 They now the holy people named, Their glorious title shall express, From all iniquity redeemed, Filled with the Lord their righteousness. 29 A chosen, saved, peculiar race, Sion, with all thy sons thou art, Elect thro’ sanctifying grace, Perfect in love, and pure in heart. 30 A people glorious all within, Now, only now, and not before, Born from above Thou canst not sin, And God can never leave thee more. Used With Tune: ABENDS Text Sources: Hymns and Sacred Poems, Vol. 1, 1749

Vohay ny varavaram-po

Appears in 3 hymnals Used With Tune: ABENDS

Spirit of God, My Guardian Dear

Author: Unknown Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: Spirit of God, my guardian dear To whom thy love commits me here, Ever this day be at my side to light, to guard, to rule and guide. Amen. Topics: Guidance Used With Tune: ABENDS

Behold, A Lucid Light Appears

Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 Behold, a lucid light appears Which brightens all the eastern sky; Hark, hark, what sounds salute our ears, All glory give to God on high. 2 Good-will to men and peace on earth, The heavenly choirs united cry At the divine Redeemer’s birth, And glory be to God on high. 3 Let mortals catch the sacred flame, Till round the world the song shall fly, Which sounds the great Redeemer’s name, And glory gives to God on high. Used With Tune: ABENDS Text Sources: A Selection of Carols, Pieces and Anthems (London: W. Kent and Company, undated, circa 1860)
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Our Father's Care of His Children

Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Upon the just God keeps his eyes Topics: Afflictions Promises for; Christ Abiding with Believers; Christians Believers; Christians Christ the Life of; Deliverance from trouble; Faith Blessedness of; Glory of God In Creation; God Hearer of Prayer; God Loving and Merciful; God Source of All Good; Gospel Fullness of; Gospel Privileges of; Heart Broken and Contrite; Judgments On Wicked; Praise For Spiritual Blessings; Prayer confidence in; Prayer God Hears; Prayer Promises to; Protection Only from God; The Righteous Deliverances of; The Righteous Honor and Safety of; The Righteous Reward of; The Righteous Troubles of; Safety Assured; Salvation God's Gift; Trust in God Blessed; The Wicked Fate of Scripture: Psalm 34:8-11 Used With Tune: [Upon the just God keeps his eyes]


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