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How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds

Author: John Newton, 1725 - 1807 Hymnal: Service Book and Hymnal of the Lutheran Church in America #406 (1958) Topics: The Church Year Circumcision and Name of Jesus; The Church Worship - The Lord's Day; The Church Worship - The Beginning of Service; The Church Worship - The Close of Service; The Church Worship - Morning; The Life In Christ The Inner Life; The Life In Christ Adoration and Praise Lyrics: 1 How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds In a believer's ear! It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds, And drives away his fear. 2 It makes the wounded spirit whole, And calms the troubled breast; 'Tis manna to the hungry soul, And to the weary rest. A-men. 3 Dear Name! the rock on which I build, My shield and hiding-place; My never-failing treasury filled With boundless stores of grace. 4 Weak is the effort of my heart, And cold my warmest thought; But, when I see thee as thou art, I'll praise thee as I ought. 5 Till then I would thy love proclaim With every fleeting breath; And may the music of thy Name Refresh my soul in death. Amen. Languages: English Tune Title: ST. PETER
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Praise the Lord! Ye heavens, adore him

Hymnal: Service Book and Hymnal of the Lutheran Church in America #407 (1958) Topics: The Church Year Easter; The Church Worship - The Lord's Day; The Church Worship - The Beginning of Service; The Church Worship - The Close of Service; The Church Worship - Morning; The Church The House of God; Post-Communion; The Life In Christ Adoration and Praise Lyrics: 1 Praise the Lord! Ye heavens adore him; Praise him, angels, in the height; Sun and moon, rejoice before him; Praise him, all ye stars of light. 2 Praise the Lord! for he hath spoken; Worlds his mighty voice obeyed; Laws, which never shall be broken, For their guidance hath he made. A-men. 3 Praise the Lord! for he is gracious; Never shall his promise fail; God hath made his saints victorious, Sin and death shall not prevail. 4 Praise the God of our salvation; Hosts on high, his power proclaim; Heaven and earth, and all creation, Laud and magnify his Name! Amen. Scripture: Psalm 148 Languages: English Tune Title: ARUNDEL
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Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation

Author: Catherine Winkworth, 1829-78; Joachim Neander, 1650 - 80 Hymnal: Service Book and Hymnal of the Lutheran Church in America #408 (1958) Topics: The Church Year Easter; The Church Worship - The Lord's Day; The Church Worship - The Beginning of Service; The Church Worship - The Close of Service; The Church Worship - Morning; The Church The House of God; Marriage; The Life In Christ Thanksgiving; The Life In Christ Adoration and Praise Lyrics: 1 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation; O my soul, praise him, for he is thy health and salvation; All ye who hear, Now to his temple draw near; Joining in glad adoration. 2 Praise to the Lord, who o’er all things so wondrously reigneth, Shelters thee under his wings, yea, so gently sustaineth: Hast thou not seen? All that is needful hath been Granted in what he ordaineth. A-men. 3 Praise to the Lord, who doth prosper thy work and defend thee; Surely his goodness and mercy here daily attend thee. Ponder anew What the Almighty can do, If with his love he befriend thee! 4 Praise to the Lord, O let all that is in me adore him; All that hath life and breath, come now with praises before him! Let the Amen Sound from his people again; Gladly for aye we adore him. Amen. Scripture: Psalm 103 Languages: English Tune Title: LOBE DEN HERREN
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The God of Abraham praise

Author: Thomas Olivers, 1725 - 99 Hymnal: Service Book and Hymnal of the Lutheran Church in America #410 (1958) Topics: The Church Year Trinity Sunday - The Holy Trinity; The Church Worship - In The Presence; The Church Worship - The Lord's Day; The Church Worship - The Beginning of Service; The Church Worship - The Close of Service; The Church Worship - Morning; The Life In Christ Adoration and Praise Lyrics: 1 The God of Abraham praise, Who reigns enthroned above; Ancient of everlasting days, And God of love; To him uplift your voice, At whose supreme command From earth we rise, and seek the joys At his right hand. 2 Though nature's strength decay, And earth and hell withstand, To Canaan's bound we urge our way At his command. The watery deep we pass, With Jesus in our view; And through the howling wilderness Our way pursue. A-men. 3 The goodly land we see With peace and plenty blest; A land of sacred liberty And endless rest; There milk and honey flow, And oil and wine abound, And trees of life for ever grow, With mercy crowned. 4 There dwells the Lord our King, The Lord our Righteousness, Triumphant o'er the world and sin, The Prince of Peace; On Zion's sacred height His kingdom He maintains, And glorious with his saints in light For ever reigns. 5 Before the great Three-One They all exulting stand, And tell the wonders he hath done Through all their land; The listening spheres attend And swell the growing frame, And sing, in songs which never end, The wondrous Name. 6 The God who reigns on high The great archangels sing, And, 'Holy, holy, holy,' cry, 'Almighty King, Who was, and is, the same, And evermore shall be: Eternal Father, great I AM, We worship thee.' 7 Before the Saviour's face The ransomed nations bow, O'erwhelmed at his almighty grace, Forever new; He shows his prints of love: They kindle to a flame, And sound through all the worlds above, 'Worthy the Lamb.' 8 The whole triumphant host Give thanks to God on high; 'Hail, Father, Son and Holy Ghost!' They ever cry; Hail, Abraham's God, and mine! I join the heavenly lays. All might and majesty are thine, And endless praise! Amen. Languages: English Tune Title: LEONI (YIGDAL)
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Join all the glorious names

Author: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748 Hymnal: Service Book and Hymnal of the Lutheran Church in America #412 (1958) Topics: The Church Year Circumcision and Name of Jesus; The Church Year Epiphany; The Church Year Easter; The Church Worship - The Lord's Day; The Church Worship - The Beginning of Service; The Church Worship - The Close of Service; The Church Worship - Morning; Holy Communion; The Life In Christ Adoration and Praise Lyrics: 1 Join all the glorious names Of wisdom, love, and power, That ever mortals knew, Or angels ever bore: All are too mean to speak his worth, Too mean to set my Saviour forth. 2 Great Prophet of my God, My tongue would bless thy Name; By thee the joyful news Of our salvation came, The joyful news of sins forgiven, Of hell subdued, and peace with heaven. A-men. 3 Jesus, my great High Priest, Offered his Blood and died; My guilty conscience seeks No sacrifice beside: His powerful Blood did once atone, And now it pleads before the throne. 4 O thou Almighty Lord, My Conqueror and my King, Thy sceptre and thy sword, Thy reigning grace, I sing: Thine is the power; behold I sit In willing bonds beneath thy feet. Amen. Languages: English Tune Title: ST. PETER'S, MANCHESTER

Come, let us join our cheerful songs

Author: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748 Hymnal: Service Book and Hymnal of the Lutheran Church in America #413a (1958) Topics: The Church Year Easter Eve; The Church Year Easter; The Church Year Ascension; The Church Worship - The Lord's Day; The Church Worship - The Beginning of Service; The Church Worship - The Close of Service; The Church Worship - Morning; The Life In Christ Adoration and Praise Lyrics: 1 Come, let us join our cheerful songs With angels round the throne; Ten thousand thousand are their tongues, But all their joys are one. 2 'Worthy the Lamb that died,' they cry, 'To be exalted thus;' 'Worthy the Lamb,' our lips reply, 'For he was slain for us.' 3 Jesus is worthy to receive Honor and power divine; And blessings, more than we can give, Be, Lord, for ever thine. 4 Let all creation join in one To bless the sacred Name Of him that sits upon the throne, And to adore the Lamb. Languages: English Tune Title: NUN DANKET ALL UND BRINGET EHR

Come, let us join our cheerful songs

Author: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748 Hymnal: Service Book and Hymnal of the Lutheran Church in America #413b (1958) Topics: The Church Year Easter Eve; The Church Year Easter; The Church Year Ascension; The Church Worship - The Lord's Day; The Church Worship - The Beginning of Service; The Church Worship - The Close of Service; The Church Worship - Morning; The Life In Christ Adoration and Praise Lyrics: 1 Come, let us join our cheerful songs With angels round the throne; Ten thousand thousand are their tongues, But all their joys are one. 2 'Worthy the Lamb that died,' they cry, 'To be exalted thus;' 'Worthy the Lamb,' our lips reply, 'For he was slain for us.' 3 Jesus is worthy to receive Honor and power divine; And blessings, more than we can give, Be, Lord, for ever thine. 4 Let all creation join in one To bless the sacred Name Of him that sits upon the throne, And to adore the Lamb. Languages: English Tune Title: CHEERFUL
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Let the whole creation cry

Author: Stopford A. Brooke, 1832-1916 Hymnal: Service Book and Hymnal of the Lutheran Church in America #414 (1958) Topics: The Church Year Easter; The Church Worship - The Lord's Day; The Church Worship - The Beginning of Service; The Church Worship - The Close of Service; The Church Worship - Morning; Harvest; The Life In Christ Adoration and Praise Lyrics: 1 Let the whole creation cry, 'Glory to the Lord on high!' Heaven and earth awake and sing, 'God is good and therefore King!' Praise him, all ye hosts above, Ever bright and fair in love; Sun and moon, lift up your voice, Night and stars, in God rejoice! 2 Warriors fighting for the Lord, Prophets burning with his word, Those to whom the arts belong, Add their voices to the song. Kings of knowledge and of law, To the glorious circle draw; All who work and all who wait, Sing, 'The Lord is good and great!' 3 Men and women, young and old, Raise the anthem manifold, And let children's happy hearts In this worship bear their parts; From the north to southern pole Let the mighty chorus roll: 'Holy, holy, holy One, Glory be to God alone!' Languages: English Tune Title: SALZBURG (ALLE MENSCHEN)
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Thee we adore, eternal Lord!

Author: Thomas Cotterill, 1779 - 1823 Hymnal: Service Book and Hymnal of the Lutheran Church in America #415 (1958) Topics: The Church Year Saints' Days - Minor Festivals; The Church Worship - The Lord's Day; The Church Worship - The Beginning of Service; The Church Worship - The Close of Service; The Church Worship - Morning; Post-Communion; The Life In Christ Adoration and Praise Lyrics: 1 Thee we adore, eternal Lord! We praise thy Name with one accord, Thy saints, who here thy goodness see, Through all the world do worship thee. 2 To thee aloud all angels cry, The heavens and all the powers on high; Thee, holy, holy, holy King, Lord God of Hosts, they ever sing. A-men. 3 The apostles join the glorious throng, The prophets swell the immortal song, The martyrs' noble army raise Eternal anthems to thy praise. 4 From day to day, O Lord, do we Highly exalt and honor thee; Thy Name we worship and adore, World without end, for evermore! 5 Vouchsafe, O Lord, we humbly pray, To keep us safe from sin this day; Have mercy, Lord, we trust in thee; O let us ne'er confounded be! Amen. Languages: English Tune Title: MENDON
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When morning gilds the skies

Author: Robert Bridges, 1844 - 1930 Hymnal: Service Book and Hymnal of the Lutheran Church in America #416 (1958) Topics: The Church Worship - The Lord's Day; The Church Worship - The Beginning of Service; The Church Worship - The Close of Service; The Church Worship - Morning; The Life In Christ Adoration and Praise Lyrics: 1 When morning gilds the skies, My heart awaking cries, May Jesus Christ be praised. When evening shadows fall, This rings my curfew call, May Jesus Christ be praised. 2 When mirth for music longs, This is my song of songs, May Jesus Christ be praised. God’s holy house of prayer Hath none that can compare With 'Jesus Christ be praised.'A-men. 3 To him, my highest and best, Sing I, when love-possest, May Jesus Christ be praised. Whate'er my hands begin, This blessing breaketh in, May Jesus Christ be praised. 4 No lovelier antiphon In all high heaven is known Than 'Jesus Christ be praised.' There to the eternal Word The eternal psalm is heard, 'O Jesus Christ be praised.' 5 Ye nations of mankind, In this your concord find, May Jesus Christ be praised. Let all the earth around Ring joyous with the sound, May Jesus Christ be praised. 6 Sing, suns and stars of space, Sing, ye that see his face, Sing, 'Jesus Christ be praised.' God’s whole creation o'er, For aye and evermore Shall Jesus Christ be praised. Amen. Languages: English Tune Title: LAUDES DOMINI


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