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Hymnal, Number:chrc1920

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O one with God the Father

Author: W. W. How Hymnal: CHRC1920 #71 (1920) Lyrics: 1 O one with God the Father In majesty and might, The brightness of His glory, Eternal Light of Light; O'er this our home of darkness Thy rays are streaming now; The shadows flee before Thee, The world's true Light art Thou. 2 Yet, Lord, we see but darkly: O heavenly Light, arise! Dispel these mists that shroud us, And hide Thee from our eyes! We long to track the footprints That Thou Thyself hast trod; We long to see the pathway That leads to Thee, our God. 3 O Jesus, shine around us With radiance of Thy grace; O Jesus, turn upon us The brightness of Thy face. We need no star to guide us, As on our way we press, If Thou Thy light vouchsafest, O Son of Righteousness. Topics: The Christian Year Epiphany Languages: English Tune Title: ST. ANSELM
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How bright appears the morning star

Author: W. Mercer; P. Nicolai Hymnal: CHRC1920 #72 (1920) Lyrics: 1 How bright appears the morning star, With mercy beaming from afar; The host of heaven rejoices; O Righteous Branch, O Jesse's Rod! Thou Son of man and Son of God! We, too, will lift our voices: Jesus, Jesus! Holy, holy, yet most lowly, Draw Thou near us; Great Emmanuel, come and hear us. 2 Tho' circled by the hosts on high, He deigned to cast a pitying eye Upon His helpless creatures; The whole creation's Head and Lord, By highest seraphim adored, Assumed our very nature; Jesus, grant us, Through Thy merit, to inherit Thy salvation; Hear, O hear our supplication. 3 Rejoice, ye heav'ns; thou earth, reply; With praise, ye sinners, fill the sky, For this His incarnation. Incarnate God, put forth Thy power, Ride on, ride on, great Conquerer, Till all know Thy salvation. Amen, Amen! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise be given Evermore, by earth and heaven. Topics: The Christian Year Epiphany Languages: English Tune Title: FRANKFORT
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Hark! the song of jubilee

Author: J. Montgomery Hymnal: CHRC1920 #73 (1920) Lyrics: 1 Hark! the song of jubilee, Loud as mighty thunders roar, Or the fullness of the sea, When it breaks upon the shore: "Hallelujah!" Let the word God Omnipotent shall reign; "Hallelujah!" Let the word Echo round the earth and main. 2 Hallelujah! hark! the sound, From the depths unto the skies, Wakes above, beneath, around All creation's harmonies; See Jehovah's banner furled, Sheathed His sword; He speaks; 'tis done; And the kingdoms of this world Are the kingdoms of His Son. 3 He shall reign from pole to pole With illimitable sway; He shall reign when, like a scroll, Yonder heavens have passed away. Then the end; beneath His rod Man's last enemy shall fall: Hallelujah! Christ in God. God in Christ is all in all. Topics: The Christian Year Epiphany Languages: English Tune Title: THANKSGIVING
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O North, with all thy vales of green

Author: W. C. Bryant Hymnal: CHRC1920 #74 (1920) Lyrics: 1 O North, with all thy vales of green, O South, with all thy palms! From peopled towns and vales between, Uplift the voice of psalms; Raise, ancient East, the anthem high, And let the youthful West reply. 2 Lo, in the clouds of heaven appears God's well-beloved Son; He brings a train of brighter years His kingdom is begun. He comes, a guilty world to bless With mercy, truth, and righteousness. 3 O Father, haste the promised hour, When at His feet shall lie All rule, authority, and power, Beneath the ample sky; When He shall reign from pole to pole, The Lord of every human soul: 4 When all shall heed the words He said Amid their daily cares, And by the loving life He led Shall seek to pattern theirs; And He Who conquered death shall win The mightier conquest over sin. Topics: The Christian Year Epiphany Languages: English Tune Title: BRYANT
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Not by Thy mighty hand

Author: J. R. Woodford Hymnal: CHRC1920 #75 (1920) Lyrics: 1 Not by Thy mighty hand, Thy wondrous works alone, But by the marvels of Thy Word, Thy glory, Lord, is known. 2 Forth from the eternal gates, Thine everlasting home, To sow the seed of truth below, Thou didst vouchsafe to come. 3 And still from age to age, Thou, gracious Lord, hast been The Bearer forth of goodly seed, The Sower still unseen. 4 And Thou wilt come again, And heaven beneath Thee bow, To reap the harvest Thou hast sown, Sower and Reaper Thou. 5 Watch, Lord, Thy harvest-field, With Thine unsleeping eye, The children of the Kingdom keep To Thy Epiphany; 6 That, when in Thy great day The tares shall severed be, We may be surely gathered in With all Thy saints to Thee. Topics: The Christian Year Epiphany Languages: English Tune Title: HEATH
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Alleluia! song of gladness

Author: J. M. Neale Hymnal: CHRC1920 #76 (1920) Lyrics: 1 Alleluia! song of gladness, Voice of joy that cannot die; Alleluia is the anthem Ever dear to choirs on high; In the house of God abiding Thus they sing eternally. 2 Alleluia thou resoundest, True Jerusalem and free; Alleluia joyful mother, All thy children sing with thee; But by Babylon's sad waters Mourning exiles now are we. 3 Alleluia cannot always Be our song while here below; Alleluia our transgressions Make us for a while forego: For the solemn time is coming When our tears for sin must flow. 4 Therefore in our hymns we pray Thee, Grant us blessed Trinity, At the last to keep Thine Easter In our home beyond the sky; There to Thee for ever singing Alleluia joyfully. Topics: The Christian Year Sundays Before Lent Languages: English Tune Title: DULCE CARMEN
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He who would valiant be

Author: J. Bunyan Hymnal: CHRC1920 #77 (1920) Lyrics: 1 He who would valiant be 'Gainst all disaster, Let him in constancy Follow the Master There's no discouragement Shall make him once relent His first avowed intent To be a pilgrim. 2 Who so beset him round With dismal stories, Do but themselves confound, His strength the more is, No foes shall stay his might, Though he with giants fight; He will make good his right To be a pilgrim. 3 Since, Lord, Thou dost defend Us with Thy Spirit, We know we at the end Shall life inherit. Then fancies flee away! I'll fear not what men say, I'll labour night and day To be a pilgrim. Topics: The Christian Year Sundays Before Lent Languages: English Tune Title: MONKS GATE
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Dear Lord and Father of man-kind

Author: J. G. Whittier Hymnal: CHRC1920 #78 (1920) Lyrics: 1 Dear Lord and Father of man-kind, Forgive our foolish ways! Reclothe us in our rightful mind, In purer lives Thy service find, In deeper reverence, praise. 2 In simple trust like theirs who heard, Beside the Syrian sea, The gracious calling of the Lord, Let us, like them, without a word, Rise up and follow Thee. 3 O Sabbath rest by Galilee! O calm of hills above, Where Jesus knelt to share with Thee The silence of eternity Interpreted by love! 4 Drop Thy still dews of quietness, Till all our strivings cease: Take from our souls the strain and stress, And let our ordered lives confess The beauty of Thy peace. 5 Breathe through the heats of our desire Thy coolness and Thy balm; Let sense be dumb, let flesh retire; Speak through the earthquake, wind, and fire, O still, small voice of calm. Topics: The Christian Year Sundays Before Lent Languages: English Tune Title: REST
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Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost

Author: C. Wordsworth Hymnal: CHRC1920 #79 (1920) Lyrics: 1 Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost, Taught by Thee we covet most Of Thy gifts at Pentecost, Holy, heavenly Love. 2 Love is kind and suffers long Love is meek and thinks no wrong, Love than death itself more strong; Therefore, give us Love. 3 Prophecy will fade away, Melting in the light of day; Love will ever with us stay; Therefore, give us Love. 4 Faith will vanish into sight; Hope be emptied in delight; Love in heaven will shine more bright; Therefore, give us Love. 5 Faith, and Hope and Love we see, Joining hand in hand, agree, But the greatest of the three, And the best, is Love. 6 From the overshadowing Of Thy gold and silver wing, Shed on us, who to Thee sing, Holy, heavenly Love. Topics: The Christian Year Sundays Before Lent Languages: English Tune Title: CHARITY
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Forty days and forty nights

Author: G. H. Smyttan Hymnal: CHRC1920 #80 (1920) Lyrics: 1 Forty days and forty nights Thou wast fasting in the wild; Forty days and forty nights Tempted, and yet undefiled. 2 Shall not we Thy sorrow share, And from earthly joys abstain, Fasting with inceasing prayer, Glad with Thee to suffer pain? 3 And if Satan, vexing sore, Flesh or spirit should assail, Thou, his Vanquisher before, Grant we may not faint or fail. 4 So shall we have peace divine: Holier gladness ours shall be; Round us, too, shall angels shine, Such as ministered to Thee. 5 Keep, O keep us, Saviour dear, Ever constant by Thy side; That with Thee we may appear At the eternal Easter-tide. Topics: Lent Languages: English Tune Title: HEINLEIN


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