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Tune Identifier:"^christchurch_steggall$"

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Showing 81 - 90 of 102Results Per Page: 102050

By Whom Was David Taught?

Author: William Cowper Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #717 Meter: First Line: By whom was David taught Lyrics: 1. By whom was David taught To aim the deadly blow, When he Goliath fought, And laid the Gittite low? Nor sword nor spear the stripling took, But chose a pebble from the brook. 2. ’Twas Israel’s God and King Who sent him to the fight; Who gave him strength to fling, And skill to aim aright. Ye feeble saints, your strength endures, Because young David’s God is yours. 3. Who ordered Gideon forth, To storm th’invaders’ camp With arms of little worth, A pitcher and a lamp? The trumpets made His coming known And all the host was overthrown. 4. Oh! I have seen the day, When with a single word, God helping me to say, My trust is in the Lord, My soul hath quelled a thousand foes Fearless of all that could oppose. 5. But unbelief, self will, Self righteousness, and pride, How often do they steal My weapon from my side! Yet David’s Lord, and Gideon’s Friend, Will help His servant to the end. Languages: English Tune Title: CHRIST CHURCH

Great King of Glory, Come

Author: Benjamin Francis Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #2050 Meter: Lyrics: 1. Great King of glory, come, And with Thy favor crown This temple as Thy home, This people as Thine own; Beneath this roof, O deign to show How God can dwell with men below. 2. In sweet, exalted strains The King of glory praise; O’er Heav’n and earth He reigns Through everlasting days; He, with a nod, the world controls Sustains or sinks the distant poles. 3. To earth He bends His throne, His throne of grace divine; Wide is His bounty known, And wide His glories shine; Fair Salem still His chosen rest Is with His smiles and presence blest. 4. Here may Thine ears attend Our interceding cries, And grateful praise ascend, Like incense, to the skies: Here may Thy Word melodious sound, And spread celestial joys around. 5. Here may our unborn sons And daughters sound Thy praise, And shine, like polished stones, Through long succeeding days; Here, Lord, display Thy saving power, While temples stand and men adore. 6. Here may the listening throng Receive Thy truth in love; Here Christians join the song Of seraphim above; Till all, who humbly seek Thy face, Rejoice in Thy abounding grace. Languages: English Tune Title: CHRIST CHURCH

Jerusalem on High

Author: Samuel Crossman Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #3242 Meter: Lyrics: 1. Jerusalem on high, my song that city is, My home whene’er I die, the center of my bliss; O happy place! When shall I be, My God, with Thee, to see Thy face? 2. There dwells my Lord, my king, judged here unfit to live; There angels to Him sing and lowly homage give; O happy place! When shall I be, My God, with Thee, to see Thy face? 3. The patriarchs of old there from their travels cease; The prophets there behold their longed for Prince of Peace; O happy place! When shall I be, My God, with Thee, to see Thy face? 4. The Lamb’s apostles there I might with joy behold, The harpers I might hear harping on harps of gold; O happy place! When shall I be, My God, with Thee, to see Thy face? 5. The bleeding martyrs, they within those courts are found, Clothèd in pure array, their scars with glory crowned; O happy place! When shall I be, My God, with Thee, to see Thy face? 6. Ah me! ah me! that I in Kedar’s tent here stay; No place like that on high; Lord thither guide my way; O happy place! When shall I be, My God, with Thee, to see Thy face? Languages: English Tune Title: CHRIST CHURCH

O Ye Immortal Throng

Author: Philip Doddridge Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #5544 Meter: Lyrics: 1. O ye immortal throng of angels round the throne, Join with our feeble song, to make the Savior known: On earth ye knew His wondrous grace; His glorious face in Heav’n ye view. 2. Ye saw the Heav’n-born child in human flesh arrayed, Benevolent and mild while in the manger laid: And Praise to God, and peace on earth, For such a birth, proclaimed aloud. 3. Around the bloody tree ye pressed with strong desire That wondrous sight to see, the Lord of life expire: And could your eyes have known a tear, Had dropped it there in sad surprise. 4. Around His sacred tomb a willing watch ye keep Till the blest moment come to rouse Him from His sleep: Then rolled the stone, and all adored Your rising Lord with joy unknown. 5. When, all arrayed in light, the shining conqueror rode, Ye hailed His rapturous flight up to the throne of God, And waved around your golden wings, And struck your strings of sweetest sound. 6. The warbling notes pursue, and louder anthems raise, While mortals sing with you their own Redeemer’s praise: And thou, my heart, with equal flame, And joy the same, perform thy part. Languages: English Tune Title: CHRIST CHURCH

Descend, Celestial Dove

Author: John Fellows, ?-1785 Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #7849 Meter: Lyrics: 1 Descend, celestial Dove, And make Thy presence known; Reveal our Savior’s love, And seal us for Thine own; Unblessed by Thee, our works are vain, Nor can we e’er acceptance gain. 2 When our incarnate God, The sovereign Prince of Light, In Jordan’s swelling flood, Received the holy rite, In open view Thy form came down, And dove-like flew, the King to crown. 3 The day was never known, Since time began its race, On which such glory shone, On which was shown such grace, As that which shed, in Jordan’s stream, On Jesus’ head, the heavenly beam. 4 Continue still to shine, And fill us with Thy fire: This ordinance is Thine, Do Thou our souls inspire! Thou wilt attend on all Thy sons: Till time shall end, Thy promise runs. Languages: English Tune Title: CHRIST CHURCH

O ye immortal throng

Author: Philip Doddridge Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #8537 Meter: Lyrics: 1 O ye immortal throng of angels round the throne, Join with our feeble song, to make the Savior known: On earth ye knew His wondrous grace; His beauteous face in Heav’n ye view. 2 Ye saw the Heav’n-born child in human flesh arrayed, Benevolent and mild while in the manger laid: And Praise to God, and peace on earth, For such a birth, proclaimed aloud. 3 Ye, in the wilderness, beheld the tempter spoiled, Well known in every dress, in every combat foiled; And joyed to crown the Victor’s head, When Satan fled before His frown. 4 Around the bloody tree ye pressed with strong desire That wondrous sight to see, the Lord of life expire: And could your eyes have known a tear, Had dropped it there in sad surprise. 5 Around His sacred tomb a willing watch ye keep Till the blest moment come to rouse Him from His sleep: Then rolled the stone, and all adored Your rising Lord with joy unknown. 6 When, all arrayed in light, the shining Conqueror rode, Ye hailed His rapturous flight up to the throne of God, And waved around your golden wings, And struck your strings of sweetest sound. 7 The warbling notes pursue, and louder anthems raise, While mortals sing with you their own Redeemer’s praise: And thou, my heart, with equal flame, And joy the same, perform thy part. Languages: English Tune Title: CHRIST CHURCH

Rejoice, The Savior Reigns!

Author: John H. Anketell Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #8870 Meter: Lyrics: 1 Rejoice, the Savior reigns! Rejoice, the Lord is king! O’er mountains and o’er plains Let ransomed nature sing: With holy heart, with tuneful voice, Let all before the Lord rejoice. 2 The Advent of our Lord Shall wake our joyful song; The comfort of His Word Shall make our courage strong; With holy heart, with tuneful voice, Let all before the Lord rejoice. 3 The Lord is near at hand, Put anxious care away; He comes to rule His land, Oh, haste the happy day! With holy heart, with tuneful voice, Let all before the Lord rejoice. 4 Then let, O Lord, Thy peace, Which passeth human mind, Our faith and hope increase, Our hearts to Jesus bind: With holy heart, with tuneful voice, Let all before the Lord rejoice. Languages: English Tune Title: CHRIST CHURCH

Let All The World Rejoice

Author: John Hunt, 1812-1848 Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #10612 Meter: Lyrics: 1 Let all the world rejoice, The great Jehovah reigns; The thunders are His voice, Our life His will ordains; The glories of His mighty name The lightnings, floods, and hail proclaim. 2 He rules by sea and land, O’er boundless realms His sway; He governs coral strand, And mountains homage pay; Unequalled, sovereign, and alone, In majesty He fills His throne. 3 The universe He made By His prevailing might; The earth’s foundations laid, And scattered ancient night; When Heaven and earth, the sky and sea, Proclaimed His awful majesty. 4 When first the orb of day Gleamed forth with ruddy light, And moon with silver ray Marched up the vault of night, The stars bedecked the sparkling skies That seemed creation’s thousand eyes. 5 And earth’s fair form was seen, With flowers and blossoms dressed; And trees and meadows green Adorned her youthful breast; He hung them out in boundless space, Amid the ocean’s cool embrace. 6 Glad was the angel throng To see His might prevail, And sang loud, joyful song, This universe to hail; They saw it as in youth it stood, And heard its Maker call it good. 7 But this fair world shall die, The creature of a day; In ash and ruin lie, Its glory passed away; And as she was before her birth, Again shall be this mighty earth. 8 Soon shall the day be o’er, Of yonder brilliant sun; To rise and set no more, His race of glory run; And soon, alas! Yes, all too soon Shall fade the stars, and yon pale moon. But ever fixed, the throne Of the Eternal One Shall stand, creation gone, Unchanging, He rules on; New worlds to make with sovereign will, And His own wise designs fulfill. Languages: English Tune Title: CHRIST CHURCH

Break, day of God, O break!

Hymnal: The Book of Common Praise of the Reformed Episcopal Church #6 (2019) Tune Title: CHRISTCHURCH

永遠讚美聖父, (We give immortal praise)

Author: Isaac Watts Hymnal: 生命聖詩 - Hymns of Life, 1986 #7 (1986) Lyrics: 1. 永遠讚美聖父,慈愛廣大無邊,今日賜我多福,將來接我升天;以恩典賜下獨生子,受死代贖世人罪愆。至高永恆尊榮,屬於聖子基督,情願流血受死,救我免受永苦;從死復活執掌大權,親見「勞苦功效」彰顯。永遠敬拜聖靈,讚美歸其聖名,因他重造之功,死亡罪人得生;神聖計劃賴以完成,屬天喜樂充滿寰瀛。讚美全能真廊,當受永遠稱頌,奧妙三位一體,永恆同位同榮;世人理智無法測透,惟以信心與愛敬奉。 Languages: Chinese Tune Title: CHRISTCHURCH


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