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George C. Stebbins

1846 - 1945 Topics: Aspirations For Holiness; Aspirations For the Holy Spirit; Bible A Guide; Bible Inspired; Bible Instrument of Salvation; Bible Perfect and Pure; Bible Precious; Character New Birth Essential to Good; Christ Prophetic Office of; Christians Duties of; Godly Fear Described; Gospel Fulness of ; Gospel Prevalence and Power of; Gospel Privileges of; Gospel Sanctifying and Saving; Grace Growth in; Spiritual Illumination; Law of God; Obedience; Praise For Spiritual Blessings; Prayer For Grace and Salvation; Sin Hindrance to Communion with God; Sin Salvation from Composer of "ESKRIDGE" in The Psalter Stebbins studied music in Buffalo and Rochester, New York, then became a singing teacher. Around 1869, he moved to Chicago, Illinois, to join the Lyon and Healy Music Company. He also became the music director at the First Baptist Church in Chicago. It was in Chicago that he met the leaders in the Gospel music field, such as George Root, Philip Bliss, & Ira Sankey. At age 28, Stebbins moved to Boston, Massachusetts, where he became music director at the Claredon Street Baptist Church; the pastor there was Adoniram Gordon. Two years later, Stebbins became music director at Tremont Temple in Boston. Shortly thereafter, he became involved in evangelism campaigns with Moody and others. Around 1900, Stebbins spent a year as an evangelist in India, Egypt, Italy, Palestine, France and England. (

Fritz Reuter

1863 - 1924 Topics: The Word Law and Gospel Composer of "REUTER" in The Lutheran Hymnal

I. B. Woodbury

1819 - 1858 Person Name: Isaac B. Woodbury Topics: Afflictions From the Wicked; Afflictions Many and Severe; Afflictions Prayer in; Afflictions Submission under; Aspirations For Grace; Christians Believers; Faith Walking by; God Hearer of Prayer; Gospel Fulness of ; Law of God; Mercy of God Great; Mercy of God Prayer for; Obedience; Quickening; Revival; Salvation God's Gift; Salvation Prayers for; Truth; Zeal True Composer of "EUCHARIST" in The Psalter Woodbury, Isaac Baker. (Beverly, Massachusetts, October 23, 1819--October 26, 1858, Columbia, South Carolina). Music editor. As a boy, he studied music in nearby Boston, then spent his nineteenth year in further study in London and Paris. He taught for six years in Boston, traveling throughout New England with the Bay State Glee Club. He later lived at Bellow Falls, Vermont, where he organized the New Hampshire and Vermont Musical Association. In 1849 he settled in New York City where he directed the music at the Rutgers Street Church until ill-health caused him to resign in 1851. He became editor of the New York Musical Review and made another trip to Europe in 1852 to collect material for the magazine. in the fall of 1858 his health broke down from overwork and he went south hoping to regain his strength, but died three days after reaching Columbia, South Carolina. He published a number of tune-books, of which the Dulcimer, of New York Collection of Sacred Music, went through a number of editions. His Elements of Musical Composition, 1844, was later issued as the Self-instructor in Musical Composition. He also assisted in the compilation of the Methodist Hymn Book of 1857. --Leonard Ellinwood, DNAH Archives

Ole G. Belsheim

1861 - 1925 Topics: The Word Law and Gospel Translator of "God's Word Is Our Great Heritage" in The Lutheran Hymnal Ole G. Belsheim was born on August 26, 1861 in Vang, Valdres, Norway. He em­i­grat­ed to Amer­i­ca with his fam­i­ly when he was just 5 years old. He at­tend­ed Lu­ther Col­lege, De­cor­ah, Io­wa; North­field Sem­in­a­ry; and Augs­burg Sem­in­a­ry, Min­ne­so­ta. He served as pastor in Mil­wau­kee, Wis­con­sin; Al­bert Lea, Min­ne­so­ta; Grand Mea­dow, Min­ne­so­ta; and Man­dan, North Da­ko­ta and Trin­i­ty Evan­gel­i­cal Lu­ther­an Church in Bis­marck, North Da­ko­ta (1908-15). He was also a member of the committee that produced The Lutheran Hymnary in 1913 and served as editor for Christian Youth for two years. He died on Feb­ru­a­ry 13, 1925 in Dick­in­son, North Da­ko­ta. NN, Hymnary. Source:

Joseph P. Holbrook

1822 - 1888 Topics: Christian Activity; Aspirations For Grace; Aspirations For Holiness; Bible Inspired; Bible Instrument of Salvation; Bible Spirit's Aid in Study of; Christ Light and Guide; Christ Minstry of; Christ Prophetic Office of; Consecration and Dedication; Covetousness; Godly Fear Described; God Hearer of Prayer; God Our Teacher; Gospel Fulness of ; Heart Good, Perfect, Pure and Upright; Spiritual Illumination; Law of God; Obedience; Perseverance; Prayer For Grace and Salvation; Prayer Sincerity in; Revival; Self-Denial; Truth; Vanity Avioidance of Composer of "BISHOP" in The Psalter Joseph P. Holbrook was a tune writer in the parlor music style, and used the popular melodies of Mason and Hastings, Bradbury and Root, Greatorex and Kingsley in his collections. He furnished settings for the choir hymns in Songs for the Sanctuary in his Quartet and chorus Choir (New York, 1871, and sought more recogniation than had been given him in a hymnal of his own, Worship in Song (New York, 1880); a book that found no welcome. from The English hymn: its development and use in worship By Louis FitzGerald Benson

John F. Wilson

b. 1929 Topics: Advent; Conflict; Creation; Eternal Life; God as Glory; Gospel; Grace; Healing; Law; Lenten; Morning; Nature; Prophecy; Providence; Ten Commandments 9th and 10th Commandments (You shall not covet); Wisdom; Word Arranger of "[The heav'ns declare the glory of God]" in Christian Worship

Carl Maria von Weber

1786 - 1826 Person Name: von Weber Topics: Afflictions Comfort under; Afflictions From the Wicked; Afflictions Submission under; Aspirations For Grace; Bible Precious; Character Good and Bad Contrasted; Christians Believers; Christians Conflicts of; Comfort in Trials; Fidelity; God Hearer of Prayer; Gospel Fulness of ; Hope; Law of God; Meditation; Obedience; Pilgrim Spirit; Quickening Composer of "WILMOT" in The Psalter Carl Maria von Weber; b. 1786, Oldenburg; d. 1826, London Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal, 1908

Theodore E. Perkins

1831 - 1912 Topics: Afflictions Comfort under; Afflictions From the Wicked; Afflictions Many and Severe; Afflictions Prayer in; Bible A Guide; Bible Instrument of Salvation; Bible Precious; Consecration and Dedication; Decision; Fidelity; God Hearer of Prayer; God Our Teacher; Gospel Fulness of ; Gospel Sanctifying and Saving; Grace Growth in; Heart Good, Perfect, Pure and Upright; Spiritual Illumination; Law of God; Obedience; Perseverance; Spritual Sacrifices; Salvation Prayers for; Zeal True Composer of "REPENTANCE" in The Psalter Theodore E. Perkins was born at Poughkeepsie, on the Hudson, N.Y., July 21, 1831. His father was a Baptist clergyman. The family of ten brothers and sisters sang and played various instruments, forming among themselves both choir and orchestra. His musical education began at the early age of three years. During his father's pastorate at Hamilton, N. Y., the choir rehearsals were often held at the parsonage, and the leader used to place the three-year-old on a small stool, on the table around which the choir was assembled, giving him a chance to both see and hear. Later on he played the violincello in church, standing on a stool in order to finger the instrument. The home gatherings — especially on Thanksgiving Day, are the recollections among the happiest of his childhood. His father became pastor of the Berean Baptist Church in New York City, in 1839, giving him the opportunity of studying the pianoforte, of which he became a proficient player. His fine alto voice soon gave him notoriety. At the age of nineteen while filling a position as clerk in New York, all his spare time was given to the study of voice and piano. In 1851 he went to Hamilton, N. Y., taught music in Madison University (now Colgate), and in the Female Seminary. In 1854 he went to Port Jervis, N. Y., where he taught singing school, and April 30, 1855, married Mary Frances Caskey, who was for years his soprano soloist in many musical Festivals and Conventions. Soon after marriage he removed to Salem, N. J., where his lifework as singing school teacher really began, including Bridgeton and prominent towns in southern New Jersey. During the summer of 1856 he and his wife were pupils of the Normal Academy of Music at North Reading, Mass., conducted by Drs. Lowell Mason and Geo. F. Root. During 1856-1858 he was given the position of assistant teacher and manager. His association with these two great men gave an inspiration to all his future work. In 1859 he was co-principal with Wm. B. Bradbury at the Normal Academy of Music, Geneseo, N. Y. He remained at Geneseo until 1863. Professor Perkins also held very successful schools in North Pelham Province of Ontario, Canada, and in 1864-1868 was principal in schools at Tunkhannock and Meadville, Pa. In 1860, The Olive Branch, his first book of church music, was published by F. J. Huntington, New York City, the sales reaching 100,000. Next was Oriental, which sold over 30,000. The Union, Glees and Anthems, and Sabbath Anthems followed ; then The Sacred Lute, which sold over 300,000. His Sunday-school books commenced with The Evergreen, followed by the Shining Star and New Shining Star. Then came Psalm King, which was the last of the books published by Mr. Huntington. Hallowed Songs was published by Philip Phillips; The Sunday School Banner was published by Wm. B. Bradbury. The Royal Standard was published in Toronto, Canada. The Golden Promise, Sabbath Carols, The Mount Zion Collection were published under his own supervision. His Free Sunday School Songs several times numbered over 500,000 a month. Coronation Songs with Rev. Dr. Deems as hymn editor was published by A. S. Barnes Co., who also published Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs, in which Dr. C. S. Robinson was hymn editor, who with Professor Perkins edited Calvary Songs, published by the American S. S. Union. Gospel Tent Songs was evangelical. The Safe-Guard Singer was his temperance book. Mr. Perkins was musical director in the following churches in Brooklyn: The Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church, Rev. Dr. Cuyler; Strong Place Baptist Church, Rev. E. E. L. Taylor, D. D.; Madison Avenue Baptist Church, Rev. H. G. Weston, D. D., L. L. D.; Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, Rev. Dr. Rice, followed by Dr. John Hall; The Memorial Presbyterian Church, Rev. Dr. C. S. Robinson, who was his close friend; The Church of the Holy Trinity, Rev. Dr. Tyng, Jr. ; Trinity Baptist Church, Rev. Dr. J. B. Simmons, and Washington Square M. E. Church. In Philadelphia: The Fifth Baptist Church, Rev. Dr. Chase; The Eleventh Baptist Church, Rev. Dr. Colman; The Tabernacle M. E. Church, Rev. George Gaul, D. D. He was leader and singer in Evangelistic Services, at the Rink, The Old Madison Square Garden and Cooper Union, all of New York City. The music of the first great meeting of the world's Evangelical Alliance, held for ten days in New York City, was under his direction, as was the first National Sunday School convention, held in Newark, N. J. He was also conductor at the Golden Anniversary of the Female Guardian Society, leading a chorus of forty-two hundred children. In the opening chorus, Great is the Lord, by Dr. Calcott, the word "Great" was given with so much decision and power that the clergymen on the platform sprang to their feet and remained standing until the chorus was finished. He taught voice culture in Princeton and Lafayette Universities, The Union Theological Seminary, New York City; Crozer Seminary, Chester, Pa., and organized the music department of Temple University, Philadelphia, continuing in charge four years. He had charge of the children's choir of Howard Mission, New York City, for twenty-five years, and thinks that some of the happiest and most restful of the working hours were spent in teaching the poor children of the fourth and sixth wards to sing the Gospel. Mr. Sankey said to Mr. Perkins that " Jesus of Nazareth was my banner song for eight years." Jesus is Mine has been sung at the Christian's death-bed, the grave, and once as the convict was going to the scaffold. His Christmas Carol Sweetly Carol had a very large sale in this country, and was republished in England, France, Italy, and Germany. For a period of forty years he has made the study of the voice special work. The most thorough investigations of the voice and its possibilities were made with the assistance of the late John Howard, extending over a period of twenty-five years, during which he has had the care of over two thousand voices. He published a work entitled, Physiological Yoice Culture, edited by his son, the late T. Edward Perkins, M. D., physician and throat specialist of Philadelphia. Mr. Perkins also completed a method of voice culture based on the principles of John Howard's Physiology of Artistic Singing." During these years of work he has found time to edit thirty-four books of church, Sunday-school, day-school, and glee music, the larger portion having been previously mentioned. Also songs and ballads in sheet form, and a cantata entitled, The Excursion, libretto by Fanny Crosby, with whom there has existed an unbroken friendship for over forty years. -Biography of Gospel Song and hymn Writers

George Kingsley

1811 - 1884 Topics: Children Instruction of; Christ Providences of; Family; Glory of God In Providence; God Works of; Gospel Gracious Fruit of; Gospel Invitations of ; Heart Good, Perfect, Pure and Upright; Law of God; Miracles; Parents and Children; The Past; Royalty of Christ In His Church Composer of "HEBER" in The Psalter Born: July 7, 1811, Northampton, Massachusetts. Died: March 14, 1884, Northampton, Massachusetts. Kingsley played the organ at the Old South Church and Hollis Street Church in Boston, Massachusetts. He also taught music at Girard College in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, served as music supervisor for public schools in Philadelphia, and compiled a number of music books, including: Sunday School Singing Book, 1832 The Harmonist, 1833 The Social Choir, 1836 The Sacred Choir, 1838 The Harp of David, 1844 The Young Ladies’ Harp, 1847 Templi Carmina (Northampton, Massachusetts: 1853) The Juvenile Choir, 1865

H. P. Danks

1834 - 1903 Topics: Afflictions Promises for; Assurance Enjoyed; Bible A Guide; Bible Instrument of Salvation; Character Good and Bad Contrasted; Christians Conscious of Safety; Church Christ the Head of; Covenant Promises; Faith Walking by; God Adored and Exalted; God Glorious; God Hearer of Prayer; God King; Gospel Fullness of; Gospel Prevalence and Power of; Humble, The; Mercy of God Everlasting; Missions Influence of; Missions Triumphs of; Nations Conversion of; Nations Ultimate Subjection of; Patience; Praise By Nations; Praise For God's Mercy; Praise Of the Lord; Prayer God Hears; Pride; Revival; Royalty of Christ Bible His Law; Royalty of Christ Civil Rulers His Ministers; Royalty of Christ Nations His Subjects; Strength in God; Truth; Worship Acts of Composer of "[With all my heart I'll praise Thy name]" in Bible Songs


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