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Scripture:Psalm 14

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The impious atheist, in his folly proud

Hymnal: New Version of the Psalms of David #XIV (1756) Scripture: Psalm 14 Lyrics: 1 The impious atheist, in his folly proud, At one all-powerful being laughs aloud. Corrupt they're all; from virtue's path they turn, And in the quenchless fires of lust they burn; Their shocking crimes, their curst impieties, Demand tremendous vengeance from the skies. 2 Th' All-high looks down from his etherial throne, To see, if man his sov'reign pow'r will own; If yet the sons of earth accept his sway, His name revere, and his dread will obey. 3 Ah no! not one--they 'gainst their God conspire, Pursue the dictates of each wild desire, In filthy scenes their precious hours employ, And make their shocking crimes their horrid joy. 4 Does then rank frenzy o'er the wicked reign, That they such hideous blasphemy maintain, That they my people, as their prey, devour, And, obstinate, reject almighty pow'r? 5 But still their wretched hearts shall make with fear, For, where the righteous are, God's always near, The refuge of the just he'll constant prove; The humble soul is sure to have his love; 6 And, while, ye wicked, you her hopes deride, Falls direful vengeance on your impious pride. 7 From Sion's hill, O that the Lord wou'd send His speedy aid, and Jacob's sons defend; Wou'd his own people from their bondage free, And give them back their long'd-for liberty; Then shou'd the race of Israel shout for joy, And their glad tongues in grateful hymns employ. Languages: English
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There is no God, do foolish men

Author: T. S. Hymnal: The Whole Book of Psalms #XIV (1790) Scripture: Psalm 14 Lyrics: 1 There is no God, do foolish men affirm in their mad mood; Their drifts are all corrupt and vain, not one of them doth good. 2 The Lord beheld from heaven most high the whole race of mankind, And saw not one that sought indeed the living God to find. 3 They went all wide and were corrupt, and truly there was none, That in the world did any good, no, not so much as one. 4 Is all their judgment so far lost, that all work mischief still, Eating my people ev'n as bread, not one to seek God's will? 5 When they thus rage, then suddenly great fear on them shall fall, For God doth love the righteous men and will preserve them all. 6 Ye mock the doings of the poor, to their reproach and shame, Because they put their trust in God, and call upon his name. 7 But who shall give thy people health? and when wilt thou fulfill Thy promise made to Israel from out of Sion hill? 8 For when thou shalt restore again such as were captive led, Then Jacob shall therein rejoice, and Israel be glad. Languages: English
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Dixit insipiens

Author: T. S. Hymnal: The Whole Booke of Psalmes #5d (1640) Scripture: Psalm 14 First Line: There is no God as foolish men Lyrics: 1 There is no God as foolish men affirme in their mad mood: Their drifts are all corrupt and vaine, not one of them doth good. 2 The Lord beheld from heaven high the whole race of mankind, And saw not one that sought indeed the living God to find. 3 They went all wide and were corrupt, and truly there was none That in the world did any good, I say, there was not one. 4 Is all their judgement so farre lost, that all work mischief still? Eating my people even as bread, not one to seek God's will? 5 When they thus rage, then suddenly great feare on them shall fall: For God doth love the righteous men, and will maintaine them all. 6 Ye mock the doings of the poore, to their reproach and shame: Because they put their trust in God, and call upon his name. 7 But who shall give thy people health, and when wilt thou fulfill Thy promise made to Israel, from out of Sion hill? 8 Even when thou shalt restore againe such as were captive led: Then Jacob shall therein rejoyce, and Israel shall be glad. Languages: English

Psalm 14 (A Responsorial Setting)

Author: Robert Robinson Hymnal: Psalms for All Seasons #14B (2012) Scripture: Psalm 14 First Line: Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it Topics: Atheism; Biblical Names and Places Israel; Biblical Names and Places Jacob; Biblical Names and Places Zion; Blessing; Church Year Lent; Foolishness; God as Refuge; God's Seeing; God's Way; People of God / Church Suffering; Salvation; Temptation And Trial; Ten Commandments 1st Commandment (worship God alone); The Fall; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 24-30; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, September, 11-17 Languages: English Tune Title: BEACH SPRING (fragment)

The Fool Whose Heart Declares in Pride

Author: Stephen Wilcockson Hymnal: Psalms of Grace #14a (2022) Scripture: Psalm 14 Languages: English Tune Title: GRATUS

The fool whose heart declares in pride

Author: Stephen Wilcockson Hymnal: Praise! psalms hymns and songs for Christian worship #14 (2013) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 14 Languages: English Tune Title: MARTYRDOM

Prone to Wander (Reconozco que me aparto)

Author: Robert Robinson, 1737-1790; Dianne Zandstra, b. 1952 Hymnal: Santo, Santo, Santo #25 (2019) Scripture: Psalm 14 First Line: Prone to wander, Lord I feel it (Reconozco que me aparto) Topics: Covenant; Pacto; La Caída; The Fall Languages: English; Spanish Tune Title: BEACH SPRING
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Vain foolish Men profanely boast

Hymnal: Psalmodia Germanica #84 (1732) Scripture: Psalm 14 Lyrics: 1 Vain foolish Men profanely boast Of God and true Religion: Their faithless Hearts are full of Lust, Their Life's a Contradiction: Corrupted is their very Frame; God's Holiness abhors the same; There's None doth Good, but Evil. II. The Lord, from his coelestial Throne, Look'd down on evr'y Creature, To find one Man who had begun To love God's holy Nature; But ll the Race was gone astray, All had forsook the saving Way Of CHRIST'S bright Revelation. III. How long will they be ignorant Of their Abomination, Who thus despise my Covenant, Nor spare my Holy Nation? They never call upon the Lord, But trust unto their golden Hoard, And turn their own Defenders. IV. Yet are their Hearts in constant Pain, And secret Fear and Trembling. God with his SION will remain, Where Saints are still assembling: But you deride the Poors' Advice, Their greatest Comfort you despise, That God's their only Refuge. V. O, that the joyful Day wou'd come, To change our mournful Station, When God will bring his Children home, And finish our Salvation! Then shall the Tribes of JACOB sing, And JUDAH praise their Lord and King, With lasting HALLELUJAHS. Topics: True and False Christianity Languages: English
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O wie ist die Welt bethöret!

Hymnal: Unparteiische Liedersammlung zum Gebrauch beim Oeffentliche Gottesdienst und zur Häuslichen Erbauung (Revidirt und vehmehrt) #227 (1907) Scripture: Psalm 14:1 Topics: Vom Geiz und Habsucht Languages: German

Hear Us, Father, When We Pray

Author: Chad L. Bird, b. 1970 Hymnal: Christian Worship #725 (2021) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 14:1-2 Topics: Prayer Languages: English Tune Title: MORGENGLANZ DER EWIGKEIT


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