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Psalm 121: Unto the Hills

Author: John Campbell; Josephine S. (Konwinne) Day Meter: Appears in 108 hymnals Topics: Sun First Line: Unto the hills around do I lift up Lyrics: 1 Unto the hills around do I lift up my longing eyes: O whence for me shall my salvation come, from whence arise? From God the Lord doth come my certain aid, from God the Lord who heaven and earth hath made. 2 God will not suffer that thy foot be moved; safe shalt thou be. No careless slumber shall His eyelids close who keepeth thee. The One who sleepeth not, who slumbereth ne'er, shall guard thee, Israel, with most holy care. 3 Jehovah is Himself thy keeper true, thy changeless shade; Jehovah thy defence on thy right hand, thine own true aid. And thee no sun by day shall ever smite; no moon shall harm thee in the silent night. 4 From every evil shall God keep thy soul, from every sin; Jehovah shall preserve thy going out, thy coming in. Above thee watching, God whom we adore shall keep thee henceforth, yea, for evermore. Scripture: Psalm 121 Used With Tune: SANDON
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Rejoice, all ye believers

Author: Jane L. Borthwick; Laurentius Laurenti Appears in 335 hymnals Topics: Christ Sun of Righteousness Lyrics: 1 Rejoice, all ye believers, And let your lights appear! The evening is advancing, And darker night is near. The Bridegroom is arising, And soon He draweth nigh. Up! pray, and watch, and wrestle-- At midnight comes the cry. 2 The watchers on the mountain Proclaim the Bridegroom near; Go meet Him as He cometh, With hallelujahs clear. The marriage-feast is waiting, The gates wide open stand; Up,up, ye heirs of glory; The Bridegroom is at hand! 3 Ye saints, who here in patience Your cross and sufferings bore, Shall live and reign for ever, When sorrow is no more. Around the throne of glory The Lamb ye shall behold, In triumph cast before Him Your diadems of gold! 4 Our Hope and Expectation, O Jesus, now appear; Arise, Thou Sun so longed for, O'er this benighted sphere! With hearts and hands uplifted, We plead, O Lord, to see The day of earth’s redemption, That brings us unto Thee! Amen. Used With Tune: TESCHNER

For all thy saints, O Lord

Author: Richard Mant (1776-1848) Meter: Appears in 157 hymnals Topics: All Saints' (Sun)day Year C Lyrics: 1 For all thy saints, O Lord, who strove in thee to live, who followed thee, obeyed, adored, our grateful hymn receive. 2 For all thy saints, O Lord, who strove in thee to die, and found in thee a full reward, accept our thankful cry. 3 Thine earthly members fit to join thy saints above, in one communion ever knit, one fellowship of love. 4 Jesu, thy name we bless, and humbly pray that we may follow them in holiness, who lived and died for thee. 5 All might, all praise, be thine, Father, co-equal Son, and Spirit, bond of love divine, while endless ages run. Scripture: Hebrews 11:32-40 Used With Tune: MOUNT EPHRAIM
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Thee Will I Love, My Strength, My Tower

Author: Johann Scheffler Meter: Appears in 165 hymnals Topics: Names and Office of Christ Sun First Line: Thee will I love, my Strength, my Tow'r Lyrics: 1 Thee will I love, my Strength, my Tow'r, Thee will I love, my Joy, my Crown; Thee will I love with all my pow'r, In all Thy works, and Thee alone; Thee will I love, till Thy pure fire Fill all my soul with chaste desire. 2 I thank Thee, uncreated Sun, That Thy bright beams on me have shined; I thank Thee, who hast overthrown My foes, and healed my wounded mind; I thank Thee, whose enlivening voice Bids my freed heart in Thee rejoice. 3 Uphold me in the doubtful race, Nor suffer me again to stray; Strengthen my feet with steady pace Still to press forward in Thy way; That all my powers, with all their might, In Thy sole glory may unite. 4 Thee will I love, my Joy, my Crown; Thee will I love, my Lord, my God; Thee love beneath Thy smile or frown, Beneath Thy scepter or Thy rod. What though my flesh and heart decay? Thee shall I love in endless day. Amen. Used With Tune: PATER OMNIUM
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The Race That Long in Darkness Pined

Author: John Morison Meter: Appears in 217 hymnals Topics: Names and Office of Christ Sun Lyrics: 1 The race that long in darkness pined Have seen a glorious Light; The people dwell in day who dwelt In death’s surrounding night. 2 To hail Thy rising, better Sun, The gath'ring nations come, Joyous as when the reapers bear The harvest treasures home. 3 For Thou our burden hast removed, And quelled the oppressor’s sway, Quick as the slaughtered squadrons fell In Midian’s evil day. 4 To us a Child of Hope is born, To us a Son is given; Him shall the tribes of earth obey, Him all the hosts of heaven. 5 His Name shall be the Prince of Peace, For evermore adored; The Wonderful, the Counsellor, The great and mighty Lord. 6 His power increasing still shall spread, His reign no end shall know: Justice shall guard His throne above, And peace abound below. Amen. Scripture: Isaiah 9:2-7 Used With Tune: ST. LEONARD (SMART)
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O one with God the Father

Author: William W. How Appears in 64 hymnals Topics: Christ Sun of Righteousness Lyrics: 1 O one with God the Father In majesty and might, The brightness of His glory, Eternal Light of light; O'er this our home of darkness Thy rays are streaming now; The shadows flee before Thee, The world's true Light art Thou. 2 Yet, Lord, we see but darkly:-- O heavenly Light, arise, Dispel these mists that shroud us, And hide Thee from our eyes! We long to track the footprints That Thou Thyself hast trod: We long to see the pathway That leads to Thee, our God. 3 O Jesus, shine around us With radiance of Thy grace; O Jesus, turn upon us The brightness of Thy face. We need no star to guide us, As on our way we press, If Thou Thy light vouchsafest, O Sun of righteousness. Amen. Used With Tune: AURELIA
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Come unto Me, ye weary

Author: William Chatterton Dix, 1837- Meter: D Appears in 253 hymnals Topics: Christ Sun Used With Tune: VOX JESU

Lo, round the throne, a glorious band

Author: Rowland Hill (1744-1833) Meter: Appears in 92 hymnals Topics: All Saints' (Sun)day Year B Lyrics: 1 Lo, round the throne, a glorious band, the saints in countless myriads stand, of every tongue redeemed to God, arrayed in garments washed in blood. 2 Through tribulation great they came; they bore the cross, despised the shame; from all their labours now they rest, in God's eternal glory blest. 3 They see their Saviour face to face, and sing the triumphs of his grace; him day and night they ceaseless praise, to him the loud thanksgiving raise: 4 'Worthy the Lamb, for sinners slain, through endless years to live and reign; thou hast redeemed us by thy blood, and made us kings and priests to God.' 5 O may we tread the sacred road that saints and holy martyrs trod; wage to the end the glorious strife, and win, like them, a crown of life. Scripture: John 1:29 Used With Tune: DEUS TUORUM MILITUM
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O Sun of Righteousness, arise! With gentle beams on Zion shine

Author: Anon. Meter: Appears in 9 hymnals Topics: The Sun of Righteousness Lyrics: 1 O Sun of Righteousness, arise! With gentle beams on Zion shine; Dispel the darkness from our eyes, And souls awake to life divine. 2 On all around let grace descend, Like heavenly dew or copious showers, That we may call our God our friend, That we may hail salvation ours. Scripture: Malachi 11

For all the saints who from their labours rest

Author: William Walsham How (1823-1867) Meter: 10.10.10 wiht alleluias Appears in 571 hymnals Topics: All Saints' (Sun)day Year A; All Saints' (Sun)day Year B; All Saints' (Sun)day Year C Lyrics: 1 For all the saints who from their labours rest, who thee by faith before the world confessed, thy name, O Jesu, be for ever blest. Alleluia. 2 Thou wast their rock, their fortress, and their might; thou, Lord, their Captain in the well-fought fight; thou, in the darkness, still their one true light. Alleluia. 3 O may thy soldiers, faithful, true, and bold, fight as the saints who nobly fought of old, and win, with them, the victor's crown of gold. Alleluia. 4 O bl est communion, fellowship divine! we feebly struggle, they in glory shine; yet all are one in thee, for all are thine. Alleluia. 5 And when the strife is fierce, the warfare long, steals on the ear the distant triumph-song, and hearts are brave again, and arms are strong. Alleluia. 6 The golden evening brightens in the west; soon, soon to faithful warriors comes their rest: sweet is the calm of paradise the blest. Alleluia. 7 But lo, there breaks a yet more glorious day; the saints triumphant rise in bright array: the King of glory passes on his way. Alleluia. 8 From earth's wide bounds, from ocean's farthest coast, through gates of pearl streams in the countless host, singing to Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Alleluia. Scripture: Psalm 62:2 Used With Tune: SINE NOMINE


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