Author: W. W. Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 119 First Line: Blessed are they that perfect are Lyrics: 1 Blessed are they that perfect are,
and pure in mind and heart:
Whose lives and conversations
from Gods lawes never start.
2 Blessed are they that give themselves,
his statutes to observe:
Seeking the Lord with all their heart,
and never from him swerve,
3 Doubtlesse such men go not astray,
nor do a wicked thing:
Which steadfastly walk in his way,
without any wandring.
4 It is thy will and commandement
that with attentive heed
Thy noble and divine precepts,
we learn and keep indeed.
5 O would to God it might thee please
my waies so to addresse:
That I might both in heart and voice
thy lawes keep and confesse.
6 So should no shame m life attaint,
whilst I thus set mine eyes,
And bend my mind alwaies to muse
on thy sacred decrees.
7 Then will I praise with upright heart,
and magnifie thy Name,
When I shall learn thy judgements just,
and likewise prove the same.
8 And wholly will I give my selfe
to keep thy lawes most right:
Forsake me not for ever Lord,
but shew thy grace and might.
BETH. The second Part:
9 By what meanes may a young man best
his life learn to amend?
If that he mark and keep thy word,
and therein his time spend.
10 Unfainedly I have thee sought,
and thus seeking abide:
O never suffer me O Lord,
from thy precepts to slide.
11 Within my heart and secret thoughts
thy words I have hid still:
That I might not at any time
offend thy godly will.
12 We magnifie thy Name O Lord,
and praise thee evermore:
Thy statutes of most worthy fame,
O Lord teach me therefore.
13 My lips have never ceas'd to preach
and publish day and night,
The judgements all, which did proceed
from thy mouth full of might.
14 Thy testimonies and thy waies
please me no lesse indeed
Then all the treasures of the earth,
which worldlings make their meed.
15 Of thy precepts I will still muse,
and thereto frame my talke:
As at a mark so will I aime,
thy waies how I may walk.
16 My only joy shall be so fix'd,
and on thy lawes so set:
That nothing shall me so farre blind,
that I thy words forget.
GIMEL. The third Part:
17 Grant to thy servant now such grace
as may my life prolong:
Thy holy Word then will I keep
both in my heart and tongue.
18 Mine eyes which are dim and shut up,
so open and make bright:
That of thy law and marvellous works
I may have the cleare sight.
19 I am a stranger in this earth,
wandring now here now there:
Thy word therefore to me disclose,
my foot-steps for to cleare.
20 My soule is ravish'd with desire,
and never is at rest:
But seeks to know thy judgements high,
and what may please thee best.
21 The proud men and malicious
thou hast destroid each one:
And cursed are such as do not
thy hests attend upon.
22 Lord turn from me rebuke and shame
which wicked men conspire:
For I have kept thy covenants
with zeale as hot as fire.
23 The Princes great in counsell sate,
and did against me speak:
But then thy servant thought how he
thy statutes might not break.
24 For why thy covenants are the joy,
and my hearts great solace:
They serve instead of counsellers,
my matter for to passe.
DALETH. The fourth Part:
25 I am alas as brought to grave,
and almost turn'd to dust:
Restore therefore my life againe,
as thy promise is just.
26 My waies when I acknowledged,
with mercy thou didst heare:
Heare now estsoone, and me instruct
thy laws to love and feare.
27 Teach me once throughly for to know
thy precepts and thy love:
Thy works then will I meditate,
and lay them up in store.
28 My soule I feele so sore opprest,
that it melteth for grief:
According to thy word therefore,
hast Lord to send reliefe.
29 From lying and deceitfull lips
let thy grace me defend:
And that I may learn thee to love,
thy holy law me send.
30 The way of truth both straight and sure
I have chosen and found.
I for thy judgments me before,
which keep me safe and sound.
31 Since then (O Lord) I forc'd my selfe
thy covenants to embrace:
Let me therefore have no rebuke,
nor check in any case.
32 Then will I run with joyfull chore
where thy Word doth me call,
When thou hast set ,u jeart at ;arge.
and rid me out of thrall.
HE. The Fift Part:
33 Instruct me Lord in the right trade
of thy statutes divine:
And it to keep even to the end
my heart I will incline.
34 Grant me the knowledge of thy law,
and I shall it obey:
With heart and mind and all my might
I will it keep I say.
35 In the right paths of thy precepts
guide me Lord I require:
None other pleasure do I wish,
no greater thing desire.
36 Incline mine heart thy lawes to keep,
and covenants to embrace:
And from all filthy avarice,
Lord shield me with thy grace.
37 From vaine desires and worldly lusts
turn back my eyes and sight:
Give me the spirit of life and power,
to walk thy waies aright.
38 Confirm thy gracious promise Lord,
which thou hast made to me:
Which am thy servant, and do love,
and feare nothing but thee.
39 Reproach and shame which I do feare,
from me O Lord, expell:
For thou dost judge with equity,
and therein dost excell.
40 Behold my hearts desire is bent
thy lawes to keep for aye:
Lord strengthen me so with thy grace
that it performe I may.
VAV. The sixt Part:
41 Thy mercies great and manifold
let me obtaine O Lord:
Thy saving health let me enjoy
according to thy word.
42 So shall I stop the slanderous mouthes
of lewd men and unjust:
For in thy faithfull promises
stands my comfort and trust.
43 The word of truth within my mouth
let ever still be prest:
For in thy judgements wonderfull
my hope doth stand and rest.
44 And whilst that breath within my brest
dot naturall life preserve:
Yea till this world shall be dissolv'd,
thy law will I observe.
45 So walk will I as set at large,
and made free from all dread:
Because I sought how for to keep
thy precepts and they read.
46 Thy noble acts I will describe
as things of most great fame:
Even before Kings I will them blaze,
and shrink no whit for shame.
47 I will rejoyce then to obey
thy worthy hests and will:
Which evermore I have lov'd best,
and so will love them still:
48 My hands I will lift to thy lawes
which I have dearely sought:
And practice thy commandements
in will, in deed, in thought.
ZAIN. The seventh Part:
49 Thy promise which thou mad'st to me,
thy servant, Lord, remember:
For therein have I put my trust
and confidence for ever.
50 It is my comfort and my joy,
when troubles me assaile:
For were my life not by thy word,
my life would soone me faile.
51 The proud and such as God contemne
still make of me a scorne:
Yet would I not thy law forsake,
as he that were forlorne:
52 But cal'd to mind, Lord, thy great works
shew'd to our fathers old:
Whereby I feel my joy surmount
my griefe an hundred fold.
53 But yet alas, for feae I quake,
seeing how wicked men
Thy law forsook, and did procure
thy judgements upon them.
54 And as for me, I fram'd my songs
thy statutes to exalt:
When I among the strangers dwelt,
and thoughts gan me assault.
55 I thought upon thy Name, O Lord,
by night when others sleep:
As for the law, also I kept,
and ever will it keep.
56 This grace I did obtaine because
thy covenants sweet and deare
I did embrace, and also keep
with reverence and feare.
HETH. The eight Part:
57 O God which art my part and lot,
my comfort and my stay:
I have decreed and promised
thy laws to keep alway.
58 Mine earnest heart did hymbly sue
in presence of thy face:
As thou therefore hast promised,
Lord, grant of me thy grace.
59 My life I have examined,
and tri'd my secret heart
Which to thy statutes caused me
my feet straight to convert.
60 I did not stay nor linger long,
as they that slothfull are:
But hastily thy lawes to keepe,
I did my selfe prepare.
61 The cruell bands of wicked men
have made of me their prey:
Yet would I not thy law forget,
nor from thee go astray.
62 Thy righteous judgements towards me
so great are and so hie:
That even at midnight I will rise,
Thy Name to magnifie.
63 Companion am I to all them
which feare thee in their heart:
And never will for love nor dread
from thy commandements start.
64 Thy mercies Lord most plenteously
do all the world fulfill:
O teach me how I may obey,
thy statutes and thy will.
TETH. The ninth Part:
65 According to thy promise Lord,
so hast thou with me dealt:
For of thy grace in sundry sorts
have I thy servant felt.
66 Teach me to judge alwaies aright,
and give me knowledge sure:
For certainly believe I do
that thy precepts are pure.
67 Ere thou didst touch me with thy rod
I err'd and went astray:
But now I keep thy holy Word,
and make it all my stay.
68 Thou art both good and gracious,
and giv'st most libeally:
Thine ordinances how to keep,
therefore O Lord teach me.
69 The proud and wicked men have ford'g
against me many a lie:
Yet thy commandments still observe
with all my heart will I.
70 Their hearts are swolne with worldy weale
as grease so are they fat.
But in thy law do I delight,
and nothing seek but that.
71 O happy time, may I well say,
when thou didst me correct:
For a a guide to learne thy law,
thy rod did me direct.
72 So that to me thy word and law,
is dearer manifold:
Then thousands great of silver and gold,
or ought that can be told.
JOD. The tenth Part:
73 Seeing thy hands have made me Lord,
to be thy creature:
Grant knowledge likewise how to learne
to put thy lawes in me.
74 So they that feare thee shall rejoyce,
whenever they may see:
Because I've learn'd by thy Word
to put my trust in thee.
75 When with thy rods the world is plagued
I know the cause is just:
So when thy dost correct me Lord,
the cause just needs be must.
76 Now of thy goodnesse I thee pray,
some comfort to me send:
As thou to me hast promised,
so from all ill me shend.
77 Thy tender mercies powre on me,
and I shall surely live:
For joy and consolation both
thy law to me doth give.
78 Confound the proud whose false pretence
is me for to destroy:
But as for me thy hests to know,
I will my selfe imploy.
79 Who so with reverence do thee feare,
to me let them retire:
And such as do thy covenants know,
and them alone desire.
80 My heart without all wavering
let on thy laws be bent:
That no confusion come to me,
whereby I should be shent.
CAPH. The eleventh Part:
81 My soule doth faint and ceaseth not,
thy saving health to crave:
And for thy words sake still I trust,
my hearts desire to have.
82 Mine eyes do faile with looking for
thy word, and thus I say:
O when wilt thou me comfort, Lord,
why dost thou thus delay?
83 As a skin-bottle in the smoke
so am I parcht and dri'd:
Yet will I not out of my heart
let thy commandements slide.
84 Alas how long shall I yet live
before I see the houre,
That on my foes which me torment,
thy vengeance thou wilt powre?
85 Presumptuous men have digged pits,
thinking to make me sure:
Thus contrary against thy law
my hurt they do procure.
86 But thy commanedments are all true,
and causeless they me grieve:
To thee therefore I do complaine,
that thou might me relieve.
87 Almost they had me cleane destroid,
and brought me quite to ground:
Yet by thy statutes I abode,
and therein succour found.
88 Restore me Lord againe to life,
for thy mercis excell
And so shall I thy covenants keep,
till death my life expell.
LAMED. The twelfth Part:
89 In heaven Lord where thou dost dwell,
thy word is stablisht sure:
And shall to all eternity
fast graven there endure.
90 From age to age thy truth abides,
as doth the earth witnesse:
Whose ground-work thou hast laid so sure
as no tongue can expresse.
91 Even to this day we may well see,
how thou dost them preserve
According to thine ordinance,
for all things do thee feare.
92 Had it not been that in thy law
my soule had comfort sought:
Long time ere now in my distresse
I had been brought to nought.
93 Therefore will I thy precepts aye
in memory keep fast:
By them thou hast my life restored
when I was at last cast.
94 No wight to me can title make,
for I am onely thine:
Save me therefore, for to thy lawes
my eares and heart incline.
95 The wicked men do seek my bane,
for me do lie in wait:
But I the while considered
thy noble works and great.
96 I see nothing in this wide world,
at length that hath not end:
But thy commandements and thy word
beyond all time extend.
MEM. The thirteenth Part:
97 What great desire and fervent love
do I beare to thy law?
All the day long I meditate
on it with reverent awe.
98 Thy word hath taught me far to passe
my foes in policie
For still I hold it as a thing
of most excellencie.
99 My teachers which did me instruct,
in knowledge I excell:
Because I do thy cpvenants keep,
and them to others tell.
100 In wisdome I do passe also
the ancient men indeed:
And all because I keep thy lawes,
I held it aye best read.
101 My feet I have refrained eke
from every evill way:
Because that I continually
thy word might keep, I say.
102 I have not swerv'd from thy judgements
nor yet shrunk any dell:
For why? thou hast me taught thereby,
to live godly and well.
103 O Lord how sweet unto my taste
I find thy words alway:
Doubtlesse no hony in my mouth
feele ought so sweet I may.
104 Thy laws have me such wisdome learn'd,
that utterly I hate:
All wicked and ungodly waies,
in every kind of rate.
NUN. The fourteenth Part.
105 Even as a lantern to my feet,
so doth thy Word shine bright:
And to my paths where ever I go
it is a flaming light.
106 I have both sworn and will performe
by promises doubtlesse,
That I will keep thy judgments just,
and them in life expresse.
107 Affliction hath me sore opprest,
and brought me to deaths doore:
O Lord, as thou hast promised,
so me to life restore.
108 The offrings which with heart and voice
most frankly I thee give,
Accept, and teach me how I may
after thy judgements live.
109 My soule is aye so in my hand,
great dangers me assaile:
Yet do I not thy law forget,
nor it to keep will faile.
110 Although the wicked laid their nets,
to catch me at a bay:
Yet did I not from thy precepts
once swerve or go astray.
111 Thy laws I have so claim'd alway,
as mine own heritage:
And why? for therein I delight,
and let my whole courage:
112 For evermore I have been bent
thy statutes to fulfill:
Even so likewise unto the end
I will continue still.
SAMECH. The fifteenth Part.
113 The crefty thoughts & double hearts
I do alwaies detest:
But as for thy law and pecepts,
I love them ever best.
114 Thou art my hid and secret place,
my shield and strong defence:
Therefore have I thy promises
look'd for with confidence.
115 Go to therefore ye wicked men,
depart from me anon:
For the commandements will I keep
of God my Lord alone.
116 As thou hast promis'd, so performe,
that death me not assaile:
Nor let my hope abase me so
that through distrust I quaile.
117 Uphold me and I shall be safe,
for ought they do or say:
And in thy statutes pleasure take
will I both night and day.
118 Thou hast trod such under thy feet,
as do thy statutes break:
For nought availes their subtlety,
their counsell is but weak.
119 Like drosse thou casts the wicked out
Where ere they go or dwell:
Therefore can I as thy statutes
love nothing halfe so well.
120 My flesh alas is taken with feare,
as though it were benum'd
For when i see thy judgements, straight
I am as one aston'd.
AIN. The sixteenth Part.
121 I do the thing that lawfull is,
and give to all men right:
Resigne me not to them that would,
oppresse me with their might.
122 But for thy servant surety be,
in that thing that is good:
That proud men give me not the soile,
which rage as they were wood.
123 Mine eyes with waiting are not blind
thy health so much I do crave:
And eke thy righteous promise Lord,
whereby thou wilt me save.
124 Intreat thy servant lovingly,
and favour to him showL
Thy statutes of most excellency,
teach me also to know.
125 Thy humble servant (Lord) I am,
grant me to understand,
How by thy statutes I may know
best what to take in hand.
126 It is now time (Lord) to begin,
for truth is quite decaid:
Thy law likewise they have transgrest,
and none against them said.
127 This is the cause wherefore I love
thy lawes better than gold,
Or jewels fine which are esteem'd
most costly to be sold.
128 I thought thy precepts all most just,
and so them laid in store:
All crafty and malicious waies
I do abhorre therefore.
PE. The seventeenth Part:
129 Thy covenants are most wonderfull,
and full of things profound:
My soule therefore doth keep them sure,
when they are tri'd and found.
130 When men first enter into thy word,
they find a light most cleare:
The very idiots understand,
when they it read or heare.
131 For joy I have both gap'd & breath'd,
to know thy commandement:
That I might guide my selfe thereby,
I sought what thing it ment.
132 With mercy and compassion, Lord,
behold me from above:
As thou art wont to behold such,
as thy Name feare and love.
133 Direct my foot-steps by thy Word
that I thy will may know:
And never let iniquity
thy servant overthrow.
134 From slanderous tongues and deadly harms
preserve and keep me sure:
Thy precepts then will I observe,
and put them eke in ure.
135 Thy countenance, which doth surmount,
the Sunne in its bright hue:
Let shine on me, and by thy law
teach me what to eschewe.
136 Out of mine eyes great flouds gust out
of dreary teares that fall:
When I behold how wicked men
thy lawes keep not at all.
ZADE. The eighteenth Part:
137 In every point Lord thou art just,
the wicked though they grudge:
And when thou dost sentence pronounce,
thou art a righteous Judge.
138 To render right and flie from guile,
are two chiefe points most high:
And such as thou hast in thy law
commanded us straightly.
139 My zeale and wrath I am consumed
and even pin'd away:
To see my foes thy word forget,
for ought that I do may.
140 So pure and perfect is thy Word,
as any heart can deem:
And I thy servant nothing more
do love or yet esteeme.
141 And though I be nothing set by,
as one of base degree:
Yet do I not thy lawes forget,
nor shrink away from thee.
142 Thy righteousness (Lord) is most just,
for ever to endure:
Also thy Law is truth itselfe,
most constant and most pure.
143 Trouble and griefe have seiz'd on me,
and brought me wondrous low:
Yet do I still all thy precepts
delight to heare and know.
144 The righteousnesse of thy commands
doth last for evermore:
Then teach them me, for even in them
my life lies up in store.
KOPH. The nineteenth Part:
145 With fervent heart I cald and cried,
now answer me O Lord:
That thy commandments to observe,
I may fully accord.
146 To thee my God I make my suit
with most humble requsts:
Save me therefore and I will keep
thy precepts and thy hests.
147 To thee I cry even in the morne,
before the day waxe light:
Because that i have in thy word
my confidence whole pight.
148 Mine eyes prevent the watch by night
and ere they call I wake:
That by devising on thy Word,
I might some comfort take.
149 Incline thine eares to heare my voice,
and pittie on me take:
As thou wast wont, so judge me Lord,
lest life should me forsake.
150 My foes draw neare, and do procure
my death maliciously
Which from thy law are far gone back,
and straid from it lewdly.
151 Therefore, O Lord, approach thou neare
for need doth so require,
For all thy precepts true they are,
then help I thee desire.
152 But thy comandements have I learn'd
not now, but long long ago:
That they remaine for evermore,
thou hast them grounded so.
RESH. The twentieth Part:
153 My trouble and affliction,
consider and behold:
Deliver me, for of thy law
I ever take fast hold.
154 Defend my good and righteous cause,
with speed some succour send:
From death (as thou hast promised)
Lord keep me and defend.
155 As for the wicked, farre they are
from having health and grace:
Whereby they might thy statutes know,
they enter not the trace.
156 Great are thy mercies Lord I grant,
what tongue can them attaine:
And as thou hast me judg'd ere now,
so let me life obtaine.
157 Though many men did trouble me
and persecute me sore:
Yet from thy lawes I never shrunk,
nor went awry therefore.
158 And truth it is for griefe I die,
when I these traitors see:
Because they keep no whit thy word,
nor yet eek to know thee.
159 Behold, for I do love thy lawes,
with heart most glad and faine:
As thou art good and gracious Lord,
restore my life againe.
160 What thy word doth decree must be
and so it hath been ever:
Thy righteous judgements are also
most true and decay never.
SCHIN. The xxi Part:
161 Princes have sought by cruelty,
causlesse to make me crouch:
But all in vaine, for of thy word
the feare did my heart touch.
162 And certainly even of thy word
I was more merry and glad,
Than he that of rich spoiles and prey,
great store and plenty had.
163 As for all lies and falsities,
I hate most and detest:
For why thy holy law do I
above all things love best.
164 Seven times a day I praise the Lord
singing with heart and voice:
Thy righteous acts and wonderfull,
so cause me to rejoyce.
165 Great peace and rest shal all such have,
as do thy statutes love:
No danger shall their quiet state
empaire or once remove.
166 My onely health and comfort Lord,
I look for at thy hand:
And therefore have I done those things
which thou didst me command.
167 Thy lawes have been mine exercise
which my soul most desir'd"
So much to them my love was bent,
that nought else I requir'd.
168 Thy statutes and commandements.
I kept (thou know'st) aright:
For all the things that I hve done,
are present in thy sight.
TAU. The xxii Part:
169 O Lord let my complaint and cry
before thy face appeare:
And as thou hast me promise made,
so teach me thee to feare.
170 Mine humble supplication,
toward thee let find accesse:
And grant me lord deliverance,
for so is thy promise.
171 Then shall my lips thy praises speak,
after most ample sort:
When thou thy statutes hast me taught,
wherein stands my comfort.
172 My tongue shall sing and preach thy wordk
and in this wise say shall:
Gods famous acts and noble lawes
are just and perfect all.
173 Stretch out thy hand I thee beseech,
and speedily me save:
For thy commandements to observe
chosen O Lord I have.
174 Of thee alone Lord I crave health,
for other I know none:
And in thy law and nothing else
I do delight alone.
175 Grant me therefore long daies to live,
thy Name to magnifieL
And of thy judgements mercifull
let me the favour try.
176 For I was lost and went astray
much like a wandring sheep:
O seek me for I have not fail'd
thy commandements to keep.
Used With Tune: [Blessed are they that perfect are]
Beati immaculati