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Behold the Saviour of mankind

Meter: Appears in 387 hymnals Used With Tune: MESSIAH
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The Living Church

Author: Philip Doddridge, 1702-1751 Meter: Appears in 233 hymnals First Line: The King of heav'n His table spreads Lyrics: 1 The King of heav'n His table spreads, And blessings crown the board; Not paradise, with all its joys, Could such delight afford. 2 Pardon and peace to dying men, And endless life are giv'n, Through the rich blood that Jesus shed To raise our souls to heaven. 3 Millions of souls, in glory now, Were fed and feasted here; And millions more, still on the way, Around the board appear. 4 All things are ready, come away, Nor weak excuses frame; Come to your places at the feast, And bless the Founder’s Name. Topics: Everlasting Life; Jesus Christ His Blood; Jesus Christ His Name Scripture: Ezekiel 39:17 Used With Tune: DUNDEE

Fools in Their Heart Believe and Say

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 62 hymnals Lyrics: 1. Fools in their heart believe and say, That all religion’s vain; There is no God that reigns on high, Or minds th’affairs of men. 2. From thoughts so dreadful and profane, Corrupt discourse proceeds; And in their impious hands are found Abominable deeds. 3. The Lord from His celestial throne Looked down on things below, To find the man that sought His grace, Or did His justice know. 4. By nature all are gone astray, Their practice all the same; There’s none that fears his maker’s hand; There’s none that loves His name. 5. Their tongues are used to speak deceit, Their slanders never cease; How swift to mischief are their feet, Nor know the paths of peace! 6. Such seeds of sin—that bitter root— In every heart are found; Nor can they bear diviner fruit Till grace refine the ground. Used With Tune: EVAN Text Sources: The Psalms of David, 1719

What Poor Despised Company

Author: Anonymous Meter: Appears in 170 hymnals Lyrics: 1 What poor despised company Of travelers are these, That walk in yonder narrow way, Along that rugged maze? 2 Ah, these are of a royal line, All children of a king; Heirs of immortal crowns divine, And lo! for joy they sing. 3 Why do they then appear so mean, And why so much despised? Because of their rich robes unseen, The world is not apprised. 4 But some of them seem poor distressed, And lacking daily bread; Ah, they’re of boundless wealth possessed, With hidden manna fed. 5 But why keep they that narrow road, That rugged thorny maze? Why, that’s the way their leader trod, They love and keep His ways. 6 Why must they shun the pleasant path, That worldlings love so well? Because that is the road to death, The open road to hell. 7 What, is there then no other road, To Salem’s happy ground? Christ is the only way to God, None other can be found. Used With Tune: BEATITUDO Text Sources: A Choice Collection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs Intended for the Edification of Sincere Christians of All Denominations (New London: Conn.: 1774)

The Lord Our God Is Clothed with Might

Author: Henry K. White, 1785-1806 Meter: Appears in 229 hymnals Lyrics: 1. The Lord our God is clothed with might, The winds obey His will; He speaks, and in His heavenly height, He speaks, and in His heavenly height, The rolling sun stands still. 2. Rebel, ye waves, and o’er the land With threatening aspect roar; The Lord uplifts His awful hand, The Lord uplifts His awful hand, And chains you to the shore. 3. Ye winds of night, your force combine; Without His high behest, Ye shall not, in the mountain pine, Ye shall not, in the mountain pine, Disturb the sparrow’s rest. 4. His voice sublime is heard afar; In distant peals it dies; He yokes the whirlwind to His car, He yokes the whirlwind to His car, And sweeps the howling skies. 5. Ye nations, bend, in reverence bend; Ye monarchs, wait His nod; And bid the choral song ascend And bid the choral song ascend To celebrate our God. Used With Tune: TAPPAN

How Long Shall Death, The Tyrant, Reign?

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 117 hymnals First Line: How long shall death, the tyrant reign Lyrics: 1 How long shall death, the tyrant reign, And triumph o’er the just, While the dear blood of martyrs slain Lies mingled with the dust? 2 When shall the tedious night be gone? When will our Lord appear? Our fond desires would pray Him down, Our love embrace Him here, 3 Let faith arise, and climb the hills, And from afar descry How distant are His chariot wheels, And tell how fast they fly. 4 Lo, I behold the scattering shades, The dawn of Heav’n appears, The sweet immortal morning spreads Its blushes round the spheres, 5 I see the Lord of glory come, And flaming guards around: The skies divide to make Him room, The trumpet shakes the ground. 6 I hear the voice, "Ye dead arise," And lo, the graves obey, And waking saints with joyful eyes Salute th’expected day. 7 They leave the dust, and on the wing Rise to the middle air, In shining garments meet their king, And low adore Him there. 8 O may my humble spirit stand Amongst them clothed in white! The meanest place at His right hand Is infinite delight. 0 How will our joy and wonder rise, When our returning king Shall bear us homeward through the skies On love’s triumphant wing! Used With Tune: DUNDEE Text Sources: Horae Lyricae and Divine Songs, Book I, 1706

O God, My Heart Is Fully Bent

Meter: Appears in 70 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O God, my heart is fully bent To magnify Thy name; My tongue with cheerful songs of praise Shall celebrate Thy fame. 2 Awake, my lute; nor thou, my harp, Thy warbling notes delay; Whilst I with early hymns of joy Prevent the dawning day. 3 To all the listening tribes, O Lord, Thy wondrous works I’ll tell, And to those nations sing Thy praise, That round about us dwell: 4 Because Thy mercy’s boundless height The highest heav’n transcends; And far beyond th’aspiring clouds Thy faithful truth extends. 5 Be Thou, O God, exalted high Above the starry frame; And let the world, with one consent, Confess Thy glorious name. 6 That all Thy chosen people Thee Their Savior may declare; Let Thy right hand protect me still, And answer Thou my prayer. 7 Since God Himself has said the word, Whose promise cannot fail, With joy I Sichem will divide, And measure Succoth’s vale. 8 Gilead is mine, Manasseh, too, And Ephraim owns my cause: Their strength my regal power supports, And Judah gives my laws. 9 Moab I’ll make my servile drudge, On vanquished Edom tread; And thro’ the proud Philistine lands, My conquering banners spread. 10 By whose support and aid shall I Their well fenced city gain? Who will my troops securely lead Thro’ Edom’s guarded plain? 11 Lord, wilt not Thou assist our arms, Which late Thou didst forsake? And wilt not Thou, of these our hosts, Once more the guidance take? 12 O to Thy servant in distress Thy speedy succor send; For vain it is on human aid For safety to depend. 13 Then valiant acts shall we perform, If Thou Thy power disclose; For God it is, and God alone, That treads down all our foes. Used With Tune: LAMBETH Text Sources: A New Version of the Psalms of David by Nahum Tate and Nicholas Brady, 1696

Almighty God, Your Word Is Cast

Author: John Cawood, 1775-1852 Meter: Appears in 222 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Almighty God, your Word is cast like seed into the ground; now let the dew of heav'n descend and righteous fruits abound. 2 Let not the foe of Christ and man this holy seed remove, but give it root in ev'ry heart to bring forth fruits of love. 3 Let not the world's deceitful cares the rising plant destroy, but let it yield a hundredfold the fruits of peace and joy. 4 Whene'er the precious seed is sown, life-giving grace bestow that all whose souls the truth receive its saving pow'r may know. Topics: Word of God Scripture: Matthew 13:1-23 Used With Tune: DUNDEE

O where are kings and empires now

Author: A. Cleveland Coxe Meter: Appears in 302 hymnals Topics: Church Militant and Triumphant

According to Thy Gracious Word

Author: James Montgomery Meter: Appears in 551 hymnals Topics: liturgical Communion Songs


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