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Showing 71 - 80 of 293Results Per Page: 102050

George Müller

b. 1805 Person Name: G. Muller Author of "I saw the cross of Jesus when burdened" in Brightest and Best Born: Sep­tem­ber 27, 1805, Krop­pen­stadt, Pruss­ia. Died: March 10, 1898, Bris­tol, Eng­land. Buried: Bris­tol, Eng­land. After a pro­di­gal youth, Müll­er came to Christ around age 20, and stu­died the­ol­o­gy at the Un­i­ver­si­ty of Halle. One of his first pas­tor­ates was in Teign­mouth, De­von­shire. In 1832, he moved to Bris­tol, where he found­ed the Scrip­tur­al Know­ledge In­sti­tu­tion two years lat­er, and be­came well known for run­ning or­phan­ages. In the last two de­cades of his life he made evan­gel­is­tic trips to Amer­i­ca, In­dia, Ja­pan, and Aus­tral­ia. Cyber Hymnal

Gladys Blanchard Muller

Composer of "[I have found a hiding place when sore distrest]" in Favorites Number 3

Heinrich Müller

1500 - 1600 Author of "Hilf, Gott, dass mirs gelinge" Müller (Mueller), Heinrich , was a native of Nürnberg. About 1526 or 1527 he was imprisoned as a Lutheran by Duke Georg of Saxony, but was released after the Duke died on April 17, 1539. Thereafter, till about 1580, he kept a school for writing and arithmetic at Annaberg in Saxony. Bartholom äus Muller, sometime schoolmaster at Zwickau in Saxony, in a petition presented to the Elector Christian I. in 1587, and in another petition presented to the Elector Christian II. in 1601, described himself as the son of this Heinrich Müller, and declared that the hymn noted below was written by his father during his imprisonment (see Koch i. 417; Wetzel's Analecta Hymnica ii. 720, &c). The hymn in question is:— Hilf Gott, dass mir gelinge. History of the Passion. In his Bibliographie, 1855, p. 100, Wackernagel cites two broadsheets as of 15.27. In his D. Kirchenlied iii. p. 85, the earliest source from which he prints the text, is however the Bergkreyen, Nürnberg, 1536, though he says it had appeared in print in 1524 (apparently a mis¬print for 1527). He speaks of the Magdeburg Gesang-Buch, 1534, as the earliest hymnbook in which it is included, This is however an oversight, as it is found in the Rostock Gesang-Buch1531, where it is entitled “A new hymn on the Word of God and His bitter sufferings," and begins "Help God mi mach gelingen." It is in 13 st. of 7 1., the initial letters of the stanzas giving the name Heinrich Müler, and the two concluding lines being "Hat Hein rich Müller gesungen In dem Gefängniss sein." From the above note it is clear that the hymn was written by a Heinrich Müller, during an imprisonment, and was in print at least as early as 1531. The ascription to Heinrich Müller, professor at Wittenberg, is therefore impossible, seeing he was only born in 1530. The ascription to Heinrich von Zütphen [born at Zütphen in Gelderlaud, c. 1488, became an Augustinian monk, and in 1515 prior of the Augustinian monastery at Dordrecht; began to preach as a Reformer in Bremen, Nov. 9, 1522; murdered at Heide near Meldorf, in Holstein, Dec. 10, 1524] is also untenable, for neither by himself nor by his contemporaries was he ever styled Heinrich Müller, and there was during his life no period of imprisonment during which he might have written this hymn. The history of the Nürnberg Müller noted above is not indeed very clear, but his claim has at least much more appearance of truth than that of any other. The hymn was a great favourite during the Reformation period, was included by Luther in V. Babst's Gesang-Buch 1545, and passed into many later books. It is a ballad rather than a hymn properly so called, and has now fallen out of use in Germany. The only translation is: “Help, God, the formar of all thing." In the Gude and Godlie Ballates, ed. 1568, f. 22 (1868, p. 37). [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Heinrich Müller

1631 - 1675 Author of "Ade, du süße Welt! ich schwing ins Himmelszelt"

Hermann von Müller

Composer of "MÜLLER" in The Praise Book Pseudonym. See also Bonner, Carey, 1859-1938

J. T. Muller

Translator of "To heaven's golden shore"

Johann Daniel Müller

1716 - 1786 Composer of "[Ich gehe freudig meinen Pfad]"

Johann Georg Müller

1651 - 1743 Person Name: Johann George Müller Author (v. 1-4) of "Træder nu til Herrens Bord"

Klemens Müller

1815 - 1898 Person Name: Klemens Müller, 1815-1898 Composer of "[Ich preise Dich! Du bist herabgekommen]" in Glaubenslieder

Michael Müller

1673 - 1704 Person Name: Michael Mueller Author of "Ach, Herr, meiner Feinde Zahl täglich sich" Müller, Michael , son of Zacharias Müller, brewer at Blankenburg, in the Saxon Harz, was born at Blankenburg, January 12, 1673, studied theology at Halle under Francke and Breithaupt, and received license as a Candidate of Theology (general preacher). Just after completing his university course, in 1697, he was seized with violent hemorrhage. He so far recovered as to be able to accept the position of house tutor in the family of Gaisberg (Geyssberg) at Schaubeck, near Klein-Bottwar in Württemberg, but after a time his illness returned and he died there March 13, 1704 (Koch iv. 405; Blätter für Hymnologie, 1886, p. 146; MS. from General Superintendent G. Schönerniark, Blankenburg, &c). Müller's principal work is his excellent version of the Psalter (Die Psalmen Davids, &c, Stuttgart, Paul Treuer, 1700. To the copy of this work in the Royal Library at Berlin there is appended (without separate title page or date, but by the same printer) his Auffmunternder Neu-Jahrs-Zuruff an die Braut, &c. This contains 5 hymns which are repeated in his Geistliche Erquickstunden, dated 1706, but without name of publisher [Wernigerode Library]. This last work contains 61 hymns on the Gospels for Sundays and Festivals, followed by hymns 62-83, on miscellaneous subjects. The first lines of all these hymns are given in the Blätter as above. Many of Müller's psalm versions came deservedly into favour in Germany, but of his hymns few are found except in the hymn books of the Separatists from 1710 to 1750. In Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch1704 and 1714, there are 21 of his psalms and 2 of his hymns. Those of Müller's hymns which have passed into English are— i. Auf, Seele, auf, und säume nicht. Epiphany. First published as No. 4 in his Zuruff as above, in 34 st. of 4 1. entitled "The way to Life. On the Gospel for the Three Holy Kings Day, Luke ii." In Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, 1704, No. 68, st. vii., x.-xvi. were omitted, and the same form is No. 205 in the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863. The translation in common use is—- Up, up, new light upon thee breaks. A free translation of st. i.-iv., xvii., xviii. xxii., xxxi., xxxii., by Dr. Kennedy, in his Hymnologia Christiana, 1863. ii. Sieh wie lieblich und wie fein. Brotherly love. The original form of this hymn is a ver¬sion of Ps. cxxxiii. by Müller, in his Psalmen Davids, 1700, p. 244, in 4 st. of 4 1. In Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, 1704, No. 390, these st. are i.-iv., while st. v.-xiv. (on the subject of brotherly love) are added from the MS. of' J. C. Nehring (q.v.). This text, in 14 st., is No. 1045 in the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863. The form tr. into English is that in Bunsen's Versuch, 1833, No. 534, being st. i., iv., viii., x. of the above text and the following three st.:— l. Sonne der Gerechtigkeit, Gehe auf zu unsrer Zeit, Brich in deiner Kirche an Dass die Welt es sehen kann. 2. Jesu, Haupt der Kreuzgemein, Mach uns alle, gross und klein, Durch dein Evangelium Ganz zu deinem Eigenthum. 3. Lass die ganze Brüderschaar, Lieben, loben immerdar, In dir ruhen allezeit, Immer und in Ewigkeit. These three st. are from the Bruder Gesang-Buch, 1778, No. 711, and are by Christian David. The first and third had previously appeared in the Kleine Brüder Gesang-Buch, London, 1754, pt. ii., Bk. ii., on the Church of God, section 7. The only translation in common use is:— Good and pleasant 'tis to see. A good translation from Bunsen, by Miss Cox, in her Sacred Hymns from the German, 1841, p. 143, repeated abridged in Alford's Psalms & Hymns, 1844, and Year of Praise, 1867, and in the Rev. F. Pott's Collection, 1861. Other translations are, both from Bunsen's text:—(1) “Behold how sweet it is to see," by Lady E. Fortescue, 1843, p. 64. (2) "Lo! how sweet it is to see," by W. Arnot, in the Family Treasury, 1812, p. 204. . [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)


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