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Hymnal, Number:lh1890

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"This I did for Thee"

Author: H. Bonar Hymnal: LH1890 #73 (1890) First Line: I gave my life for thee Refrain First Line: This I did for thee Lyrics: 1 I gave My life for thee, My precious blood I shed, That thou might'st ransom'd be, And quickened from the dead; I gave my life for thee; What hast thou done for me? Chorus: This I did for thee, What hast thou done for me? This I did for thee, What hast thou done for me? 2 I spent long years for thee In weariness and woe, That one eternity Of joy thou mightest know; I spent long years for thee; Hast thou spent one for me? [Chorus] 3 My Father's house of light, My rainbow-circled throne, I left for earthly night, For wand'rings sad and lone; I left it all for thee; Hast thou left aught for me? [Chorus] 4 I suffered much for thee,-- More than thy tongue can tell, Of bitterest agony; To rescue thee from hell; I suffered much for thee; What dost thou bear for me? [Chorus 5 And I have brought to thee, Down from my house above, Salvation full and free, My pardon and my love; Great gifts I brought to thee; What hast thou brought to me? [Chorus] 6 Oh, let thy life be given, Thy years for me be spent, World fetters all be riven, And joy with suffering blent; Give thou thyself to me, And I will welcome thee! [Chorus] Languages: English Tune Title: [I gave my life for thee]
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Onward and Upward

Author: E. E. Hewitt Hymnal: LH1890 #74 (1890) First Line: Onward still, and upward Refrain First Line: Marching onward, upward Lyrics: 1 Onward still, and upward, Follow evermore Where our mighty Leader Goes in love before; "Looking unto Jesus," Reach a helping hand To a struggling neighbor, Helping him to stand. Chorus: Marching onward, upward, Marching steadily, onward, Jesus leads the way, Marching onward, upward, Onward unto glory, To the perfect day. 2 Onward, ever onward, Thro' the pastures green, Where the streams flow softy, Under skies serene; Or, if need be, upward, O'er the rocky steep, Trusting him who guides us, Strong to save and keep. [Chorus] 3 Upward, ever upward, T'ward the radiant glow, Far above the valley, Where the mist hangs low; On, with songs of gladness, Till the march shall end, Where ten thousand thousand Hallelujahs blend. [Chorus] Languages: English Tune Title: [Onward still, and upward]
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The Great Physician

Author: Rev. Wm. H. Hunter, D. D. Hymnal: LH1890 #75 (1890) First Line: The Great Physician now is near Refrain First Line: Sweetest note in seraph song Lyrics: 1 The Great Physician now is here, The sympathizing Jesus: He speaks the drooping heart to cheer, Oh, hear the voice of Jesus. Chorus: Sweetest note in seraph song, Sweetest name on mortal tongue, Sweetest carol ever sung, Jesus, blessed Jesus. 2 Your many sins are all forgiven, Oh, hear the voice of Jesus; Go on your way in peace to heaven, And wear a crown with Jesus. [Chorus] 3 All glory to the dying Lamb! I now believe in Jesus; I love the blessed Saviour's name, I love the name of Jesus. [Chorus] 4 The children too, both great and small, Who love the name of Jesus, May now accept his gracious call To work and live for Jesus. [Chorus] 5 Come, brethren, help me sing his praise, Oh, praise the name of Jesus; Come, sisters, all your voices raise, Oh, bless the name of Jesus. [Chorus] 6 His name dispels my guilt and fear, No other name but Jesus; Oh, how my soul delights to hear The precious name of Jesus. [Chorus] 7 And when to that bright world above, We rise to see our Jesus, We'll sing around the throne of love His name, the name of Jesus. [Chorus] Languages: English Tune Title: [The Great Physician now is here]
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Sing On

Author: Carrie M. Wilson Hymnal: LH1890 #76 (1890) First Line: Sing on, ye joyful pilgrims Refrain First Line: Sing on; oh, blissful music! Lyrics: 1 Sing on, ye joyful pilgrims, Nor think the moments long; My faith is heav'nward rising With ev'ry tuneful song; Lo! on the mount of blessing, The glorious mount! I stand, And, looking over Jordan, I see the promised land. Chorus: Sing on; oh, blissful music! With ev'ry note you raise My heart is filled with rapture, My soul is lost in praise: Sing on; oh, blissful music! With ev'ry note you raise My heart is filled with rapture, My soul is lost in praise. 2 Sing on, ye joyful pilgrims, While here on earth we stay Let songs of home and Jesus Beguile each fleeting day; Sing on the grand old story Of his redeeming love,-- The everlasting chorus That fills the realms above. [Chorus] 3 Sing on, ye joyful pilgrims, The time will not be long Till in our Father's kingdom We swell a nobler song, Where those we love are waiting To greet us on the shore, We'll meet beyond the river, Where surges roll no more. [Chorus] Languages: English Tune Title: [Sing on, ye joyful pilgrims]
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Up and Onward

Author: Sallie Martin Hymnal: LH1890 #78 (1890) First Line: Up for Jesus! up and onward! Refrain First Line: Marching on with singing Lyrics: 1 Up for Jesus! up and onward! Hear him saying, “follow me;” In the noble Christian army Faithful soldiers let us be. Chorus: Marching on with singing, Sweetest music bringing Unto him that shall reign; Let the world before us Hear the joyful chorus, Hallelujah, amen. 2 Up for Jesus! up and onward! In the early morning bright, With the watchword on our banner, Brave defenders of the right. [Chorus] 3 Up for Jesus! up and onward! Through the conflict firmly stand; For we cannot lose a battle With our leader in command. [Chorus] 4 Up for Jesus! up and onward! He will guide us with his eye; He has promised if we trust him, We shall conquer by and by. [Chorus] Languages: English Tune Title: [Up for Jesus! up and onward!]
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Since I Have Been Redeemed

Author: E. O. E. Hymnal: LH1890 #79 (1890) First Line: I have a song I love to sing Lyrics: 1 I have a song I love to sing, Since I have been redeemed, Of my Redeemer, Saviour King, Since I have been redeemed. Chorus: Since I have been redeemed, Since I have been redeemed, I will glory in his name, Since I have been redeemed, I will glory in the Saviour's name. 2 I have a Christ that satisfies. Since I have been redeemed, To do his will my highest prize, Since I have been redeemed.[Chorus] 3 I have a Witness bright and clear, Since I have been redeemed, Dispelling every doubt and fear, Since I have been redeemed.[Chorus] 4 I have a joy I can't express, Since I have been redeemed, All thro' his blood and righteousness, Since I have been redeemed. [Chorus] 5 I have a home prepared for me, Since I have been redeemed, Where I shall dwell eternally, Since I have been redeemed.[Chorus] Languages: English Tune Title: [I have a song I love to sing]
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Wilt Thou be Made Whole?

Author: W. J. K. Hymnal: LH1890 #80 (1890) First Line: Hear the footsteps of Jesus Lyrics: 1. Hear the footsteps of Jesus, He is now passing by, Bearing balm for the wounded, Healing all who apply; As he spake to the suff'rer Who lay at the pool, He is saying this moment, "Wilt thou be made whole?" Refrain Wilt thou be made whole? Wilt thou be made whole? O come, weary suff’rer, O come, sin-sick soul; See, the life-stream is flowing, See, the cleansing waves roll, Step into the current, and thou shalt be whole. 2 'Tis the voice of that Saviour, Whose merciful call Freely offers salvation To one and to all: He is now beck’ning to him Each sin-tainted soul, And lovingly asking, "Wilt thou be made whole?" [Refrain] 3 Are you halting and struggling, O'erpowered by your sin, While the waters are troubled Can you not enter in? Lo, the Saviour stands waiting To strengthen your soul, He is earnestly pleading, "Wilt thou be made whole?" [Refrain] 4 Blessed Saviour, assist us To rest on thy word; Let the soul-healing power On us now be out-poured: Wash away ev'ry sin-spot, Take perfect control, Say to each trusting spirit, "Thy faith makes thee whole." [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Hear the footsteps of Jesus]
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Wonderful Words of Life

Author: P. P. B. Hymnal: LH1890 #81 (1890) First Line: Sing them over again to me Refrain First Line: Beautiful words, wonderful words Lyrics: 1 Sing them over again to me, Wonderful words of Life; Let me more of their beauty see, Wonderful words of Life. Words of life and beauty, Teach me faith and duty; Refrain: Beautiful words, wonderful words, Wonderful words of Life. Beautiful words, wonderful words, Wonderful words of Life. 2 Christ, the blessed One, gives to all Wonderful words of Life; Sinner, list to the loving call, Wonderful words of Life. All so freely given, Wooing us to heaven. [Refrain] 3 Sweetly echo the gospel call, Wonderful words of Life; Offer pardon and peace to all, Wonderful words of Life. Jesus, only Saviour, Sanctify forever. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Sing them over again to me]
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My Shepherd

Author: Rev. Joseph H. Martin Hymnal: LH1890 #82 (1890) First Line: The Lord is my shepherd, my keeper and guide Refrain First Line: My Shepherd will provide, whatever may betide Lyrics: 1 The Lord is my shepherd, my keeper and guide, My wants he'll supply and for me he'll provide; In midst of green pastures he makes me to lie, Beside the still waters that gently pass by. Chorus: My Shepherd will provide, whatever may betide; I am secure, For his promise is sure, The Lord will provide. 2 Whenever I wander, and leave the true way, And like a lost sheep from the flock go astray; My soul he restores to the path that is right, He leads me in safety, I walk in his light. [Chorus] 3 When called to surrender my faltering breath, And pass through the vale of the shadow of death, The presence of Jesus will brighten the tomb, With hope and with gladness dispelling its gloom. [Chorus] 4 For me his free bounty a table has spread; And blessings unmeasured he pours on my head; My cup with abundance and joy overflows; He dries all my tears, and he heals all my woes. [Chorus] Scripture: Psalm 23 Languages: English Tune Title: [The Lord is my shepherd, my keeper and guide]
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Only a Beam of Sunshine

Author: Fanny J. Crosby Hymnal: LH1890 #84 (1890) Refrain First Line: Only a word for Jesus Lyrics: 1 Only a beam of sunshine, But oh, it was warm and bright; The heart of a weary trav'ler Was cheered by its welcome sight. Only a beam of sunshine That fell from the arch above, And tenderly, softly whispered A message of peace and love. Chorus: Only a word for Jesus, Only a whispered prayer Over some grief-worn spirit May rest like a sunbeam fair. 2 Only a beam of sunshine, That into a dwelling crept, Where, over a fading rosebud, A mother her vigil kept. Only a beam of sunshine That smiled through her falling tears, And showed her the bow of promise, Forgotten perhaps for years. [Chorus] 3 Only a word for Jesus! Oh, speak it in his dear name; To perishing souls around you The message of love proclaim. Go, like the faithful sunbeam, Your mission of joy fulfill; Remember the Saviour’s promise, That he will be with you still. [Chorus] Languages: English Tune Title: [Only a beam of sunshine]


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