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Hymnal, Number:nvpd1752

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The mighty God, Jehovah spake

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #92 (1752) Lyrics: 1. The mighty God, Jehovah spake, To the whole Earth did call; From early'st Rising of the Sun, Umto it's latest Fall. 2. From Zlon, famous in Renown, Whole Beauty is compleat; The mighty God hath clearly shin'd, In all his royal State. 3. Silent no more; our God shall come. Before him Flames devour; And Troops of raging Tempests, round About him, fiercely pour. 4. Thro' Heav'n above, and Earth beneath, His Summons he shall send; That all his People, ev'ry where, Before their Judge attend. 5. "Gather together, unto me, "My Saints, (Jehovah said,) "Those that, with me, a Cov'nant firm, "By Sacrifice, have made. 6. The heav'nly Host, his Righteousness, Shall clearly see, and own; His spotless Justice shall appear; For God is Judge alone. Second Part 7. "Hear, O my People, and I'll speak; "I'll swiftly testify "Against Thee, O my Israel; "God, ev'n thy God, am I. 8. "I'll not reprove thee with Neglects "Of legal Sacrifice; "Or Burnt Off'rings; the Smoke of these, "Before me, daily rise. 9 "No Bullocks from thy Stall, or Goats "From Fold, will I accept. 10. "The Forrest Beasts are mine, and Herds "On Thousand Hills are kept. 11. "I know the Mountain Fowl; I claim "The wild Beasts of the Fields. 12. "If hungry, need I beg? The World "Is mine, and all it yields. 13. "Or eat the Flesh of Bulls, or drink "The Blood of Goats, will I? 14. "Give Thanks to God, and daily pay "Your Vows to the Most-high. 15. "In thy Distress, thy Heart to me, "In Prayer, devoutly raise; "Then I'll deliver from thy Fears, "And thou my Name shall praise. Third Part 16. "But to the Wicked, God doth say, "How dar'st thou to proclaim "My Statutes? or, with thy vile Mouth, "My sacred Covenant name? 17. "Seeing thou do'st Instruction hate; "And cast my Word behind. 18. "When Thieves thou saw'st; thou did'st consent; "And with Adult'rers join. 19. "Thy Mouth, in Slander, is employ'd; "Thy Tongue doth Falshood frame. 20. "Thou'rt pleas'd thy Brother to reproach, "Thy Mother's Son defame. 21. "This thou hast done; I silence kept; "Thou did'st of me surmise, "I'm like thyself; I'll thee reprove, "And rank them in thine Eyes. 22. "Now then, consider this, ye Fools, "Who God forgotten have; "Lest I in Pieces should your tear, "And there be none to save. 23. "The Man, that offers hearty Praise, "Best glorifieth me; "And him that ord'reth right his Ways, "Shall God's Salvation see. Scripture: Psalm 50 Languages: English
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The mighty God, Jehovah spake

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #95 (1752) Lyrics: 1. The mighty God, Jehovah spake. Did thro' the Earth his Summons make, From rising to the setting Sun, 2. From Zion, his peculiar Seat, Whose Beauty's perfect and compleat, God shines in glorious Renown. 3. Our God shall come, silent no more; Devouring Fire shall march before, And raging Tempests round him fly. 4. His solemn Judgment to attend, Thro'out all Heav'n, and Earth, he'll send His awful Summons, from on high. 5. "Let all my Saints assembled be, "That Cov'nant have confirm'd with me, "By Sacrifice; with Hopes t' atcone. 5. The heav'nly Hosts, who present are, His spotless Justice shall declare; For God himself is Judge alone. Second Part 7. "Attend my People, Isr'el hear; While I against thee Witness bear; "I'm God, thy Cov'nant God am I. 8. "Of Sacrifice, and Burnt-Off'ring, "I'll no Complaint against thee bring; "These daily smoak before mine Eye. 9. "These Off'rings no Amends can make: "No Bullock from thy Stall I'll take, "Nor any He-Goat from thy Fold. 10. "The Beasts in Forrests more confin'd, "And Herds on thousand Hills combin'd, "They all belong to me of old. 11. I number all the Mountain-Fowl; "Wild Beasts that in the Desart prowl, "All subject stand my Face before. 12. "If I be pinch'd with Hunger cou'd, "I need not ask of thee my Food; "The World is mine, with all it's Store. 13. That I the Flesh of Bulls, do'st think, Could eat? or Blood of Goats should drink? 14. Thy Heart in Thanks to God up raise; Thy Vows unto the Highest pay. 15. Devoutly in thy Troubles pray; I'll save; and thou my Name shalt praise. Third Part 16. The Wicked thus doth God impeach; "What Right hast thou my Laws to teach? "Or in thy Mouth my Cov'nant take? 17. "Tho' thou of sacred Things may'st prate; "Yet my Instruction thou do'st hate, "And cast my Word behind thy Back. 18. "When thou did'st see a Thief, thy Care "Was to agree, and with him share; "And with Adulterers did'st join. 19. "Thy Mouth thou gavest to Reproach, "Thy Tongue Deceit, and Lies, did broach; "And Mischief was thy chief Design. 20. "With Joy thou wound'st: thy Brother's Name, "Do'st thine own Mother's Son defame. 21. "This thou hast done; and did'st surmise, "While silent, I was like to thee; "Now thou my sharp Reproof shalt see; "I'll rank thy Sins before thine Eyes. 22. Mark this, ye who forgetful are Of God; lest I in Pieces tare, And there to save shall none be found. 2X. He honours me who offers Praise; And he, who orders right his Ways, With God's Salvation shall be crown'd. Scripture: Psalm 50 Languages: English
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O God, to me let Mercy flow

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #97 (1752) Lyrics: 1. O God, to me let Mercy flow, For thou delight'st in Acts of Grace; Thy many tender Mercies show. And all my Trespasses erase. 2. Me throughly wash from all my Stains; And from my Guilt me purify. 2. I own my Fault; my Sin remains, With piercing Grief, before mine Eye. 4. I've sin'd against Thee, Thee alone, And done this Evil in thy Sight; Thy Sentence, Lord, is just, I own, Thy heavy'st Judgments would be right. 5. I'm born defil'd, in ev'ry Part; My Mother me conceiv'd in Sin. 6. Thou, Lord, desirest Truth of Heart; O make me Wisdom know within. 7. With sprinkling Hysop purge my Soul, Then shall I pure, and spotless, grow; O wash away my Stains, most foul, I then shall whiter be than Snow. 8. Let me, with Joy, hear thy kind Word; So shall the Bones thou'st broken shout. 9. Hide from my Sins thy Face, O Lord; And all my many Crimes blot out. Second Part 10. Create, O God, in me clean Heart; My Spirit right, within me, make. 11. Drive me not from thy Face apart; Nor thy good Spirit from me take. 12 Salvation's Joy, to me, renew; With thy free Spirit me sustain. 13. Transgressors then, thy Ways, I'll shew; And they shall turn to God again. 14. Deliver me from Guilt of Blood, O God, thou my Salvation's God; My joyful Tongue shall then sing loud. And spread thy gracious Acts abroad. 15. O Lord, my closed Lips inspire; Then shall my Mouth thy Praises sing. 16. No Sacrifice, tho' burnt with Fire, Could please; or else I would it bring. 17. A broken Spirit, in God's Sight, Is the most pleasing Sacrifice; An Heart that's broken, and contrite, O God, thou never wilt despise. 18. Be Zion's Sons with Goodness fill'd, In thy good Pleasure succour them; Defend thy Church, and firmly build The Walls of thy Jerusalem. 19. Then shalt thou, with right Sacrifice, Be pleased, while Saints shall Thee invoke; Then, from burnt Offerings, Steams shall rise, And Bullocks on thine Altars smoke. Scripture: Psalm 51 Languages: English
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Wherefore, O mighty Man, dost thou

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #98 (1752) Lyrics: 1. Wherefore, O mighty Man, dost thou, Thy self, in Mischief boast? Uninterupted daily flows God's Gcodness, without Cost. 2. Thy Tongue, the Malice of thy Heart, In Falshoods, spreads around; Like a keen Rasor, gives a deep. And unexpected. Wound. 3. Thou lovest Evil more than Good, Than right, more to speak wrong; 4. Devouring Words are thy Delight, O thou deceitful Tongue. 5. Thee utterly shall God destroy. And snatch thee from thy Place; O'er throw thy House, and from the Earth, Root thee, and all thy Race. 6. With Fear, the Righteous shall behold, And thus, thy Fall, deride: 7. "Lo! this the Man! who God contemn'd, "Nor on his Strength rely'd; "But, in th' Abundance of his Wealth "Himself secure he thought, "And strengthen'd by his wicked Arts; "Lo! how he's brought to nought! 8. But I shall to God's House return, Fruitfull as th' Olive Tree; For I have ever fix'd my Trust, In God's Benignity. 9. I'll ever celebrate thy Praise, For what thou did'st efrect; And patient wait thy promis'd Grace, Which all thy Saints expect. Scripture: Psalm 52 Languages: English
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Fools, in their Heart, say there's no God

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #99 (1752) Lyrics: 1. Fools, in their Heart, say there's no God; They so corrupt, and base, are grown; They scatter loathsome Sin abroad, Among them that doth Good, there's none. 2. The Lord look'd down from Heav'n above, On Sons of Men, with strict Survey; To see, if Reason they approve, And seek the Lord, in his right Way. 3. But lo! they all were gone from God, They wholly filthy were, and base; Not one the Paths of Virtue trod, Of all that vile degen'rate Race. 4. Are then those Fools so blindly led? Do they so far from Reason stray? That they my People eat as Bread, And unto God no Homage pay? 5.When God dispers'd and broke their Strength, That fearless Crew were then surpris'd With horrid Fears; and sham'd at length; For God their boasted Force despis'd. 6. Who'll Isr'el Help, from Zion send? When God shall back his Captives bring, Then Jacob's Voice, in Shouts, ascend, Glad Isr'el, loud, thy Praise, shall Sing. Scripture: Psalm 53 Languages: English
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Save me O God for thy Name's Sake

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #100 (1752) Lyrics: 1. Save, me, O God, for thy Name's Sake; Me by thy Pow'r defend, 2. Lord, hear my Pray'r; and let thine Ear, Unto my Words, attend. 3. For Strangers, causeless, have combin'd, They up against me rise; Fierce Men thirst for my Life, who set Not God before they Eyes. 4, The Lord's my Help, he'll head my Friends, Who for my Life have stood; 5, My watchful Foes with Ill reward, And all his Threats make good. 6. So will I Free-will Off'rings bring. And to Thee sacrifice; Thy Name I'll ever praise, O Lord; 'Tis pleasing in thine Eyes. 7. For he hath freed me from my Straits, Which very great have been; Mine Eyes, with Pleasure, thy Rebukes, On all my Foes have seen. Scripture: Psalm 54 Languages: English
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Give Ear, O God, unto my Pray'r

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #101 (1752) Lyrics: 1. Give Ear, O God, unto my Pray'r; Nor hide from my Request. 2. Attend, and hear my mournful Cry; I roar, I'm so distress'd. 3. My Foes reproach me, I'm oppress'd, By a vile impious Crew; Who load me with foul Crimes, in Wrath, And Hatred, me pursue. 4. My Heart within me's greatly pain'd; Death's Terrors seize me fast; 5. Trembling, and Fear, beset me round; Horror is o'er me cast. 6. "Oh! had I Wings, like to a Dove, (I said, while thus distrest,) "Then would I fly from hence away "And seek a Place of Rest: 7. "Far would I wander, and remain "In some Desart alone; 8. "There swiftly 'scape, till furious Winds, "And Tempests were o'er blown. Second Part 9. Confound, O Lord, their ill Designs, Their plotting Tongues divide; For Violence, and raging Strife, I've in the City spy'd. 10. These, Day and Night, upon the Walls, Compass the City round; Mischief, and Sorrow, sprung from thence, In Midst thereof abound. 11. There, Wickedness, in various Shapes, An hearty Welcome meets; There open Fraud, and practis'd Guile, Depart not from her Streets. 12. Had a known Foe reproached me, This I could bear with Ease; Should open Haters me insult, I might have shunned these. 13. 'Twas thou, perfidious Man, my Friend, My Guide, mine Intimate. 14. Sweet Counsel took we, jointly went, And in God's House we sat. Third Part 15. Death shall seize on them unawares, And sink them quick to Hell; For Wickedness doth in their Hearts, And in their Houses, dwell. 16. But I will call on God; the Lord Will for my Help appear. 17. At Ev'ning, Morn, and Noon, I'll pray, And he my Voice will hear. 18. The Battle was against me aim'd, But he hath set me free; My Soul in Peace, and Safety, dwells, For many join'd with me. 19. God, who abides of old, shall hear, And smite them with his Rod; Because they have no Changes felt, Therefore they fear not God. 20. Against the Man at Peace with himm His Hands he did extend, In Wrath; and most profanely broke His Cov'nant, with his Friend. 21. Smoother than Butter was his Speech, But War in's Heart was found; His Words were softer than the Oyl, Yet, like drawn Swords, they wound. 22. Thy Burden cast upon the Lord, Who will sustain his own; He'll never suffer righteous Men, Tho' shook, to be o'er thrown. 23. God, to Destruction's Pit, shall bring Men of Deceit, and Blood; They scarce shall live out half their Days; But I will trust in God. Scripture: Psalm 55 Languages: English
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Have Pity, upon me, O God

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #103 (1752) Lyrics: 1. Have Pity, upon me, O God, For Men would me devour; He daily driving for my Hurt, Oppresses me with Pow'r. 2. My watchful Foes do, ev'ry Day, To swallow me, devise. For they are many, O Most-high, That up against me rise. 3. When I'm afraid, I'll trust in Thee. 4. In God I'll praise his Word; Nor fear what Flesh can do to me, For I trust in the Lord. 5, Each Day, they wrest my Words to speak, A Sense I never meant; And, my Destruction to contrive, Their Thoughts are wholly bent. 6. They meet together, and consult, And secretly debate; They strictly all my Actions watch, While for my Soul they wait. 7. Shall they, by all their Wickedness, Escape thy dreadful Frown; O God, in thy just Anger, cast, This wicked People down. 8. Thou number'st all the wandring Steps, From Place, to Place, I've took; Are not my Tears all safe preserv'd, And entred in thy Book? 9. When'er I cry, my Foes shall flee, I know; for God's mine Aid. 10. In God, the Lord, I'll praise his Word, On which my Hopes are stay'd. 11. In God I trust; and will not fear What Man can do to me. 12. Thy Vows are upon me, O God, I'll render Praise to Thee. 13. Thou, who hast sav'd my Soul from Death, My Feet from Falls defend; That I may live, and all my Days In thy bless'd Service spend. Scripture: Psalm 56 Languages: English
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Have Mercy, Lord, Mercy I crave

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #104 (1752) Lyrics: 1. Have Mercy, Lord, Mercy I crave; I cast my Soul on Thee; Till these Calamity's are past, To thy Wings Shade I flee. 2. To God, who over all presides, I'll make my fervent Cry; The God that well for me performs, And will not me deny. 3. From Heav'n he'll send, and me protect, Shame who would on me prey; God will his Mercy, and his Truth, On my Behalf display. 4. Fierce Lions, Men inflam'd with Rage, My Soul doth dwell among; Whose Teeth are Spears, and Arrows keen, And as sharp Swords their Tongue. 5. Let thy great Name be high extoll'd. Above the Heav'ns, O God; And let thy Glory be display'd Thro' all the Earth abroad. 6. They, for my Steps, had spread their Net, My Soul almost dispair'd; But they are fall'n into the Pit, Which they for me prepar'd. 7. O God, my Heart's prepar'd, and fix'd, I'll sing; and give Thee Praise. 8. Awake my Glory, Psalt'ry, Harp, Myself I'll early raise. 9. Among the Tribes, and Nations, Lord, Thy Praises sing will I. 10. Thy Mercy, Heav'ns high Arch, transcends, Thy Truth, the starry Sky. 11. Be thou, above the Heav'nly Spheres, Exalted high, O God; And let thy Glory be display'd Thro' all the Earth abroad. Scripture: Psalm 57 Languages: English
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Do ye speak Righteousness, indeed

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #105 (1752) Lyrics: 1. Do ye speak Righteousness, indeed, While ye confederate sit? Or is, ye Sons of earthly Men, Your Judgment just, and fit ? 2. Yea, rather foul, malicious Deeds, Your wicked Heart intends; Thus sway'd, you openly weigh out The Violence of your Hands. 3. Degen'rate Race! that, from the Womb, Strangers to Virtue, rise; As soon as born, they go astray, And give themselves to Lies. 4. Their Words, like Serpent's Poison, wound; Deaf Asps, they stop their Ear; 5. The Charmer's wisest Charms are vain, They'l no Instruction hear. 6. O God, their Mouth, so us'd to Blood, Of their sharp Teeth disarm; Break the young Lyon's Teeth, O Lord, Nor leave them Pow'r to harm. 7. Let them dissolve, as Mounts of Snow, Away whose Waters soak; May all his Arrows, when he brings Them to his Bow, be broke. 8. As slimy Snails, which melt away, So may they wade each one; Like an untimely Birth, that dies. And never fees the Sun. 9. Quicker than Thorns can seeth the Pot, He'll seize on them alive; In his hot Wrath away them chase, And with a Whirlwind drive. 10. Such righteous Vengeance will excite, The Triumphs of the Good; Who, Victors o'er such wicked Men, Shall wash their Feet in Blood. 11. Then Men shall say, "sure for the Just, "There is a kind Reward; "Sure, there's a God, who judgeth right, "And doth the Earth regard. Scripture: Psalm 58 Languages: English


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