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Hymnal, Number:nvpd1752

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Save me, My God, from all my Foes

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #107 (1752) Lyrics: 1. Save me, my God, from all my Foes; Thy high Defence I crave, 2. From evil Workers set me free; From bloody Men me save. 3. Lo! for my Soul they lye in wait, And mighty Men combine Against my Life; not for my Fault, Lord, nor Offence of mine. 4. They run upon me unprovok'd, And all their Force prepare; See, Lord, my Danger, stir thyself, And for mine Aid appear. 5. Wake, Lord of Hosts, thou Isr'el's God, None of the Heathen spare; No longer let thy Patience, with Such bold Traasgressors, bear. 6. When Ev'ning comes, they fresh return, Their Rage admits no Change; They bark, and snarle, and growl, like Dogs, And round the City range. 7. Their Mouth impetously pours out Words bitter, hard to bear; Between their Lips are pointed Swords; "For who (say they,) doth hear? 8. But thou, O Lord, shall laugh at them; And all the Heathen scorn. 9. O thou my Strength, I'll on Thee wait; For God's my Safety's Horn. Second Part 10. The God of all my Mercy will, To help me, interpose; He shall, with Pleasure, let me see His Justice on my Foes. 11. Lest we too soon forget thy Works, Them slay not with one Blow; But; Lord, our Shield, by thy great Pow'r, Disperse, and bring them low. 12. Because their Mouth, and Lips, abound With grievous Sin; surprise, And take them in their Pride, who speak Such hideous Oaths, and Lies. 13. Consume, and waste them, in thy Wrath And all their Pow'r restrain; That thy may know, in Jacob, God, And thro' the Earth doth reign. 14. At Ev'ning, then, let them, like Dogs, Return, and meet, and howl; And, tir'd with Ramblings, may they still Around the City growl. 15. With Hunger, let them strole about, To get their Wants supply'd; And spend whole Nights in fruitlefs Search, And not be satisfy'd. 16. But I, each Morn, will sing thy Pow'r, And loud thy Grace confess; Thou hast my Tow'r, and Refuge, been, In Day of my Distress. 17. Therefore to Thee, O thou my Strength, I'll never cease to sing; For God is my Defence, the God Whence all my Mercies spring. Scripture: Psalm 59 Languages: English
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Thou hast cast off, and scatter'd us

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #109 (1752) Lyrics: 1. Thou hast cast off, and scatter'd us, O God, thou wast displeas'd; Oh, turn thyself to us again, And shew thyself appeas'd. 2. To tremble thou hast made our Earth, With sore Divisions rent; Ch, heal the Breaches thou hast made; It shakes, to Ruin bent. 3. Thou hard, and grievous Things to bear, Thy People did'st assign; And of Astonishment has made Us drink the deadly Wine. 4. But now, to them that fear thy Name, A Banner thou hast rear'd; And it in Triumph is display'd, So hath thy Truth appeared. 5. That thy Belov'd, as heretofore, May still Deliv'rance have: O hear the fervent Pray'rs we make, And let thy Right-hand save. 6. God, in his Holiness, hath spoke. My Joy it cannot fail ; I'll portion out fair Sichem's Soil, And meet out Succcth's Vale. 7. Fam'd Gilead, and Manasah, both, Already own my Cause; The gallant Wphr'im's Tribe's nmy Strength, And Judah gives forth Laws. 8. Moab shall serve to wash my Feet, O'er Edom I will tread; The proud Philistian Lords shall stoop, And to my Triumphs add. 9. But who shall their strong City take, And bring to our Command? Who shall to Vict'ry lead our Arms, Thro' Edom's rocky Land? 10. Tho' thou, O God, hast cast us off, Refus'd our Arms to bless; Wilt thou not, now, our Armies head. And crown them with Success? 11. From all our Troubles give us Help; Man's Help is vain we own. 12. Thro' God we shall do valiant Acts; 'Tis he our Foes treads down. Scripture: Psalm 60 Languages: English
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Lord, hearken to my Cry

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #110 (1752) Lyrics: 1. Lord, hearken to my Cry, And to my Pray'r attend. 2. From th' Earth's remotest Parts, to Thee, My Cry shall still ascend; When sadly overwhelm'd, My Heart does fainting lye: Conduct me to the Rock of Strength, That higher is than I. 3. My Shelter thou hast been, From Foes my pow'rful Aid. 4. I'll ever in thy Courts abide, And trust in thy Wing's Shade. 5. For thou, O God, hast heard; My Vows before Thee came; Thou hast appointed me the Lot Of those that fear thy Name. 6. Thou to the King wilt add Long Life, and happy Reign; As many Generations still, His future Years maintain. 7. He shall forever sit, O God, before thy Face, Upon his Throne, secured by United Truth, and Grace. 8. So to thy Name I'11 sing, My endless Songs of Praise; And chearfully perform my Vows, Thro' all my future Days. Scripture: Psalm 61 Languages: English
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Truly, my Soul doth wait on God

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #111 (1752) Lyrics: 1. Truly, my Soul doth wait on God, Salvation comes from him alone. 2. My Rock, my Safety, high Abode, He is, I shall not be o'er thrown. 3. How long, against a Man, will ye Plot Mischief? as a bowing Wall, Or a loose Fence, you all shall be; And into sudden Ruin fall. 4. Their great Consult is, to suppress My Dignity with lying Arts; If e'er their Mouth is forc'd to bless, Yet Cursing rages in their Hearts. 5. My Soul wait thou on God alone; From him my Hopes have stedfast prov'd. 6. My Rock, and Safety, him I own; My high Tow'r, I shall not be mov'd. 7. In God my Safety is secure. My future Glory and Renown; The Rock in whom my Strength is sure, My Refuge is in God alone. 8. Ye People, in his Pow'r, and Grace, At all Times your fix'd Trust repose; Pour out your Hearts before his Face: God is our Refuge from our Foes. 9. The vulgar are but vain, we know, And great Men are Deceit, and Lies; If both you in the Ballance throw, Lighter than Vanity they rise. 10. Trust not in Methods of Deceit, Or Violence; be not so vain; If by just Means your Wealth grows great, Set not your Heart on such low Gain. 11. Once spoken hath the God of Might, Twice have I heard this Word aloud; That boundless Pow'r by sov'rain Right, Doth appertain alone to God. 12. Not only Pow'r but wondrous Grace, Also, O Lord, belongs to Thee; Therefore, to all the human Race, Thou render'st, as their Works shall be. Scripture: Psalm 62 Languages: English
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O God, thou art my Gracious God

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #112 (1752) Lyrics: 1. O God thou art my Gracious God, I'll early seek thy Face; My Soul doth thirst, my Flesh doth long. For thy refreshing Grace; As in a dry, and thirsty Land, Where Waters rare have been; 2. Thy Pow'r and Glory, to behold As in thy Courts I've seen. 3. Because thy Love doth Life excell, My Lips shall speak thy Praise. 4. I'll bless Thee, while I live; my Hands, To Thee, adoring raise. 5. Then shall my Soul be satisfy'd, As with rich Dainties fed; My Mouth her joyful Lips employ, Thy Praises wide to spread. 6. Mean Time, while on my Bed I ly, I will remember Thee; My Thoughts, in Watches of the Night, On Thee shall musing be. 7. Since thou hast been my Help, with Joy, I'll to thy Courts resort. 8. My Soul pursues hard after Thee; Thy Pow'r doth me support. 9. But those shall to th' Abyss go down. That seek my Life to slay: 10. Their Carcasses, fall'n by the Sword, Shall be the Foxes Prey. 11. Yet shall the King in God rejoice, And all that by him sware. Shall glory; but their Mouths be stop'd. That full of lying are. Scripture: Psalm 63 Languages: English
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My Voice, O God, in my Pray'r hear

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #113 (1752) Lyrics: 1. My Voice, O God, in my Pray'r hear; Preserve me from the Foes I fear. 2. From Plots of wicked Men me hide; And Safety from their Rage provide. 3. Who whet their Tongues, like keenest Swords, And cast their Darts, ev'n bitter Words. 4. To wound the Just they secret ly, And, fearless, sudden Shafts let fly. 5. They strengthen one another's Heart, To all the false, malicious Part; Their private Snares to lay agree, And vainly cry, "Who shall us see. 6. Unweary'd Pains, with Craft they spend, To drive their wicked Plots an End; Their inward Thoughts, which they pursue, And Hearts, ly deeply hid from Viaw, 7. But God his Vengeance shall let fly, And wound them unexpectedly. 8. Upon themselves their Tongues shall prey; And all that see them, flee away. 9. Then all around them, struck with Fear, Shall this the Work of God declare; For they shall wisely understand The Operations of his Hand. 10. The Righteous then, shall, in the Lord, Rejoice; and firmly trust his Word; And all, whose Hearts are right with God, Shall gloriously triumph aloud. Scripture: Psalm 64 Languages: English
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Tho' th' Earth sit silent, yet thy Praise

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #114 (1752) Lyrics: 1. Tho' th' Earth sit silent, yet thy Praise, O God, in Sion's heard; There they perform, with chearful Lays, The Vows they have prefer'd. 2. O thou, who do'st thy list'ning Ear To our Request encline. All Nations shall, to thee repair, And in thy Praises join. 3. Prevailing Sins, an heavy Load, Might flowing Mercy stay; But thou our Crimes, O gracious God, Shalt wholly purge away. 4. Bless'd Man! thy Choice; who near to Thee, May in thy Courts reside; With Goodness of thy Temple, we Shall then be satisfy'd. 5. Thy Justice, Lord, in dreadful Styles Answers in our Defence; Of distant Lands, and farthest Isles, Thou art the Confidence. 6. The Mountains, by thy mighty Pow'r, Fix'd on their Basis stand. 7. The Seas, and People, cease to roar. When still'd by thy Command. Second Part 8. Nations, in the remotest Land, Revere thy Tokens Voice; The op'ning Morn, at thy Command, And closing Eve, rejoice. 9. The thirsty Earth, with fat'ning Rain, From God's full Springs above. Thou visitest; preparest Grain, And mak'st it fruitfull prove. 10. Thou, on the Ridges, Rain do'st pour. And on the Furrows bring; It's soften'd with thy gentle Show'r, Thy Blessiing makes it spring. 11. The various Months thro'out the Year, Thou do'st with Goodness crown; Thy Paths, which in the Clouds appear. Drop plenteous Fatness down. 12. They drop on Desert's until'd Ground, And cloath them in their Pride; The little Hills are girt around. With Joy on ev'ry Side. 13. The Pastures bleating Flocks adorn, With lowing Herds they ring; The Vales are cover'd o'er with Corn, They shout for Joy, and sing. Scripture: Psalm 65 Languages: English
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Let all the Earth, in Shouts, to God

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #115 (1752) Lyrics: 1. Let all the Earth, in Shouts, to God, Their chearful Voices raise; 2. Sing forth the Honour of his Name, And glorious make his Praise, 3. Say unto God, "In thy great Works, "How terrible art thou? "Thy Foes, by thine almighty Pow'r, "To thee, are forc'd to bow. 4. All Earth shall worship Thee, and sing The Glories of thy Name. 5. Come, see the Works of God, his Deeds Struck Terror where they came. 6. He turn'd the Sea into dry Land, Our Fathers pass'd the Flood, Secure on Foot; there we began To triumph in our God. 7. He ever ruleth by his Pow'r, His Eyes the Nations spy; Then let not mortal Rebels dare, Themselves to magnify. 8. O all ye People, bless our God; And loudly shout his Praise. 9. 'Tis he who holds our Soul in Life, And stablisheth our Ways. 10. For thou, O God, hast proved us; As Fire the Ore refines. 11. Thou brought'st us into Straits; and laid Affliction on our Loins. 12. Thou mad'st Men o'er our Heads to ride, With Insult, and Disgrace: Thou us, thro' Fire and Water, led'st Safe to a wealthy Place. Second Part 13. I'll to thy House, with Off'rings, go; And Thee my Vows will pay: 14. Which my Lips utter'd, and Mouth spoke, When Troubles on me lay, 15. I'll offer Thee burnt Sacrifice, The very best that are; The Fat of Rams, the choicest Bulls, And Goats, I will prepare. 16. Come, hear, all ye that fear the Lord; To you I will make known, The many wondrous Acts of Grace, The Lord, for me hath done. 17. My Mouth, to him that rules above, Pour'd out it's fervent Cry; He heard; and then my joyful Tongue Extol'd his Name on high. 18. God would not hear; if in my Heart, I any Sin regard: 19. But, verily, he bow'd his Ear, And all my Pray'r hath heard. 20. O blessed be the sov'reign Lord, Who hath not turn'd his Face From my Request; nor yet with-held. From me his wondrous Grace. Scripture: Psalm 66 Languages: English
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Bless, Lord, thine Heritage

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #117 (1752) Lyrics: 1. Bless, Lord, thine Heritage, In thine abundant Grace; Let, on thy Servants, ever shine, The Brightness of thy Face. 2. That so thy righteous Ways May, thro' the Earth, be known; And all the Nations of the World May, thy Salvation, own. 3. In Praise, to Thee, O God, Let thine own People join; And may the Gentile World, in Songs Of Praise, to Thee, combine. 4. O let the Nations all Be glad, and chearful sing; For thou art, over all the Earth, A just, and gracious King. 5. In Praise, to Thee, O God, Let thine own People joyn; And may the Gentile World, in Songs Of Praise, to Thee, combine. 6. Then th' Earth shall Plenty yield; And God shall bless our Store. 7. Our own God shall us bless; the World Shall fear, and, him, adore. Scripture: Psalm 67 Languages: English
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Rise, Lord, and let thine Enemies

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #118 (1752) Lyrics: 1. Rise, Lord, and let thine Enemies, Abroad dispersed be; Let them, that impiously Thee hate, Before thy Presence flee, 2. As Smoke is driven with the Wind, So, Lord, the Wicked chase; As Fire melts Wax, so let thy Foes Dissolve, before thy Face. 3. But let the Righteous all be glad, Before the Lord rejoice; With Gladness may their Hearts be fill'd With Shouts of Joy their Voice. 4. Sing unto God, Oh! sing his Praise, With Joy exult his Name; Who by the Name Jehovah rides On Heav'ns extended Frame. 5. God, from his holy dwelling Place, Is, as a Father, kind To Orphans; and a righteous Judge, In him, the Widows find. 6. God, for the lonely, Houses builds, He breaks the Captives Chain, And sets them free; but Rebels, plagu'd, In a dry Land remain. Second Part 7. When God the Lord, from Egypt went, And did our Armies Head, Their Marches, in the Wilderness, Thro' all their Wand'rings lead; 8. The Earth did shake, the Heav'ns drop'd, And thus thy Presence own; Sinai itself then shook, for God, Ev'n Isr'els God, came down. 9. Thou Lord did'st shake the wat'ry Clouds, And send a plenteous Rain; When tir'd with Drought, thou kindly did'st Thine Heritage sustain. 10. Thou gavest Canaan to thy Flock, And fix'd their Dwelling there; Thou Goodness, Lord, did'st for the Poor, Abundantly prepare. 11. In all our many Victories, 'Twas thou that gav'st the Word; And Virgin-Troops, thus, loud proclaim'd The Wonders of the Lord: 12. "Great Captains,with their num'rous Hosts, "Struck with a Panick, fled; "And she that stay'd at Home, their Spoils "Did part, and on them fed. 13. Tho' ye were Egypt's sully'd Slaves, Yourselves ye now behold, Shine, as Dove's Wings, with Silver tipt, And Plumes, with yellow Gold. 14. When there th1 Almighty scatter's Kings, Ye shone as Salmon's Snow. 15. God's Hill, Mount Bashan, far excells; Which many Heads can show. 16. Why do ye leap, ye lofty Mounts? God hath desir'd this Hill For his Abode, inhabit here Jehovah ever will. 17. The shining Chariots of our God, Miriads of Angels are; With them, as once on Sinai's Mount, Our God is present there. Third Part 18. Thou hast ascended up on high, Thy Churches glorious Head; Thou hast, Captivity itself, Captive, in Triumph, led; Rich Gifts, for Men, thou hast receiv'd, Ev'n Rebels have their Share; That God, the Lord, might with them dwell, And take them in his Care. 19. Bless'd be the Lord, each Day we live, Who daily doth us load With his rich Bounties from above, Who's our Salvation's God. 20. For he, that is our God, has all Salvations at Command; And all our near Escapes from Death, Flow from Jehovah's Hand. 21. But God, with deadly Wounds, shall smite The Head of all his Foes; Their Chief, who, in his Trespasses, Still on presumptuous, goes. 22. God said, "The Conquest I'll repeat "You gain'd o'er Bashan's King; "You, safely, thro' the Depths of Seas, "Whene'er 'tis needful, bring. 23. That you, your Feet, may deeply stain With the high crimson Flood, Pour'd from your slaughter'd Enemies; And Dogs may lick their Blood. Fourth Part 24. Now, Lord, we've seen what solemn State, Did thy Procession grace; The Progress of my God, and King, Into his holy Place. 25. Sweet Singers led the Way, then those On Instruments who play'd; With Damsels, who to Timbrels sung, And pleasing Consort made. 26. These, as they march'd, in Chorus join'd, "Bless ye our God, (they sung,) "In your Assemblies praise the Lord, "Ye who from Isr'el sprung. 27. The Chiefs of little Benjamin, And Judah's Lords, combin'd With Zebulun, and Napthali, And the Procession join'd. 28. Thy God, O Isr'el, Strength commands, And thee to Union brought; And now, O God, confirm the Work Which thou, for us, hast wrought. Fifth Part 29. In Honour to thy Temple, Lord, In Salem's chosen Seat, May thither Kings their Presents bring, And worship at thy Feet. 30. Rebuke the Spear-Men, Bulls, and Calves, Wild Herds of Rage, and Might; 'Till with rich Presents, they submit; Crush those in War delight. 51. Egypt's, and Cushes Princes then Shall God their Off'rings bring. 32. Sing unto God, ye distant Realms; To God your Praises sing. 33. To him that rideth on the Heav'ns; In ancient Times that were; Lo! thence he sends his awful Voice, A mighty Voice we hear. 34. Ascribe ye boundless Pow'r to God. Whose glorious Dignity Is over Isr'el; and his Strength Shines in the cloudy Sky. 35. O God! how terrible art thou. Out of thy holy Place! God, Strength and Pow'r, his Isr'el, gives; To him be all the Praise. Scripture: Psalm 68 Languages: English


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