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Tune Identifier:"^allein_gott_in_der_hoh_decius$"

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Showing 61 - 70 of 78Results Per Page: 102050
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Ich bin der Herr, ich bin dein Gott

Appears in 4 hymnals Used With Tune: [Ich bin der Herr, ich bin dein Gott]
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Sing Praises unto God on High

Author: Christian Ignatius La Trobe, 1758-1836; John Miller, 1756-1790 Appears in 6 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Sing praises unto God on high, To Him Who us created; Sing praises to the Lord, so nigh To sinful man related. Rejoicing, Hallelujah sing! Jehovah Jesus is our King And gracious Mediator. 2 He calls us brethren, not ashamed To bear our human nature; Yea, heirs of life we now are named, Joint-heirs with our Creator. He ever lives our cause to plead, Grants help in every time of need; Praise to His Nam for ever! Topics: God the Father The Redemption of Man Used With Tune: DECIUS
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Thou holy Church, God's city, shine

Author: M. B. Landstad Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Thou holy Church, God's city, shine, High on His mountain founded? Sing praise to Christ, thy king divine, Who thee with walls surrounded; Thy children He doth bless and sends His peace to thee, thy strife He ends: Now praise thy God, O Zion! 2 He sendeth out His holy word To every land and nation, It swiftly runs, 'tis from the Lord His message of salvation; The hearts that were like ice and snow, It melts so that in streams they flow With tears of true repentance. 3 Who now but will himself deny, And yield to God submission, His word receive, on Christ rely, Obtains a full remission; He is converted and made wise, And goest from hence to Paradise: Grant us this grace, O Savior! Topics: Foundation and Nature; The Church Foundation and Nature; Church of Christ Used With Tune: [Thou holy Church, God's city shine] Text Sources: Anon. German, 1526

Ry Rainay ao an-danitra o (Our Father in heaven)

Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Used With Tune: ALLEIN GOTT IN DER HÖH

Alenest' Gud i Himmerig

Appears in 7 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Alenest' Gud i Himmerig Vær' Lov for al sin Naade, Som han har gjort i Jorderig I disse signede Dage! Paa Jord er kommen Glæde, Fred, Vel Mennesken maa glædes ved Guds Yndest og god' Vilje. 2 Vi love, prise, takke dig, Al Æren din skal vorde! O Herre Gud i Himmerig, Stor Kjærlighed du gjorde! Du al Ting har i Vold og Magt, Det alt maa frem, som er din Agt; Vel den, dig kunde frygte! 3 O Jesu Krist, Guds enest' Søn, Som hos Gud Fader sidder, Du, som har frelst al Menn'skens Kjøn, Og os med Gud forliger, Alt med dit Blod og haarde Død Har du os løst af Synd og Nød, Giv i din Tro vi blive! 4 Du ene er vor Frelsermand, Os Himmerig vil give, Du er det Guds uskyldig Lam, Der for os vilde libe, Du ene er vor Salighed, For din Skyld har vi fanget Fred, Almægtigst Jesu Kriste! 5 O Heligaand, vor Trøstermand, Al Sandhed os kan lære, Hjælp, vi ved Guds Ord blive kan, Og leve Gud ti Ære! Vogt os fra Djævlens falske List, Hjælp os at tro paa Jesum Krist, Og blive salig! Amen. Topics: Sædvanlige Salmer til Høimesse; Common Hymns for High Mass; Troens Bekjendelse; Confession of Faith; Fastelavens Søndag Til Hoimesse; Shrovetide Sunday High Mass; Mariæ Bebudelses Dag Til Hoimesse; Annunciation High Mass Used With Tune: [Alenest' Gud i Himmerig]
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Alone to God on High be Praise

Appears in 3 hymnals Used With Tune: [Alone to God on high be praise]
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Quien cree y bautiszado es

Author: Thomas Kingo; Juan Burghi Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Topics: Santo Bautismo; Bautismo; Baptism Scripture: Acts 2:37-39 Used With Tune: ALLEIN GOTT IN DER HÖH

Guds faderliga ledning

Author: J. O. Wallin Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: Dig, Herre Gud är ingen lik Used With Tune: [Dig, Herre Gud är ingen lik]
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Had God not come,may Israel say

Author: Dr. Martin Luther; Richard Massie Appears in 10 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Had God not come, may Israel say, Had God not come to aid us, Our enemies on that sad day Would surely have dismayed us; A remnant now, and handful small, Held in contempt and scorn by all, Who cruelly oppress us. 2 Their furious wrath, did God permit, Would quickly have consumed us, And in the deep and yawning pit With life and limb entombed us; Like men o'er whom dark waters roll, The streams had gone e'en o'er our soul, And mightily o'erwhelmed us. 3 Thanks be to God, who from the pit Snatched us, when it was gaping: Our souls, like birds that break the net, To the blue sky escaping; The snare is broken—we are free! The Lord our Helper praised be, The God of earth and heaven. Topics: The Church Year Reformation Used With Tune: DECIUS (Allein Gott in der Hoch sei Ehr)
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To our Almighty gracious God

Appears in 4 hymnals Lyrics: I. To our Almighty gracious God, New Honours be addressed, Whose great Salvation shines abroad, To make all Nations blessed' He looks upon us in his Son, Who brought from Heav'n Salvation down, And Peace to Men proclaimed: II. To Thee we come and humbly bow, Great Lord of the Creation! Whose boundless Empire ne'er will know Or End or Variation. Thy Pow'r is endless as thy Praise: Thou speak'st; the Universe obeys. On Thee depend all Creatures. III. Blest Jesus, only Son of God On Earth of Tragic Story; Our Ransom is thy precious Blood; Thy shameful Cross our Glory. Sweet suff'ring Lamb, now King of Kings, And Lord of all created Things, Extend to us thy Mercy. IV. O Holy Ghost! our Sov'reign Good, And highest Consolation! What Jesus ransom'd with his Blood, Preserve Thou to Salvation 'Tis Thou who bringst' us unto Christ; 'Tis Thou his precious Blood appliest. In Thee we have Affiance. Topics: Blessed Trinity Used With Tune: [To our Almighty gracious God]


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